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Jean Cocteau, jardinier d'atmosphère (émission de radio, France Culture, 2011)
Jean-Marie Le Pen invité de Radio France Politique !
Rone dans Radio Vinyle #37 sur France Culture
Bradley Cooper speak french on french radio. He's so cute !
Marine Lorphelin, Miss France 2013 en exclu chez Bruno dans la Radio (Fun Radio)
C' Cauet - 1ère radio libre de France - C'Cauet sur NRJ
Incendie à la Maison de la Radio / Paris - France 31 octobre 2014
Choeur de Radio France "Nabucco" - #JeSuisCharlie
Visite Radio France
Camille Saint Saëns Symphony No 3 'Organ' Myung-Whun Chung Radio France Philarmonic
NRJ 1ère Radio FRANCE !
ZENZILE - Concert á Fip le 22 OCT 2012 720p Radio France
Madlib dans Radio Vinyle #32 sur France Inter
Ne compte pas (Julien Joubert - Bernard Friot) avec la maîtrise de Radio France
Émission "Une vie, une Œuvre", produite par Matthieu Garrigou-Lagrange, réalisée par Isablelle Yhuel, diffusée le 15 mai 2011 sur France Culture. Mise en ligne par Arthur Yasmine, se disant poète. Suivre Arthur Yasmine sur facebook : Tout savoir sur Jean Cocteau :!TdNBgbrC!QWKl3hv086tHkCSOUSSESQ Arthur Yasmine ou les plis du voleur :!GMkVzDZa!IcCE5T4vyAgeKxCqeWC4Gg
Jean-Marie Le Pen, Président d'Honneur du Front National est l'invité de Radio France Politique.
L'artiste électro Rone est l'invité de Radio Vinyle à l'occasion de son ep "Apache". Invité dans la discothèque de Radio France, au micro de Marie Richeux sur France Culture, Rone se dévoile, disques posés sur la platine. De la musique classique, du hip hop, du blues et de la soul, et de l'électro un peu sombre.
Bradley Cooper en promo en France ! Le lundi 30 mai 2011, il est de passage dans le 6/9 de Nikos et, le moins que l'on puisse dire, c'est que l'acteur améric...
Marine Lorphelin, Miss France 2013 fait son tout 1er morning radio chez Bruno sur Fun Radio ! Tous les matins de 6h à 9h c'est "Bruno dans la radio" sur FUN RADIO. Rejoignez nous sur Facebook :
C'Cauet - 1ère radio libre de France C'Cauet sur NRJ de 21h minuit ! Pour plus de kiff, abonne-toi ! Retrouve des centaines de vidéos sur CauetOfficiel : Encore plus de vidéos sur Cauet sur Facebook : Cauet sur Google+ : Cauet sur Twitter : Télécharge l'app de Cauet sur l'AppStore
Un important incendie s'est déclenché dans une zone en travaux de la Maison de la Radio à Paris peu avant midi. Les sapeurs pompiers de Paris (BSPP) ont déployé de gros moyens pour venir en deux heures à bout du sinistre. Les dégâts sont très importants et il n'y a eu aucune victime. Images Laurent Bortolussi - RUSHES NO COMMENT. Format disponible / Available format Full HD 1920x1080 bitrate 24 mbps. These images are available to buy. Please visit for more informations. COPYRIGHT LINE PRESS ©2014. ATTENTION, TOUT USAGE COMMERCIAL OU NON COMMERCIAL STRICTEMENT INTERDIT SANS ACCORD PREALABLE DE L'AUTEUR OU DE LINE PRESS. COPYRIGHT LINE PRESS ©2014. ATTENTION ALL COMMERCIAL OR NON-COMMERCIAL USES ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR OR LINE PRESS.
Soirée de soutien à Charlie Hebdo et aux victimes. Choeur de Radio France "Nabucco" - #JeSuisCharlie Radio France et France Télévisions, avec le Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, organisent une soirée de soutien à CHARLIE HEBDO dimanche 11 janvier à 21 heures à l’Auditorium de la Maison de la radio. Cette soirée est retransmise en direct et en simultané sur France 2, Culturebox, TV5 Monde, France Inter, France Bleu et France Culture. De nombreuses personnalités, artistes, caricaturistes, musiciens, journalistes, intellectuels se succèdent tout au long de la soirée pour témoigner, en humour et en musique, leur soutien à CHARLIE HEBDO, afin que vive la liberté d’expression.
Retour sur la visite des SPCOM Créas de Radio France, et plus précisément France Bleue 107.1.
Camille Saint-Saëns, Symphony No 3 C minor, Organ Symphony Myung-Whun Chung conducts Radio France Philarmonic The symphony was commissioned by the Royal Phil...
La première radio de France se nomme NRJ Hit Music Only ! :D ©NRJGroup, et logos associés sont des marques déposés du groupe NRJ.Copyright, des marques dépos...
4279 ZENZILE 25 10 hd xvid S'ils sont réputés pour avoir posé les bases du dub dans les années 90, les Angevins de Zenzile se sont pourtant aventurés, au cours de leurs 17 années de carričre, dans des territoires bien plus variés, allant puiser dans la pop, le post-rock, le jazz et l'électro. Sur scčne, la formation constitue un petit orchestre de cuivres et de percussions, mené par plusieurs voix dont celle d'un nouveau MC, Jay Ree. Pour ce double concert, FIP invite deux formations issues des Pays de la Loire, mais dont les sonorités dépassent largement ces frontičres régionales. Inspirés par les musiques du monde --notamment jamaďcaines --, Framix et Zenzile ont en commun leur éclectisme et leur manie de déjouer les attentes. FILE SIZE : 1,34 Go CODEC : 720*406 Divx mpeg 4 BITRATE VIDEO : 800 Kb/s AUDIO : AC3 44100 kHz 320 Kb/s LENGH : 1:13:18
Invité dans la Discothèque Centrale de Radio France, Madlib ne sait plus où donner du sample. Au micro de Laura Leishman, l'artiste aux influences éclectiques, goûte aux plaisirs discographiques gravées sur galettes vinyles. Madlib digging through vinyls collection at Radio France Vinyls.
Partition (offerte en plusieurs version - voix égales/voix mixtes) sur Œuvre de Julien Joubert interprétée par la Maîtrise de R...
