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Key Stories

ABS backtracks on August jobs data

Australia's official statistician is making changes to employment figures for the past three months that, on the face of it, would show far fewer jobs created in August than first reported.

CBA to refund $2.2m in travel card money

Shaun Drummond

The Commonwealth Bank will return $2.2 million left on 45,000 expired CBA Travel Money Cards the cards' owners following an investigation by the corporate watchdog.

Falling $A hits companies hard

Stephen Cauchi

Kathmandu, Graincorp and Leighton Holdings are among the companies most likely to be adversely affected by the falling Australian dollar, according to research conducted by Credit Suiss.

Index funds beat active funds hands down


Nearly three-quarters of all actively managed investment funds focusing on the top 200 stocks underperformed cheaper 'passive investment' index funds over the past five years, according to S&P; Dow Jones.

Market Indices


Last updated:
United States Dollar
0.8789 -0.35%
0.6948 -0.20%
British Pound
0.5473 -0.09%

Comment & Analysis

Weekend Feature

Markets Live: Edging towards correction

Patrick Commins, Jens Meyer Live

The local market once again recovered from a sharp early drop, but staged a less dramatic recovery than yesterday to close 0.8 per cent down for the day, amid growing worries about global economic growth.

In Depth

Venezuela's secret 61% devaluation

The world's steepest currency devaluation is happening quietly: Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro is pushing down the bolivar by stealth.

Trading Room

Motley Fool

Mighty River’s golden stream

Matt Joass

The New Zealand electricity producer has dodged government intervention and is ready to spark shareholder returns.

Motley Fool

Beware the 'falling knife'

Scott Phillips

Have you seen the share prices of mining services companies recently? In most cases, you could be excused for reaching for the magnifying glass.

Business News Wire


Index funds beat active funds hands down


Nearly three-quarters of all actively managed investment funds focusing on the top 200 stocks underperformed cheaper 'passive investment' index funds over the past five years, according to S&P; Dow Jones.

Bonds shine amid global growth concerns

Bianca Hartge-Hazelman

Bond markets keep defying market expectations of a pull-back, and are still proving to be one of the best performing asset classes of the year amid renewed weakness in the global economy.

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The Economy

Hockey says commodity prices will hurt budget

Falling commodity prices will hurt Australian government efforts to rein in its budget deficit, spurring possible new savings measures, Treasurer Joe Hockey said.


Banking & Finance

CBA shares a 'buy' for Bell Potter


Just under two months since star stockbroker Charlie Aitken started telling clients to sell bank stocks, another analyst at Bell Potter has upgraded Commonwealth Bank from hold to buy.

Mining & Resources

World Business

Biggest banks face fresh US charges

The US Justice Department is preparing a fresh round of attacks on the world's biggest banks, again questioning Wall Street's role in a broad array of financial markets.


Chinese investors buy iconic New York hotel

David M. Levitt

The Waldorf Astoria hotel is set to become the biggest prize yet for buyers from China who have been pouring money into US real estate as they seek stable investments outside their country.

Property Focus

Executive Style


Small Business

Business Video

Markets still in a bearish mood

European markets lag on the back of a German slowdown as the IMF downgrades its forecasts for global economic growth, reports Malcolm Maiden.
