'Shovel girl' speaks out about viral video
Grootste shovel ter wereld
How To Replace A Shovel Handle - Wranglerstar
LORE - Shovel Knight Lore in a minute!
Girl hit in head with shovel during fight speaks out to Rover
M48 Kommando Tactical Shovel - $39.99
7495 Electric Rope Shovel Assembly
Bieten laden bij Shovel 53 aan de Elandweg
Shovel Knight's Plague...EXPOSED! - Culture Shock
Shovel met trucker Hannes, DH kraanverhuur
Shovel Knight WITH LYRICS - brentalfloss
Shovel Knight Release Trailer
Rage Quit - Shovel Knight
► WTF Is... - Shovel Knight ?
[Steve is still sleeping]::Tickety Tock: [shouts at Steve] Wake up, Steve!::Steve: [still a little drowsy] Huh, what? [rubs his eyes]::Steve: [to the audience] Oh, it's you. You're here early.
A manager hires Ray, off the books, to paint all the power towers in a 15-mile stretch of high-tension wires outside Sheffield. Ray's crew of men are friends, especially Ray with Steve, a young Romeo. Into the mix comes Gerry, an Australian with a spirit of adventure and mountain climbing skills. She wants a job, and against the others' advice, who don't want a woman on the job, Ray hires her. Then she and Ray fall in love. He asks her to marry him, gives her a ring. Steve's jealous; Ray's ex-wife complains that he spends on Gerry, not his own kids, and she predicts that Gerry won't stay around. Plus, there's pressure to finish the job fast. Economics, romance, and wanderlust spark the end.
Keywords: abandoned-factory, australian, buddy, electric-pylon, family-relationships, female-frontal-nudity, female-nudity, friend, friendship, hitchhiker
a love story from the writer of "The Full Monty".
Frank: Don't go having a good time. You'll only brood about it in years to come.
Ray: How long you been out on the road?::Gerry: How long is a piece of string?
Gerry: I think it's beautiful. You know, to have your whole life all laid out like that in front of your eyes.::Ray: I think they're going to knock it all down soon.::Gerry: Always be roots though. All I got's a whole bunch of people I'm not going to see again and a whole bunch of places I'm never gonna go back to.::Ray: So stop movin'.::Gerry: Wouldn't know how.
Living in the rural Texas panhandle is a dysfunctional family: an abusive dad, a Vietnam vet with a war wound that's left him impotent; a compliant wife and a son of about 20, who have an incestuous relationship at the insistence of the dad; and, two small sons who look a lot like their brother. The dad harbors a secret, and he goes to murderous lengths to keep it hidden. The young man, Jimmy, who sleeps out in the shed, has suspicions, but little comes out until a Yankee woman of middle age comes to town looking for a dead private eye. And why does dad keep calling Jimmy, "little boy blue"?
Keywords: armadillo, baby, bar, bare-breasts, bare-butt, bartender, baseball, baseball-pitcher, beating, black-detective
Murder. Seduction. Revenge.
An announcement that the venerable Bunker Hill Military Academy, a 141 year old institute, is to be torn down and replaced with condos sets off the young cadets led by their stodgy commander. Under the command of a student cadet major, the cadets seize the campus, refuse entry of the construction crews and ultimately confront the real military.
Keywords: accidental-death, bare-chested-male, based-on-novel, battle, burned-body, cannon, car-trouble, child-as-adult, children, combat
This school is our home, we think it's worth defending.
Brian Moreland: Honor doesn't count for shit when you're looking at a dead little boy.
Brian Moreland: Sir, how could they do this?::General Harlan Bache: With the stroke of a pen, sir. Their field of honor was a desktop.
General Harlan Bache: Was I scared! I must have lost fifty pounds, all of it brown.
Alex Dwyer: What the hell were you doing back there?::David Shawn: At least I had your ass over the grinder and it's okay enough to thank me, shithead!::Brian Moreland: Hut! What's the problem?::Alex Dwyer: The problem is that this asshole just shot the town!
David Shawn: Hey, Brian, Dungeons and Dragons game tonight?::Brian Moreland: Nah, not tonight, Shawn.::Alex Dwyer: Nice of you to ask.::David Shawn: [gives Dwyer the finger]::Alex Dwyer: Have a good day.
David Shawn: Brian, Dungeons and Dragons game tonight?::Brian Moreland: Can't.::[David flips Alex the finger]::Alex Dwyer: Have a good day.
[Firing machine gun]::David Shawn: It's beautiful, man!
[the cadets have taken over the academy]::Master Sergeant Kevin Moreland: Let me tell 'em it was growing pains - the wrong execution of the right idea.::Brian Moreland: "The wrong execution of the right idea"?
