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Odeon cinemas
Art Deco Odeon Cinemas
Redhill Odeon Cinema - Abandoned (interior)
Odeon cinema idents HD
Inside the old Odeon cinema, Cambridge Street, Aylesbury
Old Cinema Titles ( 2 Odeon Titles 2nd Gen )
ODEON home made cinema reel January 2014
A Projectionists Job at Odeon's Cinema in Guildford
The Lounge at ODEON Whiteleys: Fine Food and Film
MADONNA - W.E Premiere (Odeon Cinemas London 11-01-12) HD
Ice Age 4 ODEON Cinemas
Moses Babatope, Special Projects Manager, Odeon Cinemas talks about Nollywood
Skyfall: Official Teaser Trailer ODEON Cinemas
How To Train Your Dragon Cup Toppers - at Odeon Cinemas!
Odeon Cinemas was created in 1928 in Britain by Oscar Deutsch. Odeon publicists have claimed that the name of the cinemas was derived from his motto, "Oscar Deutsch Entertains Our Nation", but it had been used for cinemas in France and Italy in the 1920s, and the name is ultimately derived from Ancient Greek. The name "Nickelodeon" was coined in 1905 and was widely used to describe small movie theatres in the United States during that era. However the company is most associated with J. Arthur Rank, the owner for the longest period in its history. PUBLIC DOMAIN News item
Art Deco Odeon Cinemas.
Now Showing - Redevelopment Reincarnate #3.
*** Having playing problems? Try *** In March 2008 I investigated this long closed and fast deteriorating cinema building with my brother. This is a small documentary of what we found, as shot on my digital stills camera when the battery on my camcorder proved flat.
Odeon 2nd gen titles Sorry only got 2 the rest were lost some time ago.
Hi guys this is a homemade ODEON cinema reel for all of you guys it has took ages to make and i hope you enjoy it.
Like us on Facebook at: A short film of how projection works. 98% accurate was filmed at Odeon Guildford as ...
Welcome to The Lounge at ODEON Whiteleys, a unique over 18's luxury cinema experience from ODEON. The Lounge offers you the chance to enjoy Fine Food and Fil...
MADONNA - W.E Premiere (Odeon Cinemas London 11-01-12) HD.
Book tickets online at for Ice Age 4 before the 20th of July and you could win a trip to see Ice Age live at Wembley Arena.
Moses Babatope, Special Projects Manager, Odeon Cinemas talks about premiering the new wave of Nollywood movies in the UK and the potential for the theatrical release of the Mirror Boy
Daniel Craig is back as Bond in 'Skyfall', the latest film in the franchise. released to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the first Bond movie, Dr No. T...
Our cinema ad for Odeon to promote How To Train Your Dragon 2. Hurry - they're sure to fly off the shelves!
Hey Guys, in this video I showcase the odeon cinema which was built in my modern city so make sure to like and subscribe
From Stephenie Meyer (Author of The Twilight Saga) comes 'The Host'. A love story set in the future, where Earth is occupied by a species who erase the minds...
Project : Odeon Pink Sparkle Client : Wolff Olins Director : Emma Cservenka Lush female vocals create a stylish soundscape with a hint of Sixties kitsch - pe...
Home Cinema Reels presents the second of two reels for October 2011 Adverts: Heineken,, Cushelle, Virgin Media TiVO, O2 Think Big, F1 2011, A...
ODEON Digital 8000 HD -- Leave reality at home The cinema industry as we know it is changing, traditional film technology is being replaced by digital. For y...
Anthony & Greg/Murray & Jeff/Captain Goes to Odeon Cinemas and see The Hunchback of Norte Dame on July,28th 1996 The Hunchback of Norte Dame (1996) Walt Disney Pictures [Co-produced with Walt Disney Animation Studios] Rated:G
A friend of mine worked at ODEON Cinemas in Southampton and got sacked for posting a comedy video on his 'private' facebook account. Here is his account of w...
Odeon Cinemas "Feature Presentation" Ident. Was used before the "Fanatical About Film" era and after "The First Choice" slogan was scrapped.
These are the first images of the new five-screen cinema which will open in West Bromwich this week. The Odeon cinema is part of the £200 million New Square ...