Aircheck: The French radio station '5 sur 5' recorded in October 1991. The station was broadcasting to all of the southeastern French department of Vaucluse. The songs have been shortened purposely, but commercials and jingles are kept intact.
Le chanteur de Blur et Gorillaz, qui sort son premier album solo, explore la discothèque de Radio France avec Laura Leishman sur France inter. Journée spécia...
Uploaded it on Youtube since you can't watch the original video if you live outside of France.
Identifiant RFI dans les années 90.
Sans rire, François Morel se joint à la mutinerie qui s'est emparée de Radio France, et en particulier de France Inter, depuis le double limogeage de Stéphan...
Thurston Moore samedi 17 janvier sur France Culture, de 19h à 20h. Continent Musiques par Matthieu Conquet Un invité exceptionnel qui sillonne les rayons de la collection de Radio France : Thurston Moore, guitariste et fondateur du groupe Sonic Youth.
Le 26 janvier 2015, Henri de Lesquen recevait dans son Libre Journal sur Radio Courtoisie Laurent Obertone et son éditeur Raphaël Sorin, ainsi que Laurent Artur du Plessis et Mathilde Perrin, pour évoquer l’actualité et son livre La France Big Brother (éditions Ring). Thème du débat : « l’univers du mensonge : comment le système nous conditionne ». A la lumière des derniers évènements (attentats islamiques) ayant débouché sur une manipulation médiatico-politique absolument inouïe, à grand renforts de « padamalgam » et de « je suis Charlie », Obertone et ses interlocuteurs dresse un constat accablant et incontestable sur la société qui est la notre, et qui ressemble de plus en plus à celle, cauchemardesque et totalitaire, décrite par George Orwell dans son livre prophétique : 1984. Marc LEROY – La Plume à Gratter « Ils ne sont grands que parce que nous sommes à genoux » La Boétie
__ • Dvořák: Stabat Mater, op. 58 __ Orchestre Philarmonique de Radio-France Conducted by Jakub Hruša __ for more on this gig and rock cocnerts in Paris. Our facebook page:
Travel video about destination France. France is a country with a long and dramatic history. A country of unique flair and picturesque old towns, fortresses and castles and also a country of beautiful landscapes.Today Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. First established by the Celts, next used strategically by the Romans and then the domain of the Sun King. Paris is not a city but a feeling of joie de vivre! Les Champs Elysees is the French metropolis’ magnificent avenue and surely one of the most beautiful in the world, with wide boulevards, shady corners and large volumes of traffic. For more than a century the members of the French court languished in Versailles where incredible pageantry and opulence dominated and the king celebrated in majestic style. A hundred hectares of ingenious garden design with a strict symmetry of wide star-shaped garden paths that seem to be without end. With its historic buildings, the eighty metre high granite mound of Le Mont-Saint-Michel is like something from a fairy tale. Due to its unique location and architectural splendour this picturesque village is often referred to as the Wonder Of The Occident. The Emerald Coast is a world of foaming white surf and dramatic cliffs. Saint Malo is the proud and solemn “Town Of Corsairs” as the yacht harbour of today once contained pirate ships. The historic centre of Nice, Vielle Ville, has maintained its charm and boasts the most well displayed fish market on the whole Cote D`Azur and a fruit and flower market that each day offers fresh produce and satisfies all the requirements of its most demanding customers. This is a journey to many corners of France - a fascinating journey not to be missed! Paris is the capital and largest city of France. It is situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Ile-de-France region. The most important places to visit in Paris are: Place de la Concorde (the largest square in Paris, it has a 3000 year old Egyptian obelisk and is particularly beautiful at night), Pompidou Center (a colorfully creative modern building housing a vast collection of modern art), Arc de Triomphe (built in the early 1800s by Napoleon, the Arc is a symbol of national pride. At the top, you'll find fantastic views of Paris), Versailles Palace (a royal château just outside of Paris has grand architecture, 700 rooms and beautiful gardens), Notre Dame (one of the most recognized symbols in the world and over 750 years old, Notre Dame has incredibly detailed Gothic architecture), Sacré-Coeur (this Byzantine style stunning light church, despised by intellectuals when it was built, is a must see for Paris visitors), Louvre Museum (perhaps the world's most famous museum, it hosts thousands of pieces of great art, including Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lise), Eiffel Tower (amongst the most recognizable and visited monuments in the world, everyone must experience the Eiffel Tower in their lifetime). If you want to save time and money, the most important Paris travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available. Background music by Kevin MacLeod ( / Dan-O at Thinking of visiting Paris, France? Here are some travel tips about what you will love & hate about visiting the city of lights and possibly the most beautiful city in the world. What to see and do while in Paris. Filmed in Paris, France Copyright Mark Wolters 2012
Take a tour of France's Most Beautiful Villages -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. I'd like to show you the Most Beautiful Villages of France: Embodying France's natural ethereal beauty is the village of Gordes. Engulfed by luxuriant countryside and green hills, it has been deemed one of ''The most beautiful villages of France''. Enshrouded by houses made of stone and terracotta roof tiles, the village exudes warmth and rustic charm. Overlooking a river gorge, the magnificent town of Rocamadour is built into a nearly sheer cliff face. A historical site of pilgrimage and a place of holy relics, Rocamadour is lit with medieval history. Famous for its monastic buildings and gorgeous churches, the village is among the most sought after French destinations. The French village of Honfleur has earned a reputation as an artist's town over time. Its timber framed houses adorned with gray facades and cafe terraces endow it with a marked essence of uniqueness. Lovely harbor views coupled with great architecture and weather makes it a beautiful and ethereal holiday destination. La Roque-Gageac is an amiable village enveloped in the serene waters of the Dordogne. Compelling town sites include its riverside houses, narrow alleys, and manicured gardens all of which are absolutely delightful. A fortified village in the medieval era, it is beset with archaic manors and enthralling cliffs. Eguisheim is a quaint village close to the German border. The characteristic narrow, cobble-stoned streets and alleyways strengthen Equisheim's stature as a resplendent medieval town. Due to its proximity to the German lands, a resolute German influence is evident in its language, architecture, and culture.
