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Small business


Starting your business

The Business Structure

You have to decide on a legal structure when you start your business

The Sole Trader

This is the most straightforward structure for a business.

Register for Goods & Services Tax (GST)

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a broad-based tax of 10 percent on the sale of most goods and services and other things in Australia.

Register for a Tax File Number (TFN)

A Tax File Number (TFN) is a unique number issued by the Tax Office to individuals and organisations. checklists

Thinking of starting a business or moving your business to the next stage? Try these lists to get you started.

Managing your Business

Small Business Obligations

Duties of company directors

Small Business Partnerships

What is a partnership?

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Types of dispute resolution

Running your business

Top Ten Questions

These are the top ten questions for running your business

Dealing with Bad Debts

Avoiding bad debts News

Editor's picks

Want to be a personal trainer?

With obesity levels rising and the fitness fad yet to reach its peak, there are plenty of opportunities for talented PTs.

Ask our Experts

What expenses can doctors claim?

A Kiwi medico finds out.

Should I close my businesss?

Should this IT business close or keep going?

Whose name should my business be in?

A reader finds out whether it's better to go solo or own the business with her husband.

Want to know how to manage your business?

Ask our Experts

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