Colonel Kerby: You're not a soldier! I'm a soldier, with the career goal of all soldiers - staying alive in situations where it ain't all that easy to do! You're a death-lover. Some sorry son of a bitch has got you convinced that dying for a cause is oh, so romantic. Well, that's the worst kind of all the kinds of bullshit there is!
David Shawn: [about firing his assault rifle at the townies and cops, to facilitate their escape] I saw my duty, and I did it.
No Worries!
Accept your invitation to the wackiest, most riotous wedding ceremony of the year! [DVD Australia]
Mutton, Bayonet: [singing] A marriage is made to be broken / The ring you wear is a horseshoe token / The bonds you forge at the altar / Are really a yoke and a halter.
'Shovel girl' speaks out about viral video
Grootste shovel ter wereld
How To Replace A Shovel Handle - Wranglerstar
LORE - Shovel Knight Lore in a minute!
Girl hit in head with shovel during fight speaks out to Rover
M48 Kommando Tactical Shovel - $39.99
7495 Electric Rope Shovel Assembly
Bieten laden bij Shovel 53 aan de Elandweg
Shovel Knight's Plague...EXPOSED! - Culture Shock
Shovel met trucker Hannes, DH kraanverhuur
Shovel Knight WITH LYRICS - brentalfloss
Shovel Knight Release Trailer
Rage Quit - Shovel Knight
► WTF Is... - Shovel Knight ?
Shovel Knight: Dragon Fart Facts - PART 1 - Game Grumps
Interview with Emily (Shovel Incident)
P&H; 4100 XPB Electric Shovel Loading Liebherr And Caterpillar Haul Trucks
volvo l90f shovel vast in het meer
Super Best Friends Play Shovel Knight!
Shovel Knight Full Soundtrack (Stereo)
Hitachi EX8000 hydraulic shovel
Shovel Knight - Good NES Nostalgia (Zero Punctuation)
Shovel Knight Review
Shovel Knight - Steel Thy Shovel! The Completionist Episode 101
Nerd³ FW - Shovel Knight
Shovel Knight Soundtrack Complete OST Best Audio Quality All 48 Game Music Tracks
Shovel Knight Gameplay - ALL BOSS FIGHTS
Game Grumps Shovel Knight Best Moments
Fan Fr-aturday! - Shovel Knight
Shovel Knight Walkthrough Part 1 Steel thy Shovel!
Shovel Knight [Part 1] - Coxpletin' It!
Enchantress and Sheild Knight - Shovel Knight [END]
Shovel Knight OST Jake Kaufman - Strike the Earth! (Plains of Passage) EXTENDED
Let's Look At: Shovel Knight!
SHOVEL KNIGHT #01 - Mit der Schaufel in den Kampf! ☆ Let's Play Shovel Knight
Baz, Mr. Hat, Treasure Knight - Shovel Knight [P5]
Shovel Knight Walkthrough Part 13 Final Battle Enchantress
Shovel Knight 3DS - Part 14 FINALE: Tower of Fate Enchantress Boss Battle + Review!
Let's Play Shovel Knight Part 1 - Can You Dig It?
Shovel Knight Any% Speedrun in 52:36
Shovel Knight - Exclusive SECRET Mode!
[12] Let's Play Shovel Knight, part 12 (Munching Ghosts!)
[13] Let's Play Shovel Knight, part 13 (Why did I break it?)
True Temper Klondike 1573700 18-Inch Poly Snow Shovel With Steel Handle Review
First Shovel for HGH
1981 Shovel
Eddi & Shovel Knight #06: Dom Strachów
Shovel Knight - [Episode 5: "A Pleasant Excavation"] | Let's Play!
Let's Play Shovel Knight Part 4: THE DOWNFALL OF TREASURE KNIGHT!
Shovel Knight Part 1 Skills
Shovel Knight [019]: La Torre del Destino | Live 2.0
Plague Knight is a Goofer | Shovel Knight | Part 5 [Gameplay|Commentary]
Shovel Knight #15- On approche de la fin!!
Shovel Knight Ep.16 - Fraps Breaks Part 2
Shovel 2L
Shovel Knight: #2 É TUDO NEGRO
I'm Gonna Play - Shovel Knight #3 (Part 2)
I'm Gonna Play - Shovel Knight #3 (Part 1)
Exodus - Shovel Headed Kill Machine (E standard tuning & HQ audio)
shovel knight live stream
Shovel Knight[Часть 10]: Лопата Юбилейного выпуска
Shovel Knight (Part 9)
Various Plays ~ Shovel Knight Ep 4
SHOVEL KNIGHT #19 || Ein Bastlerfreund ◆ Let's Play mit KingScouter
A shovel is a tool for digging, lifting, and moving bulk materials, such as soil, coal, gravel, snow, sand, or ore. Shovels are extremely common tools that are used extensively in agriculture, construction, and gardening.
