A pebble is a clast of rock with a particle size of 4 to 64 millimetres based on the Krumbein phi scale of sedimentology. Pebbles are generally considered to be larger than granules (2 to 4 millimetres diameter) and smaller than cobbles (64 to 256 millimetres diameter). A rock made predominantly of pebbles is termed a conglomerate. Pebble tools are among the earliest known man-made artifacts, dating from the Palaeolithic period of human history.
A beach composed chiefly of surface pebbles is commonly termed a shingle beach. This type of beach has armoring characteristics with respect to wave erosion, as well as ecological niches which can provide habitat for animals and plants.
Pebbles come in various colors and textures, and can have streaks of quartz and different colored sedimentary rock. Pebbles are mostly smooth but, dependent on how frequently they come in contact with the sea, they can have marks of contact with other rocks or pebbles. Pebbles left above the high water mark may have growths of organisms such as lichen on them, signifying the lack of contact with sea water.
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Once it gets in your blood it can't be stopped.
Angela is a timid girl who has never stood up for herself a day in her life. She doesn't believe in breaking the rules, unlike her best friend Pebble who just doesn't give a damn! One night at a local sausage and waffle eatery, Pebble loses all respect for Angela when she sees her being taken advantage of by one of their friends, 'Broke Bitch' Tina, and refuses to do anything about it. Angela can't afford to lose respect from the only true friend she has, so she decides to overcome her fears to do the unthinkable. She hopes to get the last laugh... but she'd better watch out!
Portrays in warm-hearted detail the life and loves of one extraordinary man. We meet the imposingly rotund General Clive Wynne-Candy, a blustering old duffer who seems the epitome of stuffy, outmoded values. Traveling backwards 40 years we see a different man altogether: the young and dashing officer "Sugar" Candy. Through a series of relationships with three women and his lifelong friendship with a German officer, we see Candy's life unfold and come to understand how difficult it is for him to adapt his sense of military honor to modern notions of "total war."
Keywords: 1900s, 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, actress-playing-multiple-roles, admiral, aging, air-raid, ambulance
A Lusty Lifetime of Love and Adventure in Lavish Technicolor (US Lobby Card tag)
An unforgettable story of forty gallant years.
A Rogue With A Roving Eye!
A Devil... In A Daring Adventure!
The Lusty Lifetime Of A Gentleman Who Was Sometimes Quite A Rogue!
Theo Kretschmar-Schuldorff: What is your first name, Miss Cannon?::'Johnny' Cannon: Angela.::Theo Kretschmar-Schuldorff: What a lovely name. It comes from Angel, doesn't it?::'Johnny' Cannon: I think it stinks. My friends call me Johnny.
Theo Kretschmar-Schuldorff: You know that, after the war, we had very bad years in Germany. We got poorer and poorer. Every day retired officers or schoolteachers were caught shoplifting. Money lost its value, the price of everything rose except of human beings. We read in the newspapers that the after-war years were bad everywhere, that crime was increasing and that honest citizens were having a hard job to put the gangsters in jail. Well in Germany, the gangsters finally succeeded in putting the honest citizens in jail.
Clive Candy: I often thought, a fellow like me dies - special knowledge, all to waste. Well, am I dead? Does my knowledge count for nothing, eh? Experience? Skill? You tell me!::Theo Kretschmar-Schuldorff: It is a different knowledge they need now, Clive. The enemy is different, so you have to be different, too.::Clive Candy: Are you mad? I know what war is!::Theo Kretschmar-Schuldorff: I don't agree.::Clive Candy: You...!::Theo Kretschmar-Schuldorff: I read your broadcast up to the point where you describe the collapse of France. You commented on Nazi methods--foul fighting, bombing refugees, machine-gunning hospitals, lifeboats, lightships, bailed-out pilots--by saying that you despised them, that you would be ashamed to fight on their side and that you would sooner accept defeat than victory if it could only be won by those methods.::Clive Candy: So I would!::Theo Kretschmar-Schuldorff: Clive! If you let yourself be defeated by them, just because you are too fair to hit back the same way they hit at you, there won't be any methods *but* Nazi methods! If you preach the Rules of the Game while they use every foul and filthy trick against you, they will laugh at you! They'll think you're weak, decadent! I thought so myself in 1919!::Theo Kretschmar-Schuldorff: [he pats Clive's shoulder] You mustn't mind me, an old alien, saying all this. But who can describe hydrophobia better than one who has been bitten - and is now immune.
Theo Kretschmar-Schuldorff: Do you remember, Clive, we used to say: "Our army is fighting for our homes, our women, and our children"? Now the women are fighting beside the men. The children are trained to shoot. What's left is the "home." But what is the "home" without women and children?
Hoppy: I was awfully sorry to hear about your leg. [Looks down] Jumping Jehosaphat! They're both there!::Clive Candy: What the hell did you think I was standing on?::Hoppy: They told me in Bloemfontein that they cut off your left leg.::Clive Candy: [Examines leg] Can't have, old boy. I'd have known about it.
Van Zijl: The Germans know how to make them talk.::Clive Candy: Well if they are, they're cracking. It's a sure sign. Nobody starts to fight foul until he sees he can't win any other way.
Clive Candy: Until now, Germany has used her arms with honor. [pause, smiles] I admit he said nothing about her legs.
Frau Von Kalteneck: Theo knows only two English expressions: "very much" and "not very much." Right, Theo?::Theo: Very much.
Clive Candy: The Kaiser spoke - and the Prince of Wales spoke ...::Edith Hunter: Spoke about what?::Clive Candy: Nobody could remember.
Barbara Wynne: We must go, darling, we have the Bishop for lunch.::Clive Candy: I hope he's tender.
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How I Android: Pebble Smartwatch
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Review: Pebble Smart Watch
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Pebble Steel: My Favorite 8 Apps At This Moment
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For every next-to-be anomaly*
DNR must take a picture of me
I have an issue, I pose my teeth
I have a strategy that works for me
I have callouses on my knees
A hollow portfolio of history
We are not idle children
Great and sticky with heat
We are not idle children