Muddy Waters - Best Of Muddy Waters - Vintage Delta Blues
Romantic Blues Mix Part 1 - Dimitris Lesini Greece
This Is The Blues - Volume 1
This Is The Blues - Volume 2
This Is The Blues - Volume 3
Delta Blues - 2 hours of Blues, 41 great tracks, the greatest stars of the Delta
American Folk Blues Festivals 1963-1966: The British Tours
BB King & John Mayer, "King Of Blues" (Completo)
Classic Blues & Rock N' Blues & Harp Mix Part 1 - Dimitris Lesini Blues
Romantic Blues Mix Part 4 - Dimitris Lesini Blues
Blues Harp Mix Part 2 - Dimitris Lesini Greece
The Very Best of Blues - Unforgettable Tracks
Juke Joint Blues - 42 great songs from the Mississippi Delta & the Deep South!
Canucks at Blues Highlights (Oct. 23, 2014)
Rock: Dr. Light that we're as close to human as he could possibly make us.::Roll: Yes. And?::Rock: Do you see yourself as real?::Roll: Meaning what? Real as in human? [Rock nods] As a matter of fact, I do.::Rock: Do you ever wish you were...::Roll: No.::Rock: Why not?::Roll: I'm fine with who I am.::Rock: And you don't ever question that?::Roll: Why?::Rock: Because today, when we walked around, I felt like I was one of them, but I know we're not and we never will be.::Roll: Maybe there's something to be said for being different. You said that maybe we were the only ones who could appreciate the beauty of the city. That might be true for other things, too. We are who we are. What more could we ask for?::Rock: I don't know. I just feel like I'm this useless machine with no real purpose. I want to do something important with my life. I want to be special.::Roll: You *are* special. To me and to Dr. Light. Don't get obsessed over it; be happy with who you are. I am.
Dr. Thomas Light: The news crew will be here soon.::Dr. Wily: It's about time you let a new crew in here so that the public can know of our superior technology and overwhelming brilliance.::Dr. Thomas Light: I don't do what I do just to gloat.::Dr. Wily: We deserve it.
Dr. Thomas Light: Robots should be used for the betterment of mankind. Any other use would be... [looks over at Dr. Wily]... unethical.
Dr. Thomas Light: All I want is for my robots to be accepted so that they can help people. And you should be thinking the same.::Dr. Wily: Your ideals are unrealistic. You say you want to help the world? You don't realize the power that this technology could give us.::Dr. Thomas Light: I don't want power. And you need to rethink your goals.
Elec Man: Who the hell do you think you are?::Rock: I'm Mega Man.
[Elec Man has knocked Mega Man down]::Elec Man: The battles you've had up to this point were just child's play. Now you get to face me: the cream of the crop, the best damn machine of the pack. I'm giving you a chance to get up. C'mon, get up! [kicks Mega Man, then grabs him and starts electrocuting him] "I'm Mega Man!" You've got to be kidding me. How the hell did you defeat four of us? [throws him to the ground and electrocutes him again] You're not even trying. Try to get up!
[Wily's robots have laid siege to the city]::Rock: I volunteer.::Dr. Thomas Light: Volunteer for what?::Rock: I volunteer to go and retrieve the 'bots.::Dr. Thomas Light: I can't allow that.::Rock: But look what's happening. Right now, I'm not...::Dr. Thomas Light: If anything happened to you, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.::Rock: What other choice do we have?::Dr. Thomas Light: You weren't created to fight.::Roll: Rock, we don't want to lose you.::Rock: You're not going to lose anyone. Dr. Light, you said yourself that you created me as close to human as possible. Well, real humans live their lives and choices every day and I choose to help by stopping the 'bots.
Rock: All this fighting and conflict... it makes me feel sick.::Roll: Then why do it?::Rock: Because I'm the only one who can.
[Proto Man has brought a damaged Mega Man back to Dr. Light's lab]::Dr. Thomas Light: You're not staying?::Blues: It's a big world. I've got lots to do out there.::Dr. Thomas Light: You know, your core, I could fix that for you if you...::Blues: [firmly] No.::Dr. Thomas Light: Don't you know that you could die?::Blues: I don't care. I'd rather die than lose my free will.::Dr. Thomas Light: You know, you've got to understand... I mean...::Blues: I don't want to be like Rock or Roll. I don't want to be a machine to be programmed to do what they do. Thank you, but no thank you.::Dr. Thomas Light: Just as long as you always know that the offer is here for you.::Blues: The greatest gift you gave me was my free will and I have no intention of giving that back.::Dr. Thomas Light: Well, I suppose your intentions are good.::Blues: My intentions are what I make of them. I know I'm not like Rock, but I'll always have his back. He's got a lot of heart... for a machine.
Dr. Albert Wily: [to Roll] I wasted the best years of my life working on crap like you. Genius like mine should be used, not ignored or hidden. All my life, I've been ignored and shunned and teased, but now I have the upper hand. [Roll started to cry] Oh, the little robot girl is crying. He must have given you that ability. I'm sure I would not have. In one hour, everything in a twenty mile radius will be leveled and everyone will die. Dr. Light, Mega Man... and then I will have the satisfaction of killing you. And then, all the world leaders will bow to my whim or millions will die. [laughs wickedly] You know, I never liked you. Your carefree attitude and all that nonsense. You have no purpose. You know why you were made? Because Dr. Light's wife died. Do you think he's the only one who's ever lost something or someone. Do you think he's the only one who knows pain? You know nothing of my life and what I've wasted!