This is the visualised version of the programme 'Bradford Odeon: Last of the Super Cinemas' that was broadcast on BCB 106.6 fm in Bradford. It contains video...
Franco Battiato presenta Attraversando il Bardo Cinema Odeon Firenze.
Reggio Calabria 24 ottobre 2014 - Giuseppe Falcomatà e il suo comizio finale presso il Cinema Odeon
Vlog 187 DR Who at the Odeon Cinema ---------------------------------------------------------------- Faceboo...
Directors cut of the Urban Exploration video posted two years ago of the now long gone Odeon Nottingham. This version has better sound & picture quality is m...
Ministrada por Alain Bergala.
Originally uploaded by PIFMan092 before his suspension. 10 reels of cinema adverts, many of which have never been made available on YouTube before! Converted from 35mm to DVD, I originally received these as a gift from a friend of mine. While the quality is far from perfect, nonetheless there's some really interesting and varied stuff in here. And lucky for you, I've done a great deal of Google-fu to find out as much as I could about these! Reel 1 : Pearl and Dean opening-Asteroid-1968-Pearl and Dean Orange-Roy Scheider-2003-U-Mother Boots 17-Mumsie-1997-U-St Lukes Tizer Ice-The Iceman-1998-U-BDH Advertising Ltd Wella Shockwaves-Gorilla-1998-U-AMV/BBDO Haagen Dazs-Dutch-1998-U-Euro RSCG WNEK Gosper Starburst Fruitice-Eskimos-1998-U-Grey Advertising Ltd HP Sauce-Mig-1997-U-Young & Rubican Dr Pepper-??????-1998-U-Mother Gordon's Gin-Corridor-1997-U-Leo Burnett De Beers-Beach-1995-U-J Walter Thompson Co Ltd Hutchison Orange-Better Place-1998-U-WCRS Pearl and Dean close-Asteroid-1968-Pearl and Dean Reel 2 : Pearl and Dean opening-Asteroid-1968-Pearl and Dean Strongbow-Pool-1998-U-BDDP/GGT Fosters-Confession-1998-U-M&C; Saatchi Diamond White-What's On Her Mind?-1997-U-Grey Advertising Ltd Guinness-Swimblack-1998-U-AMV/BBDO Ltd. (directed by Jonathan Glazer) Hugo Boss-Man, Woman-1998-U-Grey Advertising Ltd Philips-Neighbours-1999-U-Euro RSCG WNEK Gosper Seiko Kinetic-1995-U-Delaney Fletcher Bozell Smirnoff-Makeover-1999-U-J Walter Thompson Co Ltd Tia Maria-Lure-1999-Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Y&R; Brut Aquatonic-Cloud Cuckoo (a.k.a. Diver)-1998-U-Ammirati & Puris/Lintas De Beers-Beach-1995-U-J Walter Thompson Co Ltd Pearl and Dean close-Asteroid-1968-Pearl and Dean. Reel 3 : Pearl and Dean opening-Asteroid-1968-Pearl and Dean ABC Cinemas Snack Tray dayset Kia Ora-Columbia parody Kia Ora-Projectionist Eric Kia Ora-Fairground Contraption Kia Ora-Ronnie Corbett Evening Mail-Cinema Details London Sights-Cinema Info Benson & Hedges-Iguana-1979-U-Collett Dickenson Pearce Bacardi-Telly Savalas in a Restaurant-Late 1970s/Early 1980s-U Levi's-Laundrette-1985-Bartle Bogle Hegarty Heineken-Artsy Movie-1985-AMV/BBDO Silk Cut-Escape-1979-X-Saatchi Saatchi Garland Compton Pearl and Dean close-Asteroid-1968-Pearl and Dean Reel 4 : Rank Screen Advertising opening-Reels-1988-Rank Screen Advertising Southern Comfort-Rebel Spirit-1986-U-Boase Massimi Pollit Ltd Tennents Pilsner-The Sink Inn-1987-U-Grey Advertising Ltd (designed by Gerry Anderson) Whitbread Mackeson (TV Advert) Honda 1200 (TV Advert) Whitbread