Ulrike Meinhof interviewed in 1970
A depressed Ulrike Meinhof, soon to be the world's most famous female terrorist, is interv...
published: 20 Dec 2007
author: Richard Huffman
Ulrike Meinhof interviewed in 1970
Ulrike Meinhof interviewed in 1970
A depressed Ulrike Meinhof, soon to be the world's most famous female terrorist, is interviewed in her Berlin apartment. http://www.baader-meinhof.com Baader...- published: 20 Dec 2007
- views: 591975
- author: Richard Huffman
Ulrike Meinhof-RAF-Wege in den Terror-Doku.avi
Interessanter Bericht über Ulrike Meinhof....
published: 05 Jun 2012
author: RonnyDuisburg2010
Ulrike Meinhof-RAF-Wege in den Terror-Doku.avi
Ulrike Meinhof-RAF-Wege in den Terror-Doku.avi
Interessanter Bericht über Ulrike Meinhof.- published: 05 Jun 2012
- views: 7614
- author: RonnyDuisburg2010
Interview - The Writings of Ulrike Meinhof
Interview with Karin Bauer author of "Everybody Talks About the Weather... We Don't: The W...
published: 05 Sep 2008
author: talkingsticktv
Interview - The Writings of Ulrike Meinhof
Interview - The Writings of Ulrike Meinhof
Interview with Karin Bauer author of "Everybody Talks About the Weather... We Don't: The Writings of Ulrike Meinhof"- published: 05 Sep 2008
- views: 9840
- author: talkingsticktv
Ulrike Marie Meinhof "carta a su hija" (Timon Koulmasis, France 3 1994)
Ulrike Meinhof fue una de las principales dirigentes del grupo armado Facción del Ejército...
published: 25 Nov 2013
Ulrike Marie Meinhof "carta a su hija" (Timon Koulmasis, France 3 1994)
Ulrike Marie Meinhof "carta a su hija" (Timon Koulmasis, France 3 1994)
Ulrike Meinhof fue una de las principales dirigentes del grupo armado Facción del Ejército Rojo (R.A.F), conocido también como "la banda Baaader-Meinhof", que fue muy activo en Alemania en la década de los 70. Su desaparición física (se suicidó en la prisión de Stammheim en circunstancias poco claras) contribuyó a hacer de ella un mito, presentado por algunos como un ser diabólico y por otros como una mártir de la causa revolucionaria. Este documental, realizado por un amigo de la infancia de la hija de Ulrike, está planteado como una investigación para descubrir la personalidad de Ulrike, a menudo ignorada o distorsionada por los medios de comunicación de la época, y para entender su trayectoria vital. Pero parece que algunos revolucionarios siguen incomodando incluso años después de haber muerto: ninguna televisión alemana quiso coproducir el programa. Y eso que el tono utilizado está lejos del sensacionalismo y de la hagiografía, o tal vez justamente por eso, la reacción del público fue muy intensa. La derecha consideró que era un programa escandaloso y horrible porque humanizaba a una figura odiosa, mientras que una parte de la izquierda la acusaba de traicionar el personaje porque se hablaba demasiado de la persona y poco de sus ideas. De rebeldemule http://www.rebeldemule.org/foro/documental/tema110.html En el blog Lutte armée et violence politique;hier et aujourd'hui Febrero 12 http://onadaexpansiva.blogspot.com/2012/02/lutte-armee-et-violence-politique-hier.html -------------------------------------------------------------- Onada Expansiva. Un blog como expresión de una perspectiva y posición en asuntos internacionales, muy especialmente derechos humanos, situaciones de conflicto y otros temas merecedores de interés y acción. Onada expansiva tiene como objetivo ser un catalizador para el debate internacionalista sobre temas de actualidad con análisis propios y aportaciones de cualquier otra fuente. Materiales y recursos en Inglés, Catalán, Castellano y Francés. Movemos cosas casi diariamente a través de @onadaexpansiva http://onadaexpansiva.blogspot.com/- published: 25 Nov 2013
- views: 3
Die Baader Meinhof Gruppe vor Gericht - Dokumentation | Full Movie
Am 1. Juni 1972 werden die RAF-Terroristen Andreas Baader und Jan-Carl Raspe festgenommen....
published: 26 Apr 2012
author: Delil Dersim
Die Baader Meinhof Gruppe vor Gericht - Dokumentation | Full Movie
Die Baader Meinhof Gruppe vor Gericht - Dokumentation | Full Movie
Am 1. Juni 1972 werden die RAF-Terroristen Andreas Baader und Jan-Carl Raspe festgenommen. Wenig später fasst die Polizei auch Ulrike Meinhof und Gudrun Enss...- published: 26 Apr 2012
- views: 59720
- author: Delil Dersim
RAF-Ulrike Meinhof-41. Verhandlungstag komplett - zum Buch "Die Todesnacht in Stammheim."
http://www.todesnacht.com - Der Ablehnungsantrag von Ulrike Meinhof am 41. Verhandlungstag...
published: 10 Oct 2011
author: Helge Lehmann
RAF-Ulrike Meinhof-41. Verhandlungstag komplett - zum Buch "Die Todesnacht in Stammheim."
