idiomag is an early product created by idio, a UK-based technology company founded in 2006 by two Warwick Business School graduates, Andrew Davies and Ed Barrow. The idio platform allows publishers and brands to personalise their content and distribute it across multiple platforms, which is intended to improve audience engagement and revenue.
Using this platform, a consumer site is run at, which delivers digital music content to its users, in the form of a daily personalised music magazine. This magazine is viewed through the user’s browser, using the Adobe Flash Player, and can contain the full spectrum of text, images, and video chosen for each reader based on their tastes. The user can then find concert dates, download music, and buy tickets.
The site also provides a widget, allowing the user’s magazine to be delivered on popular social networks such as Facebook, MySpace, and Bebo, or on individual blogs. The site aggregates content from a range of sources, both from the mainstream music press and the blogosphere, like a “glossy RSS feed”. Content is selected based on the user’s listening history, either manually entered or drawn from music sites such as, Pandora, and iLike.
Hear the noise of a killin' machine
The chainsaw starts to cut your skin
Dilacerated flesh is pulling from your face
Breakin' you bones, the sound of disgrace
The choper works, your legs like a tree
Ripping you members slow and deep
The first act is an amputation
The final reason is the mutilation
Your arms with a blood spill
Bringin' the pain that you never felt
An eternal agony comes to your soul
The chainsaw law has no control
The eyes of death are ready to kill
Your head is the first prize of slaughter's thrill
The chainsaw stops, the death comes fast
You're fuckin' ready for the final rest
The prime pleasure of his dirty mind
Killing he finds his real reason to live
Horrible dreams come true
Trespassing the frontiers of reality
Ghosts from the 4th dimension
Breaking the silence of your mind
They invade it like a hurricane
You won't be the same
They will come
You cannot see
If you don't move
They can't get you
Horrible dreams come true
Trespassing the frontiers of reality
Ghosts from the 4th dimension
Breaking the silence of your mind
They invade it like a hurricane
You won't be the same
They gonna eat your brain
Just killing you insane
This is not the last attack
Beware, they'll come back
I am hearing screams
Disturbing my mind
I become insane
A fresh blood desire
I live in sun
I'm out of control
A feeling of death
Rise from my soul
A killing instinct
Possessed by hate
Take my mercy away
I choose no one
Just take my gun
And blow your head
I make you suffer
You've got a slow death
Your face is bleeding
That's your last breath
There's no life
And no light
I'm running fast
You won't be the last
I can see you dying
The cold wind comes slow and down
Bringin' a dark foggy night
Reborn from a distant past
The day of the live and dead
Killers will raise from the ground
Deformed faces, and damaged brains
The time has worked to create
The perfect machine of death
Rotten hands gonna squeeze your neck
Till your face turns to blue
From death they get back
Killing is just what they do
When the dead returns to kill
There'll be nowhere for you to run
When you see the cold eyes of death
Creatures that can't be stopped
Rippin' you limb to limb
A sequence of bloody crimes
Dead bodies loosing energy
Kiling everyone till deform
This way they'll be reborn
Suckn' your hot virgin blood
Breakin' you into fuckin' pieces
Gonna take your fuckin' life
But soon they'll be back
Rotten hands gonna squeeze your neck
Till you face turns to blue
From death they get back
Killing is just what they do
Look at the knife, what do you see?
Death. Is coming to you
You can run but you can't hide
There's nothing to do
The maniac is hanging around
Looking for your blood
The shine of the steel blind your eyes
Now you have no soul
Your blood is running to hell
Leaving the body and soul
Now you're under evil spell
You have no control
Unstable mind, evil eyes
Death is what you will find
Pleasure and pain are growing in the brain
The murderer strikes again
Blood on the ground, can't you see?
