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Steve Jobs previews OS X & OS 9 - WWDC (1999)
Forget Lion. OS 9 Rocks!
A Tour & Overview Of Mac OS 9
Steve Jobs WWDC 2002 - Death Of Mac OS 9
Zorin OS 9: A Look At The Ulitmate Version
Zorin OS 9: An Overview
Zorin OS 9 Core Final Released Full Review
Steve Jobs announces the death of OS 9 - WWDC excerpt (2002)
Zorin OS 9 Core Linux Review
Apple WWDC 2002-The Death Of Mac OS 9
Zorin OS 9 Review - Linux Distro Reviews
Apple Special Event 1999-The Mac OS 9 Introduction (Pt.1)
Steve Jobs introduces new PowerBooks before giving extensive demos of OS 9 and showing an early version of OS X. HIGHLIGHTS: 00:00. HAL 9000 intro (MUST watch) 01:50. Apps overview 04:18. Dragon Systems CEO (Janet Baker) 05:41. Update on Apple 13:12. New PowerBook 21:47. OpenGL & Flight Simulator demo 27:57. Java 34:04. QuickTime 4 demo (Live Streaming, Star Wars I trailer, MP3, Interactive video) 53:55. OS 8.6 update & OS 9 demo (Sherlock 2, Multi-user, Keychain) 1:15:04. OS X update & demo 1:31:00. Demo: Carbon Finder & Cocoa Mail app 1:40:32. OS X schedule Date: May 10, 1999 Location: San Jose Convention Center, San Jose Steve was 44 years old. More Insanely Great Videos & Info at
A look at the last of the Classic Mac Operating Systems, OS 9. Camera: Canon 60D Lenses: 24-70mm L, 50mm USM, 10-20mm Sigma Setting: 24FPS, 1/50", 320-640 IS...
Mac OS 9 is the final major release of Apple's "Classic" Mac OS. Introduced on October 23, 1999, Apple positioned it as "The Best Internet Operating System E...
Steve Jobs had a great sense of humor. Here at the open of the 2002 WWDC Steve Jobs morns the lost of Mac OS 9.
In this video we take a look at the paid version of Zorin OS 9 "Ultimate". I decided to purchase this O/S in order to help support the Zorin Team. Please Sub...
In this video we take a look at the latest Developement from The Zorin OS team. Also some tweaks I did to my system. Please Subscribe! Thanks! Get Zorin OS 9...
Zorin Os 9 Release Notes: Please follow me: Would you like to buy me a Coffee?;=c Wallpapers can be found on my Wallpaper Group: Follow me at the new Blogger Site: Please join my Google + Group here:;_medium=googleabout&utm;_campaign=link Follow me on Twitter: Other great Youtubers. Jeff Linux Turner
Steve Jobs presides a hilarious mock funeral for OS 9 at WWDC '02. Date: May 6, 2002 Location: Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco Steve was 47 years ol...
Review of the free version of Zorin OS 9 Core, which comes with a Look Changer that lets you switch between Windows 7, XP, and Gnome 2 Classic desktops. New ...
Here is a funny video where Steve Jobs gives a eulogy and lays to rest Mac OS 9 at its funeral. *Sorry for the audio not being synced up.
Inscreva-se no canal: Assista outras listas: Fanpage: Se você quer um filme bom de jogo entre no youtube e procure por todas as cutscenes de Uncharted e Last of Us, já que infelizmente o mundo de Hollywood não é muito fã de adaptar games pras telonas de uma maneira decente. Mesmo que poucos filmes se destaquem, fizemos um esforço e separamos pra vocês os melhores filmes de jogos! ----------- ENCONTRE A GENTE POR AÍ ---------- //ROLANDINHO //BRUNO BOCK
Just because it looks like Windows doesn't make it fully transparent.== I review the Ubuntu 14.04 based Zorin OS 9 Core Edition. A very easy usable distrib...
Here we see Steve Jobs & Philip Schiller introducing Mac OS 9.
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Valorize a mídia, médicos e profissionais independentes que procuram soluções naturais para reestabelecer a saúde humana. O mês de janeiro foi tão bacana para quem gosta de games que o Baixaki decidiu fazer uma seleção especial só com jogos que você pode baixar no nosso site./ Fique ligado que nesse vídeo você vai encontrar dicas de vários gêneros./ Esperamos que você goste e tenha bons downloads./ Música por AudioBlocks :: ::
Join Me On The Facebook Linux Fan Page@;=c4-overview&list;=UU3qmmCSc7VnbuTyxg94am4Q Talk LINUX! Leave a comme...
Demonstration of a 1997 Apple Power Macintosh 9600/350 with Mac OS 9 and internet. Back in the day this was the most luxurious model. It's usuable today for ...
Curtiu? Inscreva- se, curta e Favorite! *-* Para mais informaçoes: Blog: Redes sociais: INSTAGRAM:
The first iteration of the iMac G3 featured a 14-inch CRT display, 233 MHz processor, ATI Rage IIc graphics, 4 GB hard drive, tray-loading CD-ROM drive, two USB ports, a 56 kbit/s Modem, built-in Ethernet, infrared port, built-in stereo speakers, and two headphone ports. The CPU and memory were located on the same 'Daughter Card', which installed directly onto the motherboard.[7] It came exclusively in a translucent "Bondi Blue" plastic, and was known as Revision A. On October 17, the iMac was updated with ATI Rage Pro graphics. This updated Revision B model maintained its predecessor's original price of $1299. The iMac had its infrared and mezzanine features removed with the introduction of the Revision C model on January 5, 1999, dropping in price to US$1199. Hard drive capacity increased and a faster processor was added. The Bondi Blue color was discontinued and replaced by five new colors: Strawberry, Blueberry, Lime, Grape, and Tangerine. A final update, Revision D, was released on April 14, 1999, which maintained its previous specifications save a faster processor.
For years the Mac and the PC have been at competition for the top spot in computing. After the release of many ads and many new products a reputation has bee...
Neo-SMS Sms Forwarding , inoltro SMS cellulare spia software spia simbian Spyphone per Symbion OS. Il primo software spia che funziona su Symbin Os9. The fir...
Distribuidor da Herbalife Henrique Meinberg em 9 Videos ensina como emagrecer e nunca mais engordar com a Herbalife na sua dieta.Entre no
What if there was an operating system that combined elements from iOS and OS X into a free Linux distro? Well, there is! Say hello to Pear OS (formerly PearLinux). This distro offers many similarities to Apple's OS X and iOS systems, but at the price of nothing. Try it out at PLEASE NOTE: the version of this OS shown in the video is 8.0 Beta. Performance may vary, and bugs are present. You may download 8.0 Beta from the website, or 7.0 Stable. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @hildron101010 @iWindowsTech @Rainulous @TBaloneyboy @AT88TV @byranisboss @thecomputerclan WEBSITE TECH BLOG Background music by:
Bill Gates and Steve Jobs at D 2007, doing a neutral interview. - Click here to check out TV on PC. I have over 3500 channels with the "As Seen on TV" cable al...
Steve Jobs rare interview 2002 60 minutes
Sorry for anyone who is bothered by the annotation they are important and if you watch this talk of mine you will understand why. Think of me as Steve trying. Steve Jobs lost interview 1990. Steve Jobs-Interview in 1990-A must watch for Entreprenuers Tell me your first response after watching the video. I watched this video and it still rings a bell to hear him say things. I find it very motivating and . Footage from the Steve Jobs Lost Interview (1995), talking about the importance of computer science as a liberal art.
Date: January 9, 2007 Steve was 51 years old. More Insanely Great Videos & Info at
See how Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates and former Apple CEO Steve Jobs appear at the D5 conference on 27 June 2007 for a rare joint appearance and interview by Wall Street Journal columnists Kara Swisher and Walt Mossberg.
In an emotional interview Microsoft chairman speaks of visiting Steve Jobs in his last days and marveling at how well he understood the concept of brand.