*VOTE FOR ME FOR USA TODAY's Best Travel Videographer: Bonjour! Welcome to France. In this video, I explore the 5th largest city in France....Nice! If you love great food, nightlife, shopping, beaches and art, add Nice, France to your list of must-visit destinations. This is a short travel guide to Nice, France. Enjoy! A BIG THANKS TO: Rendez Vous en France: Where you can find me: FACEBOOK- INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - TUMBLR - BLOG - ACTING WEBSITE - If you like what I do, why not share my videos with your friends and family! Music provided by: Audio Jungle: Paris, the capital of France, attracts 42 million visitors a year. You can start your Paris tour on the metro, on foot, or with a taxi or bicycle; the city is easily navigable on all fronts. Visit the Arc de Triomphe in the center of the city and marvel at its graceful lines and commanding presence. Built between 1806 and 1836, the Arc is one of a number of historical arches and landmarks peppering Paris. If your Paris sightseeing includes purchasing souvenirs, head to the Champs-Élysées, home of boutique shopping, numerous restaurants, and many bars, along with a theatre and other entertaining venues. Learn about culture and creativity at the Louvre, a 14th-century palace turned art museum, and check in on the Mona Lisa and her mysterious smile. Notre Dame Cathedral cannot be missed, as this imposing Gothic structure has stood since 1345. Speaking of imposing, the Eiffel Tower is most frequently used to represent Paris. Stroll beneath it to get a good idea of its height, or travel to the top for a stunning view of the City of Light. Visit our Paris travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on social media: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Pinterest: Google+: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
The oldest bakery of Paris that was opened by Louis XV's pastry chef.
Check Our Website : Provence (French pronunciation: [pʁɔ.vɑ̃s]; Provençal: Provença in classical norm or Prouvènço in Mistralian norm, pronounced [pʀuˈvɛⁿsɔ]) is a geographical region and historical province of southeastern France, which extends from the left bank of the lower Rhône River on the west to the Italian border on the east, and is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea on the south.[1] It largely corresponds with the modern administrative région of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, and includes the départements of Var, Bouches-du-Rhône, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and parts of Alpes-Maritimes and Vaucluse.[2] The Romans made the region into the first Roman province beyond the Alps and called it Provincia Romana, which evolved into the present name. It was ruled by the Counts of Provence from their capital in Aix-en-Provence until 1481, when it became a province of the Kings of France.[2] While it has been part of France for more than five hundred years, it still retains a distinct cultural and linguistic identity, particularly in the interior of the region.[3] Extra Tags: Provence travel guide travel to Provence Provence tourism travel Provence Provence travel tips Provence travel card Provence tours Provence travel packages Provence travel information what to do in Provence Provence guide Provence info places to visit in Provence ferry to Provence Provence tourist attractions Provence travel deals traveling to Provence guide Provence Provence tourist guide Provence attractions travel in Provence Provence tour Provence the netherlands travelling to Provence visiting Provence cheap travel to Provence Provence tour guide i Provence things to do in Provence Provence what to do lonely planet Provence Provence lonely planet Provence gay travel travel guide Provence things to do Provence things to see in Provence tours Provence tourism Provence Provence visit Provence places to visit tour Provence tourist information Provence Provence ferry tours in Provence Provence tourism guide info Provence what to see in Provence Provence sightseeing travel hotel Provence Provence city tour Provence city tours guide to Provence ferries to Provence Provence city Provence travel info Provence city centre Provence tourist information Provence city guide
Nice, France. For more information check out our Nice Travel Guide at
Join Steve Smith, co-author of Rick Steves' France guidebook, as he shares tips and insights for traveling in France. Experience the very best of Paris along with its most stunning surroundings: the Loire Valley's exquisite châteaux; Brittany's half-timbered villages; Normandy's magical Mont St-Michel and stirring D-Day beaches; Monet's dreamy gardens at Giverny; prehistoric caves and stunning beauty of the Dordogne region, and a medieval castle being painstakingly built in Burgundy today — using lots of muscle and 13th-century technology. (Please note this presentation was filmed April 6, 2013 and any special promotions or discounts mentioned are no longer valid.) Subscribe to for regular updates on European destinations. For more travel information, visit
Cannes' moment of glory takes place in May, with the International Film Festival, when images of the stars descending the red-carpeted steps of the Palais des Festivals are flashed across TV...
One of the most beautiful medium sized cities in the world, Nice has something for everyone. And should you get bored, just a short train trip away you can also visit Monte Carlo (Monaco). The beaches are crystal blue and the city looks like a carbon copy of Paris (on a smaller scale). Actually we like Nice much more than Paris. Monaco, meh... we are not too sure yet. It may take another couple of trips. ◄ ► ------------------------ Music: Music ------------------- "Monkeys Spinning Monkeys" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Direct Link: ----------------------- "Master of the Feast" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Direct Link: -------------------------- "Pippin the Hunchback" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Direct Link:
Bonjour! Welcome to France. In this video, we will explore the second largest city in France...Marseille! If you enjoy fresh fish, beautiful historic and modern architecture, independent shops and cafes and music festivals, you'll definitely enjoy this video. PLACES I VISITED & THINGS I DID IN THIS VIDEO: * La Grande Savvoineire *City Tour Marseille * Fête de la Musique CHECK OUT MY OTHER FRANCE VIDEOS: * Nice, France Travel Guide - * Aix en Provence Travel Guide - A BIG THANKS TO: Rendez Vous en France: Where you can find me: FACEBOOK- INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - TUMBLR - BLOG - ACTING WEBSITE - If you like what I do, why not share my videos with your friends and family! Music provided by: Audio Jungle: A dedicated website for travel Taboos, Dos and Donts of world popular destinations, such as France. Come to visit this website fo...
