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Comparator websites under regulator scrutiny

JOHN COLLETT Comparator websites could face penalties for misleading or deceiving consumers.

Cheap oil will be good for growth - eventually

David Potts Whatever is the opposite of an oil shock has to be good, though it's probably best not to draw hasty conclusions.

BOURIS ON MONEY: Christmas budget survival kit

Sunday Money Data Service



Shady business

Stephen Crafti Vintage sunglasses are the thing to be seen in this summer. And they can be worth a pretty penny.


How's spending, naughty or nice?

Christine Long It's that time of year again. Time for us to head out there and spend, spend spend. But for too many of us, a lot of that spending is on ourselves.


AM or PM, Swatch horde on sale

James Cockington The first Australian auction devoted to Swatch watches tests the local market this month.


Summer - time for a good think

Mark Bouris The holidays are a good time to engage in some planning for 2015: the things you’d change, the things you’d do the same.


Benefits to going against the tide

MARCUS PADLEY There is more money to be made buying a stock that everybody hates then loves than there is buying a stock that everybody loves already.

Help! Deeming rules have me foxed

Noel Whittaker The rules are changing next year. How will they affect me if I try to withdraw cash from my super fund?


How can we reposition our fund to our advantage?

George Cochrane I'm moving my SMSF online to cut out fees. While we're at it, are there smart ways to make the most of what we have?


Prepare portfolios for rough weather ahead

Daryl Dixon Investors need to ensure that the asset composition and risk profile of their holdings suit their personal needs.


We're good, but we'll never match the Danes

JOHN COLLETT Our superannuation fees are still too high by international standards.



Forget small potatoes, look across the pond

Richard Hemming Compared with the $100 billion-plus mega-mergers in the US the Medibank float is chickenfeed.


Six lessons from the Medibank IPO

Scott Phillips Hype, fees, no stag profit, and more to come …


Independent investors to pay a FOFA price

Richard Livingston If you’re seeking genuine advice on your terms you will pay the price for the failure of the Coalition's FOFA changes..


Six ways to make your money work as hard as you do

Scott Phillips You've worked hard to earn it, so don't let your money put its feet up - give it a job to do.


Super balances

Noel Whittaker - Ask An Expert

What does my super balance comprise? 

Date: Dec 4, 2014, 12:00PM

January changes

Noel Whittaker - Ask An Expert

Will the January changes affect me? 

Date: Dec 4, 2014, 11:59AM

Invest now or wait?

Noel Whittaker - Ask An Expert

Is this a good time to invest? 

Date: Dec 4, 2014, 11:53AM

Invest inside or outside ...

Noel Whittaker - Ask An Expert

Which should I invest in? 

Date: Dec 4, 2014, 11:48AM


Noel Whittaker - Ask An Expert

Using super to save CGT 

Date: Nov 30, 2014, 7:19PM

Smart investor

How experts take profits

Contrarian investor Simon Marais explains why he sold half his stake in a company that doubled in value.

Where to find cash cows

The hunt for industrial stocks which will become reliable wealth generators never ends at Perpetual.

Blue Ribbon 2014 winners

The best financial products in Australia presented in one easy-to-navigate list.

Ask an Expert

Super balances

What does my super balance comprise?

January changes

Will the January changes affect me?

Invest now or wait?

Is this a good time to invest?

Want to know how to manage your money?

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