Promises, promises, but will Labor keep them?

Colleen Lewis 12:52 AM   Trust in politicians may not be easily restored, but urgent integrity legislation is a crucial first step for the new Victorian government.

Why the Coalition lost in Victoria

Peter Reith dinkus

Peter Reith 9:04 AM   The Victorian Coalition government  didn't know what it stood for and  failed to pursue policies that were distinct from Labor's

Do you hold a Bayesian or Boolean worldview?

Illustration: Simon Bosch

Tim van Gelder 8:45 AM   To understand issues such as climate change we should weigh up all information rather than reject evidence and arguments that are not our own.

No need to dumb down on digital platforms

Jonathan Holmes

Jonathan Holmes 12:00 AM   There is plenty of scope for cerebral content in the digital era - if we're willing to learn.

Comments 7

Major parties jittery over voting patterns

The VEC has come under fire.

Sally Young 12:00 AM   Weaker voter attachment to the major parties can make events beyond their control more significant and elections less predictable.

Comments 5

PM will rob the nation if he rips off Victoria

Illustration: Andrew Dyson.

Peter Martin   Abbott will be shooting himself in the foot if he holds back the billions of dollars he promised for the state's construction industry.

Comments 172

High risk: drug war fought with dollars

Ross Gittins dinkus Dinkus

Ross Gittins 12:15 AM   How goes the war on drugs? On the face of it, not well. But in thinking about the drug problem it helps to know a bit of economics. When you do, you see things aren't as bad as they seem.

Comments 68

Liberals abandoned their principles

Denis Napthine

James Paterson   Every Victorian Liberal party policy should be tested against liberal philosophy.

Comments 145

A city-style campaign backfired in the bush

The loyalty of regional people will take many years for the Liberals to win back.

Chris Earl   The loyalty of regional people will take many years for the Victorian Liberals to win back.

Comments 7

A recipe for yet more violence against women

More than one woman a week is being killed in violent homes.

Clementine Ford   Male violence is the leading cause of preventable death for women aged under 45, and virtuous patience has failed to deliver results.

Comments 10

For Captain Dan, now comes the hard part

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis.

Tim Colebatch   These are tough times to be governing Victoria. We're about to find out if Labor is up to the task.

Comments 68

Victoria's political rhythms favour the ALP

Labor leader Daniel Andrews celebrates on Saturday night.

Paul Strangio   This state moves to the beat of its own political drum, and Saturday's election result reveals no silver lining for the Coalition.

Comments 42

How Labor, unions blew up the Coalition

A well-oiled campaign machine has helped deliver the votes that won Labor Victoria.

Nicholas Reece   This result has changed the face of campaigning.

Comments 26

Tell a new vision? Not these nyetworks

Peter Martin Dinkus

Peter Martin   Anyone would think the commercial TV networks owned our airwaves.

Politicians' rhetoric makes matters worse

Aristotle, the father of rhetoric.

Warwick McFadyen   Today's politicians are hardly masters of the noble art of rhetoric and the Prime Minister and Defence Minister proved this last week.

Poetry loses its flagship on ABC

William Wordsworth: Define poetry as memorable speech.

Barry Hill   The ABC has ended its flagship poetry program, Poetica, which had 60,000 listeners a week.

Capitalist winds expose the spiritual void

Chairman Mao Tse-tung (left) and Deng Xiaoping: Capitalist fever, like communism before it, stripped away the deep rich spiritual traditions of Buddhism and Taoism.

David Brooks   Daniel  Bell argued that capitalism undermines itself because it nurtures a population of ever more self-gratifying consumers.

History in danger of repeating itself

Afghan security forces inspect the British embassy vehicle targeted in the suicide attack.

Avinash Paliwal   Afghanistan's fledgling government is struggling to deliver the jobs, money and power promised to its supporters, and the consequences are being spelled out in bloodshed.

Napthine's perfect storm

Michael Gordon

Michael Gordon   If Denis Napthine loses the state election, voters will have broken with tradition and punished his first-term state government for the sins of his party colleagues.

