- published: 18 Mar 2011
- views: 916
- author: fierce10

Algebraic Structure by Aditya Mittal
Measure Theory Introductory Tutorial on Algebraic Structure by Aditya Mittal....
published: 18 Mar 2011
author: fierce10
Algebraic Structure by Aditya Mittal
Algebraic Structure by Aditya Mittal
Measure Theory Introductory Tutorial on Algebraic Structure by Aditya Mittal.- published: 18 Mar 2011
- views: 916
- author: fierce10

Abstract Algebra Lecture 01 Part 1
First lecture in abstract algebra. Topics include facts about functions and countable sets...
published: 13 Apr 2012
author: ohubrismine
Abstract Algebra Lecture 01 Part 1
Abstract Algebra Lecture 01 Part 1
First lecture in abstract algebra. Topics include facts about functions and countable sets, infinite sets of numbers commonly found as underlying sets in alg...- published: 13 Apr 2012
- views: 11612
- author: ohubrismine

Definition: Algebraic structure
Series: Abstract algebra An algebraic structure is a set S together with one or more binar...
published: 08 Jun 2012
author: Kapetosu
Definition: Algebraic structure
Definition: Algebraic structure
Series: Abstract algebra An algebraic structure is a set S together with one or more binary operations closed on S. The set S is called the underlying set. D...- published: 08 Jun 2012
- views: 276
- author: Kapetosu

Algebraic Structures 2.1 - Group Definition
The traditional definition of a group, paralleled with symmetry. A couple examples given....
published: 21 Mar 2013
author: tom denton
Algebraic Structures 2.1 - Group Definition
Algebraic Structures 2.1 - Group Definition
The traditional definition of a group, paralleled with symmetry. A couple examples given.- published: 21 Mar 2013
- views: 124
- author: tom denton

Algebraic Structures 1.0 - Symmetry
published: 08 Feb 2013
author: tom denton
Algebraic Structures 1.0 - Symmetry

Algebraic Structures - 1.1 - Counting Symmetries
Counting Symmetries....
published: 04 Feb 2013
author: tom denton
Algebraic Structures - 1.1 - Counting Symmetries
Algebraic Structures - 1.1 - Counting Symmetries
Counting Symmetries.- published: 04 Feb 2013
- views: 109
- author: tom denton

AlgTop2: Homeomorphism and the group structure on a circle
This is the full second lecture in this beginner's course on Algebraic Topology. We give t...
published: 10 Mar 2011
author: njwildberger
AlgTop2: Homeomorphism and the group structure on a circle
AlgTop2: Homeomorphism and the group structure on a circle
This is the full second lecture in this beginner's course on Algebraic Topology. We give the basic definition of homeomorphism between two topological spaces...- published: 10 Mar 2011
- views: 9743
- author: njwildberger

Algebraic Structures 1.2 - Symmetric Functions
A first look at symmetric functions; another object displaying lots of symmetry....
published: 21 Mar 2013
author: tom denton
Algebraic Structures 1.2 - Symmetric Functions
Algebraic Structures 1.2 - Symmetric Functions
A first look at symmetric functions; another object displaying lots of symmetry.- published: 21 Mar 2013
- views: 40
- author: tom denton

Algebraic Structure in Network Information Theory
Algebraic Structure in Network Information Theory Michael Gastpar Access Distinguished Lec...
published: 31 Oct 2011
author: KTHLearningLab
Algebraic Structure in Network Information Theory
Algebraic Structure in Network Information Theory
Algebraic Structure in Network Information Theory Michael Gastpar Access Distinguished Lecture Series 20111028.- published: 31 Oct 2011
- views: 640
- author: KTHLearningLab

Algebraic Structures 2.0 - Symmetry and Functions
published: 19 Feb 2013
author: tom denton
Algebraic Structures 2.0 - Symmetry and Functions
Algebraic Structures 2.0 - Symmetry and Functions
- published: 19 Feb 2013
- views: 37
- author: tom denton

CompCon 2013 - Buck Shlegeris - Algebraic Behaviour of Data Structures
Data structures have a rich algebraic structure which hasn't really been properly explored...
published: 31 Oct 2013
CompCon 2013 - Buck Shlegeris - Algebraic Behaviour of Data Structures
CompCon 2013 - Buck Shlegeris - Algebraic Behaviour of Data Structures
Data structures have a rich algebraic structure which hasn't really been properly explored. To start with, I'll explain the isomorphism between set size expressions and immutable data structures. I'll explain how differentiation leads to the zipper over a mutable data type, and what zippers are. Then, we'll get to the interesting stuff. There's a correspondence between data structures and context-free grammars, which is really cool. In software engineering, we talk about contracts and class invariants. We can carefully select data structures such that these class invariants and contracts are ensured by the type system. We can describe problems in combinatorics as questions about abstract data structures. I'll exposit this. Most of this presentation is not original. However, the isomorphism between this algebra and context free grammar is original as far as I know. Buck Shlegeris is an undergraduate computer science student at ANU (and also the Director of Sponsorship for CompCon 2013!). His interests are varied, and range from the highly theoretical (How hard is the median instance of the halting problem?) to the practical (How should I make this GUI have a right click menu?). In his spare time, he writes music for his band Buck et al.- published: 31 Oct 2013
- views: 3

