Yerevan Nights | Varied | Armenia |
Radio Van | Pop | Armenia |
Radio Aurora | Pop,Top 40 | Armenia |
Armenian Christian Radio | Christian Contemporary | Armenia |
Armenia, the Land of Noah | Full Documentaries - Planet Doc Full Documentaries
Arsen Gevorgyan,Ում by Tigran Petrosyan -- The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Vardan Galstyan,All of Me by John Legend The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Anushik Martirosyan,Կռունկ by Komitas -- The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Interesting Russia Today documentary about Yerevan, Capital of Armenia.
Meline Galoyan,This is a Man's World -- The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Karina Hakobyan,Roar by Ketty Perry -- The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Arman Minasyan,Historia De Un Amor -- The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Rima Parsyan,Տաք անձրև by Ani Christy The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Grigor Davtyan,You Are So Beautiful -- The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Arpine Babakhanyan,One Way Or Another -- The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Armenia welcomes you (Yerevan City) [720p] 2012
Gor Hovhannisyan,You Raise Me Up -- The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Betty - People Of The Sun (Armenia) 2014 Junior Eurovision Song Contest
Liz Gilbert (Roberts) had everything a modern woman is supposed to dream of having - a husband, a house, a successful career - yet like so many others, she found herself lost, confused, and searching for what she really wanted in life. Newly divorced and at a crossroads, Gilbert steps out of her comfort zone, risking everything to change her life, embarking on a journey around the world that becomes a quest for self-discovery. In her travels, she discovers the true pleasure of nourishment by eating in Italy; the power of prayer in India, and, finally and unexpectedly, the inner peace and balance of true love in Bali.
Keywords: anti-materialism, bali, bare-butt, bare-chested-male, based-on-memoir, based-on-novel, beauty, bicycle-accident, bladder-infection, brazilian-music
Let Yourself Go This August
Liz Gilbert: I'm sick of people telling me that I need a man.::Felipe: You don't need a man, Liz. You need a champion.
Tulsi: What did I look like when I was happy?
Liz Gilbert: It won't last forever. Nothing does.
Ketut Liyer: Sometimes to lose balance for love is part of living a balanced life.
Felipe: Listen, balance, my darling, is not letting anybody love you less than you love yourself.
Liz Gilbert: In the end, I've come to believe in something I call "The Physics of the Quest." A force in nature governed by laws as real as the laws of gravity. The rule of Quest Physics goes something like this: If you're brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting, which can be anything from your house to bitter, old resentments, and set out on a truth-seeking journey, either externally or internally, and if you are truly willing to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue and if you accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher and if you are prepared, most of all, to face and forgive some very difficult realities about yourself, then the truth will not be withheld from you.
Liz Gilbert: Dear friends and loved ones: My birthday's coming up soon. If I were home, I'd be planning a stupid, expensive birthday party and you'd all be buying me gifts and bottles of wine. A cheaper, more lovely way to celebrate would be to make a donation to help a healer named Wayan Nuriyasih buy a house in Indonesia. She's a single mother. ln Bali, after a divorce, a woman gets nothing, not even her children. To gain custody of her daughter, Tutti, Wayan had to sell everything, even her bath mat, to pay for a lawyer. For years, they've moved from place to place. Each time, Wayan loses clientele and Tutti has to change schools. This little group of people in Bali have become my family. And we must take care of our families, wherever we find them. Today l saw Tutti playing with a blue tile she'd found in the road near a hotel construction site. She told me: Maybe if we have a house someday, it can have a pretty blue floor like this. When I was in Italy, I learned a word - It's "tutti" with double T, which in ltalian means "everybody." So that's the lesson, isn't it? When you set out in the world to help yourself, sometimes you end up helping Tutti.
Liz Gilbert: Maybe my life hasn't been so chaotic. It's just the world that is and the only real trap is getting attached to any of it. Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation.
Sofi: Maybe you're a woman in search of a word.
Luca Spaghetti: Americans know entertainment, but they don't know pleasure.