Most shovels are hand tools consisting of a broad blade fixed to a medium-length handle. Shovel blades are usually made of sheet steel or hard plastics and are very strong. Shovel handles are usually made of wood (especially specific varieties such as ash or maple) or glass-reinforced plastic (fibreglass).
Hand shovel blades made of sheet steel usually have a folded seam or hem at the back to make a socket for the handle. This fold also commonly provides extra rigidity to the blade. The handles are usually riveted in place. A T-piece is commonly fitted to the end of the handle to aid grip and control where the shovel is designed for moving soil and heavy materials. These designs can all be easily mass-produced.
The term shovel is also applied to larger excavating machines called power shovels, which are designed for the same purpose, namely, digging, lifting, and moving material. Modern power shovels are the descendants of steam shovels. Loaders and excavators (such as backhoes) perform very similar work, etically speaking, but they are not classified as shovels emically.
I don't shrug instead of the ramifications of my shovel
Lovin the consequences of uprooting the jungle
I'm huggin the cyclo Gemini stooped contenders from viewin the puzzle
I don't budge the motives encased inside the gauntlets hung in quotas X2
My kitchen sink leaks like your itching to speak a secret
'bout the world spins yet nobody's pledged allegiance and why?
His beaming smile knew a private agony that burns
And when the children met divinity I sat to watch the merge
It goes pandemonium live
Ya'll mutha fuckers stand up volunteer tantrums while your playin summin vivid
Play your sympathy card till the misery clash
And a basket case is in a classless matrix with elastic stitches
Raggin a bag of lonely poem remnants
Short of breath like you're short of fresh
You're a portable mess
Carpetbagger spearheading tear peddeling pretentious art critics, orphans
Trying to dismiss those pioneering their fortunes
You're a spectacle
Pushin for pedagogue lacin up paper weights walkin on stilts talking
You touched the hand of God and I'm like
What are all these evils that plagued the hearts of man by sweet talking border patrol until they fold and let them in
You got your life in a basket before you could say instant classic
Like the king of the mountain requires a boost
I'll bury the hook in my belly just to volunteer at live aid clinics
For the thrill of 9 great mimics with 18 bloody lips, spittin
Beanstalk, chalking outlines before figures fly
Walking uphill trying to get down
Prominent ghost town litigate battle pitch darkness when the light switch hits the *artistry* circuit board breaker
Service in the greater half of nature
See money go wild shook when the exploitation incubated lovely
Warmingly *piggy leader* colony to comfort
Numb enough to deny the sin pins and evil needles even punctured
Till he wont define his TOURNIQUET STILL FUNCTIONS
I don't shrug instead of the ramifications of my shovel
Lovin the consequences of uprooting the jungle
I'm huggin the cyclo Gemini stooped contenders from viewin the puzzle
I don't budge the motives encased inside the gauntlets hung in quotas X2
Burn burn em mostly
Stuck unplucking plumage out the poultry
Soaking in bulk on a sofa with ductape upholstery
Dirty doc stellar space medic
Stoned by the commoners for glowing
Psuedo bloaters * buy them beats till bloated*
Happy trail hitchhikers guide to spanning oblivion
Complete with a thankless 9-5 chapter
You can sign your life after the facts
Wicked soldiers pickin with buddy system logistic motors like Noah's ark ticket holders, pivot
All in a days breath
I guess
Sandman hit up or shatter a day when television run over baboon heart transplants
Sketching a glass partially empty till their hand cramps
With a iceman dance (?) and stand with a (?)
But maybe I do
Yeah yeah maybe it's all over, maybe I won the game before the machine ate my quarter
I mean absorbing attention's a must
You don't wanna be overlooked
Yeah but you don't wanna be looked over too much
One up for the dashed hopes of fifty fishermen who crashed boats
and the angels who never hit a bad note when harmonising
I'm an armour plated farmer
I'm an archer rising with a drawn bow for the karma where the bulls eye clings and argues
Dense, spreads like new names at the writers bench
Either you drink it or sink it, coz there ain't no sitting on the fence
You make me chuckle child, it's hells kitchen now, miss
Recognize your life is merely bait for bigger fish
I don't shrug instead of the ramifications of my shovel
Lovin the consequences of uprooting the jungle
I'm huggin the cyclo Gemini stooped contenders from viewin the puzzle
I don't budge the motives encased inside the gauntlets hung in quotas X4
I'm stuck here on the outside, But I'm trying to get back in, I don't know what I'm looking for, And I'm not sure of who I am, It's my second time through suicide, And I'm still figting with my friends, I'm stuck inside this shell of mine, Because I know no other way. This time I'm stuck on the outside, No chance, Nothing worth fighting for, I hope I find what I'm looking for. I'm stuck here on the outside, But I'm trying to get back in, I don't know what I'm looking for, And I'm not sure of who I am. This time I'm stuck on the outside, No chance, Nothing worth fighting for, I hope I find what I'm looking for.
