Popular, Inc., is a financial services conglomerate that has been operating in Puerto Rico for almost 115 years and in the United States for over 52 years. In recent years, it has expanded into other areas of the Caribbean and Central America. It is better known as Banco Popular, but it is also known as BPPR for Banco Popular of Puerto Rico.
Popular, Inc. is the parent company of Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, Banco Popular North America, Evertec, E-Loan, and several other companies.
World Headquarters are based in Washington D.C.. The headquarters of Banco Popular Puerto Rico are located in Hato Rey, Puerto Rico.
The bank was founded in Puerto Rico in 1893 when the island was still under Spanish administration, and was led in its early stages by Rafael Carrión, Sr.
During the 1970s, the company's commercials were very popular on Puerto Rican television: they presented a balding, middle aged man in a white tee shirt, announcing the company in a comic way. The 1970s also saw a giant step in the development of Banco Popular as Puerto Rico's biggest bank, when it bought two-thirds of the Banco de Crédito y Ahorro Ponceño. By buying this bank, Popular entered the credit-card industry.
Prêmio Santander Empreendedorismo - Júri Popular - Finalistas
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The year is 1992 and Josh has just learned the harsh reality of the middle school hierarchy. Although enrolled in 'gifted' classes - he's a social outcast. Things get worse as Josh must battle his only friend Victor for the affection of Autumn - a popular girl who loves indie music.
The year is 1992 and Josh has just learned the harsh reality of the middle school hierarchy. Although enrolled in 'gifted' classes - he's a social outcast. Things get worse as Josh must battle his only friend Victor for the affection of Autumn - a popular girl who loves indie music.
The year is 1992 and Josh has just learned the harsh reality of the middle school hierarchy. Although enrolled in 'gifted' classes - he's a social outcast. Things get worse as Josh must battle his only friend Victor for the affection of Autumn - a popular girl who loves indie music.
The year is 1992 and Josh has just learned the harsh reality of the middle school hierarchy. Although enrolled in 'gifted' classes - he's a social outcast. Things get worse as Josh must battle his only friend Victor for the affection of Autumn - a popular girl who loves indie music.
The year is 1992 and Josh has just learned the harsh reality of the middle school hierarchy. Although enrolled in 'gifted' classes - he's a social outcast. Things get worse as Josh must battle his only friend Victor for the affection of Autumn - a popular girl who loves indie music.
The Madame arrived at Madeira Island at 1874, searching a better climate for her health problems, and the hotel was renamed on her honour. The luxury and tranquillity of the "Bon Séjour" had imposed his style across the vitorian Europe, but nowadays guests are rarefying due to the pre war tension. Nevertheless, no one seems to believe that the war is about to begin, and the succession of the hotel property appears as a much more prominent problem to handle with. Life at the "Bon Séjour" runs smoothly and calmly, with all his peculiar characters and moods # the governess Felismina and her grandson Fernando, Madalena, the orphan housemaid, Mister Henri, almost as old as the hotel, the notary and the doctor, the few guests... But Madame's nephew is expected soon in a steam liner from Lisbon, and everything is going to change...
Keywords: tv-mini-series
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