4 Days in the Cote D'Azur! What a great grown-up getaway. Check out the adorable 57-room La Perouse Hotel and find out where to go and what to do on this insider's look at the South of France. Where we stayed Matisse Museum Chagall Museum: Where we ate: (Nice) Travel Agent: Louis Sole/Frosch Travel For more lifestyle trends, visit Follow us on Facebook Follow our tweets @momtrends!/momtrends See our style inspiration Join the Conversation on Google+ Momtrends' channel is all about providing fashion and style inspiration to moms. From the trendiest fashions to the coolest gear to beauty trends, we want you to feel fabulous every day. luxury travel, southern France, Nice, France travel, Côte d'Azur, travel guide, mom trends, Matisse museum, things to do in France, French Travel, Monaco, Hotel Le Perouse review, Nice beaches
*VOTE FOR ME FOR USA TODAY's Best Travel Videographer: Bonjour! Welcome to France. In this video, I explore beautiful and elegant Aix-en-Provence. If you enjoy vibrant art scenes, colourful festivals, bustling markets, walks in the countryside, quant cafes and 17th and 18th century mansions, press play and enjoy! Oh and there may be some wine consumption as well. Enjoy! Check out Vivienne's Photography: PLACES I VISITED & THINGS I DID IN THIS VIDEO: * Cours Mirabeau (clothes and textiles) - * Place Richelme (local produce) * Place de l'Hôtel de Ville (Flower Market) - * Chateau La Coste - A BIG THANKS TO: Rendez Vous en France: Where you can find me: FACEBOOK- INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - TUMBLR - BLOG - ACTING WEBSITE - If you like what I do, why not share my videos with your friends and family! Music provided by: Audio Jungle:
Take a tour of Paris, France (Bastille Day Ideas) - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I'd like to give you a tour of the top 10 attractions of Paris. Number ten, Hotel de Ville. This grand neo-Renaissance style landmark built centuries ago is home of the city administration. Number nine, Place de la Concorde. The largest square in Paris, it has a 3000 year old Egyptian obelisk and is particularly beautiful at night. Number eight, the Pompidou Center. A colorfully creative modern building housing a vast collection of modern art. Number seven, Arc de Triomphe. Built in the early 1800s by Napoleon, the Arc is a symbol of national pride. At the top, you'll find fantastic views of Paris. Number six is the Seine Boat Cruise. It's affordable, convenient, and in a short period of time you can see many major landmarks of the city. Number five, Versailles Palace. A royal château just outside of Paris has grand architecture, 700 rooms and beautiful gardens. Number four, Notre Dame. One of the most recognized symbols in the world and over 750 years old, Notre Dame has incredibly detailed Gothic architecture. Number three, Sacré-Coeur. This Byzantine style stunning light church, despised by intellectuals when it was built, is a must see for Paris visitors. Number two, the Louvre Museum. Perhaps the world's most famous museum, it hosts thousands of pieces of great art, including Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lise. And number one is the Eiffel Tower. Amongst the most recognizable and visited monuments in the world, everyone must experience the Eiffel Tower in their lifetime. Keep watching our travel series. Ciao.
Learn how to say Bonjour and other common French phrases for your Paris visit. Other Information Language - French Here are the top ten commonly French spoken phrases or words. Number ten: To confirm whether other person understands English use parlez-vous anglais? Parlez-vous anglais, which means do you speak English? Number nine: To convey that you do not understand French, you can say "je ne comprends pas". "Je ne comprends pas", which means "I do not understand". Number eight: While you are on shopping spree, Iam sure this would help, "c'est combien?" "C'est combien", which means "how much is it?" Number seven: When asking the waiter for the check, it would be "l'addition". "L'addition", which literally means "the bill" in English. Number six: It is common to add sir or madam when addressing someone. Sir in French is "monsieur", and ma'am is "madame". "Monsieur, madame". Number five: To get directions you can use "ou est". For instance, if you are looking for the River Seine, you can say, "Ou est la Seine?" "Ou est la Seine?" Number four: Yes is "oui", and no is "non". "Oui", "non". Number three are greetings. For good evening, it is "bonsoir". "Bonsoir". For good night it is "bonne nuit". "Bonne nuit". And for good bye, it is "au revoir". "Au revoir". Number two: Thank you is "merci". "Merci". Please is "s'il vous plait". "S'il vous plait". And excuse me is "excusez-moi". "Excusez-moi". Here is a French word that you would use very often, "bonjour". "Bonjour", which means hello in English. I am Sabine Cormy, showing you Paris.
Fun Travel Guide to Dijon, what to see, what to do in Dijon. This Video log will take you traveling around Dijon to show you why you should visit Dijon. (Video log is courtesy of ATOUT FRANCE) Nice is a large city in the France. It is located along the French Riviera that gives it a memorable beautiful. Nice City has many attractive sites to be shown to its visitors and enjoyed all along. There are natural features, extensive sandy beaches, and historic sites with history-telling strictures of the past centuries of the French society. Nice reveals the nature of the majestic French culture brought about by the many French Tribes living within the city. The most important places to visit in Nice are: Promenade des Anglais (no other place showcases French Riviera better than Nice. Start with this famous avenue. Stunning buildings are a feast for the eyes), Markets (nice has a long tradition of great markets where you get fresh produce and a wide variety of local restaurants), Russian Orthodox Cathedral (this architectural gem was constructed in the early 20th century), Place Massena (the central square in Nice is surrounded by colorful buildings, giving it a Mediterranean feel. Around the square are many shops and restaurants), Beaches (enjoy the French Riviera by spending some time on one of its many beaches. Soak in the sun, take a walk, or just watch the world go by) and many more. This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Nice travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
Fun Travel Guide to Nice and it's culture, what to see, what to do in Nice, France. This Video log will take you traveling around Nice to show you it's fine art and must see monuments and why you should visit Nice. (Video log is courtesy of ATOUT FRANCE).
A walk around the city of Paris France during a period of one week in December 2011. Paris, being my favorite city, was deserving of a longer film. I hope that this longer, yet 'small scratch of the surface' film of this magnificent city shall convince you to visit for yourselves and experience all that Paris has to offer first hand. Bon Voyage! With Google Maps, you may get an even better idea of these spots by cross referencing the image description to the map:,2.3364169,12z?hl=en I definitely recommend taking a tour with 'Sight Seekers Delight' in Paris. Their various walking tours show you the best of Paris. The musicians playing in the metro in the film are called "Les Musiciens de Lviv". Some more info on them: The man doing tricks with the football at Montmartre is Iya Traoré, a professional football player and freestyler. Camera equipment: --------------------------- - Sony HDR-AX2000 HD video camera (night shots and most stationary shots). - Sony Nex-VG10 HD video camera (walking shots). Camera Accessories ----------------------------- - Glidecam HD-2000 hand-held camera stabilization. - Sennheiser K6 module + ME66 shotgun microphone capsule. - Manfrotto 701HDV pro fluid video mini head / 055XB tripod legs.