This interview re-surfaced on February 20, 2015. Read the full story here: Credit: Jeff Young (The Chronicle) A tired Steve Jobs wasn’t thrilled to be sitting down for an interview with The Chronicle. He was at a conference for college computing administrators earlier, and he had just finished facing tough questions from higher-education leaders who wanted reassurance that Apple Computer was getting its act together. HIGHLIGHTS: 00:00. Apple and Higher Education 05:35. Apple technology integration (USB, Firewire) 08:45. Software momentum 11:25. The Wintel competition vs. high Mac prices 17:05. Why Higher Education 18:10. Role at Apple 19:10. On the Think Different campaign Date: December 18, 1998 Steve was 43 years old.
Steve Jobs: Visionary Entrepreneur, a 60-minute film, is now available as a digital video download at this link:!steve-jobs-film/c1x1c This enlightening one-hour program stars Steve Jobs from an exclusive 1994, unscripted interview by the Silicon Valley Historical Association where he gives advice to potential entrepreneurs. Jobs discusses risk, failure, his own experiences, and learning the value of creating your own environment. Added commentary by the following participants (1992-2012): Adobe System founders John Warnock & Charles Geschke Oracle founder Larry Ellison Serious Energy founder Kevin Surace Atari founder Nolan Bushnell Apple Computer founders Steve Wozniak and Mike Markkula Sun Microsystems founders Scott McNealy and Vinod Khosla Nobel laureate Dr. Paul Berg Silicon Graphics and Netscape founder Jim Clark Intuit founder Scott Cook Lighthouse Design founder/Sun Microsystems former CEO Jonathan Schwartz Author of Mindset/Stanford professor Carol Dweck Early Apple marketing and public relations gurus Regis McKenna & Fred Hoar Scientist who developed silicon gate & first microprocessor, Federico Faggin Cirrus Logic founder Mike Hackworth Author of Worldly Goods/Renaissance historian Lisa Jardine Gutenberg Museum director Dr. Eva Maria Hanebutt-Benz Author of The Big Score & The Microprocessor: A Biography, Mike Malone Silicon Valley Historical Association president John McLaughlin Production Date: January 2013 Playing Time: 60 Minutes
Interview made in the 1990s during production of “An Immigrant’s Gift.” © WoodsEnd, Inc., & G. Howland Blackiston. Commercial use prohibited.
"I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates" -- said Jobs. And for whom in need some inspiration, here are some of the most insanely g...
Steve and John talks about Pixar and their first smashing success, Toy Story. Steve was 41 years old. More Insanely Great Videos & Info at http://everystevej...
Rare 1996 interview with Steve Jobs on Wall $treet Week with Louis Rukeyser
Interestingly, Steve alludes to "1984" (00:41) years before the famous Apple ad was created! Steve was 26 years old, not 27 as mentioned in the newscast :) M...
never been seen before nunca se ha visto antes
The interview with the "Wizards" of the silicon valley Steve Jobs and Bill Gates at the D5 conference. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates at D5 ((All Things Digital)) 2007 Date: May 30, 2007 Location: Carlsblad, California
Stay hungry...Stay foolish. Amazing Steve Jobs Speech at Stanford with english subtitles.
Speaking with Graydon Carter at Vanity Fair's New Establishment Summit, Ive detailed his creative process and work ethic. Watch Vanity Fair on The Scene: Subscribe to the all-new Vanity Fair channel here: Visit the Vanity Fair channel for more video: Visit Vanity Fair Videos for more: With a unique mix of image and intellect, Vanity Fair captures the people, places, and ideas that are defining modern culture. From the arts and entertainment, to business and media, to politics and world affairs, Vanity Fair is what the world is talking about now. Connect with Vanity Fair online: Visit Follow Vanity Fair on Facebook: Follow Vanity Fair on Google+: Follow Vanity Fair on Twitter: Follow Vanity Fair on Instagram: Follow Vanity Fair on Pinterest: Follow Vanity Fair on Tumblr: Apple's Jony Ive on the Lessons He Learned From Steve Jobs Starring: Jony Ive and Graydon Carter
Steve Jobs talks about the soon to be released iPhone and previews YouTube on Apple TV. HIGHLIGHTS: 00:00. Apple Inc. 02:14. Mac business 05:40. iPod 07:00. ...
Soon after the Paris September '03 Keynote, Steve talks to TV Network Canal+ and explains the "Nuts and Bolts" of the iPod and iTunes - The only copy of the ...
Steve Jobs: Visionary Entrepreneur, a 60-minute film. Get it at:!steve-jobs-film/c1x1c This enlightening one-hour pr...
Link de la pagina oficial de Zorin OS 9
Mais Videos dos 10 Desafios: Saiba Porque: ✖Twitter: ✖Facebook: ✖Instagram: ➨Ultimo Video: A Lenda dos Deuses Ep.8- Letras do Herobrine e Boss do Fogo!! Malena: Caue: Mapa: Na Descrição do Primeiro Video Monte seu Computador na ChipArt: AuthenticEdtion: Canal No Youtube: Se você tiver gostado deixe seu like e um favorito pois seu feedback é essencial =D e se puder deixe um comentário do tipo: Bem Legal esse Vídeo Authentic Musica Intro : Candyland - Bring the Rain (Kevin Drew Remix) Musica Final: Hellberg, Teqq & Taylr Renee - Air [Monstercat Release]
Conheça a PSNGAMESDF: (cupom com 5% de desconto, aproveitem!) consoles, games e mais! INSCREVA-SE NO CANAL - Faceb...
149- Dr. Pedroza Os 9 judeus desconhecidos topo da pirâmide maçônica
1* Meu barquinho - Giselli Cristina 2* Thalles Roberto - Na sala do Pai 3* Arde outra vez - Marsenal (cover) 4* Minha Familia - Regis Danese 5* Ressucita-me - Aline Barros 6* CONQUISTANDO O IMPOSSIVEL - jamily 7* Te Agradeço - Kleber Lucas 8* Que bom você chegou - Bruna Karla 9* derrama tua shekinah - fernandinho
This document shows the complete process of installing Zorin OS 9 Educational 64bit. -- En este documento se muestra el proceso completo de instalación de Zo...
Precisei REUPAR o vídeo por bug no áudio, desculpem :/ CREW: Formulário: ME SIGA: Twitter - Instagram - Vine - Face - Snapchat - patifeptf Nuuvem: a melhor loja online de jogos digitais para PC. Acesse: Use o cupom PATIFE5 na PSNGAMESDF e obtenha um desconto exclusivo ;) Os Miteiros: Drezzy - Made - San - Dudu Moura - Patife - Lipão - Marques - Phoenix - Ludgero - Se você também é um MITO, use #SouMito nas redes sociais! Espalhe a palavra! Compre sua CADEIRA DX RACER EM ATÉ 12x aqui: Página da DX RACER: O computador DOS SEUS SONHOS está aqui: Quer jogar tão bem quanto eu? Jogue em controles da GG: Usando o codigo PATIFARIA você tem desconto! Servidores TeamSpeak 3, Dedicado, VPS, VPS Anti-DDoS e Hospedagem para seu Dominio: LIVES AQUI: E AQUI: Não perca mais NENHUM VÍDEO - __ Curta a melhor página do FACE de GTA V: __ Remix de músicas do pokemon do canal do GlitchXcity ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 'Royalty Free Music by' 'Sound Effects by' Roylaty Free Music by Músicas retiradas daqui: Algumas músicas também podem ter sido retiradas da biblioteca de áudio do Youtube. __ Se inscreva para mais videos como esse! :D E o mais importante! COMENTE!!! :D Valeeu!
Emisija posvecena Aleksandri Petrovic, ucenici VIII 2 razreda nase skole.
I just received this laptop and I'm very happy to finally have one. It's an iBook G3 FireWire (Clamshell) in Graphite, and it's the 466 MHz "SE" Special Edition! It's loaded with a 40 GB hard disk, a DVD-ROM, and 572 MB of RAM! Watch as I discuss the computer and install a fresh copy of Mac OS 9.2 and Mac OS X 10.2 on the hard drive.