RAF-Ulrike Meinhof-41. Verhandlungstag komplett - zum Buch "Die Todesnacht in Stammheim."
http://www.todesnacht.com - Der Ablehnungsantrag von Ulrike Meinhof am 41. Verhandlungstag (28.10.1975) war bisher nur geschnitten hörbar. So wurde bereits i...- published: 10 Oct 2011
- views: 32580
- author: Helge Lehmann
In ricordo di ULRIKE MEINHOF / R.A.F.
"In qualunque luogo ci sorprenda la morte, che sia la benvenuta, purché il nostro grido di...
published: 25 Aug 2012
author: 451Fahrenheit451
In ricordo di ULRIKE MEINHOF / R.A.F.
In ricordo di ULRIKE MEINHOF / R.A.F.
"In qualunque luogo ci sorprenda la morte, che sia la benvenuta, purché il nostro grido di guerra giunga a un orecchio ricettivo e purché un'altra mano si te...- published: 25 Aug 2012
- views: 2233
- author: 451Fahrenheit451
Aufbruch-Für Ulrike
einer der besten aufbruch songs....
published: 22 May 2007
author: PinkFloyd2
Aufbruch-Für Ulrike
Aufbruch-Für Ulrike
einer der besten aufbruch songs.- published: 22 May 2007
- views: 128482
- author: PinkFloyd2
Ich heisse ULRIKE MEINHOF...Ihr könnt mich nicht töten...
published: 14 Oct 2010
author: cilingir tamer
Ich heisse ULRIKE MEINHOF...Ihr könnt mich nicht töten...
Ich heisse ULRIKE MEINHOF...Ihr könnt mich nicht töten...
- published: 14 Oct 2010
- views: 3073
- author: cilingir tamer
Erode - Ulrike (with English translation)
Ispirato alla figura di Ulrike Meinhof il nuovo brano degli ERODE, riformatisi dopo 16 ann...
published: 23 Feb 2012
author: ERODE94
Erode - Ulrike (with English translation)
Erode - Ulrike (with English translation)
Ispirato alla figura di Ulrike Meinhof il nuovo brano degli ERODE, riformatisi dopo 16 anni. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Erode/348971631803377 ULRIKE Ulrik...- published: 23 Feb 2012
- views: 22048
- author: ERODE94
Jutta Ditfurth - Ermittlungen über Ulrike Meinhof
Sendung von Radio FRO vom 04.05.2010 Die angesehene Publizistin Ulrike Meinhof entschied s...
published: 05 Jan 2013
author: Arbeiterrevolte1
Jutta Ditfurth - Ermittlungen über Ulrike Meinhof
Jutta Ditfurth - Ermittlungen über Ulrike Meinhof
Sendung von Radio FRO vom 04.05.2010 Die angesehene Publizistin Ulrike Meinhof entschied sich im Winter 1969/70 für den "bewaffneten Kampf" -- warum? Jutta D...- published: 05 Jan 2013
- views: 367
- author: Arbeiterrevolte1
She is Dead - the Pigs are Alive (Ulrike Meinhof)
The funeral of Ulrike Marie Meinhof....
published: 14 Jan 2012
author: loosekarrott
She is Dead - the Pigs are Alive (Ulrike Meinhof)
She is Dead - the Pigs are Alive (Ulrike Meinhof)
The funeral of Ulrike Marie Meinhof.- published: 14 Jan 2012
- views: 1056
- author: loosekarrott
Ulrike Marie Meinhof
Voir le film en entier: http://www.filmsdocumentaires.com/films/1950-ulrike-marie-meinhof ...
published: 18 Apr 2013
author: FilmsDocumentaires
Ulrike Marie Meinhof
Ulrike Marie Meinhof
Voir le film en entier: http://www.filmsdocumentaires.com/films/1950-ulrike-marie-meinhof Ulrike Marie Meinhof fût le cerveau de la Fraction Armée Rouge, d...- published: 18 Apr 2013
- views: 79
- author: FilmsDocumentaires
Vimeo results:
Ulrike and Eamon Compliant
Ulrike and Eamon Compliant is a new work by Blast Theory which premiered at the 53rd Venic...
published: 21 Dec 2009
author: Blast Theory
Ulrike and Eamon Compliant
Ulrike and Eamon Compliant is a new work by Blast Theory which premiered at the 53rd Venice Biennale in June 2009, commissioned by the De La Warr Pavilion and supported by Arts Council England.
The work is based on the lives of Ulrike Meinhof (Red Army Faction) and Eamon Collins (Irish Republican Army). Having chosen to be Eamon or Ulrike, participants walk through the city receiving mobile phone calls. Exploring subjectivities and political obligations, the work culminates in an interview with the artists in a hidden room.