I've come back from all my quitting
I've come back from all my slitting
Only to find that I have laid a lonely shovel in my bed
I've come back from all my slitting
I've come back from all my quitting
Is it that every car I hear is yours coming up the hill
Hey slice
Up my grave
I proved you
My grave
Diggin' up
Fillin' up
Get enough
Hey slice
Up my grave
I proved you
My grave
Diggin' up
Fillin' up
Get enough
The only way I could do it is to run into your shovel
The only way I could do it is to run into your shovel
The only way I can dig it is to run until you dig it
The only way I can dig it is to run until you dig it
Rot my cot
Full for me to think (For me to think)
You're letting me split (You're letting me split)
I failed in life, I failed in love.
I fail to see the humor in any of this, yeah,
maybe more than you can know, an afterthought, I'm gonna go.
I failed in life, I failed in love, I fail to see,
watch me any good at this.
Yeah, but I do shit, and I'm in charge,
and you look upset I'm living large.
Yeah, I know that you stand by him, so roam,
feel this one's supposed to persuade, that's my own.
I love you like no other, yeah,
in time I'll use some space to wrap myself in my love and feel my face.
And cry, yeah, yeah, God help me cry.
Yeah, it comes on like a dream scene to which I haven't seen,
and there you are, fuck yeah, yeah, yeah, there you are.
A little too simple, she is, I dance alone.
Feel this one's supposed to persuade, that's my own.
I love you like no other, yeah,
Meant to refuse,
but just smash the whole gate down.
Tried for the truth,
but just, lied when it really mattered.
that your going.
that you feel like.
Should have been there.
Should have spoken.
Tell me there's nowhere you're going.
If you only faced it when.
Then you,
decide to,
finally make it in.
It's over.
It's breaking.
In case that's all,
that you want,
Kept it all hidden.
It's safe from you,
that's what matters.
that your going.
that you feel like.
Should have been there.
Should have spoken.
Tell me there's no way of knowing.
If you only faced it when.
Then you,
decide to,
finally make it in.
It's over.
It's breaking.
It's broken.
Adjusting, nothing.
You get just what you pay for.
Believe in, anything.
Another stab, in the back, that you let go.
Don't know how to react, now you don't know.
Swear up and down, this is the last, time, you, will, get,
Hearts bend ‘cause they can’t break
When they can’t take
All that is given to them
Glass eyes on your sad face
It’s a sad story somebody’s written on you
Love in my heart, right from the start
So please take me with you
Birds sing out the window
Sing out the window sing
Do you hear those birds
sing out the window
Sing out the window sing
Take me with your shovel
We’ll burry all your troubles
All your troubles
Oh the light is always on you
Always in the light
The light is always on you
Always on you
Plug arise, and rebaptise, resurrection
Were the keys to your success, but now lead to your demise
You baptise with sand and the spark is smothered
Again and again and again
But your shit is shit, you're buzzing around it
There's no company, no crowd there, in the bilge where you inhabit
6 feet down...
Want to see you in your grave
Want no more fucking games
Want to see you in your grave so I can
Dig you up, dig you up, dig you up and kill you again!
Your arrogance my nemesis, ignorance must be bliss
But your bliss will shatter like brittle bones
Meant to refuse,
but just smash the whole gate down.
Tried for the truth,
but just, lied when it really mattered.
that your going.
that you feel like.
Should have been there.
Should have spoken.
Tell me there's nowhere you're going.
If you only faced it when.
Then you,
decide to,
finally make it in.
It's over.
It's breaking.
In case that's all,
that you want,
Kept it all hidden.
It's safe from you,
that's what matters.
that your going.
that you feel like.
Should have been there.
Should have spoken.
Tell me there's no way of knowing.
If you only faced it when.
Then you,
decide to,
finally make it in.
It's over.
It's breaking.
It's broken.
Adjusting, nothing.
You get just what you pay for.
Believe in, anything.
Another stab, in the back, that you let go.
Don't know how to react, now you don't know.
I will sleep in if I can.
I will rise with the sun over this frozen land.
There's two feet of snow since we spoke
There's icicles all in a row
They look like fingers about to close.
All of my friends are on their way
I hope they're driving slow,
I hope they're driving.
I hope they're driving slow.
Oh I don't know what to do with myself, oh no.
Oh I don't know what to do with myself, oh no.
I shovel, I shovel the drive.
Oh I don't know what to do with myself, oh no.
Oh I don't know what to do with myself, oh no.
I shovel, I shovel the drive.
Where's that shovel?
Well, there's nothing in particular that I have on my
Snow covered pines
And there's nothing like the sound of you coming up
Putting your little hands over my eyes.
If you walk ahead, I would walk in your footsteps,
and if you walk behind, you can walk in mine.
If you walk ahead, I would walk in your footsteps,
and if you walk behind, you can walk in mine.