Siga: Rádio Revelação FM Siga-me no Facebook: Ouça Ao Vivo - Rádio Revelação FM: Siga o Blog de Leonardo Medeiros
Zorin OS est une distribution Linux basée sur Ubuntu et spécialement conçue pour les nouveaux arrivants sous Linux. Elle dispose d'une interface utilisateur graphique de type Windows ainsi que de nombreux programmes semblables à ceux trouvés sous cet environnement. Zorin OS est également livré avec Wine. Ce qui va permettre d'utiliser sur Linux ou Mac OS X des programmes conçus pour fonctionner sous Windows. Le but ultime de la distribution Zorin OS est de fournir une alternative Linux à Windows et laisser les utilisateurs de Windows profiter de toutes les fonctionnalités de Linux sans complications. Site OFFICIEL: Screenchot AnyComputer PINTEREST: iso AnyCompute FTP (serveur FTP PERSO): iso AnyComputer HTTP (serveur HTTP PERSO): iso AnyComputer TOUTBOX (hébergeur de fichiers TOUTBOX): Machine VirtualBox prêtent à l'emplois ------------------------------------------------------- AnyCompute FTP (serveur FTP PERSO): AnyComputer HTTP (serveur HTTP PERSO): AnyComputer TOUTBOX (hébergeur de fichiers TOUTBOX):
This video shows the installation of Microware OS-9 on the iCOP eBox 3350MX. This was done as part of the migration of a SCADA system originally running on a Motorola 68020 computer to a modern, cheap X586 single broad computer to be used in applications related to the Smart Grid (metering Data Concentrator, MicroGrid controller etc.).
هذا الفيديو معد لمستخدمى ويندوز وهو يحتوى على معلومات عامة وبسيطة عن نظام تشغيل لينكس ويتضمن مقارنة بسيطة بينة وبين الويندوز كما يتضمن مثال عملى على اللينكسمن خلال عرض عام لتوزيعة zorin os 9... نظام لينكس يحتاج لكتب عديدة لشرحة لذلك لزم التنوية ان المعلومات الواردة فى الفيديو ضئيلة لكنها بسيطة كى تناسب مستخدمى الوينزوز العاديين... *يفضل اختيار جودة عالية للفيديو ومشاهدتة فى شاشة كاملة ... أرجوا الاشتراك فى القناة لمتابعة المزيد.... للمتابعة او الاضافة على الفيس بوك من اجل التواصل والاستفسار عن شىء والتوجيه هنا اللينك لتحميل توزيعة زورن من موقعها ولتحميل التوزيعة بدون أكواد البلاد الخاصة بصلاحية البرمجيات فيها ايضاً من موقعها هنا للمتابعة على تويتر
Distribuzioni Linux leggere per PC datati. Il confronto diretto tra Zorin OS 9 Lite e Lubuntu 14.04.2 LTS Trusty Tahr, due distribuzioni leggere. Link articolo:
This my first tutorial video. Someone was asking for me help because she couldn't burn Zorin OS9 ultimate to her a DVD, and or get it to boot up. Here's my attempt to assist her.
Emisija posvecena Andriji Stojadinovicu, uceniku VIII 1.
Gastamos mais de 30 minutos para vencer os 9 km's de uma vertiginosa subida, com uma altura total de 1.100 metros até a cidade de Triunfo - PE. Tudo isso com 17 metros cúbicos de brita na caçamba, aproximadamente 25.000 kg. Os veículos foram dois MB Atron 2324 - 6x2 - 2013
Prezados, saudações. É com muita alegria, que comunicamos em modo oficial o lançamento do documentário "Os Nove do Angico". Tivemos inclusive a sorte de pode...
O 9º episódio da 2ª temporada da série espanhola do canal de televisão Antena 3, "Os Protegidos" (Los Protegidos) dobrado em português europeu. Vídeo em alta...
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Onboard z odcinka OS 9/11 Czernica 29. Rajdu Karkonoskiego 2014.
Os Cavaleiros do Zodíaco - Hades - A Saga do Santuário - episódio 9 - Além do Orgulho.
Gostou do video?? Então já sabe, se inscreva! ►Ip do Servidor : ►Redes Sociais: ►Instagram : ►Twitter : ►Facebook : Ta em Shock, Parça ???
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- nagrania przejazdow wszystkich startujacych Onboard z dnia 8.02.2014r. z odcinka Bircza 1 Rajdu Arłamów. Onboard z dnia 8.02.2014r. z odcinka Hucisko 1 Rajdu Arłamów. 1 Rajd Arłamów - OS 8/11 Huta Brzuska Onboard. - nagrania przejazdow wszystkich startujacych - nagrania przejazdow wszystkich startujacych
Video aula 08, do órgão TOKAI MD-750 ------ 01 - Apresentação 02 - Os Drawbars 03 - Os Presets 04 - Dual Voice 05 - Volumes 06 - Memórias 07 - Registração Passo a Passo 08 - Os Rítmos 09 - Acompanhamento Automático ----------
OS 9 SEGUNDOS QUE VC VAI VER MAIS DE 1 VEZ Não rir porquê é pecado. Este vídeo foi enviado de um telefone com o Android. curta o video e se inscrevam no canal ai vai (y) :D kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Teste de Fidelidade exibido dia 16/02/2014, apresentado por João Kléber na RedeTV!. JOGADOR DE BASQUETE: Vanessa testa Lucas, eles namoram há um ano e três meses. A Sedutora Cris . Confira a nova música de trabalho, 11 Vidas, que o Lucas Lucco fez para homenagear aquela pessoa especial em nossas vidas: pai, mãe, avô, irmão ou até um amigo. Composição: Lucas Lucco.
Os 2933 ( Studénka - Mosty u Jablunkova ) 17.03.2015 Český Těšín
Video aula 03, do órgão TOKAI MD-750 ------ 01 - Apresentação 02 - Os Drawbars 03 - Os Presets 04 - Dual Voice 05 - Volumes 06 - Memórias 07 - Registração Passo a Passo 08 - Os Rítmos 09 - Acompanhamento Automático ----------
Video aula 02, do órgão TOKAI MD-750 ------ 01 - Apresentação 02 - Os Drawbars 03 - Os Presets 04 - Dual Voice 05 - Volumes 06 - Memórias 07 - Registração Passo a Passo 08 - Os Rítmos 09 - Acompanhamento Automático ----------
Comunicadores: Maikel Rohde - Oliveira Filho - Luiz Moraes e Cris Paesi. Criado e editado por Maikel Rohde.
OS의 영상을 언제나 감상해주셔서 감사드립니다. 본 영상은 카카오톡 게임 '모두의쿠키' 플레이하는 영상입니다.
Galera, novo ep de SkyGrid, e dessa vez, fizemos uma plataforma pra invocar alguns animais.. Se gostou não esqueça do like e comentário ;) Próximo episódio ~^ Em breve Episódio anterior ~^ OUTRAS SÉRIES DO CANAL: SkyGrid: MiniGames da Depressão: ____________________________ Meus contatos: @Twitter: Skype: Trollgustavo ____________________________ Royalty Music by*.html ____________________________
2012년도 운영체제 Chapter 9입니다.
Booting Mac OS 9 inside Mac OS X, running Netscape and Sim City 2000, then switching back to OS X.
o melhor anime de todos os tempos voce encontra aqui! Saint Seiya conhecido nos países lusófonos como Os Cavaleiros do Zodíaco, é uma série japonesa (anime e mangá), de grande sucesso no mundo durante a década de 1990 e também a responsável pela divulgação dos animes no Brasil. Conta a história de jovens guerreiros guiados pelas constelações, protetores da deusa da sabedoria, da paz e da guerra. A série exibida na TV é uma adaptação do mangá de mesmo nome criado por Masami Kurumada. A primeira exibição ao público foi feita pela Toei Animation no Japão na TV Asahi, no dia 11 de Outubro de 1986.
Estudo para vc conhecer as profecias
Who said MacBook is not able to run those Classic OS? Here is a demostration of OS 9 running on a MacBook. I installed OS 9 with SheepShaver.
