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Case builds for scrapping housing, super tax breaks - but who is brave enough to do it?


Nassim Khadem

David Murray has called for the examination of a raft of tax breaks that he says raises the risk of the financial system collapsing.

David Murray has called for the examination of a raft of tax breaks that he says raises the risk of the financial system collapsing.

As the case builds for the Abbott government to get rid of a host of tax breaks that primarily benefit the rich, create distortions and increase financial risk, the question then becomes, how politically palatable is it?

The financial system inquiry report by former Commonwealth Bank chief executive David Murray calls for the examination of a raft of tax breaks that he says distorts borrowing and raises the risk of the financial system collapsing. These include negative gearing, capital gains tax concessions, super concessions and dividend imputation.

Together, these tax breaks cost the federal budget hundreds of billions of dollars every year.

"We are struggling to find good reasons to keep these policies," Grattan Institute chief executive John Daley said. "They are resulting in a loss of money, primarily benefiting the wealthy, and counterproductive from a policy perspective."

He said negative gearing was a factor that was making property more expensive and reducing home ownership, while capital gains tax concessions were driving behaviour that favoured capital gains over income. "Half of the CGT concession goes to the top 2 per cent of taxpayers; it must be the worst-targeted tax concession in Australia," Mr Daley said.

While it may not be good policy, when Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey sit down to do their tax review, here's the political reality: There are 1.4 million people (voters) who negatively gear. There are millions of shareholders and self-managed super funds who rely on franking credits. And there are millions of wealthy Australians taking advantage of capital gains tax concessions and super concessions.

Bank of America-Merrill Lynch chief economist Saul Eslake agrees with Mr Murray's suggestions for all these tax breaks to be reviewed. "It makes sense," he said. "But, it's one thing to review it and another to [make a change that will] create a situation that will create winners and losers."

Mr Eslake says one way around the political predicament is to grandfather changes, especially to negative gearing. "The government should say, 'those who have it get to keep it', but that it won't allow any new ones."

"I hate the idea of grandfathering provisions … however, you can be pure and say, 'get rid of it entirely' – and politically that will never happen – or say, 'let's gradually strangle it over time'," Mr Eslake said.

Grandfathering could also apply to what's even more politically undesirable: scrapping dividend imputation. This was also an option Mr Murray put forward, although in less blunt terms.

He said the case for keeping it was "less clear than in the past" and that the money saved from its abolition could instead be channelled into a cut to the corporate tax rate.

"All dividend imputation does is provide a subsidy to investors in companies paying a lot of franked dividends." Mr Eslake said. "If it's such a good idea how come Australia and New Zealand are the only countries that have it?"

But as always, there are others warning against such drastic changes to Australia's tax system. Tweaking the much-loved housing tax breaks that Australians have relied on for decades, wouldn't just cause political backlash; it could drastically change investment behaviour.

"The final report contends that negative gearing and capital gains tax exemptions on the family home 'tends to encourage leveraged and speculative investment', but it is a contention not a fact," said Housing Industry Association chief economist Harley Dale. "Any reduction in negative gearing provisions for residential property would increase rents and lower Australian living standards. The capital gains tax exemption for the family home is an indelible part of Australia's social fabric as well as its economic system."

Managing partner of Pitcher Partners Melbourne John Brazzale says the lessons that Paul Keating learnt when he tried to scrap negative gearing still apply. "Almost overnight investment into housing sector stopped," Mr Brazzale said. "If you remove the benefits of negative gearing, investments will stop and the cost of rental will increase."

The reality was perhaps somewhat less drastic than that when in 1985, the then Hawke-Keating government tinkered with negative gearing. It allowed interest to  be claimed only against rental income, not other income. While rents went up in Sydney and Perth, it stayed steady in most other capital cities – although when adjusted for inflation, nationally nominal rents did rise. After strong political pressure from the property industry, the Labor government restored the old rules in 1987.

Naturally, the housing lobbies would apply the same kind of pressure should another change be flagged in the tax white paper.

The one area where there is some agreement, even from big business, is stopping super concessions going to the wealthy.

Mr Murray said in his report that the current generous concessions for super had resulted in it being used as a tax minimisation tool rather than a genuine savings vehicle for retirement. "Distortions in equities in the superannuation system have the consequence of continually politicising that system," Mr Murray said.

Business Council acting chief economist Simon Pryor said "distortions in the tax treatment of savings vehicles and the economic costs of withholding taxes are worthy of closer consideration in the tax white paper".

KPMG's leader for superannuation funds tax, Dana Fleming, said as well as slapping on a tax at retirement phase, the government should look at placing a cap on the balances allowed in super. "Superannuation is not meant to be a wealth-creation vehicle or one that supports the housing industry," she said.

Deloitte's lead superannuation partner Russell Mason said while he supported changes to super concessions, they must be grandfathered. "Yes there's a small number of people with large balances, but if they legitimately grew balances because they were allowed to, we have to be careful about introducing retrospective taxes."

Industry Super Australia chief executive David Whiteley agreed superannuation should not "be an estate planning tool".

"We have to make sure the tax concessions are equitably shared across the community," he said.

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