More info about travel to the French Riviera: Nice is an enjoyable, big-city highlight of the Riviera.Its traffic-free old city mixes Italian and French flavors to create a spicy Mediterranean dressing, while its big squares, broad seaside walkways, and long beaches invite lounging and people-watching. At, you'll find money-saving travel tips, small-group tours, guidebooks, TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and more on this destination. Paris is the capital and largest city of France. It is situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Ile-de-France region. The most important places to visit in Paris are: Place de la Concorde (the largest square in Paris, it has a 3000 year old Egyptian obelisk and is particularly beautiful at night), Pompidou Center (a colorfully creative modern building housing a vast collection of modern art), Arc de Triomphe (built in the early 1800s by Napoleon, the Arc is a symbol of national pride. At the top, you'll find fantastic views of Paris), Versailles Palace (a royal château just outside of Paris has grand architecture, 700 rooms and beautiful gardens), Notre Dame (one of the most recognized symbols in the world and over 750 years old, Notre Dame has incredibly detailed Gothic architecture), Sacré-Coeur (this Byzantine style stunning light church, despised by intellectuals when it was built, is a must see for Paris visitors), Louvre Museum (perhaps the world's most famous museum, it hosts thousands of pieces of great art, including Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lise), Eiffel Tower (amongst the most recognizable and visited monuments in the world, everyone must experience the Eiffel Tower in their lifetime). If you want to save time and money, the most important Paris travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
Frederic BOREY "The Option" - Full concert Jazz sur le Vif @Radio France October, 27th 2012 Pierre Perchaud (guitar) Paul Lay (piano) Florent Nisse (bass) St...
The new Organ of Radio France, Paris Le nouvel Orgue de Radio France, Paris Die neue Orgel von Radio France, Paris gebaut von Gerhard Grenzing 86 Register, 4...
Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France Choeur de Radio France Christina Landshamer, soprano Marie-Nicole Lemieux, contralto Myung-Whun Chung
Émission Tout un monde du 31/10/2010 avec Philippe Brunet et Marie-Hélène Fraïssé, diffusée sur France Culture. Site de Philippe Brunet et sa compagnie de théâtre : Acheter son excellente traduction de l'Iliade : Mise en ligne par Arthur Yasmine. Se disant Poète. Tout savoir sur Homère :!KB0zyRCR!fubLJWBRHPUkHFa-Bj-Z5w Le reste est dans les plis du voleur :!GMkVzDZa!IcCE5T4vyAgeKxCqeWC4Gg [Tableau de Jean-Dominique Ingres, L'apothéose d'Homère, 1827, Musée du Louvre. « Homère reçoit l'hommage de tous les grands hommes de la Grèce, de Rome et des temps modernes. L'Univers le couronne, Hérodote fait fumer de l'encens. L'Iliade et l'Odyssée sont à ses pieds. »]
Jean-Luc Mélenchon était l'invité de Radio France Politique le dimanche 20 mai 2012. Autre source et téléchargement :
Justice - DJ Set - Radio NRJ France - 20/08/2012 - Official 00. Intro : C'hantal - The Realm (Acapella) 01. Justice - Horsepower 02. Boys Noize - What You Want 03. Gesaffelstein - Belgium 04. SebastiAn - Prime 05. Daft Punk - Short Circuit 06. Kavinsky - Nightcall (Dustin N'Guyen Remix) 07. Carte Blanche - Gare Du Nord 08. The Chemical Brothers - Morning Lemon 09. ZZT - Party Over Los Angeles 10. Justice - Canon (Tiga Remix) 11. TC Crew - Once Bitten (Cosmic Kids Edit) 12. Club Cheval - Now U Realize 13. Larent Garnier - Coloured City 14. John Dalback - Take This Thing Back (Jacques Lu Cont Remix) 15. Armand Van Helden - Koochy 16. Errosmith - In a Sweat (Live Version) 17. Late Of The Pier - Focker (Boys Noize Remix) 18. Feadz - The Ultimate (feat. Boys Noize) 19. The Chemical Brothers - These Beats Are Made For Breakin' 20. Surkin - Ultralight 21. The Prodigy - Everybody In The Place 22. LFO - Butterslut 23. Cassius - La Mouche 24. Donna Summer - Our Love 25. Prince - Controversy 26. Justice - Waters Of Nazareth 27. Chilly Gonzales - Never Stop (Erol Alkan Remix) 28. Mr Oizo - Textes 29. Birdy Nam Nam - Defiant Order 30. Jay Z feat. Swizz Beats - On To The Next One 31. Justice - On'n'On 32. Snoop Dogg - GZ and Hustlas 33. Michael Jackson - Burn This Disco Out 34. ZZT - Lower State Of Consciousness (Justice Remix) 35. Les Rythmes Digitales - Jacques Your Body 36. Junior Senior - Move Your Feet 37. Surkin - I.N.Y.N 38. Justice - Phantom Part II Boys Noize Remix) 39. Grant Phabao - Tub 40. Boys Noize - XTC 41. Crackboy - Something For Your Mind 42. Justice - Newlands (DJ Falcon) 43. ELO - On The Run 44. Aphex Twin - We Have Arrived (Aphex Twin QQT Mix) 45. MOP - Ante Up 46. Pharoahe Monch - Simon Says 47. Snoop Dogg - G Funk Intro 48. Ginuwine - Pony 49. T Rex - Get It On 50. The Hacker - Shockwave (Gesaffelstein Remix) 51. Feadz - Numanoid 52. Birdy Nam Nam - Goin' Wild (Skrillex Goin' Down Remix) 53. Yuksek - I Could Never Be A Dancer 54. Justice - Audio Video Disco
Une Topographie Sonore: Col De Vence (avec Yannick Dauby) (Radio France performance 2002) Thomas Köner ℗ Rhizomatique Released on: 2010-09-03 Original Publisher: RUECKBANK MUSIKVERLAG MARK CHUNG EK Auto-generated by YouTube.
Émission "Une vie, une œuvre", diffusée le 30 avril 1992 sur France Culture. Mise en ligne par Arthur Yasmine, poète vivant. Suivre Arthur Yasmine sur facebook : Tout savoir Lautréamont :!adkBSIgA!sdBTv0j5vBrGvwmi_B-F_g Arthur Yasmine ou les plis du voleur :!GMkVzDZa!IcCE5T4vyAgeKxCqeWC4Gg
Igor Stravinsky: Violin Concerto in D I. Toccata (00:00) II. Aria I (06:19) III. Aria II (11:09) IV. Allegro non troppo (17:17) Sayaka Shoji, violin Orchestr...