Tankard (TV Advert) Coffee Mate (TV Advert) Silk Cut-Zulu-1979-U British Telecom-Busby (TV Advert, animated by Richard Williams Animation) Canadian Club-Prohibition-1984-U-Foote, Cone & Belding Ltd Heineken-Bins-1986-U-Abbots Mead Vickers/SMS Ltd Rank Screen Advertising close-Space Ver. 2-1977-Rank Screen Advertising Reel 5 : Rank Screen Advertising opening-Space Ver. 2-1977-U-Rank Screen Advertising BT Broadband-Burst Pipe-2002-U-St Lukes Levi's 501-Pool Game-1991-N/A-Bartle Bogle Hegarty Castlemaine XXXX-Good News-1991-U-Saatchi Saatchi Garland Compton Eveready Gold Seal-Somewhere USA-1986-U-Allan, Brady & Marsh Ltd Labour-Frying Tonight-1992-U-Philip Gould Associates (starring Stephen Fry) Harp Lager-When You Know Harp-1986-U-UIP UK Ltd. Misty Tropical Liqueur-When Girls Get Together-1985 National Westminster Bank-Punk-1984-U-Leo Burnett (starring Adrian Edmondson) Heineken-Horror Movie-1980s-Lowe Howard Spink Marschalk Plc Rank Screen Advertising close-Space Ver. 2-1977-Rank Screen Advertising. Reel 6 : Cinema Media opening-Reels-1995-U-Cinema Media The Disney Channel-The White Cliffs of Disney-1995-U-Mellors, Reay & Partners Bacardi-School-1995-U-McCann Erickson Advertising Carling Black Label-Virtually Perfect Pub-1996-U-WCRS (directed by Chris Palmer) RAF-Godman (a.k.a. Payload) -1997-15-Cinema Media Caffreys Ale-New York-1995-U-WCRS (directed by Jonathan Glazer) Hai Karate Gamesman-1970s (TV Advert) Castella Courts (TV Advert) Bovril Cubes (TV Advert) K-Tel's Summer Cruisin' (TV Advert) K-Tel's Country Comfort (TV Advert) Stork SB-Supermum (TV Advert) Barclays Cinema Sponsorship bumper-1997-J. Walter Thompson Co. Ltd. Fosters Ice-Global Warming (Bollocks version)-1996-15-M&C; Saatchi Cinema Media close-Reels-1995-Cinema Media Full list of reels:
Originally uploaded by PIFMan092 before his suspension. A few other advert reels from a similar DVD I received. Reel 11 : Pearl and Dean opening (Asteroid,1968) Durex-Boy Meets Girl-1988-18-Dorland Advertising (Soundtrack : Frankie Goes to Hollywood - The Power of Love) AIDS-Iceberg-1987-PG-COI (directed by Nicolas Roeg) Short Circuit sticker album-1984 Hinari Disc Deck Compact Disc-1989-U-Radford Advertising Ltd Ford Fiesta-Small Smart Car-1987-U-Ogilvy & Mather Advertising Ltd Olympus-Lionel-1989-U-CDP Smirnoff-Smarienberg-1997-U-Lowe Howard Spink (directed by Michel Gondry) Lyons Maid-Assorted Ice Creams/Pass It Along Live Action-Early '70s Westlers Hot Dogs-Saucy Film cartoon-1980s Crusader Nuts-Have You Any-1980s Lyons Hot Foods-1971 King Cone-Anyway You Like-1983 Kia Ora-Captain Kia Ora-1980s Walls Hot Dogs-1960s Lyons Maid-Get It-late '80s Golden Wonder Jungle Fresh Peanuts-1970s Pearl and Dean close (Asteroid, 1968) Reel 12 : Pearl and Dean opening (Asteroid, 1968) The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King Video Game-2003-U-Odiorne Wilde Narraway & Partners The Lion King Video and DVD-2003-U-The Creative Partnership Orange-Spike Lee-2003-U-Mother Lyons Maid Mega King Cone-late 80s Lyons Maid Figaro-Explosion-1989-U-DMB &B; Pepsi-Pep Talk-1990-U-BBDO Ltd Diet Tango-The Boss-1989-U-Allen, Brady, and Marsh Ltd Playtime Popcorn-Late '80s Westlers