The telex network is a switched network of teleprinters similar to a telephone network, for the purposes of sending text-based messages. This network provided the first common medium for international record communications using standard signalling techniques and operating criteria as specified by the International Telecommunication Union.
Telex began in Germany as a research and development program in 1926 that became an operational teleprinter service in 1933. The service was operated by the Federal Post Office and had a speed of 50 baud - approximately 66 words-per-minute.
Canada-wide automatic teleprinter exchange service was introduced by the CPR Telegraph Company and CN Telegraph in July 1957 (the two companies, operated by rivals Canadian National Railway and Canadian Pacific Railway, would join to form CNCP Telecommunications in 1967). This service supplemented the existing international telex service that was put in place in November 1956. Canadian telex customers could connect with nineteen European countries in addition to eighteen Latin American, African, and trans-Pacific countries. The major exchanges were located in Montreal (01), Toronto (02), and Winnipeg (03).
Telex - Moskow Diskow (1979)
TELEX - Haven't We Met Somewhere Before
La fabrication de Moscow Diskow (Telex)
Eurovision 1980 - Telex - Euro-vision
Telex - Looking For Saint Tropez (Full Album)
Telex "Punk Radio" (1996)
80's TELEX machine
Telex - Moskow Diskow [Official Music Video]
Telex - Voice 1984
TELEX - Továrna na sny
TELEX - Rock Around the Clock (1979)
Telex "Řeznickej krám" (1989)
Telex - Moskow Diskow (1979)
TELEX - Haven't We Met Somewhere Before
La fabrication de Moscow Diskow (Telex)
Eurovision 1980 - Telex - Euro-vision
Telex - Looking For Saint Tropez (Full Album)
Telex "Punk Radio" (1996)
80's TELEX machine
Telex - Moskow Diskow [Official Music Video]
Telex - Voice 1984
TELEX - Továrna na sny
TELEX - Rock Around the Clock (1979)
Telex "Řeznickej krám" (1989)
Telex - Ça Plane Pour Moi
Radiohead - Planet Telex
TELEX "En Route"
Telex - My Time
TELEX We are all Getting Old
TELEX - Kluci jdou do války
Radiohead - Planet Telex (Live at Coachella 2004)
TELEX - Zlatá mládež
Radiohead - Planet Telex (1997 Belfort)
Mi cuerpo se hace tuyo, el tuyo mío a la vez
Se mezclan nuestras almas, deseo en nuestra piel
La noche se hace eterna para lentamente amar
Perfecto es el momento ven, vamos a empezar
Y ahora sientes que puedes tocar el cielo en mí (puedes tocar el cielo en mí)
Mientras nuestros cuerpos se humedecen enredados entre sí
Hazme tuya, sólo una vez más
Hazme mía, una eternidad
Si volvieras hacerme volar
Si me mueves al ritmo de la música, lalala…
Cálidas caricias me hacen enloquecer
Ausentes a este mundo, entregados al placer
El amanecer se acerca, testigo fiel será
Pues tus ojos reflejan claridad en tu despertar
Y ahora tu dulzura vuelve hacerme revivir (hacerme revivir)
Mi piel envulta en un abrazo despertándo junto a ti
Hazme tuya, sólo una vez más
Hazme mía, una eternidad
Si volvieras hacerme volar
Si me mueves al ritmo de la música, lalala…
Olvida el tiempo y déjate llevar
Hazme tuya una vez más, olvida el tiempo y déjame amar
Hazme tuya una vez más, olvida el tiempo y déjame amar
Hazme tuya, sólo una vez más
Hazme mía, una eternidad
Si volvieras hacerme volar
Si me mueves al ritmo de la música, lalala…
Cuenta una leyenda escrita
Su bella protagonista que murió de dolor
Su alma entristeció
Gran misterio el que la envuelve
La mirada siempre ausente por un amor
Y desapareció.