Mancano pochi minuti alla fine dell'Ottocento e, davanti alla cattedrale di Santiago del Cile, un mendicante sente che sta per lasciare questo mondo. Decide così di raccontare la sua storia. Il pover'uomo è Julius Popper, ingegnere rumeno che nel 1860 aveva inventato un nuovo sistema per estrarre l'oro e si era insediato nella Tierra del Fuego, in Patagonia, in nome della regina Carmen Sylba. Molti i personaggi e gli avvenimenti che gli tornano in mente. Dalla maitresse Armenia, sua amante, all'avventuriero italiano Spiro, dal sergente austriaco Novak alla bellissima india Elisa, al gallese Silveira, nostalgico delle cornamuse. Ma la lotta per il possesso del prezioso metallo lo porterà a scontrarsi con i proprietari terrieri e con gli indios. Popper diventa così il "Re dei Paramos (le lande desolate della Terra del Fuoco)" e si circonda di un esercito fantasma che gli servirà per arrivare allo sterminio degli indios, in nome di un falso progresso.
Keywords: based-on-book, based-on-novel
The Four Queenly Virtues are Constancy, Fidelity, Chastity and Honor --
Armenia, the Land of Noah | Full Documentaries - Planet Doc Full Documentaries
Arsen Gevorgyan,Ում by Tigran Petrosyan -- The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Vardan Galstyan,All of Me by John Legend The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Anushik Martirosyan,Կռունկ by Komitas -- The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Interesting Russia Today documentary about Yerevan, Capital of Armenia.
Meline Galoyan,This is a Man's World -- The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Karina Hakobyan,Roar by Ketty Perry -- The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Arman Minasyan,Historia De Un Amor -- The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Rima Parsyan,Տաք անձրև by Ani Christy The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Grigor Davtyan,You Are So Beautiful -- The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Arpine Babakhanyan,One Way Or Another -- The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Armenia welcomes you (Yerevan City) [720p] 2012
Gor Hovhannisyan,You Raise Me Up -- The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Betty - People Of The Sun (Armenia) 2014 Junior Eurovision Song Contest
Next War Scenario Between Armenia & Azerbaijan
David Rodriguez, La Camisa Negra by Juanes -- The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Naira Asatryan,Կռունկ by Komitas The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Armenia, la tierra de Noe | Documental Completo - Planet Doc
Slovakia - Armenia 0:4, Qualifiers 2012 Complete Highlights
Serge Tevosyan 2012-2013 (Street Workout Armenia)
Aram MP3 - Not Alone (Armenia) LIVE Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Grand Final
The Voice Of Armenia - Promo 10 - The Blind Auditions - Season 3
Diana Hovakimyan,Always by Bon Jovi -- The Voice of Armenia – The Blind Auditions – Season 3
Armenia News Digest: Wednesday, February 5, 2014
BBC News - Armenia's votes investigated in Azerbejian
Armenia News Digest: Monday, November 11, 2013
Armenia News Digest: Thursday, November 21, 2013
Armenia News Digest: Friday, February 7, 2014
Armenia News Digest: Friday, February 28, 2014
Evgeny Kissin News - Armenia, Yerevan (Sept 2012)
Armenia News Digest: Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Armenia News Digest: Wednesday, November 20, 2013
VICE News Daily: Beyond The Headlines - August, 6 2014
Armenia News Digest: Thursday, October 3, 2013
Armenia News Digest: Thursday, October 17, 2013
Broadcast Design // News package // Armenia TV // 2012 // HD
News from Armenia in the Turkish Media
Armenia News Digest: Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Armenia News Digest: Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Armenia News Digest: Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Armenia News Digest: Friday, November 15, 2013
Russia to host talks with leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan
YHGI LURER Armenia News 2
Armenia News Digest September 25, 2013
interview with Turkish Armenian singer Sibil
Երևան` իմ տուն -Yerevan, My Home - Ереван,мой дом - ErebuniEVN 2796
WELCOME TO YEREVAN! (by M.Gevorgyan & T.Iskandaryan)
YEREVAN - A Celebration of Life
Driving through Yerevan, Armenia (I)
Driving Through the Streets of Yerevan (HD) - Aug 5, 2014
What song are you listening to? YEREVAN
Yerevan 2014
Armenchik Live in concert Armenia Yerevan New
Yerevan blues.avi
Nastya Kamenskih, Potap & Garik Martirosyan-Sirelis (Yerevan - Kiev - Transit)
Yerevan | Tbilisi | Baku City. 2014 - Battle. Ереван | Тбилиси | Баку 2014
Yerevan: Lonely Planet
Сосо Павлиашвили - Ереван / Soso Pavliashvili - Yerevan
Stand Up Yerevan 2 - Gor Henrikh Mkhitaryani ev haykakan footballi masin
Timelapse: 3D Yerevan by Locator Promo Video
Happy Yerevan people
Azat hin im Yerevan. HD.