Matheus fazendo vidios en grasados
Apple's new Photos app has finally arrived with the latest OS X Yosemite operating system for Macs ... OS X 10.10
The Times of India 2015-04-08... fixes to the OS. You can download the Mac OS X 10.10 ... Discuss New Photos app available in OS X 10.10
CNET 2015-04-08... one OS ... In the server world, the Linux-based OS has revolutionized on-boarding and provisioning.
noodls 2015-04-08It rolled out Wednesday with Apple's latest update to OS X Yosemite, following an extended beta.
Mashable 2015-04-08... OS device family, the Acer Chromebase series, complementing its existing Chromebooks and Chromebox.
noodls 2015-04-08Unlike Chrome OS, CoreOS is not targeted at the consumer space to power dirt cheap laptops.
IT World 2015-04-08OS X 10.10 .3 ... We got to see some of these features when OS X 10.10 .3
IT World 2015-04-08Gheobhaidh go leor daoine a gcéad bhillí uisce ó chomhlacht Uisce Éireann inniu.
RTE 2015-04-08The latest version of Google's mobile OS has been approved for the Google versions of HTC's two latest flagship phones.
CNET 2015-04-08Also new in Microsoft’s new OS release is a new browser, Project Spartan, which will have ...
The Inquisitr 2015-04-08In Microsoft’s case, this new cut-down OS is claimed to come in at only 5 percent of the size of its ...
Forbes 2015-04-08Microsoft releases a new OS and, roughly a year later, a hefty service pack arrives with a raft of ...
Engadget 2015-04-08An expected OS update today will bring a new Photos app for Mac computers and launch an online ...
Contra Costa Times 2015-04-08Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs (/ˈdʒɒbz/; February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) was an American businessman, designer and inventor. He is best known as the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. Through Apple, he was widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer revolution and for his influential career in the computer and consumer electronics fields. Jobs also co-founded and served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios; he became a member of the board of directors of The Walt Disney Company in 2006, when Disney acquired Pixar.
In the late 1970s, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak engineered one of the first commercially successful lines of personal computers, the Apple II series. Jobs was among the first to see the commercial potential of Xerox PARC's mouse-driven graphical user interface, which led to the creation of the Apple Lisa and, one year later, the Macintosh. During this period he also led efforts that would begin the desktop publishing revolution, notably through the introduction of the LaserWriter and the associated PageMaker software.
Where's life led me
Have I ended up somewhere
That I'll soon to be
Cause my heart was heavy
But right now it doesn't
Feel at all like I'm back
From the past
And these places and
Faces in front of me(oh)
How they look so familiar(so familiar)
But somehow on my journey
I ended up somewhere
I feel I belong
Feels like I walked a million miles
So far away,So many trials
Happy to see with open eyes
So good to be
Back from alone
Didn't realized the missing piece
Me all along but now I see
And you're still waiting here for me
So good to be
Back from alone
I could tell you stories
And looking back I could see things coming
But it must have been meant for me
No sacrifice no glory
I admit it gave a little more
Than I really had
But its for the best now
Sometimes getting back what you
want takes some heartaches, sense and
Some letdowns
I feel so refreshed now
But the difference this time it will last
No going back
Couldn't figure it out for the life of me(Why)
Why I always felt out of place there(out of place there)
Where I never felt quite as comfortable
Now I see that I made it home
(See that I made it home)
Feels like I walked a million miles
So far away,So many trials
Happy to see with open eyes
So good to be
Back from alone(Back from alone)
Didn't realized the missing piece
Me all along but now I see
And you're still waiting here for me(Here for me)
So good to be(So good to be)
Back from alone
Been away,Too long
I've forgot how good it feels
To be back to what is real
I wish I had never left
No more pain,No more tears
I'm just glad that I'm back again
All the places have come and gone
But so glad to be
Back from alone
Feels like I walked a million miles
So far away,So many trials(yeah,yeah)
Happy to see(yeah,yeah) with open eyes
So good to be(So good to be)
(Yeah,Yeah)Back from alone
Didn't realized the missing piece
Me all along but now I see(now i see)
And you're still waiting here for me(So good to be)
So good to be
(ohh)Back from alone
What are you doing?
How did we get here?
What is this feeling?
Tell me its mine.
Where did you take me?
I wanna stay here.
What I been missin, all of this time.
And as I whisper in your ear,
something has changed and I'm unclear.
Touchin' and kissin'
My body feels different
I've lost my senses...
When you find the right spot and take control,
when you lock on me and you don't let go.
I wasn't ready for, all that you had in store
Baby I want more, and more and more!
I don't know!
What have you got in you? Makes me emotional
What is it that you do,
to bring me to tears, tears (cause I'm cryin)
You got me in tears, tears
Boy you make me feels sooooo
I can't describe this mood (I feel so vulnerable)
What is it that you do,
to bring me to tears, tears (got I'm cryin)
You got me in tears, tears
You got me in tears.
You got me so high
I'm in a rush here.
Please baby take me, I wanna gooooo
Whats happenin now? My visions unclear
Far from physical, you touch my soulll.
[Bridge 2]
Dont bring me down just leave me here.
No other feeling can compare!
Touchin' and kissin'
My body feels different
I've lost my senses...
Hold me baby dont let go!
I'm speechless baby, I dont know
What you doin to me, but dont stop!
What you doin to me, doin to me!!
Somethin Goin Wrong
But It Feels So Right, Tonight
But What Going On?
You're My Guiding Light
Hope You Can Keep Up With The Way I Move (Move)
Look Me In My Eyes
Tell Me That You're Mine
Here We Go
Step Step, Step Step
Step Step, Step Step
Do It, Do It
Step Step, Step Step
Step Step, Step Step
You Got Me On A High
Take Me On A Fly
You Can Crank Me Up
And Take Me On A Ride
Boy, Just Make Your Move
Don't Lose That Groove (Groove)
Look Me In My Eye
Tell Me That Your Mine
Here We Go
Step Step, Step Step
Step Step, Step Step
Do It, Do It
Step Step, Step Step
Step Step, Step Step
You Know I Saw You Lookin
Lookin At Me (At Me)
Hit Me On My Phone
I'll Play You This Song
Here We Go
Do It, Do It
Tell Me That Your Mine
Alright (Alright)
Step Step, Step Step
Here We Go
Step Step, Step Step
Step Step, Step Step
Do It, Do It
Step Step, Step Step
Step Step, Step Step
Here We Go
Do It, Do It
Tell Me That Your Mine
Verse 1]
Hear my phone ring at three a.m.
So I pick it up cuz I know its him
He said I just wanna call
Cuz I had a long day and I just wanna hear your voice
He said Im on my way home from a flight
And thought about you all through the night
But the reality is, is hes going back to her
And Im going back to mine
Cuz hes my secret
And Im his secret
But we both understand that we wont really care
But were not ready to let it go
Cuz hes my secret
And Im his secret
What do you want me to do
What do you want me to say
Fallin in love wasnt part of the plan of the secret
[Verse 2]
He just pulled up to his house
So we gotta hang up for a little while
But before we got off the phone
For the first time he said I love you..I love you
So now what am I supposed to do
What am I supposed to say
Youve got me so confused--Youve got me so confused
How am I going to look my man in his face
What am I gonna do
Cuz hes my secret
And Im his secret
But we both understand that we wont really care
But were not ready to let it go
Cuz hes my secret
And Im his secret
What do you want me to do
What do you want me to say
Fallin in love wasnt part of the plan of the secret
[Verse 3]
Weve got to figure this out
Cuz were too deep in it now
Cuz we slipped up and fell in love
While we were both with somebody else
[Chorus--Repeat 2x]
Cuz hes my secret
And Im his secret
But we both understand that we wont really care
But were not ready to let it go
Cuz hes my secret
And Im his secret
What do you want me to do
What do you want me to say
Just when I thought I was done payin' the bills
They come right back again.
