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GTA and our problem with games

Tim Biggs 11:34 AM   There are still many who refuse to consider the worth of games alongside film and TV as entertainment for adults.


'Zuckerberg of Russia' in exile

Danny Hakim 12:17 PM   Back in 2006 Pavel Durov created a social network that become a huge success. Now Putin owns it, and Durov's on the run.

Target Australia pulls GTA V from shelves

Steve Jobs' iPod obsession shown in court

Apple loses appeal to trademark 'app store'

Facebook, Twitter face $17,000 fines

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Bring order to chaos: a Dragon Age Inquisition interview

James 'DexX' Dominguez   Dragon Age: Inquisition is a sprawling fantasy epic, and creative director Mike Laidlaw explains how this intricate world of demons and monster was built.



Hawking: AI 'could spell the end of the human race'

Rhiannon Williams   Stephen Hawking has unveiled his new "life-changing" communications platform — which helps him to speak twice as quickly through a predictive text system — while at the same time expressing that the technology's extrapolation into full artificial intelligence "could spell the end of the human race".


Cyber bullying

Twitter to make it easier to report abuse

Twitter is trying to make it easier for victims and witnesses to report online harassment.

Children's e-Safety Commissioner aims to clean up the net, yet again

Adam Turner   Can Australia's cyber bully buster succeed where politicians have failed in the past?



Forget elves, Amazon recruits robots for holiday rush

Deepa Seetharaman   Don't tell the children, but the little helpers processing thousands of gifts in Amazon's newest order fulfillment centers aren't elves, but bright orange robots.

Australian internet connections slowed down by submarine cable fault

Ben Grubb   Web pages loading slowly? A submarine fibre-optic cable fault between Perth and Singapore could be the reason.


Microsoft Clip Art is dead as Bing takes over Office image duties

Tim Biggs   Microsoft has closed its Clip Art library, marking the end of an era for fans of the abstract, fuzzy cartoons used in desktop publishing since the 90s.



Does posting rap lyrics on Facebook constitute a threat?

Lawrence Hurley   US case tests limit of free speech, asks whether a person must intend to threaten for a crime to have been committed, or if it is enough that they "should have known" they could cause fear.

Halfbrick Fruit Ninjas go out on their own with new game

Kim Stephens   Two developers from Halfbrick - the company that started Fruit Ninja - have started their operation and launched a new game of their own.

Blogs & Columns

Gadgets on the Go

Children's e-Safety Commissioner aims to clean up the net, yet again

Adam Turner   Can Australia's cyber bully buster succeed where politicians have failed in the past?



Family slide night a thing of beauty

Sending a link to a Flickr album is the easiest way to share a photo collection.


Users monitor consumption with menu monitor

Garry Barker   During its seven years of service, iStat Menus has been downloaded millions of times.


Astronomy can be life changing: Dr Lisa Harvey-Smith

Clare Colley   Wi-Fi, advanced medical imaging and algorithms to detect skin cancer all have one thing in common - they were all offshoots of astronomy, CSIRO astronomer Dr Lisa Harvey-Smith says.