Hot Dogs-Moo-1983 Butterkist-Ra Ra Ra-early '80s Diet Coke-Night Club-1992-U-McCann Erickson Advertising (starring Elton John and Louie Armstrong) Tango-The Match-1988-U-Allen, Brady, and Marsh Ltd Euro Disney-The Magic Has Begun dayset/advert-1993-Buena Vista Pictures/Rank Film Distributors 7Up-Plane-1991-U-Abbots Mead Vickers/SMS Ltd Vimto-Shame-1993 Odeon Cinemas Visa and Access/Gift Vouchers dayset-1993-Rank Film Distributors Martini Metz-Judder-1998-U-HHCL & Partners (directed by Enda McCellion) Pearl and Dean close (Asteroid, 1968). Reel 13 : Pearl and Dean opening (Asteroid, 1968) Orange-Carrie Fisher-2003-U-Mother Skittles-Yummies-1998-U-DMB & B Bacardi-School : Alternate Music Version-1996-U-McCann Erickson Advertising Teacher Training Agency-Talking Heads-1997-U-Delaney Fletcher Bozell (starring John Cleese, Bob Hoskins, Joanna Lumley, Stephen Hawking, Tony Blair, and many others) Fosters Ice-Global Warming, Cobblers Version-1996-U-M&C; Saatchi Barclays Bank-Additions-1997-U-J Walter Thompson Co Ltd Ford Puma-Bullitt-1997-U-Young & Rubican Guinness-Strange but Untrue-1997-15-Ogilvy & Mather Ltd Diamond White-What's On Her Mind? Alternate version-1997-15-Grey Advertising Ltd Wrangler Jeans-Tank (1min version)-1997-U-AMV/BBDO (directed by Spike Jonze. Soundtrack : White Zombie - Supercharger Heaven) Volkswagen Polo-Hiccups-1997-U-BMP DDB Pearl and Dean close (Asteroid, 1968) Reel 14 : Faber Advertising Services opening (1970s) Holsten Pils-Peter Cushing-1980s-Gold Greenlees Trott Maxwell House (TV advert) Radio Rentals-Sound Barrier-1987-U-CDP Carlsberg-Ice Cold in Alex-1988-U-KHBB Heineken-Music-1987-U-Lowe Howard Spink Marschalk Plc Campari-Football-1986-U Misty Tropical Liqueur-When Girls Get Together-1985 Taunton Autumn Gold-Egyptians-1986-U-The Creative Partnership Gordon's Dry Gin and Tonic-Synth-1981 (approx)-U Advertising Standards Authority-Garage Doors-1980s Swan Lager-Drought-1986-U Holsten Pils-High Noon-1986-U-Gold Greenlees Trott Heineken-Christmas Partridge-1986-Lowe Howard Spink Marschalk Plc National Westminster Bank-Pinball-1980s-U Holsten Pils-Cecil-1980s-Gold Greenlees Trott Heineken-Horror Movie-1985-Lowe Howard Spink Marschalk Plc Faber Advertising Services close (1970s) Reel 15 : Pearl and Dean opening (Asteroid, 1968) ABC Cinemas Carousel Snacks dayset Evening Mail-Cinema Details Kia Ora-Projectionist Eric Kodak-Snap It in Colour-1960s-U Cadbury's Roses-Symphony-1950s-U WD HO and Wills' Cigarettes-Rock a Ballet-1950s-U ABC Film Review-Magic Mirror-1960s-U Rank Advertising Films Division opening (1960s) Timex-Navy-1970s Leyland Cars-Talking Heads part 2-1979 Castlemaine XXXX-Bridge-1990-U-Saatchi Saatchi Garland Compton Heineken-Lip Synch-1989-U-Lowe Howard Spink Marschalk Ltd Carling Black Label-Dambusters-1989-U-WCRS Pearl and Dean close (Asteroid, 1968) Full list of reels:
Genesis live at the Hammersmith Odeon, London, England, during their A Trick Of The Tail Tour in 1976. Radio broadcast quality A+ 00:00 - Dance On A Volcano;...
Client Services Director and Chairman of the Email Council for the Direct Marketing Association is joined by Chris Boddice from Odeon Cinemas to speak about ...