(Colby O'Donis)
It's danger, watch out for us
I said(said)
Enough is enough (enough)
I'm tired of these games,
All this runnin' non stop (stop)
Of all this runnin' non stop (stop)
Gota get away
Cause I'm stressed
And I don't feel this pain no more
But still the same no more,
Tryna complain no more
You don't care
The things that you do
You brighten my day, when you sayyyy
We can run away
We can run away
Don't give a f**k about the bills today
We can run away
We can run away
And yes my boss is irritating me
We can run away
We can run away
Don't give a f**k about what people say
We can run away
We can run away
Oooh oooh oooh oooh
Oooh oooh oooh oooh
I ain't knowin' what it feels like (feels like)
To put ??? ninety-five and pay the bills right (bills right)
Ooohwoaah x3
That's what it feels like
So here comes the collect (?), just to wash all my dreams out
And if I don't pay, they will kick me out yeahyeeah
They will kick me out
Gota get away
Cause I'm stressed
And I don't feel this pain no more
But still the same no more,
Tryna complain no more
You don't care
The things that you do
You brighten my day, when you sayyyy
We can run away
We can run away
Don't give a f**k about the bills today
We can run away
We can run away
And yes my boss is irritating me
We can run away
We can run away
Don't give a f**k about what people say
We can run away
We can run away
Oooh oooh oooh oooh
Oooh oooh oooh oooh
Tick Tick Tock goes the clock
Makin' noise cause it's a clock
Countin' down the seconds, your collections cause it's on my jock
Plus my job is such good pay so if I'm done I'll run away (away, away)
I'm done, I'll run away
See I'm not tryna be rude but can you stop calling me blocked (blocked)
Just because you give me doesn't mean that I cannot (cannot)
Withhold, you, baby, let's be gone
We can run away
We can run away
Don't give a f**k about the bills today
We can run away
We can run away
And yes my boss is irritating me
We can run away
We can run away
Don't give a f**k about what people say
We can run away
We can run away
Oooh oooh oooh
uh uh, uh uh,
uh uh, uh uh
roller coaster...
roller coasterr
what is it that makes me get on this thing?
is it the danger, is it the fear?
anxiously waiting for this phone to ring..
i can't believe i'm still here.
what am i gonna do with us?
it's getting serious, everytime
another near death experience
don't know what i'mma do,
just when i'm over you
i remember your touch and boy
i miss you so much
it's like a roller coaster
oh, what a ride
it takes me over, under, then left n' right
i do admit that i love it,
it makes me sick to my stomach
but when the ride is over,
i'm right back in line
for this roller coaster..
roller coaster...
here looking in your eyes and i'm wondering,
what kind of spell did you put on me?
i feel like a puppet hanging on a string,
tryna cut myself free..
what am i gonna do with us?
it's getting serious, everytime
another near death experience
don't know what i'mma do,
just when i'm over you
i remember your touch and boy
i miss you so much
it's like a roller coaster
oh, what a ride
it takes me over, under, then left n' right
i do admit that i love it,
it makes me sick to my stomach
but when the ride is over,
i'm right back in line
for this roller coaster..
roller coaster...
that's it i'm through with you,
nothing to do with you
that's what i want, that's what i want
maybe just one more time
and then i swear that i'm,
gonna be done..
with this..
roller coaster
oh, what a ride
it takes me over, under, then left n' right
i do admit that i love it,
it makes me sick to my stomach
but when the ride is over,
i'm right back in line
for this......
roller coaster
oh, what a ride
it takes me over, under, then left n' right
i do admit that i love it,
it makes me sick to my stomach
but when the ride is over,
i'm right back in line
for this......
what are we gonna do?
oh, boy i miss you so much
roller coaster..
Chris and T
Asia Cruise what it do baby?
I remember when just seeing you
Would have me tremblin
Never knew my gizmo
It turned into a grimalin
I should have "Let You Go"
Like Keyshia Cole and Lil Kim
But then, i thought we worked it out
Somehow we in the gym again
I used to buy you nice shoes
Keep you lookin femine
Now a days i just want to give yo
Ass to Timberland (Timberland?)
Yea da boot, i mean yea ya cute
But i drop them fast like a diver with no
Parachute Baby
(Asia Verse 1)
You and I, toe to toe, eye to eye go figure
Finding out our loves a lie
How could you point the finger?
You tellin me to calm down my emotions are in it
(and I)
Im so offended cause you played me for the fool
Think and thin, rain or shine
I had your best intrest
Even in the hard times we had hugs and kisses
Now somewhere along the lines you started acting diffrent
I never seen it commin how could i predict it?
I couldnt change it cause i didnt notice
couldnt make it better if you didnt show it
you used to talk to me but now you just ingnore it
ignoring is not the thing to do so lets
take me back to the exact point where i went wrong
lets rewind
what did i do that was so bad to make you move on
lets rewind
take me back to the exact point where i went wrong
lets rewind,
put all this behind and just rewind
(Asia Verse 2)
packing up and moving out its hard for me to see it
Instead of shaping up your shipping
I should have knewn it
I thought that we had history
Damn i feel so stupid
what am i to do with all the pain i feel inside?
back and forth im asking why the relationship has ended
(please dont walk away) cause im not finished
im looking for some answers
how could you reach the limit?
I never seen it comming how could i predict it?
I couldnt change it cause i didnt notice
couldnt make it better if you didnt show it
you used to talk to me but now you just ingnore it
ignoring is not the thing to do so lets
take me back to the exact point where i went wrong
lets rewind
what did i do that was so bad to make you move on
lets rewind
take me back to the exact point where i went wrong
lets rewind,
put all this behind and just rewind
(Asia Verse 3)
Wait aminute
Lets press pause for a second
why you actin so reckless, disrespectin?
Oh Your acting like i expected for us to fall out of love
(fall our of love)
no relationship skips
lets go back to the begining
3 minutes up now were closer to the ending
lets put this in reverse
gotta make it work
lets put the past behind
its time to press rewind
(Fabulous 4)
I said wait up wait up
bring it back come rewind
lets just take it to the time
i think it was summertime
when i walked up from behind
and then here comes the line:
"What's your name? What's your sign?"
and you got your giggle on
you said: "Boy you need to stop. You got that from a Biggie Song!"
So i always loved Big Poppa he aint stare a nigga wrong.
Showrty what the biz
baby what it does
i can see what it is
i just want what it was
take me back to the exact point where i went wrong
lets rewind
what did i do that was so bad to make you move on
lets rewind
take me back to the exact point where i went wrong
lets rewind,
put all this behind and just rewind
Tell me have you ever felt like quitting (oohh)
When it seems like everybody else just keeps on winning,
And I gave my heart to you and what did you do?
You threw it on the ground (yeahh)
And now that I'm doin fine,
You wanna try and come back around
Don't waste my time
Don't try to act like you care
When you weren't there, when I needed you
Wanna throw my hands in the air, say I don't care
Cause I'm much better now,
No thanks to you, you, you [x4]
No thanks to you
I remember the day you left and how you said nothing
Were you saying that I just accept it
Well I did and now I'm over it (yeahh)
And I gave my heart to you and what did you do?
Threw it on the ground (yeah)
And now that I'm doin fine (now that I'm doin fine)
You wanna try and come back around
Baby(don't) don't try to act like you care
When you weren't there (no, no) when I needed you
Wanna throw my hands in the air and say,
Say I don't care, that I don't really care about you
Cause I'm much better now (oh no)
No thanks to you, you, you [x4]
No thanks to you
Can you, blame me for keepin on my head bowed down
Now that you're telling me you think I should change
Cause you came back up (oh)
But I'm smarter than an average
Baby I'm not havin it, I don't wanna play this game so,
Don't try to act like you care,
When you weren't there when I needed you
Wanna throw my hands in the air(I really wanna)
Say I don't care Cause I'm much better now (much better now)
No thanks to you, you, you [x4]
Thought that you could hold me down
Thought I'll always be around
But I'm no body's doormat
I don't gotta lay back,
Let you take advantage of
Everything that I stand for
Everything that I love
How long will it take before you realize
No matter how you try
You'll never get the best of me
You thought I was broken but I was still hoping
You'll never get the best of me
And my heart was broken but now it's all over
I'm bigger and I'm better of a person than the one you used to know before.
Hey, (you see)
I'm bigger and I'm better of a person than the one you used to know before
All because
I found someone to believe in
I don't need no confessing
If I don't love myself the way no body else will.
All I needed was time to heal
All the pain I felt was so real
Now I'm gonna love myself the way no body else will.