Sólo vive en el recuerdo que dejó en su piel
Ya que jamás podrán volverse a amar
La noche le robó un final
Sólo vive en el recuerdo que dejó en su piel
Ya que jamás podrán volverse a amar
La noche le robó un final
Ni sus brazos ni su piel podrán volver a estar
Ni su llanto ni su sed le harán volver nunca más
Espera anclada en un regreso que nunca llegará
Ni sus brazos ni su piel podrán volver a estar
Ni su llanto ni su sed le harán volver nunca más
Espera anclada en un regreso que nunca llegará
Ni sus brazos (ooh ni sus brazos)
Ni su piel (ni su piel nooo)
Ni su llanto (ni su llanto noo, ni su piel no noo)
Ni su piel
La luna estuvo presente
Mágico momento en el que la seducción (ooh)
Les unió
Breve fue su dulce encuentro
Pues su apuesto caballero se marchó (ooh)
Sin dar explicación
Sólo vive en el recuerdo que dejó en su piel
Ya que jamás podrán volverse a amar
La noche le robó un final
Sólo vive en el recuerdo que dejó en su piel
Ya que jamás podrán volverse a amar
La noche le robó un final
Ni sus brazos ni su piel podrán volver a estar
Ni su llanto ni su sed le harán volver nunca más
Espera anclada en un regreso que nunca llegará
Ni sus brazos ni su piel podrán volver a estar
Ni su llanto ni su sed le harán volver nunca más
Espera anclada en un regreso que nunca llegará
Ni sus brazos (ooh ni sus brazos)
Ni su piel (ni su piel nooo)
Ni su llanto (ni su llanto noo, ni su piel no noo)
Ni su piel
Ni sus brazos ni su piel podrán volver a estar
Ni su llanto ni su sed le harán volver nunca más
Espera anclada en un regreso que nunca llegará
Ni sus brazos ni su piel podrán volver a estar
Ni su llanto ni su sed le harán volver nunca más
Espera anclada en un regreso que nunca llegará
No es casualidad que después de tanto tiempo
Haya vuelto para ver cómo va por aquí
Quizás vuelva a buscar algo que perdí hace tiempo
Ha quedado grabado en mí (y tu recuerdo me hace sufrir)
Seguir sin ti no me fue mejor, dejar de verte fue mi error
Pero voy a intentarlo pues echarte de menos no me sirve de nada (no, noo)
Seguir sin ti no me fue mejor, dejar de verte fue mi error
Pero voy a intentarlo pues echarte de menos no me sirve de nada
Sólo quiero recuperar todo el tiempo perdido
Y poderte demostrar la distancia no fue motivo de nuestro olvido
Hubo mucho más distinto para ti pues no sientes lo mismo
Encontraste tu lugar y no quieres saber del pasado vivido, nooo
Tengo la ilusión pues no olvido nuestros buenos momentos
Quedaron presentes muy dentro de mí (uummm, ahhh)
Qué lastima! Del momento, la distancia y el tiempo
Han dejao huella en ti, y ya no resisto vivir sin ti
Ahora tengo que admitir que ya no hay sitio para mí
Y resueltas mis dudas ese es mi castigo el de no estar contigo, nooo
Ahora tengo que admitir que ya no hay sitio para mí
Y resueltas mis dudas ese es mi castigo el de no estar contigo, nooo
Sólo quiero recuperar todo el tiempo perdido
Y poderte demostrar la distancia no fue motivo de nuestro olvido
Hubo mucho más distinto para ti pues no sientes lo mismo
Encontraste tu lugar y no quieres saber del pasado vivido, nooo
Este error me ha hecho ------
No tenerte nunca más
Pero más me duele a mí
Haberte herido así
Porque ya no hay marcha atrás
Pues el daño está hecho ya
Tu confiando en traiciones
Y entiendo que no quieras volver
Si volvieras a escucharme una vez más
Quizás veas que me importa de verdad
Otros brazos ocuparon tu lugar
Y te hirieron por mi falta de honestidad
Como duele verte sufrir
Cuando el daño viene de mí
Pues jamás quise herirte
Sí, jamás pude olvidarlo, cómo pudiste hacerlo, me has humillado tanto que no puedo ni creerlo
Para mi eras lo más grande, tu desprecio me confunde, en la miseria más profunda con tu farsa me hundes
Tan mal me portaba? Acaso no te amaba? Acaso no te daba todo aquello que buscabas?