Born with a genius level IQ to uncaring, cocaine addicted parents, young Cesar 'Blues' Inocentes grew up expecting nothing, wasting his gift selling drugs on the corner with his friends. When they attack a rival, his retaliation takes 'Blues's' best friend's life and forces him to rethink his life and his gift.
Told through the stories of five former prisoners, this is the story of political activists sent to the notorious Robben Island prison in the 1960s by the apartheid regime, who rise above their incarceration by creating a football league and finding an outlet for their passion and commitment to discipline through the Beautiful Game.
Keywords: africa, african, convict, docudrama, five-word-title, island, island-prison, nelson-mandela, political-prisoner, prison
Temptation leads to addiction.
Even good cops lose their way.
May Markham is trying to protect her money, her dignity, and her life.
College has always been a time for experimentation, sexual, cultural and otherwise. "Harvard Man" plays out against a background of love, sex, basketball, crime and experimentation. Action and philosophy in young people's quest to discover their true identity.
Keywords: airplane, airport, auditorium, basketball, bisexuality, boston-massachusetts, box-office-flop, cheerleader, cigar-smoking, college
Passion, Seduction, Deception
Cindy Bandolini: [getting up after being pinned down by Kelly Morgan] This wrestling shits for girls, if you tried golf sometime I'd whoop your ass.::Kelly Morgan: Hmm I'm sure but in the mean time let's stick to reality.
Cindy Bandolini: You really should loosen up and try to have a little fun, it'll be good for ya.::Kelly Morgan: Oh I know how to have fun.::Cindy Bandolini: What's that suppose to mean?::Kelly Morgan: Whatever you want it to mean.::Cindy Bandolini: Your a little weird aren't you, I thought FBI agents were suppose to be straight.::Kelly Morgan: We are straight, we enforce the law.
Chesney Cort: What's on the tape?::Kelly Morgan: Gangsters.::Chesney Cort: There's a shock the FBI's bugging gangsters, who's the target?
Kelly Morgan: Why don't you tell me what you have to tell me and I'll do my best.::Cindy Bandolini: Why don't you suck my dick?
Cindy Bandolini: What's more important, a basketball game or the greatest fuck in the world?::Alan Jensen: Who are you referring to as the greatest fuck in the world?::Cindy Bandolini: I was referring to you, but now that you mention it.
Cindy: Well, pardon me for breathing, what are you his fucking savior?
Alan Jensen: In the meantime I think I've gotten about as far as I can with general thinking about life-- and sanity, and madness, and death. I think what I need to do is get concrete..find something that I can get good at and something that I can make a living doing.
Alan Jensen: I want to start looking out more and get away from just looking in-- contemplating the navel of my own void-- I want to look out at the world and see it and seize it and maybe even enrich it.
For 9 year old Heather, having millions is misery! Stuck with a money-grubbing stepmother, Heather escapes to find her real mom. But Heather's stepmom isn't about to let her meal ticket go without a battle. So she hires Nick Frost, Private Eye, to bring her back. Then, in a crafty case of double-cross, Mrs. Freeloading Stepmother sics the Feds on Nick - for the kidnapping of one Little Miss Millions.
Keywords: christmas, family-relationships, independent-film, private-detective, runaway
What she needs, money cant buy.
Muddy Waters - Best Of Muddy Waters - Vintage Delta Blues
Romantic Blues Mix Part 1 - Dimitris Lesini Greece
This Is The Blues - Volume 1
This Is The Blues - Volume 2
This Is The Blues - Volume 3
Delta Blues - 2 hours of Blues, 41 great tracks, the greatest stars of the Delta
American Folk Blues Festivals 1963-1966: The British Tours
BB King & John Mayer, "King Of Blues" (Completo)
Classic Blues & Rock N' Blues & Harp Mix Part 1 - Dimitris Lesini Blues
Romantic Blues Mix Part 4 - Dimitris Lesini Blues
Blues Harp Mix Part 2 - Dimitris Lesini Greece
The Very Best of Blues - Unforgettable Tracks
Juke Joint Blues - 42 great songs from the Mississippi Delta & the Deep South!
Canucks at Blues Highlights (Oct. 23, 2014)
Various - Best of blues
Postgame Recap: Blackhawks vs Blues
Jazz Lovers Only ! - 33 Great Pieces of Jazz
Slow Blues Mix - Magic Slim
Eiffel 65 - Blue (Da Ba Dee) (Original Video with subtitles)
The American Folk Blues Festival 1962 - 1966 Vol 2
Miles Davis - Kind Of Blue [Full Album] (1959)
Vintage Rural Blues - 76 minutes of authentic vintage blues
Rolling Stones - Playing The Blues ( Complete )
Roland Blues Cube Combo Demo - Does it win?
Romantic Blues Mix Part 1
Romantic Blues Mix Part 5 - Machaliotis Dimitris Lesini
Eric Clapton - Nothing But The Blues - Full Concert (1994) [HQ]
Rolling Stones - Playing The Blues
BLUES STORY: A Documentary
River Blues Free Jumping3
John Mayall meet the king of Blues with Danny sloggett
GREGOR HILDEN, "Instrumental Blues"
Blues Bb mayor Bateria
Mildred Bailey - St Louis Blues
Junior Blues Reporters v Carnegie
Alfonso Noel Lovo - Managua Nicaragua Blues
Folsom Prison Blues
Stormy Monday Blues - The Vice Bishops Blues Band
Tubakraft 2014 - Tuba Quartet - Blues for Bill
Panama Red - Judas Blues - WLRN Folk Radio
Code Lyoko Evolution- Episode 23- Jeremy's Blues- SUB English
Blues Brothers 2000 full movie online free part 1
Stop Breakin' Down Blues - Robert Johnson cover by Ben Kelly
Pepeu Gomes, 2012 - Midnight Blues
Blues Against Blindness Dec. 12th 2014!