Émission le Mardi des auteurs, diffusée le 06 10 2009, sur France Culture, produite par Matthieu Garrigou-Lagrange, avec la participation de Martin Quenehen ...
Source et article connexes : ou : Emission animée...
Retrouvez en vidéo l'intégralité du concert de Murray Head en son haute définition grâce aux images tournées par les spectateurs et rassemblées par Evergig.
Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony No 9 D minor Ode to Joy Ode an die Freude Ode à la joie Inno alla Gioia Oda a la alegría 頌歌喜びへ Myung-Whun Chung conducts Radio ...
Jean-Luc Mélenchon, le candidat du Front de gauche à la présidentielle de 2012, était l'invité de Radio France Politique. Source ( son non-saturé ) : http://...
Un concert classique, enregistré en Décembre 2013 par l'orchestre philharmonique de Radio France. Participation exceptionnelle de : Frédéric Autoun, Omo Bello, le Choeur de Radio France, la Maîtrise de Radio France et enfin Natalie Dessay.
Michel El Malem Concert Radio France Avril 2O12 Michel El malem saxophones Bruno Angelini Piano Michael Felberbaum guitare Marc Buronfosse contrebasse Luc Isenmann Batterie
__ • Schönberg: Verklärte nacht, op. 4 Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France Conducted by Daniel Harding __.
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Passage de Julia Molkhou (France 4), finaliste des Jeunes Talents 2015 dans la catégorie journaliste TV. Broadcast-associés - Maxi l'Air - Open Radio - La Fabrique à News
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Topic: International organizations criticized the People's Party, which wants the armed forces election participation អង្គការអន្តរជាតិរិះគន់បក្សប្រជាជនដែលចង់ឲ្យកងប្រដាប់អាវុធចូលរួមឃោសនាបោះឆ្នោត Please click Visit Channel Big Show: Cambodia news today 2015 this week Daily khmer new 2015 Khmer hot News today Khmer History 2015 Cambodia History Daily Khmer new 2015 khmer News 2015 Cambodia 2015 Cambodia news 2015 khmer news khmer news 2015 Breking News 2015 rfi rfi khmer rfi khmer news today rfi khmer news today 2015 rfi radio rfi khmer radio rfi khmer video rfi khmer news rfi khmer new 2015 Hot News Daily News justice khmer rouge khmer rouge killing fields RFI Khmer News Today Cambodia News For Today Cambodia Daily News Khmer Hot News Cambodia Video News Khmer News Cambodia/Khmer Videos rfi radio RADIO FRANCE INTERNATIONALE archive RADIO FRANCE INTERNATIONALE khmer phnom penh everyday khmer news rfi khmer RADIO FRANCE INTERNATIONALE broadcasting rfi khmer RADIO FRANCE INTERNATIONALE rfi khmer radio news www.rfi.rfi khmer live tv radio rfi rfi khmer video world khmer radio khmer news rfi khmer radio RADIO FRANCE INTERNATIONALE We bring you the Khmer News & Cambodia Political news in Khmer Language about Cambodia. Are you from the United States, or other country beside Cambodia? Are you look for Khmer News This Week? Do you want to get daily update about Cambodia Political News? Then you come to the right place, we upload everyday about Cambodia News or Khmer News and Cambodia Political News TODAY. From now, you can follow my channel to get update about how thing is going in Cambodia. Other from Cambodia political news, we also upload video about Khmer News in general to help you better understand about our Cambodia.
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Extrait du chat vidéo réalisé le 09 mars 2015, à l'occasion de la journée Marjane Satrapi rédac' chef d'un jour sur
Alain Bauer, maître du Grand Orient de France entre 2000 à 2003 © Radio France Le patron de la Police Judiciaire parisienne, Bernard Petit, a été mis en examen jeudi pour violation du secret de l'instruction. Alain Bauer, criminologue et ancien maître du Grand Orient de France, nie que Bernard Petit soit franc-maçon et explique que cette tradition d'appartenance de la police est "aujourd’hui extrêmement réduite". Le directeur de la police judiciaire parisienne, Bernard Petit, a été mis en examen jeudi soir pour violation du secret de l'instruction et placé sous contrôle judiciaire avec interdiction d'exercer ses fonctions. Alain Bauer, criminologue, spécialiste des questions de sécurité, également maître du Grand Orient de France de 2000 à 2003, explique avoir déjà rencontré le directeur de la police judiciaire parisienne. "Bernard Petit a des liens avec moi parce que je suis criminologue et que c’est mon métier, mais ce n’est pas un intime. Il n’est pas franc-maçon, pas plus d’ailleurs qu’aucun des mis en cause. Le grand maître du Grand Orient a fait vérifier et nous assumons quand il y a des corrompus. Aucun d’ente eux n’est ou n’a été au Grand Orient." La franc-maçonnerie au sein de la police Si l'on en croit certains, un quart des policiers seraient affiliés à une loge maçonnique. C’est inexact, répond Alain Bauer. "C’est en général un cinquième des commissaires et cela est du à une tradition simple : la maçonnerie impériale a fait en sorte que tous les hauts cadres de l’administration de l’Etat aient eu une sorte d’obligation d’appartenance, un peu comme en Grande-Bretagne." Une tradition aujourd’hui extrêmement réduite, affirme Alain Bauer. "Il doit y avoir, peut-être, un dixième des cadres de la police qui appartiennent à une des nombreuses loges disponibles." Dans cette affaire, il n’y a pas de sujet politique ou maçonnique dans cette affaire, estime-t-il. "Il y a plus que de l’imprudence dans l’art et la manière dont des policiers ne savent pas gérer leurs téléphones, leurs amitiés et leur entourage. Mais c'est l’enquête qui le dira, car pour le moment ils ne sont que mis en cause et par encore condamnés." Le problème de la Préfecture de police Pour Alain Bauer, le vrai problème est celui de la place de la préfecture de police. "Ce qui pose problème c’est l’autonomie ou l’indépendance de la Préfecture de police à l’intérieur de la Police nationale. Depuis 1965, on a essayé d’insérer la Préfecture de police dans la Police nationale, mais aujourd’hui encore elle vit totalement à part." La solution serait de lui trouver une place raisonnable, et pour cela "il y a peut-être un travail à faire avec la direction centrale de la police judiciaire," conclut Alain Bauer.... aidi
A l'occasion des 10 ans de la Maison de Solenn, l'Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France a généreusement offert un moment musical aux invités.