Great show from the Trick tour, at the great Hammersmith venue in London. Enjoy! Radio broadcast quality A+ 00:00 - Dance On A Volcano; 06:19 - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway; 11:27 - Fly On A Windshield/Broadway Melody; 14:15 - The Carpet Crawlers; 19:54 - The Cinema Show; 32:27 - Robbery, Assault & Battery; 39:50 - White Mountain; 47:17 - Firth Of Fifth; 57:10 - Entangled; 01:04:42 - Squonk; 01:11:39 - Supper's Ready; 01:37:40 - I Know What I Like; 01:44:37 - Los Endos; 01:51:23 - It/Watcher Of The Skies. I do not own any of this wonderful music. All credit for the music's composition, performance and writing go to Genesis (Steve Hackett/ Mike Rutherford / Peter Gabriel / Phil Collins and Tony Banks)
0:00 - Dance On A Volcano; 6:57 - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway; 11:36 - Fly On A Windshield/Broadway Melody Of 1974; 14:10 - Carpet Crawlers; 19:32 - The C...
Genesis live at the Hammersmith Odeon, London, England, during their A Trick Of The Tail Tour in 1976. Audience recording B- 00:00 - Dance On A Volcano; 06:5...
A look at the history of the Astoria Finsbury Park with it's heating, ventilation system and lighting effects as well as clips of The Tooting Granada, The El...
From a television show in the early 1970s, organist Gerald Shaw from the Odeon, Leicester Square, London visits East Anglia and plays 5 cinema organs: Burnham Market - 3 manual 8 rank Wurlitzer originally from the Granada Cinema in North Cheam, London. This organ is now in private ownership. Oxnead Mill - 2 manual 5 rank Wurlitzer originally from the Regal Cinema in Colchester. This organ is now at the Singing Hills Golf Course in Albourne, West Sussex. Palace Bingo, Gorleston-on-Sea - 2 manual 6 rank Compton originally from the Empire Cinema in Aldershot. This organ was later enlarged and went to the Bygone Village in Fleggburgh. It is now currently in storage. Kitchen Brothers Garage, Diss - 3 manual 19 rank Wurlitzer originally from the Paramount Cinema in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. This organ was later moved to Turners Merry-go-Round in Northampton and is now currently in storage. Taverham Hall - 3 manual 6 rank Compton with melotone originally from the Regal Cinema in Harrogate. This organ was later removed to Mere Farm in Haughley, Suffolk.
A psychopathic couple plan a murder with a difference in this impossibly rare Amicus horror. With fine performances from Vanessa Howard (in her very last feature film appearance) and Paul Nicholas as the nightmarish couple, and with a superb performance from Mona Washbourne as Gran, this powerfully chilling portrayal of sadism and amorality was originally intended for release under the title "Romeo and Juliet '71" when it was shot during February/March 1971. More info on the film can be found at After post-production on "Romeo" was completed, the film was inexplicably abandoned before release, until it was resurrected in 1972 and given a very limited run overseas under its present title. (I previously thought 'Jack and Jill' had never been shown in a UK cinema, but it's recently come to light that it featured as support for 'Conquest of the Planet of the Apes' in some UK Odeon cinemas for one week only in October 1972.) It subsequently had only one showing on British TV (split between the ITV London area in March 1983, and ITV Anglia in June 1983), and has never had anything approaching an official videotape or DVD release. I have uploaded it here (in its uncut version) in the hope that one day this vastly underrated film will get the official DVD release that it deserves. Incidentally, filming locations in the London area include: The Travel Agency (exterior) was in the shopping precinct (now demolished) at Walton-on-Thames. The road where the couple wait for the bus is London Road, Twickenham (just south of Twickenham railway station). The street where the fateful final scene takes place is St. Stephen's Gardens, East Twickenham, London, while number 17 St. Stephen's Gardens was used for the exterior shots of Gran's house at various points throughout the film. The 'Moonshot' car featured in the fantasy sequence is in reality a 1969 Aston Martin DBS V8.
Hosted by Phil Clapp (Cinema Exhibitors Association), Cameron Saunders (20th Century Fox), Drew Kaza (Odeon), Julian Pinn (Dolby),Richard Fish (Deluxe Digita...
Hammersmith Odeon, London '75 is both a concert video and the fourth live album by Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band, released in 2006. It is a full-length recording of their performance on 18 November 1975 at the Hammersmith Odeon in London, during their Born to Run tours.
Ragazzi e cinema estate.
THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG WORLDWIDE FAN EVENT NOVEMBER 4, 2013 2:00 PM PT / 5:00 PM ET (and corresponding time zones around the world) With Peter J...