Sam Guitarist of The Hope Mountain Blues Band
Copy of Cellar Spider wrappin and lunchin to the Blues
Stratocaster Boggie - Pappo's Blues
Steve Taylor Blues Band "Live Demo"
Blues Improvisation
Muppet Babies: Snow White Blues w/ Lyrics
Varsity Blues full movie online free part 1
Blues is the name given to both a musical form and a music genre that originated in African-American communities of primarily the "Deep South" of the United States around the end of the 19th century from spirituals, work songs, field hollers, shouts and chants, and rhymed simple narrative ballads. The blues form, ubiquitous in jazz, rhythm and blues, and rock and roll is characterized by specific chord progressions, of which the twelve-bar blues chord progression is the most common. The blue notes that, for expressive purposes are sung or played flattened or gradually bent (minor 3rd to major 3rd) in relation to the pitch of the major scale, are also an important part of the sound.
The blues genre is based on the blues form but possesses other characteristics such as specific lyrics, bass lines and instruments. Blues can be subdivided into several subgenres ranging from country to urban blues that were more or less popular during different periods of the 20th century. Best known are the Delta, Piedmont, Jump and Chicago blues styles. World War II marked the transition from acoustic to electric blues and the progressive opening of blues music to a wider audience, especially white listeners. In the 1960s and 1970s, a hybrid form called blues-rock evolved.
McKinley Morganfield (April 4, 1913 – April 30, 1983), known as Muddy Waters, was an American blues musician, generally considered the "father of modern Chicago blues". He was a major inspiration for the British blues explosion in the 1960s, and was ranked No. 17 in Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time.
Although in his later years Muddy usually said that he was born in Rolling Fork, Mississippi, in 1915, he was actually born at Jug's Corner in neighboring Issaquena County, Mississippi, in 1913. Recent research has uncovered documentation showing that in the 1930s and 1940s he reported his birth year as 1913 on both his marriage license and musicians' union card. A 1955 interview in the Chicago Defender is the earliest claim of 1915 as his year of birth, which he continued to use in interviews from that point onward. The 1920 census lists him as five years old as of March 6, 1920, suggesting that his birth year may have been 1914. The Social Security Death Index, relying on the Social Security card application submitted after his move to Chicago in the mid 1940s, lists him as being born April 4, 1915. Muddy's gravestone lists his birth year as 1915.
John Clayton Mayer ( /ˈmeɪ.ər/ MAY-ər; (born October 16, 1977) is an American pop and blues rock musician, singer-songwriter, recording artist, and music producer. Born in Bridgeport, Connecticut and raised in Fairfield, Connecticut, he attended Berklee College of Music in Boston. He moved to Atlanta in 1997, where he refined his skills and gained a following, and he now lives in New York City. His first two studio albums, Room for Squares and Heavier Things, did well commercially, achieving multi-platinum status. In 2003, he won a Grammy Award for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance for "Your Body Is a Wonderland."
Mayer began his career performing mainly acoustic rock, but gradually began a transition towards the blues genre in 2005 by collaborating with renowned blues artists such as B. B. King, Buddy Guy, and Eric Clapton, and by forming the John Mayer Trio. The blues influence can be heard throughout his 2005 live album Try! with the John Mayer Trio and his third studio album Continuum, released in September 2006. At the 49th Annual Grammy Awards in 2007 Mayer won Best Pop Vocal Album for Continuum and Best Male Pop Vocal Performance for "Waiting on the World to Change". He released his fourth studio album, Battle Studies, in November 2009. His fifth album, Born and Raised, was released on May 22, 2012. He has sold over 10 million albums in the U.S. and 20 million albums worldwide.
Esau Mwamwaya is a singer from Lilongwe, Malawi. He is best known for his collaboration, The Very Best with London based DJ/production duo Radioclit. His music has been described as an Afro-Western mix of dance, hiphop, pop and the traditional music of Malawi.
Esau Mwamwaya was born in Mzuzu, Malawi, but grew up in the capital, Lilongwe, where he played drums in various bands. He played with numerous artists including Masaka Band and Evison Matafale.
In 1999 he moved to London and while running a second-hand furniture shop in Clapton, East London, Esau sold a bicycle to the producer from the band Radioclit, Etienne Tron. Radioclit's studio was on the same street as Esau's shop, and eventually, Esau became friends with both Tron and Johan Karlberg aka Radioclit.
In 2008, the three men worked together to create a project known as 'The Very Best', releasing a critically lauded free mixtape through the label GREEN OWL() in collaboration with other indie artists, including M.I.A., Vampire Weekend, Architecture in Helsinki, BLK JKS, Santigold and the Ruby Suns. The songs are sung in Chichewa, the national language of Malawi.
Magic Slim (born Morris Holt, August 7, 1937, Grenada, Mississippi) is an American blues singer and guitarist.
Magic Slim was forced to give up playing the piano when he lost his little finger in a cotton gin mishap. He moved first to nearby Grenada. He first came to Chicago in 1955 with his friend and mentor Magic Sam. The elder Magic (Sam) let the younger Magic (Slim) play bass with his band, and gave him his nickname.
At first Slim was not rated very highly by his peers. He returned to Mississippi to work and got his younger brother Nick interested in playing bass. By 1965 he was back in Chicago and in 1970 Nick joined him in his group, the Teardrops. They played in the dim, smoke-filled juke joints popular in Chicago in the 1970s on bandstands barely large enough to hold the band.