The red hot desire
Now it's time to bleed
Feel your mind on fire
A taste of blood
The guilty one
Died by the poisonous gas
Bastard son
Now is sitting at Satanas chair
Lives the worst nightmare
The prophecy
Brings death to anywhere
Death ways
Grows like disease
People die
There's no chance to live
Exterminate, mutilate
The life's end
Murder, torture till death
Human being becomes divide
Like a dirty and fuckin race
There's no choice
No Safe place
An abusive act shows the dark reality
Changing what's gonna happen
And now be buried for eternity
(Edo Maajka)
Dragi babo moj voli te sin tvoj,
na tebe mislim cesto svaki dan otkad si nest'o
prico nam je tetak on je dobio metak
da ste se razdvojili ti on i Sajo kad je grad pado
nikad necu zaboravit onaj dan kad je Sajo doso iz logora
kad mi je reko imas pozdrav od staroga
da ima Boga doso bi on na razmijeni
svaki dan je mati otad govorila meni
I tako cijeli rat smo zivjeli od razmijene do razmijene
Za sve si mrtav al babo nisi i za mene
Kod svake organizacije trazio sam informacije
Makar bilo sta, al niko ovdje ne zna nista
Molim Boga da lazu kad kazu da si mrtav
Ali i sam znas kakav je odvratan svijet nas
Prico mi je jedan sto radi u muriji
Da je bio zatvoren u logoru u Srbiji
I taj jedan isti ti krao se nema s cim nije
Bio zatvoren u istom logoru i to bas s njim
A mati ko mati,
Mati ko mati babo, ona najgore pati
Jedno vrijeme je pila nije znala sta sa sobom da radi
Isla je kod zena sto u grah ugledaju
Pomalo se nadala nadu grahom povecavala
Al dobro je no sikiriki sad je bolje
Ja sam dobro dijete, ona ima tablete i dobre je volje
kad kidam veze pisem pisma i pjesme
a ne mogu vise gutat a plakat se ne smije
pa slazem pisma i punim svoje teke
zajebano pravo nisam ni covjek ni dijete (babooo)
Ona je zgodna mlada
svi je zele pokarat
ona je pravo dobra
al' je skupo odrzavat
Potrosi Boga oca
ja u stecaju ko Bosna
slabo izlazimo
zbog nje radim dva posla
Al' isplati se na nju dati milion
jer kad hodamo po spici
ja i kraj mene avion
i svi se okrecu za nama
ja to buraz jebem
ona jede u restoranu
ja kod kuce jedem
Ima ajvara
sto mi donese stara
ima kajmaka, sira
ima jedno petero jaja
Ona bi skupe satove
kakve Pukanic ima
ona bi cizme nove
a vec ih deset ima
Ona bi u Kitzbühel care
kad dodje zima
kaze boji se
na Jahorini vukova ima
Ona bi pila kafe care cijeli dan
nikad sapun, deterdzent
da malo opere stan
Ona bi na kraju dana
Papaja i Piranha
hoce da svrsim u nju
a ne zeli biti mama
Nista kuhanje, sarma
pelene i dijete
udace se kaze
poslije trideset i pete
Ref. 4x
Ona je bomba
Starci joj imaju svemir
ona i dalje sve bi
nista nije na kredit
al' nema apetit
Ona jede pa povraca
a kolaca bi non-stop
narko look je cool
pa uvijek sopa dopa
pravo je dobra
Mada nekad kad smo skupa
zna mi bit koma
recimo kad izlazimo
hoce samo narodnjake
ima prijatelje samo gej i seljake
voli pricat samo o sebi i dijeti
o sminki, frizuri
i petsto i jednoj kremi
U biti kad smo skupa
samo se gledamo jebemo
i gledamo i jebemo
Meni je jasno da ona nije za mene
al' neznam bil' mogo
podnjet da je drugi ...