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rfi khmer khmer post rfa khmer mobile world khmer radio voa khmer radio voa khmer rfi radio koh santepheap rfa khmer video ki media rfi rfa khmer podcast rfa khmer news 2013 rfa khmer youtube rfa Burmese rfa burmese rfa tieng viet danlambao voa vnexpress rfa khmer rfa tv www rfa org khmer khmer live tv radio rfa voa radio khmer khmer rfa news rfa khmer radio free asia rfa khmer radio voa rfa khmer radio vietnam rfa khmer radio cambodia rfa khmer radio free asia broadcasts rfa khmer radio free asia broadcasting rfa khmer radio news rfa khmer radio asia rfa khmer cambodian ki-media blogspot rfa khmer news rfa khmer cambodian broadcasts rfa vietnamese dvb dai rfa tieng viet rfa fighting rfa khmer radio free asia rfa mma khmer news radio radio francaise internationale rfa khmer radio voa khmer radio rfi radio rfa voa rfa khmer voa khmer rfi khmer archive khmer rouge cnrp voa rfi radio rfi radio khmer rfi radio en direct rfi radio hausa rfi radio francais facile rfi radio frequency interference rfi radio vietnamese rfi radio foot international rfi radio soufriere rfi khmer radio in france khmer live tv rfi khmer radio news facebook sign up rfi khmer radio in french rfa khmer radio free asia khmer newspaper cnrp radio cnpr certification cnrp mining inc cnrp protocol cnrp mining cnrp facebook cnrp song cnrp youth cnrp cambodia pp post khmer cnrp tv cnrp_tv_news cnrp news khmer news CNRP TV News CNRP Party CNRP Party Facebook CNRP Certification Khmer CNRP TV Cambodian National Rescue Party sbk khmer radio sbk live radio sbk real radio sbk radio cambodia sbk radio voa khmer video koh santepheap rfa khmer khmer news youtube rfi khmer voa khmer media dap news voa special English voa khmer news cambodian voa khmer news today rfa khmer voa khmer news service voa khmer news languages voa khmer news video recent release youtube khmer cambodia khmer youtube voa khmer news today 2013 RFA Khmer Cambodia Khmer Krom RadioKhmer Live TV VOA News VOA Khmer Cambodian VOA Khmer Radio Cambodia Cambodia News koh santepheap radio camhr koh santepheap video clip koh santepheap news in khmer koh santepheap daily online koh santepheap daily khmer koh santepheap daily kh breaking news index koh santepheap youtube koh santepheap cambodia daily koh santepheap daily local category khmer koh santepheap koh santepheap kh free radio asia khmer news-hang meas hdtv khmer news hang meas hdtv hang meas hdtv cambodia news hang meas hdtv hang meas hdtv cambodia Hang Meas News 2014 Hang Meas Khmer News Today Hang Meas HDTV Khmer CTN News Today Khmer Comedy Accident New 2013 Hang Meas HDTV New Khmer Hang Meas New Khmer News Hang Meas HDTV
Full list:;=PLkcOnoNAYoN9vYkHNRc04vshiwHBpB_AD Source: Radio France International (RFI) Auteur: RFI Un journal qui présente l'actualité avec des mots simples et explique les événements dans leur contexte, 20h Paris chaque jour.
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Vayo fm - News 08 March 2015 6.00am vayo fm radio news archive vayo fm radio khmer vayo fm vayo fm facebook news radio fm radio stations fm radio online rfa khmer radio radio radio khmer post radio khmer free asia voa khmer radio khmer news Radio Free Asia Radio Khmer Post Radio France Khmer Khmer News VOA Khmer Live TV Khmer Radio Live Khmer News Khmer Post Radio Listening to Khmer Music Khmer Video Khmer Empire Khmer Live TV Khmer Rouge Khmer Comedy Radio France International khmer legend book ancient aliens khmer legend cambodian legends cambodian legends and myths
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rfi khmer khmer post rfa khmer mobile world khmer radio voa khmer radio voa khmer rfi radio koh santepheap rfa khmer video ki media rfi rfa khmer podcast rfa khmer news 2013 rfa khmer youtube rfa Burmese rfa burmese rfa tieng viet danlambao voa vnexpress rfa khmer rfa tv www rfa org khmer khmer live tv radio rfa voa radio khmer khmer rfa news rfa khmer radio free asia rfa khmer radio voa rfa khmer radio vietnam rfa khmer radio cambodia rfa khmer radio free asia broadcasts rfa khmer radio free asia broadcasting rfa khmer radio news rfa khmer radio asia rfa khmer cambodian ki-media blogspot rfa khmer news rfa khmer cambodian broadcasts rfa vietnamese dvb dai rfa tieng viet rfa fighting rfa khmer radio free asia rfa mma khmer news radio radio francaise internationale rfa khmer radio voa khmer radio rfi radio rfa voa rfa khmer voa khmer rfi khmer archive khmer rouge cnrp voa rfi radio rfi radio khmer rfi radio en direct rfi radio hausa rfi radio francais facile rfi radio frequency interference rfi radio vietnamese rfi radio foot international rfi radio soufriere rfi khmer radio in france khmer live tv rfi khmer radio news facebook sign up rfi khmer radio in french rfa khmer radio free asia khmer newspaper cnrp radio cnpr certification cnrp mining inc cnrp protocol cnrp mining cnrp facebook cnrp song cnrp youth cnrp cambodia pp post khmer cnrp tv cnrp_tv_news cnrp news khmer news CNRP TV News CNRP Party CNRP Party Facebook CNRP Certification Khmer CNRP TV Cambodian National Rescue Party sbk khmer radio sbk live radio sbk real radio sbk radio cambodia sbk radio voa khmer video koh santepheap rfa khmer khmer news youtube rfi khmer voa khmer media dap news voa special English voa khmer news cambodian voa khmer news today rfa khmer voa khmer news service voa khmer news languages voa khmer news video recent release youtube khmer cambodia khmer youtube voa khmer news today 2013 RFA Khmer Cambodia Khmer Krom RadioKhmer Live TV VOA News VOA Khmer Cambodian VOA Khmer Radio Cambodia Cambodia News koh santepheap radio camhr koh santepheap video clip koh santepheap news in khmer koh santepheap daily online koh santepheap daily khmer koh santepheap daily kh breaking news index koh santepheap youtube koh santepheap cambodia daily koh santepheap daily local category khmer koh santepheap koh santepheap kh free radio asia khmer news-hang meas hdtv khmer news hang meas hdtv hang meas hdtv cambodia news hang meas hdtv hang meas hdtv cambodia Hang Meas News 2014 Hang Meas Khmer News Today Hang Meas HDTV Khmer CTN News Today Khmer Comedy Accident New 2013 Hang Meas HDTV New Khmer Hang Meas New Khmer News Hang Meas HDTV
