Variable Star Seen Pulsating By Hubble | Time-Lapse Video
Variable Star Seen Pulsating By Hubble | Time-Lapse Video
Variable Star Seen Pulsating By Hubble | Time-Lapse Video
Variable star RS Puppis was observed by the Space Telescope over a period of 5 weeks. These types of stars are unstable because they have consumed most of th...
Animation of a Variable Star [HD]
Animation of a Variable Star [HD]
Animation of a Variable Star [HD]
This artist's illustration shows a star turning into a variable star, expanding and shrinking — growing brighter and dimmer as it does so.
Release date: 17 December 2013
NASA, ESA, M. Kornmesser
Strange Case of the Pulsating Star
Strange Case of the Pulsating Star
Strange Case of the Pulsating Star
News from the Hubble Space Telescope, and Hubblecast. The great observatory has observed the variable star RS Puppis over a period of five weeks, showing the...
Light Echoes around the variable star RS Puppis, by the Hubble Space Telescope
Light Echoes around the variable star RS Puppis, by the Hubble Space Telescope
Light Echoes around the variable star RS Puppis, by the Hubble Space Telescope
This time-lapse video uses observations from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope over a number of weeks to show the variable star RS Puppis and its environment. A stunning example of a phenomenon known as a light echo can be seen around the star, creating the illusion of gas clouds expanding out from RS Puppis.
The observations were taken between over a period of five weeks in 2010, and capture the variable star at different stages in its roughly 41-day cycle. The short video is repeated several times to emphasise the light echo mechanism more clearly.
NASA, ESA, G. Bacon (STScI), the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Co
Cataclysmic Variable Star V344 Lyrae's Superhumps
Cataclysmic Variable Star V344 Lyrae's Superhumps
Cataclysmic Variable Star V344 Lyrae's Superhumps
The timing capabilities and sensitivity of Kepler, NASA's observatory to find Earth-sized planets within the habitable zone of stars, are well matched to the...
variable stars mhs & alpin hong
variable stars mhs & alpin hong
variable stars mhs & alpin hong
a cute little star song. performed at ECA (edmonds center of arts) Meadowdale High Chamber Orchestra 2011-2012 performing with pianist Alpin Hong.
BAA Variable Star Section
BAA Variable Star Section
BAA Variable Star Section
Director, Roger Pickard, describes the objectives of the Variable Star Section. For further details go to http://www.britastro.org/vss.
Zooming in on variable star RS Puppis
Zooming in on variable star RS Puppis
Zooming in on variable star RS Puppis
This video zooms in on the variable star RS Puppis. The sequence begins with a view of the night sky near the southern constellation of Puppis. It then zooms...
Aristotle Was Wrong: The Variable Stars by Dr. Scott Austin
Aristotle Was Wrong: The Variable Stars by Dr. Scott Austin
Aristotle Was Wrong: The Variable Stars by Dr. Scott Austin
Aristotle stated that the stars were fixed and unchanging. For centuries afterwards the adherents to Aristotelian cosmology failed to observe that certain st...
Panning across variable star RS Puppis
Panning across variable star RS Puppis
Panning across variable star RS Puppis
This video pans across Hubble observations of variable star RS Puppis. These observations show the ethereal object embedded in its dusty environment, set against a dark sky filled with background galaxies.
Credit: NASA, ESA, the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration, and H. Bond (STScI and Pennsylvania State University)
Music: movetwo
RR Lyrae Variable Star, as Seen from Kepler Space Telescope
RR Lyrae Variable Star, as Seen from Kepler Space Telescope
RR Lyrae Variable Star, as Seen from Kepler Space Telescope
This is a video of the star RR Lyrae as see by NASA's Kepler telescope. RR Lyrae is a well studied variable star that is currently fusing helium at its core ...
PTV - 365 DoA - Variable Stars September 7, 2009
PTV - 365 DoA - Variable Stars September 7, 2009
PTV - 365 DoA - Variable Stars September 7, 2009
365 Days of Astronomy - American Association of Variable Star Observers PTV by Errol Coder.
Late Sci-Fi Legend Robert A. Heinlein's New Novel (Variable Star)
Late Sci-Fi Legend Robert A. Heinlein's New Novel (Variable Star)
Late Sci-Fi Legend Robert A. Heinlein's New Novel (Variable Star)
With David Crosby, award-winning author Spider Robinson debuts VARIABLE STAR, a gripping space adventure written from the detailed outlines of the late Rober...
Spider Robinson reads from Variable Star
Spider Robinson reads from Variable Star
Spider Robinson reads from Variable Star
At 2010's Word on the Street, author and Writer In Residence Spider Robinson reads from his novel, Variable Star.
V838 Monocerotis Variable Star, creation animation of
V838 Monocerotis Variable Star, creation animation of
V838 Monocerotis Variable Star, creation animation of
This animation shows the sudden brightening of the star V838 Mon as it happened on Jan 2002. The star got much brighter because it expanded to a red super gi...
New SNP Variable Stars & Local Brown Dwarfs Database
New SNP Variable Stars & Local Brown Dwarfs Database
New SNP Variable Stars & Local Brown Dwarfs Database
Another new database including the known 'local' Free Floating Brown Dwarfs. You can now find the 'local' Stars by searching for their common names in Starry...
R Herculis: Mira Type Variable Star
R Herculis: Mira Type Variable Star
R Herculis: Mira Type Variable Star
Shown here is a time-lapse video of R Herculis (highlighted in red), a Mira type variable star in the constellation Hercules. These images were taken with th...
Unit 10 Minilecture 1a: Variable Stars
Unit 10 Minilecture 1a: Variable Stars
Unit 10 Minilecture 1a: Variable Stars
In Unit 10, we are studying the Milky Way Galaxy and its neighbors. In this portion of the first minilecture, we discuss variable stars and how a certain typ...
Zooming in on the Variable Star RS Puppis | ESA Space Science HD Video
Zooming in on the Variable Star RS Puppis | ESA Space Science HD Video
Zooming in on the Variable Star RS Puppis | ESA Space Science HD Video
Zooming in on the Variable Star RS Puppis | ESA Space Science HD Video
Coconut Science Lab:
Zooming in on the variable star RS Puppis located about 6,500 light-years away. As this star pulsates, it leaves a light echo - which travels through the surrounding clouds of gas and dust.
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Image Credits: NASA, ESA, Digitized Sky Survey 2, Nick Risinger (skysurvey.org), Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration, and H. Bond (STScI and Pennsylvania State University)
Zooming in on the Variable Star RS Puppis ESA Space Science HD Video
Zooming in on the Variable Star RS Puppis ESA Space Science HD Video
Zooming in on the Variable Star RS Puppis ESA Space Science HD Video
Three new eclipsing variable stars discovered in Ophiuchus constellation
Three new eclipsing variable stars discovered in Ophiuchus constellation
Three new eclipsing variable stars discovered in Ophiuchus constellation
Sono state scoperte tre nuove variabili ad eclisse nella costellazione di Ofiuco, durante le osservazioni fotometriche sull'asteroide NEO 1988 PA. La scopert...
the Cepheids
the Cepheids
the Cepheids
Henrietta Leavitt discovered the relation between the period and luminosity of cepheid variable stars. By using Henrietta's discovery, astronomers can estima...
vid 7, Option E, Cepheid Variable Stars
vid 7, Option E, Cepheid Variable Stars
vid 7, Option E, Cepheid Variable Stars