Slim's recording career began in 1966, with the song "Scufflin'", followed by a number of singles into the mid 1970s. He recorded his first album in 1977, Born Under A Bad Sign, for the French MCM label. During the 1980s, Slim released titles on Alligator, Rooster Blues and Wolf Records and won his first W.C. Handy Award. In 1980 he recorded his cover version of "Mustang Sally".
Denn mir geht's viel zu gut!! 4*
Manche haben Problem mit mir erzählen mir ich rede stuss, der politisch nich
mal so korrekt is wie n negerkuss. Doch hei da scheiss ich drauf denn
ich strotz vor lebenslust und kenn nur deshalb schmerzen weil ich mir
fast nie die zähne putz. Ich führ jetzt schon ne weile n leben auf der
sonnenseite. Denn auf meinem weg nach oben nahm ich die
stolpersteine, jetzt seh ich die grossen scheine für meine bombenreime
und kauf mir mein heiss geliebtes gras nur noch tonnenweise. Wenn
die socken schmutzig sind geht's barfuss und im drogenrausch einfach
ein paar neue kaufen in das feinste modehaus. Oh der herr sieht aber
komisch aus! Ja ich hau die kohle raus. Und gibt's mal was zu tun steck
ich den kopf in sand ganz genau wie n vogelstrauss. Denn ich
schwimm oben auf ganz genau wie fettaugen. Die hübschen mädchen
stehn auf mich dir bleiben nur die schreckschrauben. Doch wenn ich
ehrlich bin würd ich am liebsten weglaufen, denn ich habe echt genug
vom gar nix tun, sektsaufen.
Denn mir geht's viel zu gut!! 4*
Ja ich hab alles was ich brauch, was ich nicht bracuh hab ich auch. Hab ne
scharfe braut, mein gras zu haus und morgen schlaf ich aus. Dj legen
unsre sachen auf das magazin schreibt meistens so was nur der topf
der hat es drauf. Und wenn's mir ** geht, ich nehm gerade eins auf.
Und wenn's mir dreckig geht nehm ich n **. Und wenn ich's besser will,
bin ich oft tagelang blau, high wie n astronaut, stört gar keine sau. Ich
dacht mein job am mikrofon bleibt kohlenmässig fürn arsch vom geld
her würd sichs niemals lohnen. (yeah) ich dachte schrott wie dieter
bohlen geht's in deutschland in die charts, doch heute sind wir da. Wir
haben freigezänke bis zur intensivstation, videogame im studio und
spielkonsolen. Ja ja ja. Immer auge auf die andern wie beim türspion
und machen weiter wie gewohnt. Mmh. Bis der scheiss heiss ist wie
glühende kohlen. Psch. Jaaaaaaaa. Weiss das zeug zu teil is, fühl ich
mich wohl.
Denn mir geht's viel zu gut!! 4*
Groove zu den bühen bis in die tiefste nacht.
Groove zu den bühen bis in die tiefste nacht.
Ich hab doch auch meine sorgen, doch grad sind keine in sicht. Ich hab
zuviel zeit für stress darum beneidet man mich. Hab ein dach überm
kopf und mein mädchen im herz. Und bin echt alles andere als von
meinem leben entnervt. Ich mein meine ghesundheit is doch im grünen
bereich, bisschen husten und kopfweh, na ja der übliche scheiss. Nicht
dank gemüse und reis oder dank kuhmilch und saft. Sondern dank
genügend schlaf denn in der ruhe liegt die kraft. Wenn s wetter mich
langweilt bleib ich im bett einfach liegen. Hab noch nie ne bewerbung
sondern nur texte geschreiben. Jetzt hab ich kein arbeits sondern n
plattenvertrag. Und wenn ich die burner bring genügend asche am
start. Ich mein es recht für mein leben, bin noch nie pleite gewesen.
Unterwegs hab nich vor den ganz tag scheine zu zählen. Hab n gutes
publikum und dafür danke ich euch. Weil ich sagen muss dass ohne
euch das ganze nicht läuft.
Denn mir geht's viel zu gut!! yeah 4* Denn mir geht's viel zu gut!! yeah 4*
Il mio baby suon in una band all' Holywood cafe incominciano alle dieci e poi si fermano alle tre. Ogni volta che lui sogna sai ci mette l'anima e a me sembranon gli basti mai non una novit. lui torner da me E quando il sole sorger sveglieremo insieme la citt dimmi che mi vuoi bene dai dimmelo... Volevo dirti quello che non sai. volevo darti quello che non hai vorrei capirti sempre un p di pi sai oggi cos ma domani vedrai. Vorrei vederti pi sereno sai tu che ti perdi dentro i sogni tuoi ma in ogni nota c' una lacrima io resto qui , and I sing the Blues. Il mio baby ha un cuore d'oro e poi se stare in compagnia ogni volta ci sorprende sai con la fantasia vorebbe andare via Il mio amore ha un grande sogno sai ma i problemi sono tanti e lui ne f una malattia un giorno anche per lui E una stella biller dimmi che non lo cambier ti prego Signore dai dimmelo. Volevo dirti quello che non sai. volevo darti quello che non hai vorrei capirti sempre un p di pi sai oggi cos ma domani vedrai. tu che ti perdi dentro i sogni tuoi ma in ogni nota c' una lacrima Vorrei vederti pi sereno sai io resto qui , and I sing the Blues. Ah ah ah Che cosa darei Che cosa darei Che cosa darei (For your love baby, For your love....) Che cosa darei Che cosa darei Che cosa darei I just want to be there I wont leave you alone. Volevo dirti quello che non sai. vorrei capirti sempre un p di pi sai volevo darti quello che non hai (You don't know , don't know) oggi cos ma domani vedrai. Vorrei vederti pi sereno sai tu che ti perdi dentro i sogni tuoi ma in ogni nota c' una lacrima ( baby!) io resto qui , and I sing the Blues. volevo darti quello che non hai (Hey, I sing the I sing the Blues) (Come to me) Volevo dirti quello che non sai. ( and I sing the Blues) oggi cos ma domani vedrai .(I'll be there!) vorrei capirti sempre un p di pi sai Vorrei vederti pi sereno sai tu che ti perdi dentro i sogni tuoi (Come to make me feel) ma in ogni nota c' una lacrima io resto qui , and I sing the Blues.