The end of an ugly affair

So what will we remember from Election 2014?

Shane Green   The silence was golden. At midnight on Wednesday, the off switch was flicked on electronic media advertising in the Victorian election campaign.

Comments 7

We have to fight for our ABC


Martin Flanagan   The ABC's quality broadcasting has broad support, but News Corp's indefatigable and deceptive attacks on it mean ordinary Australians must defend it.

Love, cherish, obey... and go to galleries

Danny Katz thumbnail

Danny Katz   Just the words 'gallery', 'let's' and 'go' throw me into a state of rapturous excitement.

Coalition marooned in a sea of troubles

Waleed Aly dinkus. Dinkus

Waleed Aly   Tony Abbott's broken promises are just the garnish on top of the real problem: the Coalition government is in serious strife.

Wrong and right of Abbott's vulnerability

Mark Kenny dinkus

Mark Kenny   As debate builds over the Coalition government, conservative voices weigh in with their concerns.

Comments 145

How to make cricket safer

Unlucky: Phillip Hughes died in a one-in-a-million chance collision between ball and artery.

Lyall Johnson   A ball travelling 140km/h on a hard wicket can be lethal, yet helmets are not mandatory for batters.

Prosecutors dodged their duty over Ferguson

Reaction: Demonstrators block a street near a police station in Ferguson, Missouri.

Noah Feldman   An obscure and cumbersome relic of the 18th century was never going to paper over the cracks in the case of police officer Darren Wilson shooting dead unarmed Michael Brown.

Comments 8

Election veering to boredom territory

Denis Napthine

Josh Gordon   Elections in this country have become a race to the middle. Will Saturday's election see Denis or Dan in the middle?

Comments 35

Ashes forgotten in wake of Hughes' injury

 Phil Hughes of Australia.

Michael Vaughan   Phillip Hughes' tragic accident has united the cricket world and highlights its dangers.

Experts find flaws in national parks

Why are people so keen on parks when society can't afford to look after them?

Peter Fagg and Leon Bren   Single-interest groups trying to hijack managed forests, say industry experts.

Home truths: high prices are here to stay

Ross Gittins dinkus Dinkus

Ross Gittins   The pressures of urban geography in Australia's largest cities are likely to stave off possible market collapse.

Noel Pearson takes on Right's intelligentsia

Noel Pearson and Tony Abbott in north-east Arnhem Land in September.

Dominic Kelly   The issue of genocide has been sidestepped by conservative commentators, an avoidance that speaks volumes about our readiness to change.

When politician's promises mean  nothing

Denis Napthine and Daniel Andrews

Colleen Lewis   Voters should focus on accountability and transparency when political pledges are hollow.

Abbott all at sea handling US and China

Hugh White dinkus

Hugh White   The PM is swinging wildly between two poles of regional power, probably mistaking insincerity for clever diplomacy.

Palmer's everyman image battered

Tarnished: Clive Palmer's populist image has been dinted.

Lindy Edwards   Jacqui Lambie's stand risks painting Palmer as someone who quietly bats for the big end of town behind closed doors, while claiming to stand up for the little man in public.

How Bollywood moulds Modi's new India

A hint of Bollywood: Australian Indians break into dance before the arrival of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at an event in Sydney on November 17.

Pankaj Mishra   India's popular film industry offers one of the clearest windows on the evolution of the country.

Yooralla failings: no more excuses

Gone: Yooralla chief executive Sanjib Roy resigned after damning revelations of sexual abuse and violence towards those in the agency's care.

Alan Blackwood   Victorians with disabilities and their families should not have to rely on whistleblowers to keep them safe.

Comments 2

Mark Scott's two hats make trouble for ABC

Jonathan Holmes

Jonathan Holmes   The broadcaster's combined managing director and editor-in-chief role is misleading and potentially unhealthy.

Comments 36

A win by Labor would be a blow for Victorians

Peter Reith dinkus

Peter Reith   The possibility that Labor might win next weekend's Victorian election is more worrisome than usual.