Ragazzi e cinema estate
Safet Gerxhaliu, Motrat Mustafa, Cima, Violetë Kajtazi, Kalemi, Jalldezi, Simoni, etj.
SpongeBob Squarepants and the gang return in 'The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out Of Water', which sees them trying to save their world by travelling to ours, and leaving the ocean. Sharing their love of SpongeBob, our chick critics flapped their tiny wings and the bunnies hopped together as the colour, excitement and adventure in the film had the chicks cheering SpongeBob on with a flurry of cheeps. #chicksattheflicks Get your SpongeBob tickets now
Set in the future city of San Fransokyo, 'Big Hero 6' is the story of a group of inexperienced superheroes - and their robot Baymax - teaming up to solve a criminal conspiracy. With beaks wide open, our feathered reviewers were fascinated from the beginning of Big Hero 6. Whilst Baymax and Hiro’s friendship blossomed, the chicks interacted and soon after the soundtrack kicked in they began to chirp along happily. The bunnies were transfixed in silence never seeing a robot fly before. #chicksattheflicks Get your tickets now for ODEON Kids 'Big Hero 6'
Dominic Toretto and his gang return once more for 'Fast & Furious 7', which sees them being hunted by Ian Shaw, who wants to avenge his brother Owen's death. With roaring motors, Fast 7’s sport cars had the chicks nestled together in hush tones. At one point a particularly fast and furious car peaked their interest, as they moved closer to the screen to get a better look under bonnet. Being well accustomed to bouncing around with wind in their ears, our bunnies had seen it all before. #chicksattheflicks Book now for Fast & Furious 7
When Earth is taken over by the overly-confident Boov, an alien race in search of a new place to call home, all humans are promptly relocated, while all Boov get busy reorganizing the planet. The chicks instantly felt at Home, relating to another recognisably cute and loveable character on screen. The Home soundtrack got the chicks loudly chirping as they remained animated throughout the vibrant adventure. Our bunnies got comfortable in the plush leather seats, not fazed by the cat loving alien at all. #chicksattheflicks Get your tickets for 'Home' now
Taking a dislike to the evil Stepmother, our critics huddled together as a pack through the darker scenes. Quickly deciding that Cinderella was destined for love, the chicks calmed and took up a horizontal position to watch the rest of the trailer. The note-taking bunnies were totally relaxed by the time Cinderella made it to the ball.
ODEON invites a flappable force of Easter chicks and bunnies to review the latest films. If you’re in a flap as to what to do over Easter then ODEON can help put a feather in your cap and wing your way to looking like a film buff, as the cinema chain enlisted chick-critics and Easter bunnies to review the eggs-cellent selection of latest blockbusters. In a move bound to ruffle the feathers of some film critics, ODEON brought the traditions of Easter to life by inviting 20 chicks and three Easter bunnies to its iconic Leicester Square studios to view the latest film trailers. To ensure there was no fowl play, an animal expert was on hand to monitor the animals’ reactions to films including Fast & Furious 7, Cinderella and Big Hero 6.
Dudley Savage in concert on the 5 manual 17 rank Compton cinema pipe organ at the Odeon Cinema, Leicester Square in London.
Dudley Savage in concert on the 5 manual 17 rank Compton cinema pipe organ at the Odeon Cinema, Leicester Square in London.
Dudley Savage in concert on the 5 manual 17 rank Compton cinema pipe organ at the Odeon Cinema, Leicester Square in London.
Dudley Savage in concert on the 5 manual 17 rank Compton cinema pipe organ at the Odeon Cinema, Leicester Square in London.
Estratto dallo spettacolo live "Everybody Needs Somebody - In Missione per conto di Dio" del 6 e 7 febbraio 2015 presso Cinema Teatro Odeon, patrocinato dalla Caritas Diocesana di Vigevano.
We've teamed up with ODEON cinemas for another great offer. ODEON are offering cinema lovers the chance to see Hollywood’s latest releases with two or five tickets. This short video shows you the redemption process once you've purchased your shiny new Groupon.