The more I try, the harder it gets with you
Up day and night and day but I still don't have a clue
I need another blue [x3]
To get through to you
If someone told me that you'd be here
I die of fright or freeze in fear
I need another blue [x3]
To get through to you
When I come down to your side of town
I always get a buzz just knowing you're around
I need another blue [x3]
We're the dukes of rhythm We're the monks of move Take that journey with them
Falling into the groove Here's the last reminder Of the bygone days
Music power In the early hours And jazz is still the rate
das isch d'gschicht vom colombo - nid vo däm us dr serie -
vo eim wo irgendeinisch z'spanie het gläbt & geng echli dr depp isch gsii
& nüt het chönne & immer komischs züg verzeut het
& sech nüt drbii het dänkt bis ihm einisch eine gseit het:
du muesch irgendöppis wärde - du muesch öppis us dr mache -
di nimmt doch niemer ärnscht & die meischte lüt hie lachen über di -
was cha me de so wärde het'r gfragt - was bisch de du -
i bine seemaa - het dr anger gseit i fahre mit mim schiff use uf ds meer
& chume viu ir wäutgschicht ume - das tönt sehr interessant -
das gfieu mr o - het dr colombo gseit - i wirden e berüehmte seemaa
& är het's aune lüt verzeut & aui lüt hei afa lache & är het gseit:
dir wärdet's gseh & d'lüt hei gseit: du verzeusch sache & är isch hässig worde
& d'lüt si vor lache fasch verreckt & är het d'schtadt verla
& het sech irgendwo im waud versteckt - dert isch'r 13 wuche blibe -
13 wuche i de büsch & d'lüt hei gsuecht & hei sech gschämt
& niemer het gwüsst won'r isch & niemer het meh glachet
won'r am ne schöne morge wieder da isch gsii hei aui fröid gha
& won'r gseit het: bitte sehr - i han es nöis land entdeckt -
es ligt dert irgendwo im meer - hei aui fröid gha & si nätt gsii
& hei äxtra ganz furchtbar ärnschti gsichter gmacht
nume dr seemaa us dr erschte schtrofe - amerigo vespucci isch si name -
isch zuefäuig i dr schtadt gsii & het gseit: schön für di
aber i gloube dr's nume wenn i's säuber gseh ha
& är het sech glii druf uf e wäg gmacht & genau nach 13 wuche um ne tag
& eire nacht isch'r ändlech wieder zrügg gsii & d'lüt si au zum hafe abe
& dr colombo isch närvös worde & haub chrank wüu'r het gloge
& är het fürchterlichi angscht gha & isch bleich gsii
& het niemerem i d'ouge gluegt
aber dr vespucci het glachet & isch vor d'lüt häregschtande
& het em colombo zuezwinkeret & grüeft är heigi's gfunde
& dr colombo het fröid gha dass'r ne nid het verpfiffe
& het amerigo amerigo grüeft & d'lüt hei au o afa rüefe
& dr colombo isch berüehmt worde & bis a ds ändi vo sine tage
isch'r nie so richtig sicher gsii & het sech nie drfür gha z'frage
öb's amerika würklech git wüu mit dr ziit si geng meh lüt derthäre gange
& wieder zrügg cho & hei verzeut & no bis hüt verzeue immer aui ds gliiche
& niemer weiss eigentlech meh aus das won'r vorhär scho het gwüsst
& aui hei geng ds gliiche gseh & das tönt doch irgendwie verdächtig
& schmöckt irgendwie nach drääibuech & nach hollywood
amerika git's nid - sie hei's gar nie gfunde - amerika git's nid -
das isch nume e gschicht - amerika git's nid - aues gloge & erfunde -
amerika git's nid - amerika isch nume es grücht
Mir ghöres im Radio
Im Fernseh chunnts o
Jede Tag die gliechi Zyt
Isch es wieder so wit
Si gäh enang uf e Gring
Si schlachte sich ab
Müetere verliere Ching
Vättere schufle Grab
Sit I mi mah erinnere
Geit das scho e so
s`tuet sich geng verschlimmere
gseht us aus würds nid besser cho
Für was hei mir
Ouge zum luege
we mir doch nüt gseh
u ghöre tüe mir ja scho lang nüh meh
so viu läbe im dräck
u niemer zieht se druus
wöu üs ghört d`Wäut
u ihne , ihne löh mer dr Blues
Sit`s Mönsche git uf dere Wäut
geit das scho e so
wöu eine dä wird nume riich
wen är eim aus het gno
Wöu irgendeis vor langer zyt
het jede glich viu gha
bis eine uf d`idee isch cho
är mües meh aus dise ha
U hesch nümm bisch niemmer meh
u ds läbe zieht a dir verbi
u niemer mau nüt isch nüt
s`isch scho immer so gsi
für was hei mir
Si gäh enang uf e Gring
Si schlachte sich ab
Müetere verliere Ching
Vättere schufle Grab
für was hei mir
Na altes Haus wie gehts denn so, amüsierst du dich, da bin ich aber froh,
Schleißlich hast du bezahlt, also nimms mir nicht übel,
Tief in mir da ist ein Loch,ich bin reingefalln' und lebe noch,
Und ich send mein SOS;
Irgendwas tief in mir fragt jedesmal: Was machst du hier?
