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Peter Moore commented on Radical Women NYC's event 'Privatizing Happiness: the lives of today's young workers'
"Are there any book reviews for Silva's book that I can see online? Or an event report? Thanks."
27 minutes ago
Peter Moore left a comment for Lee Heard
"Yes, that would be great to see the IWW joining the Owen Sound union movement. Sounds like the major industries have solid union representation. What is AMAPCEO? It's not a union acronym I've seen before."
31 minutes ago
Lee Heard left a comment for Peter Moore
"Hi Peter, Owen Sound has a District Labour Council as well as several OPSEU Locals in addition to the UNIFOR and CUPE in the area and the Power Workers at Bruce Power, and some other smaller unions as well. The UNIFOR Education centre is also…"
34 minutes ago
Haji Muhammad Saeed Arian posted a blog post

(PLF) condemned the killing 126 innocent people in Peshawar

(PLF) condemned the killing 126 innocent people in PeshawarHaji Muhammad saeed Arian Founder/Secretary General,Mrs Atia Saleem Chairperson, Mrs. Shumalia Sadiq Secretary Women wing and Mr Asaf F Vardag President Pakistan Labour Federation (PLF) strongly contemned the killings of 126 Innocent peoples and declared this the worst attack to hit the country in years They said that this was the horrific attack, carried out by a relatively small number of militants. And trying to overthrow the…See More
7 hours ago
General Defense Committee Local6 replied to Peter Moore's discussion IWW Campaigns in the group Industrial Workers of the World
"Just $790 to go to secure healthcare for Fellow Worker Deepan Budlakoti. Donate today! http://www.gofundme.com/healthfordeepan"
General Defense Committee Local6 posted a status
"Just $790 to go to secure healthcare for Fellow Worker Deepan Budlakoti http://www.gofundme.com/healthfordeepan"
General Defense Committee Local6 posted a status
"Ontario needs safe workplaces http://ht.ly/FynHo"
General Defense Committee Local6 posted a status
"Tim Hortons whistleblowers fear deportation"
General Defense Committee Local6 posted a status
"The Liberals abandoned the homeless. Let's not forget.…"
General Defense Committee Local6 posted a status
"Free Huber, a Colombian trade unionist http://www.labourstartcampaigns.net/show_campaign.cgi?c=2606"
Peter Moore liked Lee Heard's profile
Peter Moore left a comment for Lee Heard
"Hi Lee, So you're in Owen Sound? Is that a union town or was at one time?"
Peter Moore and Lee Heard are now friends
peter waterman posted blog posts
Peter Moore might attend Cheryl LaBash's event

Evening in Solidarity w/Cuban 5 -- View new prison art by Antonio Guerrero at SEIU Service Employees International Union in Washington, D.C., 18th Street and Massachusetts Ave

September 13, 2014 from 6pm to 10pm
'Absolved by Solidarity' new prison art by Antonio Guerrero, one of the Cuban 5, followed by a panelSee More
Peter Moore might attend Radical Women NYC's event

Privatizing Happiness: the lives of today's young workers at Freedom Hall

November 15, 2014 from 2pm to 5pm
As the new generation of workers weathers a sea of economic insecurity and disappearing safety nets, how have millennials coped with a world in which the American dream is out of reach?Using Jennifer Silva’s new book Coming Up Short: Working Class Adulthood in an Age of Uncertainty as a jumping off point, a discussion led by millennials will focus on how today's challenging social conditions are changing how young people define success and set goals. We will look at how this new generation is…See More
Lee Heard updated their profile
Haji Muhammad Saeed Arian posted a blog post

All Human Beings are Born Free and Equal in Dignity and Rights”.

“All Human Beings are Born Free and Equal in Dignity and Rights”. On the occasions of the International Day of Human Rights Haji Muhammad Saeed Arian Said that the international community to commemorate the adoption of the Universal Declaration United Nation and sets international standards of human rights in which every individual is entitled to certain Fundamental Rights, irrespective of his/her class, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Religion and other social divisions. He said that  “All Human…See More
peter waterman posted a blog post

USA: A Union Created by Workers the Union Could not Aford to Unionise

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.Felimon Pineda: Action in the Berry FieldsZ Communications Daily CommentaryFelimon Pineda was born in a small Mixteco community in rural Oaxaca, Mexico.His family moved in 2007 to Washington state’s Skagit Valley, where he and his wife picked berries for Sakuma Brothers Farms. Last year his peers elected him vice…See More
Haji Muhammad Saeed Arian posted a blog post

(PLF) Urge to Prime Minister taking notice of the Financial Crisis in the PTDC

(PLF) Urge to Prime Minister taking notice of the Financial Crisis in the PTDCHaji Muhammad Saeed Arian Founder/Secretary General, Mrs Atia Saleem Chairperson Mr Asaf F Vardag President and Mrs Shumalia Sadiq Secretary Women wing Pakistan Labour Federation (PLF)  demanded  Prime Minister for  taking notice of the Financial Crisis in the department, had announced a bailout package. They said that  eight months have elapsed but the concerned authorities in the cabinet have not yet implemented…See More

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