A review of my trip to Houghton Tower in Preston. Dessert at Home Sweet Home and watching Whiplash at Odeon Cinemas. Houghton Tower - Home Sweet Home - Whiplash Film - Odeon Cinemas - Music courtesy of
Here is my Footage taken at the Peppa Pig Film Premiere in London on 1st February 2015.
The winning highlights from the 2015 EE BAFTAs.
FFF commercial trailer 2012 released in 2013 nationally in Odeon Cinemas promoting 2013 upcoming Festival
A short film promoting ODEON CINEMAS. Exhibited in Odeon Cinemas in 1937. Check-out our series on YouTube -"MOVIE PALACES" - a look at some old SUPER CINEMAS, many of which are now demolished.
Firenze, 30/01/15 PONZ pres. "Substrates" album Lattex+ on Theatre @ Cinema Teatro Odeon -
Construction has commenced on Chester's major new cultural centre. RE:NEW is the name of the development project set to transform Chester’s 1936 Odeon building into a new world-class theatre, library and cinema.The Chester Odeon is Grade 2 Listed and has been empty and deteriorating since 2007, this film gives a snapshot of how it once appeared.
A cinema has apologised after a 12-year-old wheelchair user was unable to watch the Stephen Hawking biopic The Theory of Everything. Joseph France, who has cerebral palsy, wanted to see the film at the Odeon, Harrogate, but it was on a screen that did not have disabled access. He said: "Why would they show a film about disability and put it in a screen that is not disabled accessible?" Odeon said the building was listed and could not be modified. His mother, Kelly Jones, wanted to take her son to see the film at the North Yorkshire cinema on Saturday. The film charts the relationship between the physicist - known for his contribution to our understanding of black holes - and his wife. It stars Oscar-nominated Eddie Redmayne as Professor Hawking. Ms Jones said: "It is really upsetting people can't look out the box and find a solution to a problem because we have to do that every day." The film is to be shown in a ground-floor theatre next weekend. Jason Stanton, of Odeon Cinemas, said: "We regularly rotate the films we offer in all our screens. "We regret the way this matter was handled... and have sincerely apologised to the guests." Mr Stanton said "a handful of screens" did not have disabled access but Joseph and his mother have been invited back to see the film as guests of the cinema.
Our cinema ident for Odeon advertising Dreamworks Home, starring Jim Parsons and Rihanna
Anthony & Greg/Carl Benson/Mic Goes to Odeon Cinemas and see The Birdcage on May,14 1996 The Birdcage (1996) Metro-Goldwyn Mayer [Co-produced with Good Universe & Green Hat Films] Rated:R
China's largest cinema operator, Wanda Cinema Line, notched up a 32.7
Big News Network 2015-04-114DX cinemas aim to offer the most immersive movie experience on the planet, and ... The 4DX cinemas .
Big News Network 2015-04-11Full movies coverage "Cinema is revenge on life," says Xavier Dolan crisply. It's certainly been his weapon of choice:
Big News Network 2015-04-11Nothing about Trivikram's "S/O Satyamurthy" stays with you the minute you walk out of the cinema ...
Big News Network 2015-04-11Latin American cinema is well known for portraying negative realities of our culture, to the point ...
Big News Network 2015-04-11/enpproperty-->BEIJING - The cinema branch of property development titan Wanda Group reported ...
Big News Network 2015-04-11Oscar-nominated producer Pieter Jan Brugge will be at Row House Cinema in Lawrenceville this weekend ...
Big News Network 2015-04-11... Real" series, which begins today, probes sensitive spots of the wound at the origin of the cinema:
New Yorker 2015-04-11DeKnight, who created the "Spartacus" empire for Starz after serving on the writing staffs of ...
IMDb 2015-04-11m in the US), has been followed into cinemas by Maleficent (a reworking of Sleeping Beauty) which ...
The Guardian 2015-04-11(Source: University of Cincinnati ) ... APRIL 1 3 TUE. APRIL 1 4 WED. APRIL 1 5 THURS ... 2 PM ... PM TUC Cinema ... Sustainability.
noodls 2015-04-11Later the author links the birth of commercial cinema to the American fascination with gangsters, ...
The Irish Times 2015-04-11Apr 10, 2015, 5:18 pm PDT Updated: Apr 10, 2015, 5:28 pm PDT ... Thank you for sharing ... New Line Cinema ... , ... ... .
The Business Review 2015-04-11