How John Hersey's Hiroshima revealed the horror of the bomb

Edit BBC News 22 Aug 2016
At the end of this month 70 years will have passed since the publication of a magazine story hailed as one of the greatest pieces of journalism ever written ... I have an original copy of the 31 August 1946 edition of The New Yorker ... Hersey took these accounts back to New York ... As the nuclear arms race began, just three months after the testing of further atom bombs at Bikini Atoll, the true power of the new weapons began to be understood....

Rio 2016: Looking at the Medal Count From the Bottom Up

Edit Newsweek 21 Aug 2016
But who is at the bottom?. The short answer. almost everyone ... Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau and Vanuatu. Try Newsweek. Subscription offers ... If you are like us, though, you did not know his name (David Kotoatau), or what Kiribati is (a republic of 33 atolls located just north of the equator in the central Pacific) or that, his euphoria notwithstanding, Kotoatau failed to lift the weight above his head (he seemed not be troubled by that fact)....

The gene that may benefit sumo giants

Edit Japan Times 20 Aug 2016
Samoa, with its string of beautiful islands and coral atolls in the South Pacific, is attracting more than just tourists these days. Scientists are heading there, too. The nation holds the uneviable position of being No. 1 in the world for obesity. Among Samoan men, 80 percent are either overweight or obese, and that figure appeared first on The Japan Times. > ... ....

Imagery available: U.S. Coast Guard, Maldives partner to improve port security (USCG - United States Coast Guard)

Edit Public Technologies 20 Aug 2016
(Source. USCG - United States Coast Guard). U.S. Coast Guard courtesy photo. To view larger photo or download, visit DVIDS at. https.// HONOLULU - A U.S ... This engagement involved sharing best practices and visiting with the Maldives Transport Authority to observe the implementation of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code at three port facilities in the capitol of Male and south in Addu Atoll. In 2003, the U.S....

Imagery available: U.S. Coast Guard, Maldives partner to improve port security (United States Coast Guard - 14th District Hawaii & the Pacific)

Edit Public Technologies 20 Aug 2016
(Source. United States Coast Guard - 14th District Hawaii & the Pacific). U.S. Coast Guard courtesy photo. To view larger photo or download, visit DVIDS at. https.// ... This engagement involved sharing best practices and visiting with the Maldives Transport Authority to observe the implementation of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code at three port facilities in the capitol of Male and south in Addu Atoll....

Photo Prompts Coast Guard Members’ Memory of Long-Ago Meeting (US Department of Defense)

Edit Public Technologies 20 Aug 2016
(Source. US Department of Defense). By Air Force Staff Sgt. Chris HubenthalDefense Media Activity - Hawaii. HONOLULU, Aug. 20, 2016 - After viewing an old photograph, Coast Guard Petty Officer 1st Class Ken Raigeluw and Coast Guard Master Chief Petty Officer Ronny German realized that they'd first met more than 20 years ago on a Pacific atoll known as Woleai ... 'I had a photo of a group of kids on a wooden boat that's on the beach,' he said....

Argentina still sets the heart – and engine – racing for Emilio Scotto

Edit The Guardian 19 Aug 2016
The adventurer is Guinness world record holder for longest journey by motorbike but loves his home country’s wild spaces as much as anywhere he has visited. I travelled 735,000km in 10 years ... I had only $300 in my pocket ... Twitter ... She picked me ... “How does one pick a place and eliminate the others? How do you know that a place will not teach something?” Since then, I strove not to leave one single island, atoll, town or person behind ... ....

Newsmaker: David Katoatau

Edit The National 18 Aug 2016
The central Pacific republic of Kiribati, until 1979 a British colony, is a collection of 33 coral atolls about as far from anywhere as it's possible to be ... In 2014, Katoatau had used the 11,000 Australian dollars (Dh31,131) awarded to him by his government for his historic Commonwealth win to build a humble house - a traditional "tebuia" hut - next to his parents' home on Tarawa, the most populated of Kiribati's atolls and islands ... ....

No-take areas must be expanded

Edit Star Advertiser 18 Aug 2016
Thinking globally and acting locally compels us to consider the health of planet Earth and to take action here in Hawaii ... Today, we know atolls are, and eventually islands will be, impacted by rising sea levels caused by climate change and promoted by our use of fossil fuels, including Hawaii and our golden goose of Waikiki ... Prized species of ahi are among the many victims ... Recently, former Gov. George Ariyoshi and former U.S. Sen ... ....

Maldives announce prices of islands,lagoons leasing

Edit Xinhua 17 Aug 2016
The announcement showed that the most expensive leases are the islands and lagoons from Alifu Dhaalu, Alifu Alifu and Malé atolls ... The ministry announced that islands from Haa Alifu, Haa Dhaalu, Shaviyani, Gaafu Alifu, Gaafu Dhaalu, Gnaviyani and Seenu atolls would be sold at a rate of 125,000 dollars per hectare for 99 years' lease....

Both sides in marine monument fight invoke Hawaiian culture

Edit Deseret News 17 Aug 2016
HONOLULU — As a Native Hawaiian living in modern Hawaii, one of the times Shad Kane truly felt connected to his ancestors was when he traveled to a remote, 140,000-square-mile area of the Pacific where islands, atolls, islets and coral reefs make up a federally protected marine monument ... Getting there requires taking a flight to Midway Atoll or a sailboat....

Retired nayab tehsildar duped of 12 lakh

Edit The Times of India 17 Aug 2016
AURANGABAD ... The 62-year-old pensioner Bhimrao Gajbhiye, a resident of Navyug Colony, is a retired nayab tehsildar ... The pensioner recently realised that the suspects demand for money is not likely to stop ... Deputy Commissioner of police (headquarter) Sandeep Atole said, "In spite of innumerable public appeals to not to fall prey to such traps, people are unable to control their greed and continue becoming prey." ... RELATED....

The Saddest Olympic Celebration

Edit The Atlantic 17 Aug 2016
There are plenty of ways to celebrate victory at the Olympics ... … ... The danger isn’t necessarily that Kiribati will literally vanish; scientists believe its atolls may change shape and adapt to rising sea levels rather than be swallowed by the ocean ... Much of Kiribati, a collection of 33 coral atolls and reef islands scattered across a swath of the Pacific Ocean about twice the size of Alaska, lies no higher than six feet above sea level....