Mod-09 Lec-44 The Natural Riemann Surface Structure on an Algebraic Affine Nonsingular Plane Curve
An Introduction to Riemann Surfaces and Algebraic Curves: Complex 1-Tori and Elliptic Curv...
published: 03 Oct 2013
Mod-09 Lec-44 The Natural Riemann Surface Structure on an Algebraic Affine Nonsingular Plane Curve
Mod-09 Lec-44 The Natural Riemann Surface Structure on an Algebraic Affine Nonsingular Plane Curve
An Introduction to Riemann Surfaces and Algebraic Curves: Complex 1-Tori and Elliptic Curves by Dr. T.E. Venkata Balaji, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/syllabus/111106044/ Goals of Lecture 44: * To show that the graph of a holomorphic function is naturally a Riemann surface embedded in complex affine 2-space * To use the Implicit Function Theorem to show that the zero locus of a nonsingular polynomial in two complex variables is naturally a Riemann surface embedded in complex affine 2-space * To show that the elliptic algebraic affine cubic plane curve associated to a punctured complex torus, as described in the previous lecture, has a natural Riemann surface structure which is holomorphically isomorphic to the natural Riemann surface structure on the punctured complex torus (inherited from the complex torus) Keywords for Lecture 44: Upper half-plane, complex torus associated to a lattice (or) grid in the plane, fundamental parallelogram associated to a lattice, doubly-periodic meromorphic function (or) elliptic function associated to a lattice, Weierstrass phe-function associated to a lattice, ordinary differential equation satisfied by the Weierstrass phe-function, zeros of the derivative of the Weierstrass phe-function, pole of order two (or) double pole with residue zero, triple pole (or) pole of order three, cubic equation, elliptic algebraic cubic curve, zeros of a polynomial equation, bicontinuous map (or) homeomorphism, open map, order of an elliptic function, elliptic integral, Argument principle, even function, odd function, analytic branch of the square root, simply connected, punctured torus, elliptic algebraic affine cubic plane curve, projective plane cubic curve, complex affine two-space, complex projective two-space, one-point compactification by adding a point at infinity, Implicit function theorem, graph of a holomorphic function, nonsingular (or) smooth polynomial in two variables, zero locus of a polynomial, solving an implicit equation locally for an explicit function, nonsingular (or) smooth point of the zero locus of a polynomial in two variables, Hausdorff, second countable, connected component, nonsingular cubic polynomial, discriminant of a polynomial, cubic discriminant- published: 03 Oct 2013
- views: 5
Youtube results:

Weniger Lärm durch Numerische Lineare Algebra
The numerical solution of large nonlinear (polynomial or rational) eigenvalue problems is ...
published: 23 Aug 2010
author: MatheonBerlin
Weniger Lärm durch Numerische Lineare Algebra
Weniger Lärm durch Numerische Lineare Algebra
The numerical solution of large nonlinear (polynomial or rational) eigenvalue problems is a crucial question in numerous technologies like the investigation ...- published: 23 Aug 2010
- views: 231
- author: MatheonBerlin

Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Klaus Fredenhagen
The impact of the algebraic approach on perturbative quantum field theory
Content: 1. Int...
published: 07 Oct 2013
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Klaus Fredenhagen
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Klaus Fredenhagen
The impact of the algebraic approach on perturbative quantum field theory Content: 1. Introduction, 2. Algebraic structure of perturbative renormalization, 3. Adiabatic limit, 4. Conclusions and Outlook Slides used in the talk:http://www.lqp.uni-goettingen.de/lqp/events/aqft50/slides/1-2-Fredenhagen.pdf Algebraic Quantum Field Theory -- the first 50 Years Satellite Conference of the International Congress on Mathematical Physics 2009 in Prague. Fifty years after the seminal paper, written by Rudolf Haag in Göttingen, appeared in the Lille proceedings, Algebraic Quantum Field Theory has accumulated a wealth of celebrated insights. Recent developments have opened new and promising perspectives. The conference provides an overview of the many modern facets of this approach. Conference Homepage: http://www.uni-math.gwdg.de/aqft/ Source of videos: http://www.uni-math.gwdg.de/aufzeichnungen/AQFT50/- published: 07 Oct 2013
- views: 1

LO3-CLOSURE PROPERTY_mpeg2video.mpg
Algebraic structures for 9SSLC karnataka board....
published: 30 Dec 2010
author: JaagrutTV
LO3-CLOSURE PROPERTY_mpeg2video.mpg
LO3-CLOSURE PROPERTY_mpeg2video.mpg
Algebraic structures for 9SSLC karnataka board.- published: 30 Dec 2010
- views: 259
- author: JaagrutTV

Angular momentum operator algebra
The structure of quantum mechanical angular momentum is treated by working out the algebra...
published: 15 May 2013
author: Brant Carlson
Angular momentum operator algebra
Angular momentum operator algebra
The structure of quantum mechanical angular momentum is treated by working out the algebraic structure of total angular momentum and the z-component. The tot...- published: 15 May 2013
- views: 56
- author: Brant Carlson