Moralists Instruction Musical: The Revolutionary Conduct
Gothenburg´s hardest activist like you´ve never seen them before. We get to follow some ae...
published: 23 Jun 2011
author: Consumedmind
Moralists Instruction Musical: The Revolutionary Conduct
Gothenburg´s hardest activist like you´ve never seen them before. We get to follow some aerobics instructors on a crusade against hetero-sexism. Like a homoerotic meeting between Jane Fonda and Ulrike Meinhof.
The film encourages and gives suggestions for ways to respond to gender-and hetero-fascists and their constant repetition of for example, are you a guy or girl?
A movie for all of us who are faced with sexism, trans / homophobia and guitar guys on everyday occasions and at parties.
Sedelärande Instruktionsmusikal I Revolutionärt Uppförande
Göteborgs hårdaste aktivister som du aldrig sett dem förut. Följ med några aerobicsinstruk...
published: 15 Jun 2011
author: Consumedmind
Sedelärande Instruktionsmusikal I Revolutionärt Uppförande
Göteborgs hårdaste aktivister som du aldrig sett dem förut. Följ med några aerobicsinstruktörer på korståg mot heterosexismen.
Som ett homoerotiskt möte mellan Jane Fonda och Ulrike Meinhof.
Filmen uppmuntrar och ger förslag på olika sätt att reagera på köns och heterofascister och deras ständiga upprepande av t.ex ; är du en kille eller tjej?
En film till och om oss som möter sexism, trans/homofobi och gitarrkillar till vardags och fest.
BMW Brand / Terror (Updated 2013)
In the early 1970s, the automaker BMW's brand was symbiotically linked to left-wing terror...
published: 11 Jan 2013
author: Richard Huffman
BMW Brand / Terror (Updated 2013)
In the early 1970s, the automaker BMW's brand was symbiotically linked to left-wing terrorism in the company's native West Germany. BMW/Brand Terror explores how BMW came to be connected to terror.
BMWs became so strongly associated with terrorism that a common joke emerged among Germans: "BMW" didn't stand for "Bavarian Motor Works" but instead stood for "Baader-Meinhof Wagen" after the notorious Baader-Meinhof Gang that was waging war against the German state.
Police would regularly set up roadblocks and simply pull over just BMWs, certain in their belief that the terrorist group only preferred the sporty cars from the Bavarian automaker. As Der Spiegel magazine noted, BMW owners had a very tough time in the early seventies, because quite simply they were ALL under suspicion.
BMW/Brand Terror was created by Richard Huffman, who has become one of the world's leading experts on this arcane era of German history. Huffman's father served as the head of the US Army's bomb disposal unit in Berlin in the early 1970s, and defused several terrorist bombs, including one meant specifically to kill him. It is this family history that inspired Huffman to learn more about the Baader-Meinhof Gang, the June 2nd Movement, and other radicals who waged war on the German and American states in the 1970s.
Youtube results:
"Ben Ulrike Meinhof, Beni Öldüremeyeceksiniz!"
Ulrike Meinhof'un düzene karşı tepkisini netleştirdiği ilk yazısı 1968'de başyazar olduğu ...
published: 14 Oct 2010
author: cilingir tamer
"Ben Ulrike Meinhof, Beni Öldüremeyeceksiniz!"
"Ben Ulrike Meinhof, Beni Öldüremeyeceksiniz!"
Ulrike Meinhof'un düzene karşı tepkisini netleştirdiği ilk yazısı 1968'de başyazar olduğu Konkret dergisinde, Almanya 68 öğrenci lideri Rudi Dutschke'nin vur...- published: 14 Oct 2010
- views: 5034
- author: cilingir tamer
Ulrike Meinhof, jornalista
Hoje, em 'Repostaria Galega', Ulrike Meinhof aprenderá-nos a preparar umas deliciosas bomb...
published: 02 Dec 2013
Ulrike Meinhof, jornalista
Ulrike Meinhof, jornalista
Hoje, em 'Repostaria Galega', Ulrike Meinhof aprenderá-nos a preparar umas deliciosas bombas!- published: 02 Dec 2013
- views: 259
ulrike meinhof erinnerungen 7. oktober 2009
http://www.scribd.com/doc/23333482/Brief-von-Ulrike-Meinhof-aus-dem-Toten-Trakt ulrike mei...
published: 23 Aug 2010
author: 1912tina1
ulrike meinhof erinnerungen 7. oktober 2009
ulrike meinhof erinnerungen 7. oktober 2009
http://www.scribd.com/doc/23333482/Brief-von-Ulrike-Meinhof-aus-dem-Toten-Trakt ulrike meinhof wäre am 7. oktober 2009 75 jahre alt geworden, geboren am 7. o...- published: 23 Aug 2010
- views: 15439
- author: 1912tina1