
Top 10 Rare Dog Breeds
If you have any complaints, why do you think I put on the website I found my information a...
published: 06 Aug 2009
author: KnightTrust
Top 10 Rare Dog Breeds
Top 10 Rare Dog Breeds
If you have any complaints, why do you think I put on the website I found my information at, huh? Here is the info page: http://listverse.com/2007/11/20/top-...- published: 06 Aug 2009
- views: 526552
- author: KnightTrust

4 Pretty & Rare Dog Breeds
1. Pharaoh Hound 2. Ibizan Hound 3. Rhodesian Ridgeback 4. Thai Ridgeback....
published: 21 Oct 2012
author: cats4ever01
4 Pretty & Rare Dog Breeds
4 Pretty & Rare Dog Breeds
1. Pharaoh Hound 2. Ibizan Hound 3. Rhodesian Ridgeback 4. Thai Ridgeback.- published: 21 Oct 2012
- views: 633
- author: cats4ever01

Rare Dog Breeds: Top 10 Rare Dog Breeds
http://hubpages.com/hub/Top-10-Rare-Dog-Breeds Rare Dog Breeds: Aidi Akbash Alapaha Bluebl...
published: 17 Feb 2010
author: Ray Prasad
Rare Dog Breeds: Top 10 Rare Dog Breeds
Rare Dog Breeds: Top 10 Rare Dog Breeds
http://hubpages.com/hub/Top-10-Rare-Dog-Breeds Rare Dog Breeds: Aidi Akbash Alapaha Blueblood Bulldog Alaskan Klee Kai American Bulldog American Hairless Ter...- published: 17 Feb 2010
- views: 71254
- author: Ray Prasad

Rare Dog Breed: South African Boerboel
The biting power of the South African Boerboel is in excess of 700 ib. Thats more then a m...
published: 13 May 2012
author: bashholt
Rare Dog Breed: South African Boerboel
Rare Dog Breed: South African Boerboel
The biting power of the South African Boerboel is in excess of 700 ib. Thats more then a male lion. Very loyal and the ultimate protection dog.- published: 13 May 2012
- views: 76572
- author: bashholt

Birdworld: sanctuary protects rare breeds
A Russian couple creates a bird sanctuary in the Kaluga region that is now home to more th...
published: 25 Jun 2012
author: RTDocumentaries
Birdworld: sanctuary protects rare breeds
Birdworld: sanctuary protects rare breeds
A Russian couple creates a bird sanctuary in the Kaluga region that is now home to more than two hundred breeds, including many rare species.- published: 25 Jun 2012
- views: 1031
- author: RTDocumentaries

TOP 15. Rare Dog Breeds
published: 31 Aug 2009
author: SouthAfrikaVsUSA15
TOP 15. Rare Dog Breeds

Indian Dog Farm Rare Breed
Indian Dog Farm Rare Breed....
published: 30 Sep 2012
author: MargaretCoplin23731
Indian Dog Farm Rare Breed
Indian Dog Farm Rare Breed
Indian Dog Farm Rare Breed.- published: 30 Sep 2012
- views: 1009
- author: MargaretCoplin23731

Rare breed Affenpinschers Ducky and Komo, doing dog tricks.
komo is the mom shes 6 and ducky is the daughter 3 years old. i love these lil guys... I w...
published: 20 Jan 2013
author: Ducky Komo
Rare breed Affenpinschers Ducky and Komo, doing dog tricks.
Rare breed Affenpinschers Ducky and Komo, doing dog tricks.
komo is the mom shes 6 and ducky is the daughter 3 years old. i love these lil guys... I was babysitting them and i tried to teach them a few tricks. turns o...- published: 20 Jan 2013
- views: 119
- author: Ducky Komo

"Rare Breed Dogs" and memoirs at the "I.N.K.C" Dog Show.
On Sunday(14-3-2010) a "Dog Show" was held at the "Bombay Veterinary College Grounds" at P...
published: 15 Mar 2010
author: Rudolph Furtado
"Rare Breed Dogs" and memoirs at the "I.N.K.C" Dog Show.
"Rare Breed Dogs" and memoirs at the "I.N.K.C" Dog Show.
On Sunday(14-3-2010) a "Dog Show" was held at the "Bombay Veterinary College Grounds" at Parel.This dog show was organized by the "Indian National Kennel Clu...- published: 15 Mar 2010
- views: 11518
- author: Rudolph Furtado