Zato joj pare dajem
i pljuvacku gutam
i kad prica o necem'
ja se pravim da slusam
Ref. 4x
Ona je Bomba
K'o fol nesto studira
po kafama kulira
upisala dizajn
samo da vrijeme ubija
Ne zna olovku drzat'
dat ' ce ispit jedan
al zavrsice ga garant
jer joj je tata dekan
Tata voli cerku
za nju ne zali kunu
kupice joj Pezoa
za fukodrome po Jarunu
Pa joj kabrio deremo
svakog puta
ne voli fleke po haljini
pa zato guta
Jebo te Tito
dajem pare za sminku
kosto Stimac daje
za Kranjcara Niku
Ona spiku ne kuzi
po klubovima rusi
kad odraste zeli
da bude bas ko Zuzi
Pa da krzna nosa
da mirise po Kenzu
da pljuje ekipu
sto idu jest u menzu
Jeftine pizze, jogurte
i suhu hranu
ona iz Hemingveja
ide drito u teretanu
Ref. 8x
He walks but no-one sees him.
He is all, he is nothing.
The lightless one shall soon be present.
Excaecat ut videamus. (he blinds so that we may see)
He has come.
You sense his lifeless aura.
The sensation you experience is the osmosis affecting
your physical form.
Deconstructing you atom by atom by atom.
Unwillingly joining his cause.
Yet the exempt few,
rejoice the union.
No-one sees because the light has been stolen from the
Compressing the lives closest to him compressing to a
The lightless one has granted true believers the chance
The secret organisation hidden deep underground,
fabricating sinister aural weapons of psychotropic
to tear the mind into the depths of obfuscation.
The test reveals the subject
scream and cycle nonsense.
Brain leaking from the ears
in an attempt to escape.
But the attempt proves useless
as the effect grows stronger.
Finally war is upon us.
Excited about the terror.
We prayed for the day
to at long last
employ symphonic slaughter.
Bringer of confusion.
The grinding assault validated our theory.
Liquefied grey matter colours the charred ground.
Scattered ramblings of the weak etched into the soil.
Served only to further force the survivors
into the dark spiral.
We will honour the day that the legend hendecimate
was unleashed upon those who dared question our
rhythmic integrity.
The hendecahedral memorial will be constructed in the
to stand in threatening power for eternity.
The plaque will read: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!".
Further upgrades to the legend will be continually
to remain as the dominant force in psychotropic
You will never predict the
The flesh has been prepared,
aware of the horrific
punishment for its existence.
To receive ingestive union.
Soon to assimilate
into the murderer.
Soon to assimilate
into the murderer.
Deprivation. Incineration. Polychotomy. Mastication.
The particles separate
unable to defend against
the uniform identical teeth
dissected for sustenance.
Swimming in blood.
The desiccated flesh
begins to disintegrate,
accepting the symbiosis.
The onslaught continues as another round begins.
The flesh enters the murderer's mouth, crushed and torn
Carelessly removing the victim from existence.
No remorse as the next piece is aligned for
The particles separate,
unable to defend against
the uniform identical teeth.
Dissected for sustenance.
The flesh has been prepared,
aware of the horrific
punishment for its existence.
To receive ingestive union.
Soon to assimilate
into the murderer.
Soon to assimilate
To analyze second hand data
to see if boyle’s law and charles' law hold true for
hydrogen and carbon
dioxide under certain conditions
therefore we are looking to see if the pressure and
volume of these gasses is
proportional at a fixed temperature and if the mass of
gasses increases and decreases by the same amount as its
temperature on the
kelvin scale
the mathematical relationship for boyle’s law is p1 v1 =
p2 v2
the mathematical relationship for charles’ law is v1 / t1
= v2 / t2
the pressure of hydrogen gas does increase proportionally
with volume therefore
following boyle’s law
the volume of hydrogen increased proportionally with
temperature therefore
following charles’ law
the gas laws apply better to hydrogen
i suggest this because the results for hydrogen increased
Some days, the weather is so nice, you just want to
take a walk
Take to your footpaths and go for a picnic
While you're out there why not mercilessly grill some
unsuspecting animal
The shade cast from the trees
like a weave pattern on the ground
Take a stroll, perceive
the various floral sequences littering the beauteous
courtyard square
My heliophilia radiates as the geographical mirror
clones the prime star
Causing increased levels of halcyonic excitation
Engaging in such events will fulfill your vitamin d
A twitch
A hint
The light begins to fade
You can't expect everything so perfect to last forever
Magnified, the thunderous roar of a legion
Stampeding towards the purified light
A twitch
A hint
The light begins to fade
You can't expect everything so perfect to last forever
Oh no I think that they finally found us
The swarm is consuming the harvest
Insects relentlessly chew at the raw flesh
Unable to cease the destruction
The once peaceful elysium slaughtered by the base
instinct of the hexapedal
Will our souls ever be complete after the war?