Olvidame pava, cómo quieres que reacciones, cómo quieres que perdone la mayor de las traiciones
Cuatro años he tirado engañándome a tu lado pensando que tu eras lo que siempre ande buscando
Y ahora vienes llorando diciendo que me quieres, si ya ni se quien eres, anda dime a quien prefieres
Este error me ha hecho ----
No tenerte nunca más
Pero más me duele a mí
Haberte herido así
Porque ya no hay marcha atrás
Pues el daño está hecho ya
Tu confiando en traiciones
Entiendo que no quieras volver
Cómo en un momento pude destrozar
La ilusión de quien sólo me daba felicidad
Te das cuenta cuando se hace realidad
Que aparecen desengaños en su mirar
No puedo dejar de pensar
Que tu vida se hunde sin más
Por mi frase
Este error me ha hecho -----
No tenerte nunca más
Pero más me duele a mí
Haberte herido así
Porque ya no hay marcha atrás
Pues el daño está hecho ya
Tu confiando en traiciones
Y entiendo que no quieras volver
Sé que el daño está hecho ya
No puede haber marcha atrás
Intentó hacerte saber Oooohhh (Bis)
Escúchame puedo liberarte de tu dolor
Te sientes mal te doy calor
Para lo bueno y lo malo estoy aquí
Todo se puede superar
Lo que un día estaba mal
Puede que mañana tenga solución
Pero tienes que salir, volver a sonreir
Nada puede ser tan malo
Como para no volver a la realidad
Procura entender siempre junto a ti
Alguien que te sepa comprender
Alguien que te sepa escuchar, que te sepa aconsejar
Que te saque de donde jamás debiste estar
Que pueda ponerse en tu lugar
Sin que te llegue a juzgar
Que te marque
Único testigo tú de lo que tú eres capaz
Volverás a confiar
Estoy segura de que lo vas a lograr
Llegarás hasta el final
Tú tienes fuerza de más
No conseguirás ----- de lugar
Pero tienes que salir, volver a vivir
La vida pasa y todo cambia
Y la fortuna vuelve siempre a sonreir
Cada día es tu oportunidad
Para hacerlo bien una vez más
Alguien que te sepa escuchar, que te sepa aconsejar
Que te saque de donde jamás debiste estar
Que pueda ponerse en tu lugar
Sin que te llegue a juzgar
Que te marque (Que pueda ponerse en tu lugar)
Alguien que te sepa escuchar, que te sepa aconsejar
Que te saque de donde jamás debiste estar
Que pueda ponerse en tu lugar
Sin que te llegue a juzgar
Que te marque (Alguien que te sepa aconsejar)
Alguien que te sepa escuchar, que te sepa aconsejar
Que te saque
Si me esperas, si me indicas, si me explicas
Cuál es el camino que debo tomar
Si me esperas, si me indicas, si me explicas
Cuál es el camino que debo tomar
No entiendo nada no
Todo es como no esperaba no
Viviendo ilusionada
Con sueños que se nublan
Cuando crees que los alcanzas
-------- pues necesito
Prueba lo que guía en mi vida
No puedo quedarme aquí sentada ha esperar
Y ver como el tiempo pasa sin avisar
Si me esperas, si me indicas, si me explicas
Cuál es el camino que debo tomar
Si me esperas, si me indicas, si me explicas
Cuál es el camino que debo tomar
Pero como un milagro
Siguen las ganas de querer
Llegar a alcanzar
Lo que siempre quise
Cuanto durará la espera
Recompensa por mi esfuerzo
Pero esta vez deberá
No puedo quedarme aquí sentada ha esperar
Y ver como el tiempo pasa sin avisar
Si me esperas, si me indicas, si me explicas
Cuál es el camino que debo tomar
Si me esperas, si me indicas, si me explicas
Cuál es el camino que debo tomar
No sé si te he defraudado, no sé que esperan de mí
Ver como el tiempo ha pasado y se escapa delante de mí
No sé si te he defraudado, no sé que esperan de mí
Ver como el tiempo ha pasado y se escapa delante de mí
Si me esperas, si me explicas…
Suelen comenzar por desearte
Maquinar un plan para atraparte
Buscando un papel a su medida
Para hacerte sangrar por la herida
Llenando tu espacio su presencia se apodera de tus pasos
Vigilando todo sin descanso
Vienen a por ti otra vez, otra vez
Tantas atenciones ocultándote sus malas intenciones
Se disfrazan pero sólo son payasos
Se preparan para la función, que suban este telón
Mi inocencia te da seguridad para manipular, mis sentimientos
Mi inocencia te da seguridad para manipular, mis sentimientos mi inocencia
Demasiado tarde cuando cae la venda
Su risa tu miseria
Demasiado tarde cuando cae la venda
Su risa tu miseria
Para continuar te dejan pistas
Para hacerte saber que estás en su lista
Prepárate serás protagonista
Del cuento más amargo de tu vida
Se oyen en la noche comentarios sobre todas sus traiciones
Como galones siempre las exponen
Te ha tocado a ti esta vez, cuídate
Consuman sus acciones procurando regular tus emociones
Se disfrazan pero sólo son payasos
Te consiguen cambiar el guión, que suban ese telón
Mi inocencia te da seguridad para manipular, mis sentimientos
Mi inocencia te da seguridad para manipular, mis sentimientos mi inocencia
Demasiado tarde cuando cae la venda
Su risa tu miseria
Demasiado tarde cuando cae la venda
Su risa tu miseria
Quien me iba a decir a mi que yo iba a caer
Compartiendo lecho, tu mano en mi pelo acariciándome
Quien me iba a decir que yo iba a caer
Demasiado tarde cayó la venda
Eres el calor de una noche pero no el fuego de una semana, eres el consuelo de mi alma cuando mi alma está dañada. Nunca pienses que me importas porque haya estado contigo en la cama.
