School board chairman accused of cheating to get his GED

Edit Denver Post 21 Apr 2016
... a diploma he bought online was real ... The issue erupted last month, when the Mountain Advocate, the newspaper in Barbourville, Kentucky, reported that Nation High School, the online school listed on Smith's diploma, is a "diploma mill," unaccredited and described by the Better Business Bureau as a scam....

Fresh evidence that Andrew Cuomo’s casino gambit is futile

Edit New York Post 17 Apr 2016
We never bought Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña’s promise of “zero tolerance” on grade-fixing — but it’s now plain she meant zero accountability ... Elvin was fired last summer after The Post caught her running a grade-fixing diploma mill ... So they got worthless diplomas ... We look forward to the day when New York City has a schools chancellor who truly believes in making diplomas worth more than the paper they’re printed on. ....

Proof that ‘worthless diplomas’ are just what city government wants

Edit New York Post 17 Apr 2016
We never bought Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña’s promise of “zero tolerance” on grade-fixing — but it’s now plain she meant zero accountability ... Elvin was fired last summer after The Post caught her running a grade-fixing diploma mill ... So they got worthless diplomas ... We look forward to the day when New York City has a schools chancellor who truly believes in making diplomas worth more than the paper they’re printed on. ....

Bellevue High School football boosters broke rules

Edit San Francisco Chronicle 15 Apr 2016
SEATTLE (AP) — An investigation of the Bellevue High School football program has found that boosters paid for athletes to attend an alternative school described as a diploma mill, among other potential violations. Students who attend a private school without a football team can play for a public school in their home district ... ....

‘Axact fraud empire bigger than initially imagined’ — NYT report details new revelations

Edit Dawn 11 Apr 2016
According to the new report, United States officials had informed Pakistani authorities that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had identified Axact as a “diploma mill” that operated a “worldwide web of shell companies and associates.”....

Majority of Indian students are genuine, says US research firm chief Rahul Choudaha

Edit The Times of India 09 Apr 2016
Is it fair to say this crackdown will actually help legitimate Indian students and professionals who graduate from good universities at great cost while dissuading those who come here to these diploma mills solely to emigrate? Won't it free up H1-Bs for the former group, H1-Bs that are now being cornered by the latter group?....

Education Professor Discusses For-Profit Schools in New Lecture (04/05/16) (Winthrop University)

Edit Public Technologies 05 Apr 2016
(Source. Winthrop University) ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA- Since releasing his book 'Diploma Mills. How For-Profit Colleges Stiffed Students, Taxpayers, and the American Dream' in January, Winthrop University Professor of Curriculum and Pedagogy A.J. Angulo has been featured on Inside Higher Ed and Sirius XM radio ... The series, in its second year, highlights outstanding faculty research ... in Dinkins Auditorium....

Congress needs to clear the air about ‘secret science’: Susan Shelley

Edit LA Daily News 18 Mar 2016
If you saw a school bus engulfed in flames on the side of the road, you probably wouldn’t think the fire was caused by an air pollution regulation. But in all likelihood, it was ... The Alliance for California Business has been collecting data on incidents of fires in the engine compartments of trucks and buses, including school buses, equipped with diesel particulate filters ... in statistics from a diploma mill for $1,000....

Last Weekend Was 1968 All Over Again

Edit The American Spectator 16 Mar 2016
I have been an attentive observer of political protests for many moons. You might say I was present at the creation. For me, that would be back in 1968 at Chicago’s Grant Park ... They were about to get what any sane observer would have anticipated ... Shortly thereafter the cops rioted ... perhaps some mediocre degree from a third-rate diploma mill, years of middle-aged tedium, then the ravages of old age — for some an early old age ... I know ... ....

Former Klansman David Duke has long history of controversy

Edit The Dallas Morning News 28 Feb 2016
From staff and wire reports. Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke set off a new wave of attacks against Donald Trump after the GOP presidential front-runner refused to disavow Duke’s endorsement Sunday ... The white supremacist started wooing controversy in the 1960s ... 1968-70 ... 1973 ... 1976 ... 1980 ... Receives a degree from Ukraine’s Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, an anti-Semitic institution described by some as a “diploma mill.” ... Dr....

Le Cordon Bleu could start culinary program in Taiwan soon, official says

Edit Taipei Times 23 Feb 2016
Addressing concerns by Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Ko Chih-en (柯志恩), Chen said the program was affected by the nation’s regulations that set limits on short-term cram schools offering language courses to prevent abuse by diploma mills ... He said the school would only admit 64 students, although more than 400 students domestically and overseas have registered to enroll ... ....

Syracuse basketball recruiting: Taurean Thompson finding his way in New Hampshire

Edit Syracuse 23 Feb 2016
Wolfeboro, N.H. — Taurean Thompson walks out of the two-story house that serves as a dormitory and in just five minutes walks across the Brewster Academy campus to the school's modern athletic center. It is not a hurried walk ... I like it. I like change ... Unlike some diploma mills that cater to fielding a basketball team and nothing else, Brewster has a mix of students who aren't on any athletic team and the future college athletes ... ....

How to Choose an Online Psychology Class

Edit 17 Feb 2016
Online psychology classes are a great way to earn college credit and learn more about psychology. For many students, such classes allow them to get ahead on their studies ... Not all online courses are created equal, however. Before you choose a distance education course, you should first consider a few important questions.1 ... It helps protect students from being taken advantage of by diploma mills. 2. What's the class schedule like? ... 4 ... ....