Will we ever reclaim all that was lost today?
When you come across a roadblock in your life
knock it over it’s just a sign it poses no threat to
your journey
when you come across a wall in your life
and you cannot climb it or kick it down
remember you’re mostly made of space
just focus and separate
it shouldn’t be that difficult you weak human
like a jigsaw dislocate and fit the pieces through
concentrate to disperse your being to a cloud of vapour
like a ghost
like a phantom
like a million needles piercing at once
each fragment dancing between the particles of the wall
no care for obstruction no care for barriers
blowing through the microscopic dead forest
like freedom solidified
the personified mist cachinnates at the physical rules
imposed by the wall
nearing the end of its casual passage
as the journey ends the fragments pause to reconsider
reconstruction and contemplate new-found power
they made it this far beyond all human belief
a witness stares in confusion at the red mist
mind flickering at the effluvial monstrosity
the red mist soars at the victim
and unintentionally inhaled
to invoke the atomic break
down from the inside
newly formed particles
celebrate their release
to join the red mist’s conviction.
Various things were said but I don't think they'll
regain consciousness
after that veritable bubble bath of mind games
Regaling in light of the events that transpired
think not of the grenade that affected our fiscal
those things are expensive you know
Unable to break free of the iron clad carapace
I may be experiencing a seizure
Oh a free jacket why do the sleeves have locks?
Resulting in my eventual desire
to startup a interperceptually challenged arboretum
Forged from the charred remains of that
ludicrously oversized golden ethereal foam finger
And now ladies and gentlemen we present a breakdown
with the wrong instrument
Ahh, it followed me home
the black and white dentigerous wooden frame
Haunts my discordant disarray
with its hidden organized melodic string accumulation
Aww, you’re such a di -.. .. -.-. -.-
The lobotomy had better come quickly
I can’t stand the sight of needy eyes
I need to hide the mind intestine
Seriously it looks like an organised intestine
I’ve seen how they look at me
Jealous of protection against the mindreading thieves
Be wary of any lurking genies
The day to day minutiae
details of tonight’s tedium
fed to us by the rave particle
glow sticks and fourier transforms
moving in unison
algorhythmic oscillations
of membranes and strings
an overseeing eye in all places at once
vision spread out among the bodies
rippling through a sea of tired souls
targets locked onto those who cannot continue
the neon paint covers the walls, floors, limbs, faces
waste of a perfectly good drink
their bodies become one with infinity
but we do not dare stop to grieve
the rave particle will always be watching
the sinister dance modulator
don’t anger the rave particle
Who is this?
Every few days I sit and wonder
Who is this?
When it happens everything stops
Who is this?
I've never seen you before
Why is this happening now?
leave me alone
when it happens just stop
I can't tell whose hands these are
How did I get in this body?
Why is it moving on its own?
Whose body is this?
Like staring at the back
of your own head
watch the automation
I'm just staring at my stare
Like a puppet
but the strings aren't visible
Puppeteer caught inside
the strings seep inward
like an exoskeletal pilot
the aircraft trapped
as malleable core
bending to the external will