It's not easy to forgive
When everything's so hard to forget
All my struggles in the past
People said I wouldn't last
But I'm still standing here
In my heart I'm truly grateful
Cause all the drama only made me stronger
I'm glad I realize no matter how you try
You'll never get the best of me
You thought I was broken but I was still hoping
You'll never get the best of me
And my heart was broken but now it's all over
I'm bigger and I'm better of a person than the one you used to know before.
I'm bigger and I'm better of a person than the one you used to know before
(All because
I found someone to believe in
I don't need no confessing
If I don't love myself
The way no body else will.
All I needed was time to heal
All the pain I felt was so real
[Verse 1:]
It's been 2 months and 20 days the last time I layed my eye on you
And I'm sick and tired of not bein around you
And I'm sick and tired of not seein your face
And baby I no that its killin you too
I can hear it in your voice when I'm talkin to you
On the fone late at night
My conclusion is...bein alone ain't right
So confused babe
Cuz some nights I cry
Thinkin about you baby can't do without you baby please believe me
That some nights I cry
Thinkin about you baby
I can't handle this long distance relationship
Yea yea yea yea yea yea
(long distance relationship) yea yea yea yea
See IIIIII.....
[Verse 2:]
Will go so crazy if your not here with me
Your too far your not near me
I'm alone late at night and my conclusion is...bein alone ain't right
I need you
Cuz you are ma homeboy ma baby I'm your special lady
Your my through and through boy
I'm thankin you for inspirin me boy you no that you put that fire in me
Thank you...
Cuz some nights I cry
Thinkin about you baby can't do without you baby please believe me
That some nights I cry
Thinkin about you baby
I can't handle this long distance relationship
Yea yea yea yea yea yea
(long distance relationship) yea yea yea yea
I can't handle this long distance relationship
Yea yea yea yea yea yea
(long distance relationship) yea yea yea yea
[Verse 1:]
Been waitin', frustrated, lonely, cold feet, got you taking ya time
Cupid told me hold on sometimes love is blind
(In a shot) dead and center, it's evident, it was all stressed thoughts who lost their way
We just need some time to see
(Baby) don't you see the signals, pointing my direction?
(My lovee) yeaaaaaaaa
(And maybe) you just need a minute, but I'm tired of guessin'
(Ohhh uh uh uh) yeaaaa
Baby you need to come on, come on, come on, come on
Cause you taking way to (taking way) you taking way to long
You need to come on, come on, come on, come on
Cause you taking way to (taking way) you taking way to long
[Verse 2:]
One reason, unneeded, past and present could that be it?
Ya scared, did you read somewhere that you should take it slow?
(Cause I feel) stars are lining, it's oh so rare
Got my heart and mind on one accord, think it's time that you rebel
(Baby) don't you see the signals, pointing my direction?
(My lovee my love) yeaaaaaaaa
(And maybe) you just need a minute, but I'm tired of guessin' (Ooohh)
(Ohhh uh uh uh) yeaaaa
Baby you need to come on, come on, come on, come on
Cause you taking way to (taking way) you taking way to long
You need to come on(yea), come on(yeaa), come on(yeaaa), come on
Cause you taking way to (taking way) you taking way to long
All it takes is hello
Drop ya guard and come on
Ain't no need to be shy (Ain't no need)
This was meant to go right(this was meant to go right)
It's a magical thing(It's a magcial thing)
Combining you and me
I'm just waiting for you
Tell me what you gonna do
Let it breathe...
I'm ready for you...
If you're ready for me
I'm ready for youuu
If you're ready
[Chorus: x2]
Baby you need to come on, come on, come on, come on
Cause you taking way to (taking way) you taking way to long
You need to come on(yea), come on(yeaa), come on(yeaaa), come on
Cause you taking way to (taking way) you taking way to long
Let it breathe...
I'm ready for you...
If you're ready for me
I'm ready for youuu
Here goes, Here goes
Baby tell me whats the deal, deal, deal
Can I keep it real, real, real
Tell you how I feel, feel, feel
Here goes, Here goes
Im ready for all the things baby that you wanna to do,
But first I gotta know if I can get a small commitment from you ok, ok ,ok
Tell me your way, way, way
I know you wanna make it rain for me,
no more drama no more pain for me,
maybe we could hold hands if you were my boyfriend,
I know you'll give me the moon and stars above,
If that has no meaning it was not enough,
we could slow dance if you were my boyfriend,
Dont you wanna be my, be my, be my
Here goes, Here goes
Baby what it gonna be, be, be
Is it you and me, me, me
Im waiting patiently, ly, ly
Lets go, Come on baby lets go
Baby if you just relax and think about what you wanna do
And let your heart lead the way it'll be ok, ok, ok
But tell me your way, way, way
I know you wanna make it rain for me, (yeah)
no more drama no more pain for me, (yeah, yeah)
maybe we could hold hands if you were my boyfriend, (here goes)
I know you'll give me the moon and stars above,
If that has no meaning it was not enough,
we could slow dance (here goes) if you were my boyfriend,
Dont you wanna be my, be my, be my
Here goes
HITZZ COMITTEE..NAPPYBOY! Hey...yeah..Hey...yeah hmmmm
Yung Joc
I Know just what you like, you say the swagger's nice till your boyfriend take a hike we can bug a boos on ice, hop in the whip feel them pipes I take a lil trip through the city at night like don't stop get it get it guarantee to ---- you right I can get you what you like what you sippin put it on ice I consist but you intice flick my wrist and put your wrist on ice
Asia Cruise
Baby I think it's time I tell you the truth, hey cuz I think I'm in love with your swagger and not you, cuz the way you walk and talk is so provocative boo, and I'm a lady when I'm in your Mercedes and that's cool but it's safe to say I
Asia Cruise & T-Pain
Think I'm in love with the things that you got, yea that's what makes you hot not you and I don't mean to be mean but that seems to be the truth, I think I'm in love with your swagger uh uh uh uh uh your swagger uh uh uh uh uh your swagger uh uh uh uh your swagger uh uh uh hey HEY!
Asia Cruise
I'm not sayin' that I'm tellin' you lies, cuz I got love for you but I'm in love with the things you drive, cuz all of your clothes is so fly but when you go by you don't look so fly in 'em but baby if you go buy new rims for yo ride I will gladly slide up in it because I
Asia Cruise & T-Pain
Think I'm in love with the things that you got, yea that's what makes you hot not you and I don't mean to be mean but that seems to be the truth, I think I'm in love with your swagger
Yung Joc
Hold up, cut this music, you mean that all this while, I been thinkin' you love me,was more like my -----style, WOW, you love my lavish habits, my large bank accounts,somebody dial 911 like Chris Brown I'm about to take her down,just kiddin' but you really can't blame her,I'm black, young, rich and famous, look, I'm down to earth unlike these other entertainers, my daddy raised a G,my mama prayed for me, now I'm hoppin' on and off the PJ just to get me from A to B, hate to say it but they hate to see, the way chicks grill and take to me, snap my finger, bring that cake to me, number one they can't wait to be, like don't stop, get it get it, you want it come and get it, tell it, what ya wanna hear, go introduce ya to somebody hear
Asia Cruise & T-Pain
[Verse 1:]
There goes our love on the glass work on the floor.
There goes at least a thousand pieces of love lost.
My heart is buried somewhere deep in all of this.
The brave soul out of my rich.
How do you expect me to make it through the fall.
My body, my body ain't used to not being warm.
If you never touched charge it to the first degreed.
This is killing me.
And I'm stuck trying to recall, Im'ma let you slip out the door.
All of this bull**** reflecting on me.
So I let you get the last one.
I'll just keep the pictures, here in my head like I'm half dead.
I can't stand to see myself, I'm avoiding mirrors.
All I wanna do is sleep and wanna face reality.
See she left, I'm avoiding mirrors.
Ohh you left me underneath the sheets.
Ahhhhh Oh Ahhhhh Oh Ahhhhh Oh
No I don't want to see us I'm avoiding mirrors.
[Verse 2:]
As fast as you came the quicker that you took a loss.
Whatever I do take the presence off distort.
No matter what they gonna be, me is all i've done.
Sing, song, I'd rather go without a piece.