Und die Stimme sagt Spring und die Stimme sagt Sing
Und ich steh hier und hab den Blues,
Hoffentlich weisst du's, hoffentlich weisst du's,
Und ich steh hier und hab den Blues,
Hoffentlich weisst du's, hoffentlich weisst du's
Noch eine Rauchen, ich bin völlig neben mir,
Wer wird jetzt bei dir sein, wer lacht mit dir ?
Und Abends dann im Rampenlicht, die Strahler brennen wie Feuer,
Egal was ich sag, ich denk dabei an dich;
Irgendwas tief in mir fragt immernoch: Was machst du hier? Und
Die Stimme sagt spring, spring, spring, SPRING
Und ich steh hier und hab den Blues,
Hoffentlich weisst du's, hoffentlich weisst du's,
Und ich steh hier und hab den Blues,
Hoffentlich weisst du's,hoffentlich weisst du's, hoffentlich
Weisst du's. . .
Dududududu, dududududu. . .
Ich hab den Blues,
Ich hab den Blues
Gee, youæ³e changed since the day you told me your name Yes, youæ³e changed, your kisses donæ° feel the same How, youæ³e changed, our romance to play from dance First you told me that you loved me and I believed
Then you sold me with the vow that youæ never leave Now you scolded me, caring not how my heart grieves
Hmm, how Iæ³e loved you, since the day you told me your name Yes, I loved you, thinking you all the wild thatæ£l upsane And Iæ£l still love you, even knowin?I know youæ³e changed.
The Ink Spots
This is a rather obscure song. Can't determine who wrote it and whether anyone
ever charted it as a single in the Top 100. Judging by the composition and the
lyrics, I'd guess it is a 1930's-type jazz/blues number generally played by black
musicians. I found it on an Ink Spots 3-LP collection titled "The Best Of the Ink
Spots" (Murray Hill label-Catalog # 897571. Unfortunately, there are no liner notes
or writer credits included.
I'm goin back home and get my ham bone boiled some more
(choo-choo-ah, choo-choo-ah)
I'm goin back home and get my ham bone boiled some more
(choo-choo-ah, choo-choo-ah)
'cause the way you cook for me, baby
My stomach got sore
(choo-choo-ah, choo-choo-ah)
I'm goin' on the river and I'm not gonna take you along
(choo-choo-ah, choo-choo-ah)
I'm goin' on the river and I'm not gonna take you along
(choo-choo-ah, choo-choo-ah)
'cause I need somebody to help me sing this song
(choo-choo-ah, choo-choo-ah)
Woke up in the morning
And I found that you're gone
Just a note "I am sorry"
And you left me alone
I can hardly remember
What happened last night
Guess we went to a party?
Did we get in a fight?
I need you so badly
Baby why did you go?
Woke up in the morning
I've had too much to drink
I don't know where my pants are
I'm still to drunk to think
You took my beer with you
In the fridge is the phone
I'm trying to call you
Why aren't to home
I need you so badly
Baby why did you go?
Woke up in the morning
And I found that you're gone
Just a note "I am sorry"
And you left me alone
I can hardly remember
What happened last night
Guess we went to a party?
Did we get in a fight?
I need you so badly
jitz geit's mr wieder viu viu besser
i han e wohnig wo mr gfaut & i ha mr e meersou gkouft
& irgendwenn hani begriffe dass es witergeit -
d'zit isch en auti maschine wo louft & louft & louft
& jitz loufeni wieder mit mau chli füre & mau chli zrügg
& bi mau chli hie & da & gumpe drii & wieder druus -
i loufe eifach so chli mit & bi geng grad e haube schritt am blues voruus
chumm mach dr mau um mi nid z'viu gedanke -
es isch doch schön gsii & beröiie tueni nüt -
höchschtens das wo när no aus isch cho - das hätt i nid bruucht -
aber gloub mr jitz bin i wieder ziemli bi de lüt -
gloub mr jitz bin i wieder viu viu besser druffe -
i rasiere mi wieder & trinke nume no ir nacht -
i flicke jede zwöit tag d'stereoalag vore nachbarin
Har sett för många ge upp utan att börja sitt letande
Medans andra fastnar i ett
oändligt tvekande
Några blev dömda
mot sitt nekande
Gick igenom livet medvetna om sitt felande
Helt vilsna
i sitt agerande och tankar
När du ser dem vet du att det är en död man som vandrar
så rädda att misslyckas att dom inte längre lever
stod och titta' på när vi fick spelets regler
Vad jag än gör vet ni att jag dedikerar
mina bröder och systrar, som sliter i det tysta
Ni som
fortsätter kämpa fast tiderna är dystra
det är till er som jag skriver, för jag vet att ni lyssnar..
Under ytan...
är vi alla små
Under ytan...
den som känner bör förstå
För när allting är som mörkast
och när vinden blåser kallt
När sorgen är som djupast
vill man bara glömma allt...
