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Bradken mulls $872m private equity bid

Angela Macdonald-Smith

The mining products maker is considering an $872 million takeover proposal from buyout firms Pacific Equity Partners and Bain Capital.

Markets Live: Mood sours on ASX

Patrick Commins, Jens Meyer Live

Selling is gaining pace on the local market, as the big banks and miners, along with energy stocks, all drop into the red, while Bradken soars on a takeover bid.

No payrise? Blame your boss, not China!

Tom Miles

Stagnant wage growth in rich countries is a result of corporate penny-pinching and not competition from cheap Chinese labour, the International Labour Organisation said on Friday.

Abbott risks recession as pledge falters

A year after Tony Abbott pledged to be an "infrastructure prime minister", he risks becoming the first Australian premier to preside over a recession since the early 1990s, in part due to the snail's pace of new building projects.

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0.8389 0.06%
0.6774 0.00%
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0.5362 0.21%

Comment & Analysis

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Motley Fool

Don't just sit there, invest!

Scott Phillips

Ignore the hype around Medibank, the fear over commodities, the market bumps and buy great companies at good prices.

Business News Wire


Markets Live: Mood sours on ASX

Patrick Commins, Jens Meyer Live

Selling is gaining pace on the local market, as the big banks and miners, along with energy stocks, all drop into the red, while Bradken soars on a takeover bid.

Wall Street ends with slight losses

US stocks ended slightly lower on Thursday after European Central Bank President Mario Draghi brushed off pressure for more immediate monetary policy action but said the issue would be addressed early next year.

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The Economy


Banking & Finance

Small businesses pay more to accept payments

Shaun Drummond

Small business pays more than four times as much per transaction to accept payments than big business, according to an extensive examination of the cost of payments to the economy by the Reserve Bank.

Mining & Resources

S&P; credit ratings at risk from oil slump

Angela Macdonald-Smith

Origin Energy’s BBB credit rating from Standard & Poor’s has escaped unscathed by the cut in oil price forecasts, though the position of some other oil and gas players such as Santos is understood to be under review.

World Business

Asians' love of instant upends coffee market

Demand for instant coffee in Asia, where a rising middle class associates the drink with social status, is expected to push worldwide sales of cheap robusta beans above those of the more expensive arabica variety, changing the world of coffee.


Free trade with China will boost Australian JV

Jessica Gardner

CSL chairman John Shine says an improving economic relationship with China, boosted by the recently inked free trade deal, has given Chinese entrepreneurs and executives confidence to push ahead with Australian joint ventures.

China PMI falls to six-month low

Growth in Chinese factories stalled in November as output shrank for the first time in six months, reinforcing expectations that authorities will roll out more aggressive stimulus .

Property Focus

Executive Style


Small Business

Business Video

Mal Maiden: Markets bounce, oil doesn't

Business columnist Malcolm Maiden takes a look at the news in this week's business market.