And I'm stuck trying to recall, Im'ma let you slip out the door.
All of this bull**** reflecting on me.
So I let you get the last one.
I'll just keep the pictures, here in my head like I'm half dead.
I can't stand to see myself, I'm avoiding mirrors.
All I wanna do is sleep and wanna face reality.
See she left, I'm avoiding mirrors.
Ohh you left me underneath the sheets.
Ahhhhh Oh Ahhhhh Oh Ahhhhh Oh
No I don't want to see us I'm avoiding mirrors.
[Verse 3:]
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah I wanna forget, lets get back to where we left.
I'm hoping that time can heal us to bring you back to my picture.
I can't stand to see myself, I'm avoiding mirrors.
All I wanna do is sleep and wanna face reality.
See she left, I'm avoiding mirrors.
Ohh you left me underneath the sheets.
Ahhhhh Oh Ahhhhh Oh Ahhhhh Oh
No I don't want to see us I'm avoiding mirrors.
You and I both know that we're not happy so something needs to happen
Same ol' same everyday of the week(everyday of the week)
Why o Why do you keep lyin to me Im not buying a thing that you say so just leave it alone(so just leave it alone)
And baby when i call, you act like you dont wanna talk to me(yeah), actin like your asleep
If thats how it is...
I'll just leave you alone(I'll just leave you alone)
[Chorus 2x]
But first you gotta have...
Ya gone, ya say, ya home, So you aint gotta worry bout me
I'm okay but you cant stay, So you aint gotta worry bout me.
(2x)you you you you you you you aint gotta worry bout me
[Verse 2]
If you leave, baby i can do what i wanna do and i aint gotta worry bout you
Please dont talk, baby this aint the time(Baby this aint the time)
Why O why are you tryna cover it up im so done with ya stuff
i deserve much more better than you(much more better than you)
And baby when you call I'll act like i dont wanna talk(yeah) to you how does it feel boo boo
I guess thats how it is so I'll leave you alone (so I'll leave you alone)
[chorus 2x]
Lets start by correcting ya tone
Lower ya finger, don't be comin' at me
With condescending demeanors.
We both know that ya dead wrong
And what makes it worse, you don't even have the nerve
To ever say that you're sorry
You're never wrong and i'm never right and
You win all the rounds in every fight
Thats why...
Cant stay another day when you're always
Gettin your way , you just keep getting your way
You just keep getting your way (selfish)
So i decided not to get in your way
Its time to do it my way and that means
Getting away from you, ya selfish!
How is it that you can look at us and only see you
You can look at one but, never would you ever see two
You can live a lie and never be true
Its so funny now, how clearly I can see you
You're never wrong and i'm never right and
You win all the rounds in every fight
Thats why...
Cant stay another day when you're always
Gettin your way , you just keep getting your way
You just keep getting your way (selfish)
So i decided not to get in your way
Its time to do it my way and that means
Getting away from you, ya selfish!
No we don't need to talk
Ain't nothin left to say
You got everything ya want
Go ahead and have ya cake
I know what's best for me
We go our separate ways
Leaving you with everything
Even all the pain
Cant stay another day when you're always
Gettin your way , you just keep getting your way
You just keep getting your way
So i decided not to get in your way
Its time to do it my way and that means
What’s your name (x2)
What’s your name (x2)
But I been waiting on you
I’ve been so patient for you
I’m not trying to rush you or anything
I just want to get to know you
There ain’t no need for gaming
I know just what your saying
And I been watching you from all the way across the room
I just got to find a way to come and talk to you
And I’m so bad at introductions
And I don’t know what to talk about
And I don’t want to say the wrong thing and push you away from me
And you so tight I don’t want to mess this up
And you just the type to have me dressing up
There’s only one chance
I got to say something
Here goes nothing
Usually I don’t do this but
You wont do it for me so
What’s your name (baby, baby) x2
It takes two to make a thing go right
You are looking to right so
What’s your name (baby, baby) x2
Its not that I’m impatient
But you’re procrastinating
And I’m not trying to rush you or anything
I’m not trying to be rude
And I can’t wait no longer
The feelings getting stronger
I’m the only one you not talking two
So I got to come and talk to you
But baby I’m
And I’m so bad at introductions
And I don’t know what to talk about
And I don’t know what to talk about
And I don’t want to say the wrong thing o push you away from me
And you so tight I don’t want to mess this up
And you the type to have me dressing up
There’s only one chance
I got to say something
Here goes nothing
Usually I don’t do this but
You wont do it for me so
What’s your name (baby, baby) x2
It takes two to make a thing go right
You are looking to right so
{music plays}
Hitz Committee
Got a little, got a little, got a little, got a little
Got a little secret, don't think I can keep it
If I let you know, promise you wont go
Haven't got me feet wet, I don't have no regrets
Cuz I saved it all for you
If we can play a little longer
Til we feel it stronger
It will be much better, All about the pleasure
You aint never rushed me, but each time you touch me
Here's what I want you to do
Take me by the ha-and
Baby understand that
I need you to make it good for me
Imma let you walk me, walk me, walk me out
Walk me, walk me, walk me out
Move a little closer, kiss me on my shoulder
Want you just as bad as you want me
Imma let you walk me, walk me, walk me out
Walk me, walk me, walk me out
And now we right up on the weekend
I'm so sick of creepin
Aint nobody home, we can be alone
Somethin bout yo mouthpiece, everytime your mouth speaks
I do what you want me to
So tonight you be my teacher, help me do my research
Follow when you leave, I just wanna be
One that makes you happy, baby don't ask me
Tell me what you wanna do
Take me by the ha-and
Baby understand that
I need you to make it good for me
Imma let you walk me, walk me, walk me out
Walk me, walk me, walk me out
Move a little closer, kiss me on my shoulder
Want you just as bad as you want me
Imma let you walk me, walk me, walk me out
Walk me, walk me, walk me out
And I wanna leave this party, leave this party
With you, you
And all the ladies and the fellas get jealous cuz how we do(oh)do
Where the rest just dressin fresh just out of the crew, crew
Imma tell my girls they can ride out now cuz I'm leavin with you
But you gotta walk me out
You put them diamonds on my necklace
You been gettin reckless
If we take it slow, you aint gotta go
I can cook you breakfast
Top it with a french kiss
Aren't you so beautiful
We can lay back(put your arm around my shoulder)
Watchin movies(then well get a little closer)
All I wanna do is, make sure that you'll be here
If I give it all to you
Take me by the ha-and
Baby understand that
I need you to make it good for me
Imma let you walk me, walk me, walk me out
Walk me, walk me, walk me out
Move a little closer, kiss me on my shoulder
Want you just as bad as you want me
Imma let you walk me, walk me, walk me out
Walk me, walk me, walk me out
Take me by the ha-and
Baby understand that
I need you to make it good for me
Imma let you walk me, walk me, walk me out
Walk me, walk me, walk me out
Move a little closer, kiss me on my shoulder
Want you just as bad as you want me
Imma let you walk me, walk me, walk me out
[Verse 1:]
I'm tired of being number 2. and all I want is you.if you keep on telling me that we gon be together but you never come around cause your girlfriends got you all up in her grill. suspicious of the deal. when you say you got controll of the situation but I'm getting impatient. I won't keep waiting.
I refuse to let you take me down this bumpy rollercoaster. should of listened to my girls when they tried to warn me. I refuse to let you play. play the victim any longer.
(this is it.this is your ultimatum)
Yeah your ultimatum yeah cause I'm mad as hell you would never come and leave you we're mine from the jump. this is your ultimatum yeah yeah. your ultimatum yeah yeah cause I'm mad as hell you would never come and leave you we're mine from the jump ultimatum.
[Verse 2:]
I can't believe it takes take so long to make the decision that I thought you already new. but obviously this confirms you lied. boy you lied to me. and to my family. how could I have felled for you oh.
I refuse to let you take me down to this stumpy rollercoaster. should of listened to my girls when they tried to warn me. I refuse to let you play. play the victim any longer.