Jag säger
allt det man gör det kommer snabbt i retur
bara runt och runt, som råtter i bur
Min käft är smord och skjuter ord efter ord
man är kommen av jord
men hamnar snabbt överbord
För under ytan blir inget som förr
man får ta smäll på smäll, från dörr till dörr
å skrika på hjälp där ingen finns och hör
men bara Gud kan döma det man gör och berömma
Men ja'
blir som en präst, test på test
från öst till väst, skakar världen som pest
Kan aldrig tryckas ner, hållas ner litegrann
När en man, är en man, är en man.. är
Under ytan...
är vi alla små
Under ytan...
den som känner bör förstå
För när allting är som mörkast
och när vinden blåser kallt
När sorgen är som djupast
vill man bara glömma allt...
Jag säger sanna mina ord vi går mot hårdare tider
onda föraningar i hjärtan som svider
Eliten den skiter i
folket som lider, medans
tider rinner och
dagar försvinner för att aldrig återvända
alla bara springer
ingen stannar för att tänka
Famlar runt i mörker även fast ljusen är tända
När ska det hända mannen när ska det vända
känns som chanserna är brända
Du ser ytan
men lita ej på det du ser
För varje dag som går så blir ärren bara fler
Upprepar orden från
Homan och Ken
till alla i 165, för det är dags ni hittar hem så,
vänd er om och tagga
hoppas för er skull att
era ben är snabba och att vägen som ni valde
var den rätta
Om ni inte fattar
så kom ska vi berätta...
Mot alla odds
säg, har du hört talas om den där snubben som kallar sig för Blues
vem då, han den där som e ful som få
längd en o åttitvå, nittisju kilo pansar
lämnar avtryck i asfalten vart han än vandrar
stinger som ett bi, glider som en fjäril när han dansar
segla som softast när dom ville se han kantra
har styrkan o smidighet av tio svarta pantrar
många vill utmana han, men få som chansar
Mot alla odds
övertygad att det finns mer att hämta, fortsätter kämpa
mot alla odds, fortsätter längta, fortsätter sträva, vägrar att tämjas
mot alla odds, fyller själar med stolthet o hjärtan med trots
säg vad, mot alla odds, mot alla odds
Kalla mig Geronimo, har några clowner att skalpera
ord vassa som pilar, skapta för att penetrera
se, vad du nu bevittnar e min andra födsel
tänker leva ut tills den dan jag möter min bödel
se, det va oundvikligt, min tid var tvungen att komma
ey, kan du inse, det var fett många som inte ville se den här mannen lyckas
vägra låta någon av mina drömmar uppfyllas
ville inte släppa fram mig, men dom var tvungna
det e inte svårt att fatta, jag var trött på att tugga, trött på att hungra
ville leva ut mina drömmar, få hela den här världen att gunga
Mot alla odds
övertygad att det finns mer att hämta, fortsätter kämpa
mot alla odds, fortsätter längta, fortsätter sträva, vägrar att tämjas
mot alla odds, fyller själar med stolthet o hjärtan med trots
hör mig, mot alla odds, mot alla odds
Dom säger den som lever han lär, så ser hur vart enda ärr jag bär
visar på att jag var skapt för det här, jag svär
enda sen barnsben när jag fick smak för det här
har det varit en ständigt pågående kärleksaffär
det e få som vart ensvisare, du lyssnar på en krigare,
om du inte fattat det tidigare
har fått rulla med slagen, ryckt mig själv i kragen
legat på botten, krälat precis som en svag en
totalt ohypad, helt flippad, stått på scen
folk undrat "vad e det för dåre dom har skickat"
lever ständigt under vinna eller försvinna,
men se tiden e kommen, de här e min timme.
Mot alla odds
övertygad att det finns mer att hämta, fortsätter kämpa
mot alla odds, fortsätter längta, fortsätter sträva, vägrar att tämjas
mot alla odds, fyller själar med stolthet o hjärtan med trots
REF: Har väntat nästan i trehundra dar, har alltid
önskat att du stannat kvar, och fast att jag vet att du e här just nu, så kommer
tider som vi har ta slut
Ey fatta jag ger upp, pallar inte mer stänger av luran vill ba softa,
Idag e en sån där dag man vill va helt avkopplad, de fett vackert
väder, kanske glider ner på stan, hookar upp med några polare som känner
likadant, facer Lee på Åsö, sticker förbi Erik o Peter på Sneekers, hela vägen
hör du 2Pac blasta ur våra speakers, se vi sprider bara kärlek, självklart för
dom få stunder solen skiner finns det ingen tid för hat, plockar upp två Habesh
catter, se dom lovar att fixa mat, allt känns bra när injeran äntligen landar på
mitt fat, sticker ner till stranden lirar vollyboll, tarett bad visst jag
erkänner ibland har man rätt att va lat vad?
Vi fixar en barbecue med käk från alla världens kanter, alla hugger i, härligt
när man e fri, så mycket mat, men det som serveras mest e catter o det syns på
alla snubbar flinar o stortrivs, för de gummor av alla slag så långt ögat ser o
om jag drömmer låt mig inte vakna jag ber, så om du ser mig blunda o le
våga inte störa så länge du inte e en catt viskar i mitt öra, för en sån här dag
vill man alldrig ska ta slut, förstå livet e till föra o leva så njut, se alla
borde ha en dag där man slipper vara slav, bryta bojor göra som man vill, va fri
från alla krav,
Se de e sommar, man tar det lugnt, kroppen e helt seg, så slappna av, varna ner
takten på dina steg, man mår bra, njuter vill bara flyta bort, e ett med naturen
se allting e soft, säg vad du vill, men de för dom stunderna jag lever, harmoni,
kvinnor, mat vackert väder, så om du vill så tar vi en rundtur genom Sveriges
städer, se från till Pite till Malmö vet alla vad som gäller,
säg va-vad
uh, säg,säg,sä-säg va-vad
ey, ja känner ditt hat,ja känner ditt hat mannen
ja känner ditt hat, ja känner ditt hat!