Yerevan Erebuni
Happy Gyumri
Gyumri dat 9 04 14
Armenian Pop ► DerHova Project - Mer Gyumri [NEW] [HD]
Urax Gyumri Part 2
Best of Armenian ( Leninakan - Gyumri Humor-3
Best of Armenian ( Leninakan - Gyumri Humor-7
Gyumri Walking Tour/ Travel Gyumri
(Gyumri 2014) Գյումրի 2014 թ. մայիսի 24
Happy ASUE GB (Student Council) Gyumri
GAGIK MKOYAN Im Qaxaq Gyumri.
NIVA 2121 GYUMRI 2014
Samvel Grigoryan - Gyumri
A Gyumri , Film 1987- Гюмри до землетрясения Գյումրի Levon M
Best of Armenian ( Leninakan - Gyumri Classis Humor-1
SEVAK, LUSI, MASHA, KAREN feat GOR NT im Gyumri producing by GOR NT 2010
Gyumri bjshkakan kentron
Gyumri welcomes world champion Artur Aleksanyan as a hero
Flash Mob in Gyumri for Gyumri 2013
Maggie (Margarita Khlghatyan) - Gyumri
Gyumri (Mer harazat qaxaq)
Vanadzor - Jimik Kafyan
biking in the city Armenia Vanadzor Gor Giginyan
City of Vanadzor
Vanadzor №17 dproc/Vipusknoy 12 (ABG)
Vanadzor Hamaynqapatker
Prestige Vanadzor
Lada Niva Rally gonki Vanadzor
13 dproc 12a verjin zang Vanadzor 2014
Vanadzor Armenia "Church service ''1
Vanadzor Armenia "Church service ''2
Happy Students: We are from Vanadzor
Vanadzor..Hamlet Ghazaryan..Tel.091-74-64-01
Happy Gayanna :) We are happy from Vanadzor :)
lezginka vanadzor Apero Armen Narek
Vanadzor Church 12.10.14 Arman exbayr
Vanadzor tiv 21 dproc
Vanadzor 2004
Vanadzor, Armenia 2013 (Kirovakan)
Vanadzor aroxjaran
Happy Students: We are from Vanadzor / backstage
Karin - Ejmiatsin / Կարին - Էջմիածին
GRISHO ASATRYAN - EJMIATSIN (Էջմիածին) NEW 2013 (Official Video)
Ejmiatsin celebrates its 2698-th year
Ejmiatsin celebrating his 2699 anniversary
Ejmiatsin 2695 | Էջմիածին 2695
Travel to Armenia
Armenia - Tourist guide (The Sleeping Beauty) 1/5
Armenia - Tourist guide (The Sleeping Beauty) 2/5
Armenia - Tourist guide (The Sleeping Beauty) 3/5
Armenia - Tourist guide (The Sleeping Beauty) 4/5
Armenia - Tourist guide (The Sleeping Beauty) 5/5
A Tourist's Guide to Yerevan, Armenia
10 Minutes of Armenia...
Armenia Travel Guide (3 minutes in Armenia) Part 1
yerevan nightlife city center Armenia travel guide
Discover Armenia - Tourist Destination
Armenien / Armenia by - Reisevideo / travel video
Armenia Travel Guide 3 minutes in Armenia Part 1 2 14 2014 10 32 16 AM1
Armenia Travels - 2013
Armenia Travel Guide Tour Information
Travel Book Review: Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan Travel Guide (Multi Country Guide) by Lonely Pl...