(this is it.this is your ultimatum)
[ This is a song made with a Mi, with a Sol, with a Si,
with a La ]
Dub-stop-stop ! (X4)
Shubub-day-dee-day-dee-dubs ! (X4)
Mi Sol Si La,
La Sol La Sol Mi
Do Fa Re
Mi Sol Si La,
La Sol La Sol Mi
Shubub-day-dee-day-dee-dubs ! (X4)
Mi Sol Si La,
La Sol La Sol Mi
Do Fa Re
Mi Sol Si La,
La Sol La Sol Mi
Shubub-day-dee-day-dee-dubs !
Ooh Me-steady-dubs !
I'm gonna sing now
Even though my voice is gone
I'm gonna claim now
Even though my life is down
Izembenembede (come back)
What about the good things
Since the time I met that bomb
What about my life Since you found
Yourself To be So strong
So nice, so beautiful
I've a coconut tree
Behind my house
When I'm hungry
I can go
I can go and get a little coco
And eat it
While I'm playing my song
While I'm dancing my dance
To make my people happy yeah!
"Iniambola" (Go ahead)! X4
"Iniambo bwhoh-tchuh" (Go ahead by day time)
"Iniambo tet-njam" (Go ahead at midnight)
Solo (guitar)
Refrain again
What about the good things (yeah)
What about my thirst and my hunger (yeah)
Evrytime I think about this girl
When sh'es out and far
There's still a little coconut
To eat and drink and think
Iniambola hey (go ahead)!
I keep on working everyday
I keep on working everyday
Nobody cares what I used to say
They keep on dancing everyday
While I'm dancing in the darkness
Oh, I know
You, no guess
My sorrow
I keep on working everynight yeah
I keep on working everyday too
I keep on suffering everyday
I keep on warning everyday
Nobody hear me
And working in the dark is so hard
And I cry
But nobody hear me
I work on monday
I work on Tuesday
I work on Wednesday
I work on Thursday
I work on Friday
Saturday and Sunday
This is my Worksong
I sing it for workers
(C)1992-2010-Wess Fosso
EASY (Title n1)
Fight for your life (2X)
No way to cry
(Since we were left here alone
We're standing downtown, crying)
- (r e f r a I n ) -
Fight for your life
I wanna pray for you
You know I'll be the spark
That lits for good
Fight for your life
I wanna stay beside
You know I'll do my best
So fight for your life
And bite for your life
If I leave you alone tell me
What would happen for children
Better listen and get it repaired
Now if I leave what will they say ?
Please hug me
And let forget it all
Hold me tight
And let forget it all
I wish I forgive you
And you forgive me too
Let's put ot together
And hug each other
She's the kind of girl, makes you look twice
Makes the fellas nod their heads
So fine, that
every man would wanna hold her hand
It's crazy (oh yeah)
Lookin so good to me, she was so tight
words just can't describe
She was something like a beauty queen from a fashion magazine
Deep inside, girl I can't deny it
What I feel, I can't really hide it
Mi amor,
girl my heart is true for you
I need you Maria
of all the sweet senoritas
Lookin so good I would like to me ya (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)
get a chill whenever I see ya
Shorty I like the way that your booty rolls (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)
a perfect ten and she knows it
From her head down to her toes
The kind that makes you want to settle
And just get married (oh yea)
I would do anything to be near her
Give her all I have and more
girl you are the one for me
You're my pin-up fantasy (oh Maria)
Baby I need you endlessly
with you is where I wanna be (ohooh)
Just Because of You
Just because of you, I'm cryin in sadness
Just because of us,
I feel like I'm dyin
So I'm beggin you, wantin you, callin you
I never believed our love would
It's funny how time just passed us by
I couldn't imagine you'd walk out my life
all of the girls that I once knew,
They all disappeared when I met you
You're all that I ever wanted
in my life
Bridge - all together
I'll find a way to make you stay, I still believe in our love
see the truth, because of you, the key to our lasting love
Chorus - all together
Just because
of you, I'm cryin in sadness
Give it one more try, and I'll do the same
Just because of us, I feel
like I'm dyin
So I'm beggin you, wantin you, callin you
I never believed a man should
Until you got up, and said goodbye
I pray for the day, you'll come back in my life
do anything to make this right
If only I had you by my side
I'm thinking about you baby day and night
- all together
I'll find a way to make you stay, I still believe in our love
I see the truth, because
of you, the key to our lasting love
Chorus - all together
Just because of you, I'm cryin in sadness
it one more try, and I'll do the same
Just because of us, I feel like I'm dyin
So I'm beggin you,
wantin you, callin you
Just because of you, Just because of us
Chorus - all together
because of you, I'm cryin in sadness
Give it one more try, and I'll do the same
Just because of
us, I feel like I'm dyin
So I'm beggin you, wantin you, callin you
She's a bopper man
A bopper girl with bopper friends
On her bop phone making bopper plans
Watch as she doin her bopper dance
Man there's so many boppers I just can't count
Caught her out on the avenue spending large amounts
Used to rock a gold chain with a grill in her mouth
Got a big ass booty like she was from down south
In and out every club or pub cuz she got love at the door
Is that girl a bop?
And there she go
Everyshow every new hot spot?
And there she go
Got a bops mentality with short bop hair
In them bop ass jeans be boppin it everywhere
Can't take her nowhwere new cuz she already been there did that
Graduated from a hood rat to a bonefide head doctor
She's a bopper.
Ima tell you how to spot a bopper a bopper girls got bop-binoqulars
A trendy store bought purse but not hers
And all of the hot gossip she got first
But I aint tryna hate cuz her head games propper
Jocker after jocker tryna knocker
The loftier the offer now ya got her
Na she's not a gold digger
She's a bopper
And a bop doesn't bop for doe
She bops for the love of the bop the plugs and the spotlite
Hugs in the parking lot like she like
If he poppin right she boppin day or night
Pop till the wheels fall off
Bop till them heels fall off
She cops the pills then she's off
A minute later she pops the pill then she's off
But if you aint got it then all deals are off.
[Chorus: x2]
Banging Screw
That's what south side players do
Smoking sweets pouring up 4's
Drippin wet top down on the nose
[Big Pokey]
It's plain to see that I'm one of a kind
Ride out Bentley smoking pine
Stash spot used to hold the nine
Plus I got the back bumper folded down
Know a young g for sure to shine
Princess cut, sure to blind
High from hydro I got the drank just the other day, blew my mind
Watch iced out can't see the hand
Diamond bezel, diamond band
4's wheeling like a ceiling fan with the top off and the TV playin
All I'm doing is ball-and-parlaying
Heiffel Jack does all my spraying
Best believe when I hit the club before the dub, I'm valet-ing
I'm front, maybe not
Might not park just roam the lot
Snatch the glock up out the stash steal the clip with a infra- dot
Streets is hot stay ready for war
Blue, black, or red don't touch my car
Pour it in a pint don't touch my Barre
I'll burn that ass like a cigar
Stay cocked you know the rules
Got extra clip under my shoes
Riding deep with all my trues
Got extra clips for all our tools
Ain't trying to lose that's why I refuse to lose when I'm on the roll
With the trunk up and the top down showing niggas how to roll
[Lil' Keke]
This is something to understand
In order to make a mill you got to have a plan
Leaving many stains in the Caravan
Trying to sit back and be the man
Tell the truth, never lie
Some of these niggas is getting fly
I'm gonna sit back and watch them die
Sipping on drank and staying high
Call me Ke, call me Don
Long as you know that I'm the one
Money by the tons is how I raise my son
Never leave my crib without packing a gun
I been a fool way back in school
Always knew to keep it cool
Catch a tear spot and keep it cruel
In the Y2K i done changed the rules
Better get yours cause I'm gonna get mine
Trying to get paid for I do it in time
Throwed in the game man I had to shine
Looking at the roley it'll keep you blind
Yes indeed, corners bleed, jamming Screw, smoking weed
All the time, gots to shine, that's how a young nigga's supposed to see
Now who it be on the count of three
Everybody here say CMG
Commission Music Group now can't you see
Microphone check this is Don Keke
Just to let you know before I go
Nigga gonna still get ten a show
I can put it down on a pen and pad but I was born and raised to be a freestyle pro