The secret report Napthine won't let you see

A report into a state-based reform agenda has not been released to the public.

Peter Martin   Much work went into the preparation of a state-based reform agenda, so why has it never been released?

Comments 126

Barack Obama: The Disappointer-in-chief

Less than great: President Barack Obama aimed high, but failed to meet expectations.

Aaron David Miller   He has made notable achievements, but he is not a great president.

The election neither side deserves to win

Siphons: Water, water everywhere ... the desal plant.

Kenneth Davidson   The desalination disaster is a blight on both Labor and the Liberals.

Victims never, but we are campaigners forever

Carmel Boyce, Phil Cleary and Jane Ashton, as photographed in The Age on Saturday.

Carmel Boyce   White Ribbon month is especially critical in Victoria.

Truth and ideas casualties in Victorian politics

Premier Denis Napthine speaks with undecided voters.

Farrah Tomazin   A post-election hangover seems inevitable for the winning party, with optimistic promises being bandied about but no certainty over how they are to be paid for.

Seven good reasons to love democracy

Warwick McFadyen   Democracy is good. It fortifies the soul. It also presents a challenge - how to retain faith in it as an ideal? A list was necessary, Warwick McFadyen writes.

Look to Dubai for answers to Middle East

Thomas Friedman dinkus

Thomas Friedman   Ever since the Arab awakening in late 2010, America has lurched from one policy response to another.

Blank screen on which we project our dreams

Kim Kardashian has arrived in Australia sans Kanye West.

Alyssa Rosenberg   Kim Kardashian is making her fortune from the gawping fascination of the masses.

A tale of two Tonys

Michael Gordon

Michael Gordon   There may be some collateral damage over the contradictions flowing from the Abbott government.

'Your mother has passed away'

Martin Flanagan

Martin Flanagan   Mum's deathbed was a crowd scene, kids and grand kids in the half-lit room, one person on either side of Mum, holding her hands.

Comments 19

Some deaths aren’t dignified

Sad times? Death is  the end of every life.

Suzy Freeman-Greene   Is "dying with dignity" the best way to describe assisted suicide?

Now my champagne party trick thingy-thing

Danny Katz.

Danny Katz   What's left when the dazzling lore of idle hands fails to impress?

Absence of morality in the Nauru netherworld

Nick Feik   Immigration Minister Scott Morrison's reaction to claims refugees on Nauru were self-harming and being molested was to attack those who made the allegations.

Let's not over-complicate euthanasia debate

Advocate: Philip Kitschke

Paul Komesaroff and Stephen Charles   Does the voluntary euthanasia debate merely involve ethics and religion? Maybe a simple, practical, legal solution can be found, write Paul Komesaroff and Stephen Charles.

Comments 6

Women's battle a visual one on tv

Karl Stefanovic

Cathy Newman   A television presenter who wears the same clothes every day could only be a man.

The nation state is key to peace and prosperity

world map

Peter Varghese   The great paradox of our time is that we live in a globalised and ever-connected world, yet we guard our sovereignty zealously.

Editors' Pick

The art of self-pleasuring is in women's hands

If women are more sexually assertive now why don't they masturbate as often as men?

Investigative journalists always under the cosh

As journalists we should have the courage to act for more than the lofty notion of freedom of speech. We have a duty to be the voice of the powerless, writes KATE MCCLYMONT.

Whitlam's wild ride in the race for reform

The pre-modern prime minister gave his name to an era in politics that shifted gears on values and election campaigning, writes GIDEON HAIGH.

Why the campaign against Islamic State is doomed

Enthusiasm for a swift and cheap war against Islamic State ignores the bitter lessons of failure Australia learned so recently in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Lateline clash shows need for better questions

Bullying is no way to act or to find out what someone being interviewed on TV thinks, writes LUKE JOHNSON.

Emma Watson speech hardly a game-changer

Women don't need to engage men in the gender debate, they need to wrench from them the power they hold so tightly.