Showing a Rare breed dog in UK
This Video was taken in june 11th in Luton,beds,UK. Rov my CO is pictured at 12 months and...
published: 17 Jun 2011
author: CaucasianMastiffUK
Showing a Rare breed dog in UK
Showing a Rare breed dog in UK
This Video was taken in june 11th in Luton,beds,UK. Rov my CO is pictured at 12 months and i am in the early stages of getting him ready for the European dog...- published: 17 Jun 2011
- views: 2003
- author: CaucasianMastiffUK

Rare Breed Night @ Unleashed Indoor Dog Park 10/25/2009
We brought Gigi to the Unleashed Dog Park in Dallas and let her play with the other dogs o...
published: 27 Sep 2009
author: Matthew Stone
Rare Breed Night @ Unleashed Indoor Dog Park 10/25/2009
Rare Breed Night @ Unleashed Indoor Dog Park 10/25/2009
We brought Gigi to the Unleashed Dog Park in Dallas and let her play with the other dogs off her leash. They had a rare breed night where owner could bring t...- published: 27 Sep 2009
- views: 1100
- author: Matthew Stone

This is Izella do Guardian. Brazilian fila a very rare Light Fawn Color she is only 8 mont...
published: 15 Dec 2011
author: FilaBrasileiro Granada Kennel
This is Izella do Guardian. Brazilian fila a very rare Light Fawn Color she is only 8 months old and shows a very strong ojeriza. The vet could not touch her...- published: 15 Dec 2011
- views: 432
- author: FilaBrasileiro Granada Kennel

Jindo dog rare breed recall after deer chase idealk9.com
My rare breed Korean Jindo Totoro and his lightning fast recall from out in the woods. Yes...
published: 11 Aug 2010
author: idealk9com
Jindo dog rare breed recall after deer chase idealk9.com
Jindo dog rare breed recall after deer chase idealk9.com
My rare breed Korean Jindo Totoro and his lightning fast recall from out in the woods. Yes, Jindo dogs can be trained to be off leash and return when called ...- published: 11 Aug 2010
- views: 3956
- author: idealk9com
Vimeo results:

Pumifest 2013
Never heard of a Pumi before? Now you have.
A Pumi is a rare dog breed in the United Stat...
published: 07 Jun 2013
author: natalie hammel
Pumifest 2013
Never heard of a Pumi before? Now you have.
A Pumi is a rare dog breed in the United States. Originally from Hungry, they were bred for herding and have terrier-like personalities. I originally met the bred at, where other than "Meet the Breeds" in New York City. I noticed their distinct, perky ears right away. Wanting to learn more, I recently attended the Saturday event of their national speciality dog show, Pumifest. Pumis and their owners came from all over the country to attend – Oregon, Florida, Virginia, New York – and even Hungry!
This is a little video of my Pumifest experience, set to an '80s Hungarian disco tune.
I also took a few pictures: goo.gl/Wk62r
For more information about Pumis, check out the Hungarian Pumi Club of America's website: pumiclub.org

PETA Response Video
The StubbyDog Project recently wrote about an email exchange between a PETA Philanthropic ...
published: 03 Sep 2012
author: Our Waldo Bungie
PETA Response Video
The StubbyDog Project recently wrote about an email exchange between a PETA Philanthropic Specialist and a PETA donor who was revoking her financial support of the organization after learning about PETA's stance on pit bulls. The PETA representative stated that "people who have good intentions rarely come to a shelter to adopt pit bulls; almost without exception, those who want pit bulls are attracted to the 'macho' image of the breed as a living weapon and seek to play up this image by putting the animals in heavy chains, taunting them into aggression, and leaving them outside in all weather extremes in order to 'toughen' them." We, of course, strongly disagree with this statement and sought to show PETA how many people out there have (1) adopted pit bulls from a shelter and (2) how very sweet/goofy/loyal pit bull-type dogs (and their owners) really are. To read the full article from the StubbyDog Project, please visit their website: http://stubbydog.org/2012/08/a-letter-to-peta/
Song: "How Can You Have the Blues?" by Kansas City Kitty and Georgia Tom