Y no es nada personal, necesito organizar mi vida y un respiro no vendría nada mal, me alejo de los compromisos quiero disfrutar.
Qué sientes, qué siento, que ya no hay más que hablar
Qué siento, qué sientes, no es nada personal.
Quiero que lo entiendas nunca he sido más sincera, estoy viviendo un momento en el cual no cabes tú ni nadie. Sólo te propongo el pasar la noche juntos sin tener presente el mañana.
Y no es nada personal, necesito organizar mi vida y un respiro no vendría nada mal, me alejo de los compromisos quiero disfrutar.
Qué sientes, qué siento, que ya no hay más que hablar
Qué siento, qué sientes, no es nada personal.
Preguntas que se quedan en el aire sin respuestas, pues no es tiempo de promesas, disfruto el momento sin pensarlo. Sólo necesito ese calor que llevas dentro fundir nuestros cuerpos en deseo.
He amado, he llorado, he besado, me he entregado, he sido mala y hasta cruel sin pensar en creer en otro hombre, en este mundo, pensé que como mujer iba ya a tener bastante; No mas miedos, no mas hombres en mis llantos, no mas sueños destrozados, no mas días sin amar, no mas sentirme atrapada, vivir sin aire, pero mi plan a cambiado he perdido el control.
He tomado, he bailado, he caído, he gritado, me as marcado y hasta he olvidado como amar a una mujer, estancando emociones ciego por miles de razones evitando el contacto pero por fin te he encontrado el viaje a terminado con destino entre tus brazos.
Mis días los que me quedan quiero que me los des para amarte la vida entera quiero envejecerla quiero dártela a ti.
Si, Nach, Dlux y alguien por encontrarle. Quien quiere andar por la tierra pudiendo volar y volar así escalar cualquier montaña atravesar cualquier mar amar es encontrar el paraíso en el que todo ser humano siempre quiso entrar y hoy en un bar te busco te encuentro me atrapas te miro atento eres libre como yo y así lo siento me das tu aura no pasa el tiempo seguimos tu y yo centro muy dentro. Me hablas del sexo y de tu pasión no veo un futuro echado en un sillón viendo la televisión yo te hablo de sueños también de defectos hablo de darte medias noches en un mundo perfecto puedo quedarme a tu lado y en ti viene enredado en el despertador de un lunes o en el cubata de un sábado puedo compartir besos cama y huevos no abran mas miedos ni celos ni vuelos ni juegos de egos me pego a ti como un imán mis días ya se a donde van recuerdos negros ya no volverán no se repetirán tu estas aquí y eres mi guía y ahora por fin pegado a ti así quiero pasar mis días.
Estribillo, Bis.
Ahora se que eres tu el destino de mi suerte feliz encontrarte impaciente por tocarte yo también quiero ser tu sudor tu vigor tu noche y tu a morir abrazados haciendo el amor. No quiero comer ni beber ni respirar quiero acostarme sin pensar que te puedes borrar, no quiero comer ni beber ni respirar quiero acostarme sin pensar que te puedes borrar.
Destroy another piece of the others,
master mind of Saturday nights,
desperated to get what you want.
Go to the club now, back in the morning,
remember that you slide in the grass,
stumbling with the same stone two times.
Words like stones to the little fish,
buildings can make you feel small.
Growing to feed the birds of your mind
infected by noises of something that you left behind.
Making some questions, changing the answers,
as you change the foot when you walk,.
here comes tomorrow again.