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rfi khmer khmer post rfa khmer mobile world khmer radio voa khmer radio voa khmer rfi radio koh santepheap rfa khmer video ki media rfi rfa khmer podcast rfa khmer news 2013 rfa khmer youtube rfa Burmese rfa burmese rfa tieng viet danlambao voa vnexpress rfa khmer rfa tv www rfa org khmer khmer live tv radio rfa voa radio khmer khmer rfa news rfa khmer radio free asia rfa khmer radio voa rfa khmer radio vietnam rfa khmer radio cambodia rfa khmer radio free asia broadcasts rfa khmer radio free asia broadcasting rfa khmer radio news rfa khmer radio asia rfa khmer cambodian ki-media blogspot rfa khmer news rfa khmer cambodian broadcasts rfa vietnamese dvb dai rfa tieng viet rfa fighting rfa khmer radio free asia rfa mma khmer news radio radio francaise internationale rfa khmer radio voa khmer radio rfi radio rfa voa rfa khmer voa khmer rfi khmer archive khmer rouge cnrp voa rfi radio rfi radio khmer rfi radio en direct rfi radio hausa rfi radio francais facile rfi radio frequency interference rfi radio vietnamese rfi radio foot international rfi radio soufriere rfi khmer radio in france khmer live tv rfi khmer radio news facebook sign up rfi khmer radio in french rfa khmer radio free asia khmer newspaper cnrp radio cnpr certification cnrp mining inc cnrp protocol cnrp mining cnrp facebook cnrp song cnrp youth cnrp cambodia pp post khmer cnrp tv cnrp_tv_news cnrp news khmer news CNRP TV News CNRP Party CNRP Party Facebook CNRP Certification Khmer CNRP TV Cambodian National Rescue Party sbk khmer radio sbk live radio sbk real radio sbk radio cambodia sbk radio voa khmer video koh santepheap rfa khmer khmer news youtube rfi khmer voa khmer media dap news voa special English voa khmer news cambodian voa khmer news today rfa khmer voa khmer news service voa khmer news languages voa khmer news video recent release youtube khmer cambodia khmer youtube voa khmer news today 2013 RFA Khmer Cambodia Khmer Krom RadioKhmer Live TV VOA News VOA Khmer Cambodian VOA Khmer Radio Cambodia Cambodia News koh santepheap radio camhr koh santepheap video clip koh santepheap news in khmer koh santepheap daily online koh santepheap daily khmer koh santepheap daily kh breaking news index koh santepheap youtube koh santepheap cambodia daily koh santepheap daily local category khmer koh santepheap koh santepheap kh free radio asia khmer news-hang meas hdtv khmer news hang meas hdtv hang meas hdtv cambodia news hang meas hdtv hang meas hdtv cambodia Hang Meas News 2014 Hang Meas Khmer News Today Hang Meas HDTV Khmer CTN News Today Khmer Comedy Accident New 2013 Hang Meas HDTV New Khmer Hang Meas New Khmer News Hang Meas HDTV
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Avec Julien Pelé et Verdurette
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The international exhibition in the Central France began on March 13 and will conclude on March 27.
The Hindu 2015-03-27France coach Didier Deschamps insisted his team improved in the second half against Brazil despite losing 3-1 on Thursday.
FourFourTwo 2015-03-27Morgan Schneiderlin could not prevent France from being beaten on their own turf by Brazil this evening.
noodls 2015-03-27Didier Deschamps's France team came close to an equaliser shortly afterwards but Benzema skied his volley over the bar.
DNA India 2015-03-27A fine finish from captain Neymar helped secure a come-from-behind 3-1 win for Brazil over France in ...
Sydney Morning Herald 2015-03-27Didier Deschamps’s France team came close to an equaliser shortly afterwards but Benzema skied his volley over the bar.
The Independent 2015-03-27Embassy of Canada in France ) ... This content was issued by Embassy of Canada in France on the ...
noodls 2015-03-27A fine finish from captain Neymar helped secure a come-from-behind 3-1 win for Brazil over France in ...
The Times of India 2015-03-27Neymar scored his 43rd international goal and midfielder Willian set up two as Brazil beat France, ...
New York Times 2015-03-27A constant threat on the counter-attack throughout the first half, France pushed forward and won another corner.
noodls 2015-03-27... the Stade de France ... Brazil, France, Didier Deschamps From the web ... Brazil - Chile France - Denmark.
Goal 2015-03-27The campaign flyer for Jean-Philippe Leveque and France Duchesne, National Front (FN) party candidates in Val-de-Marn.
Bloomberg 2015-03-27Political elites and super-bureaucrats are worried. It’s becoming harder to control consensus reality.
GlobalResearch 2015-03-27France (English i/ˈfræns/ FRANSS or /ˈfrɑːns/ FRAHNSS; French: [fʁɑ̃s] (
listen)), officially the French Republic (French: République française [ʁepyblik fʁɑ̃sɛz]), is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea, and from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean. It is often referred to as l’Hexagone ("The Hexagon") because of the geometric shape of its territory. It is the largest western European country and it possesses the second-largest exclusive economic zone in the world, covering 11,035,000 km2 (4,260,000 sq mi), just behind that of the United States (11,351,000 km2 / 4,383,000 sq mi).
Over the past 500 years, France has been a major power with strong cultural, economic, military and political influence in Europe and around the world. During the 17th and 18th centuries, France colonised great parts of North America and Southeast Asia; during the 19th and early 20th centuries, France built the second largest colonial empire of the time, including large portions of North, West and Central Africa, Southeast Asia, and many Caribbean and Pacific Islands.