Preserving a Rare Life
On June 1, 2009, our female red wolf (#1227) at the Museum of Life and Science had surgery...
published: 05 Jun 2009
author: Brad Herring
Preserving a Rare Life
On June 1, 2009, our female red wolf (#1227) at the Museum of Life and Science had surgery to remove a large mass from her chest. The surgery was a great success and the results of the pathology are in. We hope you enjoy this rare inside look at a surgery being performed on one of the rarest species in the world!
The mass was a type of soft tissue sarcoma called a Hemangiopericytoma. This means the mass was, in fact, cancerous. These sarcomas are typically seen on the limbs, or more often the hock region, of dogs. However, these sarcomas are considered "low-grade", which means they rarely metastasize or spread to other parts of the body. But they do tend to reoccur locally, so there is a chance that another mass will appear on her chest again at some point.
For right now, #1227 is doing very well and her quality of life is excellent. In the meantime, we are consulting with oncologists, our veterinarians, and members of the red wolf species survival plan (SSP) to figure out the best course of action from here. We will continue to post updates as we learn more about our options and figure out our next steps on the Museum blog http://mlsanimaldepartment.blogspot.com/
The red wolf (Canis rufus) is one of the most endangered animals in the world, a shy species that once roamed throughout the Southeastern United States. Currently approximately 100 red wolves live in the wild, while another 182 individuals live at 42 captive breeding facilities across the US such as zoos and museums.
The two red wolves living at the Museum are part of the Red Wolf SSP. Every summer the SSP management team meets to decide which wolves should live together and where they should live. The length of time the wolves will remain at the Museum is currently unknown.

Doc "At home in the water"
Breve apontamento sobre o Cão d'Água Português e o canil da Ria Formosa.
Autoria: Marco T...
published: 20 Jun 2008
author: JuicyLime
Doc "At home in the water"
Breve apontamento sobre o Cão d'Água Português e o canil da Ria Formosa.
Autoria: Marco Teixeira | Cláudia Correia
Participação: Carla Peralta
Premiado IX Sé Video 2008, Faro, Algarve.
Short segment about the Portuguese Water Dog and the Ria Formosa breeding pound.
Awarded at the IX Sé Video 2008, Faro, Algarve.
Portuguese Water Dogs (PWD) once existed all along Portugal's coast, where they were taught to herd fish into fishermen's nets, to retrieve lost tackle or broken nets, and to act as couriers from ship to ship, or ship to shore. Portuguese Water Dogs rode in bobbing trawlers as they worked their way from the warm Atlantic waters of Portugal to the frigid fishing waters off the coast of Iceland where the fleets caught saltwater codfish to bring home.
In Portugal, the breed is called Cão d'Água (pronounced "Kown-d'Ahgwa"). Cão means dog, de Água means of water. In its native land, the dog is also known as the Portuguese Fishing Dog (Cão Pescador Português). Cão de Água de Pelo Ondulado is the name given the wavy-haired variety, and Cão de Água de Pelo Encaracolado is the name for the curly-coated variety.
The Portuguese Water Dog is a fairly rare breed; only 15 entrants for Portuguese Water Dogs were made to England's Crufts competition in 2002, although their personality and non-shedding qualities have made them more popular in recent years.
Youtube results:

Michael Vick Buys a Rare Breed of Dog - The Buzz
Mr. Vick is raising eyebrows because of the breed of dog he just purchased. For more enter...
published: 05 Mar 2013
author: sheknowsdotcom
Michael Vick Buys a Rare Breed of Dog - The Buzz
Michael Vick Buys a Rare Breed of Dog - The Buzz
Mr. Vick is raising eyebrows because of the breed of dog he just purchased. For more entertainment news: http://www.sheknows.com/sheknowstv/the-buzz.- published: 05 Mar 2013
- views: 98
- author: sheknowsdotcom

Rare Breed of Dogs from the Island of Saipan
http://www.emap.posterous.com The Boonie Dog of Saipan, a mix breed of dogs, is known to r...
published: 17 Sep 2009
author: Jose Quan
Rare Breed of Dogs from the Island of Saipan
Rare Breed of Dogs from the Island of Saipan
http://www.emap.posterous.com The Boonie Dog of Saipan, a mix breed of dogs, is known to roam the streets of saipan in search of anything. They're usually ha...- published: 17 Sep 2009
- views: 636
- author: Jose Quan

Jindo dog rare breed diving in water idealk9.com
My purebred Korean Jindo Dog loves to dive in water and swim. More Jindo videos, pictures ...
published: 11 Aug 2010
author: idealk9com
Jindo dog rare breed diving in water idealk9.com
Jindo dog rare breed diving in water idealk9.com
My purebred Korean Jindo Dog loves to dive in water and swim. More Jindo videos, pictures and great training tips at idealk9.com Please contact us for Jindo ...- published: 11 Aug 2010
- views: 4960
- author: idealk9com

Training a Rare breed
Bergamasco, are a rare breed. Watch how fast, he learns whats expected of him. This was th...
published: 23 Jul 2013
Training a Rare breed
Training a Rare breed
Bergamasco, are a rare breed. Watch how fast, he learns whats expected of him. This was the owners first time being able to walk him without pulling.- published: 23 Jul 2013
- views: 49