Here comes tomorrow, it comes from somewhere
as a heavy step on your foot,
stumbling with the same stone two times.
Words like stones to the little fish,
buildings can make you feel small.
Growing to feed the birds of your mind
infected by noises of something that you left behind.
Destroy another piece of the others,
master mind of Saturday nights,
desperated to get what you want.
Go to the club now, back in the morning,
remember that you slide in the grass,
stumbling with the same stone two times.
Words like stones to the little fish,
buildings can make you feel small.
Growing to feed the birds of your mind
infected by noises of something that you left behind,
infected by noises of something that you left behind ...
How do you feel when you remember the first time
and it´s the last time?
What can you say now time passes so fast and
there´s no answers?
How did you feel when you killed that man?
When you tell that story again?
Maybe it´s not easy to explain
And your air is getting thin,
your voice has another tone
and you are left there on your own.
I wish you would never had to go away,
but I know she´s waiting,
you´re not gonna be alone.
You are so tired and you think your slide is slow,
but you´ve got to stay just a little more,
you know this time could be the last one.
What do you feel when you see it for the first time
and it could be the last time?
When you thought that she would stay forever
and she´s gone up now?
And your air is getting thin,
your voice has another tone
and you are left there on your own.
How did you feel when you killed that man?
When you tell that story again?
Maybe it´s not easy to explain
I wish you would never had to go away,
but I know she´s waiting,
you´re not gonna be alone.
You are so tired and you think your slide is slow,
but you´ve got to stay just a little more,
you know this time could be the last one ...
you know this time could be the last one ...
you know this time could be the last one ...
Many years, you know, have passed now,
and many hills that we have climbed.
Lovely moons were shinning in that time,
but they´re still doing the same now.
´cause we were trying to change
things we have seen in the world.
Maybe I´m hanging of a different branch,
but it´s the same tree that before.
And the people are not what we had thought,
they´re simple and they´re alone.
And we are trying to change
things we have said in our songs
And here we don´t feel the pain.
And here we stand away.
Maybe one day we have to turn a page,
but we will start a new one.
´cause we have a lot of things to say
and nobody will stop us.
And we are trying to change
things we have said in our songs
And here we don´t feel the pain.
And here we stand away.
Now we still trying to stop
things you and me don´t forget,
´cause people are not what we thought
And here we don´t feel the pain.
And here we stand away.
And here we don´t feel the pain.
And here we stand away...
stand away...
It´s not worthwhile you share a tear,
you need more time and then you´ll see
we are going to find our little place
and there you´ll make shine everything.
You just have to let things flow
and then you´ll see how good things come,
I´ll give you reasons to believe,
don´t you see you are not alone?
It takes a while before you realize
that everything you want to do
is right and finally
you will make your dreams come true.
If you feel that something´s going bad
we move away, but please don´t worry about that.
Please tell me why everything you do is right,
please look around and feel at home for tonight.
I´ve been crying tears with you
and I´ve been laughing there for you,
you´ve moved away my loneliness
and you have made shine everything.
I´ve never met a girl like you,
you make me feel as no one else,
´cause you have made my dreams come true,
how I can tell you you´re the best?
You´ll see it clear eventually,
so don´t you worry anymore,
I´m gonna give you what you need,
told you before I´ve got enough love.
If you feel that something´s going bad
we move away, but please don´t worry about that.
Please tell me why everything you do is right,
please look around and feel at home for tonight.
I´ve been crying tears with you
and I´ve been laughing there for you,
you´ve moved away my loneliness
and you have made shine everything.
I sat on the red chair for you
and I write songs, they´re all for you.
You´ve moved away my loneliness
and you have made shine everything.
I´ve been crying tears with you
and I´ve been laughing there for you,
you´ve moved away my loneliness
and you have made shine everything.
I sat on the red chair for you
and I write songs, they´re all for you.
You´ve moved away my loneliness
and you have made shine everything.
I´ve been crying tears with you
and I´ve been laughing there for you,
you´ve moved away my loneliness
and you have made shine everything.
I sat on the red chair for you
and I write songs, they´re all for you.
You´ve moved away my loneliness
Hey brother!,
did you look around?
What I can see
is the end of humanity.
Hey mother!,
I learnt what you taught me,
but I can see
things I would rather not see.
Can see dead people walkin´ as marionettes,
they are satisfied, I think they really don´t care.
But I want to get higher,
don´t you want to get higher as well?
