Witr (Arabic: وتر) is an Islamic prayer (salat) that is performed at night after isha'a (night-time prayer) or before fajr (dawn prayer). According to the Hanafi Fiqh witr prayer is wajib. The status of wajib is very close to that of fard. There are a few distinguishing factors of the witr prayer that sets it apart from the fard (mandatory) and sunnah (recommended) prayers. Witr has an odd number of rakat prayed in pairs, with the final raka'ah prayed separately. Therefore, as little as one rakat can be prayed, and eleven at most. This differs from the usual trend of two, three and four rakat of the fard and sunnah prayers.
According to `Abd Allah ibn `Umar, Muhammad said, "The night prayer is offered as two rakat followed by two rakat and so on and if anyone is afraid of the approaching dawn (fajr prayer) he should pray one raka'ah and this will be a witr for all the rakat which he has prayed before."
In a hadith transmitted by Abu Darda, he states that Muhammad enjoined to him three things: to fast three days every month, to offer the Witr salat before sleep, and to offer two rakat sunnah of fajr.
WITR (89.7 FM) is a student-run broadcast radio station in Henrietta, New York. It is a college radio station, owned by the Rochester Institute of Technology. It was assigned the WITR call letters by the Federal Communications Commission. Its signal can be received approximately 25 miles south of the RIT campus, and north into the city of Rochester. The office and studios are located in the A-Level (basement) of the Student Alumni Union just past the RITZ Sports Zone. In 2015, a new studio was constructed on the main floor of the Student Alumni Union.
WITR is marketed as being in the independent music industry and broadcasts a formidable variety of genres, in addition to its regularly-scheduled indie music format. Weekly shows are produced in-studio by students and feature the following genres: world, hip-hop, R&B, rock, modern metal, hardcore, disco, house, jazz, ska, punk rock, Spanish/Latin, reggae, electronica, gospel, blues, news, classical, punk, and glam.
The station broadcasts most RIT Tigers men's ice hockey and RIT Tigers women's ice hockey games.
We're all hell bent on destruction
Trying to erase black spots on our souls
Hide from a violent eruption
Cataclysmic engulfing us all.
Lay down (lay down)
Tonight (tonight)
In front of the things
That conquer us all.
Your body, it taunts me
Your flesh is, oh so haunting.
Children of the night.
Throw your hands up in the air.
We all know we've lost the fight.
Hope dies out and we can see the end.
Black days begin.
Walk down this path of temptation
Deny the flesh ignore whats crawling below.
Stay true (stay true)
Stay cold (stay cold)
In front of the things
That conquer us all!
Your body, it taunts me
Your flesh is, oh so haunting.
Your body, it taunts me
Your flesh is, oh so haunting.