Ey, vem vill vad?! "säg,vem vill vad?!"
ja tar över din stad! "se ja tar över din stad"
kom me allt de du har "så kom me allt de du har"
låt mig känna ditt hat "låt mig känna ditt hat!"
Ja skiter i va andra tycker
du imponerar inte mycke "uh-uu"
ja hörde din demo,fick en fet besvikelse
går fram,glor dig rakt i ditt ansikte
skriker ut "ta guzz!", som om ja va från frankrike
en som där konstig filur,helt utan like
livet går,rockar som få
visar töntar som dig, vart skåpet ska stå
för små valpar ska hålla käften när stora hundarna skäller
vill inte höra nån som gnyr,inte höra nån som gnäller
se ja har funnit min plats,se,me micken i hand
o mitt rätta element,precis som fisken i vattnet
ni e inte redo när ja dyker upp som tjuven om natten
tyckte aldri om stjärnornas krig, men har kraften
radar upp MC's,förbereder dom för stora slakten
sätter i nästa växel, höjer insatsen
e ingen Spot Runnaz, men ja äger den här platsen!
Ey, vem vill vad?! "säg,vem vill vad?!"
ja tar över din stad! "se ja tar över din stad"
kom me allt de du har "så kom me allt de du har"
låt mig känna ditt hat "låt mig känna ditt hat!"
Säg mig vem vill vad?! "säg mig vem vill vad?!"
vi tar över din stad! "se vi tar över din stad"
kom me allt de ni har "så kom me allt de ni har"
låt oss känna ert hat "låt oss känna ert hat!"
Ey, mannen kan du fatta,se de här e en jakt
håller micken hårt,ständigt redo för en attack
tvungen o piska upp MC's,me mick sladden
de stod att dom hade skills,men vafan harom lagt den? "haha"
Oj, ingen teknik, (kan inte) skaka en publik
(kan inte) spotta lyrik, (har inget) vettigt att säga så tig!
sa till er att hitta hem,men ni e fortfarande vilsna
hoppades på att ni skulle växta,men ni e ruggit petita
spela allan, när ni klev upp på scen
gick hem me svansen mellan benen o bestående men "hahaha"
finns ingen plats för dom svaga,total anarki
finns ingenstans att klaga så låt hellre bli
du ställde frågan,tare personligt,gav dig svaret
se falskhet kan aldri vinna över ärlighet o baitare kan aldri
knäcka orginalet
se, baitare kan aldri knäcka orginalet
Ey, vem vill vad?! "säg mig vem vill vad?!"
ja tar över din stad! "se ja tar över din stad"
kom me allt de du har "så kom me allt de du har"
låt mig känna ditt hat "låt mig känna ditt hat!"
Säg mig vem vill vad?! "säg mig vem vill vad?!"
se vi tar över din stad! "se vi tar över din stad"
så kom me allt de ni har "kom me allt de ni har"
låt oss känna ert hat "låt oss känna ert hat!"
Ey, vem vill vad?! "säg mig vem vill vad?!"
ja tar över din stad! "se ja tar över din stad"
kom me allt de du har "kom me allt de du har"
låt mig känna ditt hat "låt mig känna ditt hat!"
Säg mig vem vill vad?! "säg mig vem vill vad?!"
vi tar över din stad! "se vi tar över din stad"
kom me allt de ni har "kom me allt de ni har"
låt oss känna ert hat "låt oss känna ert hat!"
vem vill vad mannen?!
vem fan vill vad mannen?!
säg, vem vill vad mannen?!
vem vill vad?!
se vi tar över din stad
kom me allt de du har
låt mig känna ditt hat!
säg mig vem vill vad, ey
så säg mig vem vill vad?
mannen, vem vill vad?
så säg mig vem vill vad?
I'm thinking ‘bout the time I spend alone
That I could have spent with you
When no-one's got a thing to say
That beats what you must say to pull me through
You've only got to nod your head or take my hand
And everything's alright
I'm wishing you were here right now
To take away my blues tonight
I know that I've been busy lately
I don't mean to push your love away
I'm trying to be there for you
Have time for you at least once every couple of days
But your eyes say “I miss you”
And your lips say “Goodnight”
I just want you tell me we'll be alright
Yeah, we'll be alright
Si tengo que viajar hasta el polo
Y morderme los codos,
Si tengo que empacar las maletas
Y viajar a la meca, meca, meca
Si tengo que morirme tocando
Y el alma entregando
Me la jugaré.
Es este blues el que nos enciende
En el torrente corriente,
El río corre y no se detiene
Es como el tren al sureste
Tomemos el camino hacia el sur
Hagamos sonar el blues
Que linda chica eres tú.
Te vas a contagiar
Con este ritmo tan azul,
Tu cuerpo se mueve inconsciente,
Tu alma ríe y llora con el blues.
El ritmo y la armonía te prenden
La noche se ya se enciende
La quietud terminó.
Ahora que ya estamos completos
Que se escuche este eco
Amor, sentimiento, corazón
Y es que no hay nada mejor.
La rebeldía y la libertad
En el camino hallarás
Con este blues tan fugaz.
Te vas a contagiar
Con este ritmo tan azul
Tu cuerpo se mueve inconsciente,
Tu alma ríe y llora con el blues.
El ritmo y la armonía te prenden
La noche se ya se enciende