A Travel Guide for Historic Armenia
Armenia and Karabakh Travel Guide
Armenia Travel Guide 3 minutes in Armenia Part 1 2 14 2014 10 32 16 AM
Armenia Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by
Travel Book Review: Armenia, 3rd: The Bradt Travel Guide by Nicholas Holding
Travel Book Review: Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan (Lonely Planet Travel Guides) by Richard Plunke...
Travel Book Review: Lonely Planet Georgia Armenia & Azerbaijan (Multi Country Travel Guide) by Jo...
Armenia i/ɑrˈmiːniə/ (Armenian: Հայաստան Hayastan [hɑjɑsˈtɑn]), officially the Republic of Armenia (Հայաստանի Հանրապետություն, Hayastani Hanrapetut’yun, [hɑjɑstɑˈni hɑnɾɑpɛtuˈtʰjun]), is a landlocked, mountainous country in the South Caucasus region of Eurasia. Located at the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe, it is bordered by Turkey to the west, Georgia to the north, the de facto independent Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and Azerbaijan to the east, and Iran and the Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhchivan to the south.
A former republic of the Soviet Union, Armenia is a unitary, multiparty, democratic nation-state with an ancient and historic cultural heritage. The Kingdom of Armenia became the first state in the world to adopt Christianity as its religion, in the early years of the 4th century (the traditional date is 301 AD). The modern Republic of Armenia recognizes the Armenian Apostolic Church, the world's oldest national church, as the country's primary religious establishment. Armenians have their own unique alphabet invented by Mesrob Mashtots in 406 AD.
Brennt auf den Naegeln eine Frage nur:
Sind die Vulkane noch taetig?
Sind die Vulkane noch taetig?
Bitte enttaeusch mich nicht!
Ich glaub wieder an Voodoo
Steck Nalden ins Telefonbuch
Bitte enttaeusch mich nicht!
[English translate:]
Burning on the pegs, merely a question:
Are the volcanoes still active?
Are the volcanoes still active?
Please don't disappoint me!
I believe in voodoo again
stick needles in telephone books
Please don't disappoint me!
12. Die Genaue Zeit
Alles wird Muzak
Alle werden gleich
Wie Spaet mag es sein?
Die Macht ist ein laufendes Band
und meine Ohren sind Wunden
Es ist so flach hier
Muzak fuer Leichenschaeuhauser und Neubauten
Angenehm summend hinterlaeszt keine Spuren
akkordnarben - in meinem Gesicht
Es ist so flach heir
Wie spaet mag es sein?
Hoer auf sie Stimme Deines Herrn
Auch lakaien haben taktgefuehl
Wie spaet mag es sein?
Alles wird muzak
Alles sind gleich
Die Macht ist ein laufendes Tonband
Alles wird muzak
Alles sind gleich
Wie spaet mag es sein?
Alle Studios der Welt
im gleichen moment abschalten
Wie spaet mag es sein?
Es ist so flach heir
Zwischen 33 und 45
Oder im 2-stundentakt
Es ist eine Frage von Lautstaerke
und alle sind gleich
[English translate: The Exact Time]
Everything will be muzak
Everything will be the same
How late would it be?
Power is a conveyor belt
and my ears are wounds
It is so plain here
Muzak for mortuaries and new buildings
A pleasant hum leaves behind no traces
chord marks on my face It is so plain here
How late would it be?
Listen to your master's voice
Even lackeys have a good sense of time
How late would it be?
Everything will be muzak
Everything is the same
Power is a running tape
Everything will be muzak
Everything is the same
How late would it be?
Every studio in the world at the same time shut down
How late would it be?
It is so plain here
Between 33 and 45
or in 2-hour segments
It is a question of volume
and everything is the same