Hey brother!,
I´ll try to break the wall.
Could you tell me
if you think I´m strong enough?
Hey father!,
I learnt what you taught me,
but all I hear now
are things I don´t want to hear.
I know I can lie down and switch on T.V.
but that was not the reason why you brought me here.
´cause I want to get higher,
don´t you want to get higher as well?
´cause I want to get higher,
don´t you want to get higher as well?
Can see dead people walkin´ as marionettes,
they are satisfied, I think they really don´t care.
But I want to get higher,
don´t you want to get higher as well?
But I want to get higher,
don´t you want to get higher as well?
Hey brother!
Hey brother!
Hey brother!
Hey brother!
Hey brother!
Hey brother!
Hey brother!
Hey brother!
I wake up today
And again I have slept bad tonight
Why life is so cruel
Why the streets now seem so sad
But if you were here now baby
If you could feel my devotion
You could see how much I hate to say goodbye
It? s easy when you come
To feel nice, to feel stronger to fight
Is easy to relax myself And even be fun
But I avoid the time now
And I? m waiting for tomorrow
We both know very soon I? ll be by your side
I? ll see you in London
I? ll see you in London
I? ll see you in London
I? ll see you in London town
We? ll go to the clubs
Where I thought of you eighty two times
One time for each song, for each word
That I have said that night
Why can? t you be here now baby?
Why I have to feel so lonely?
Why the things with you are so different that now?
I? ll see you in London
I? ll see you in London
I? ll see you in London
Do you think I am happy?
What do you think about you?
I just look for the answer,
it´s the same that you do.
Do you think I am tired?
Yes I´m thirsty and sad
I´ve been adding some water
in a paper cup.
Nobody seems to care,
but do I really care
to be here and still fighting
or lied on my bed?
Do you think I am happy?
What do you think about you?
I´ve been adding some water,
it´s the same that you do.
I´m sailing ...
I´ll find the root ...
Till my boat breaks ...
I´m still here ...
Nobody seems to care,
But do I really care
to be here and still fighting
or lied on my bed?
Maybe if I get some money
or I cut my hair,
i I live as the people
I could rest my legs.
I´m sailing ...
I´ll find the root ...
Till my boat breaks ...
I´m still here ...
There´s no mercy for the guilty,
not today ...
Maybe you won´t be here tomorrow,
enjoy this day ...
The haste you will find,
it will be your reward ...
I´m sailing ...
I´ll find the root ...
Till my boat breaks ...
Many things you know that I have left,
I´ve found new places only for myself,
you think I´m not young but I am.
And you´ll think I do it for my pride,
but I´m sure I will succeed at last,
you think that I´ll fail,
but I´ll stand.
´Cause I spent so many time
telling you all my secrets,
tell me what I get from you,
now my feelings are stronger.
Don´t you know I´m learning?
Don´t you think I´m getting older?
It´s not what I´m pretending
but you can understand something.
Now I will not ask you anymore,
you will never tell me if it´s wrong,
you´ll think I´m the best
´cause I am.
I´ll promise I´ll never spend my time
holding up things I really don´t mind,
now I make the work for myself.
´Cause I spent so many time
telling you all my secrets,
tell me what I get from you,
now my feelings are stronger.
Don´t you know I´m learning?
Don´t you think I´m getting older?
It´s not what I´m pretending
but you can understand something.
Now I will not ask you anymore,
you will never tell me if it´s wrong,
I´ll promise I´ll never spend my time
holding up things I really don´t mind.
Now my feelings are stronger.
Don´t you know I´m learning?
Now my feelings are stronger.
Don´t you know I´m learning?
Don´t you think I´m getting older?
It´s not what I´m pretending
but you can ...
but you can ...
Well you know I have not a day to loose
if I think to stay and try to change the world.
If I´m feeling down I just have to wait,
the time when you come could make everything change.
You know you´re the reason why I feel so fine,
´cause you´re my beautiful thing.
Buildings that have made just to be destroyed,
roses have grown to dead on the flower base.
As I feel the end of some little things
I can feel the time bringing more happiness.
You know you´re the reason why I feel so fine,
´cause you´re my beautiful thing.
Goodbye to the things that I left behind,
welcome to the world younger now than before.
If I´m feeling down I just have to wait
the time when you come could make everything change.
You know you´re the reason why I feel so fine,
´cause you´re my beautiful thing.
You know you´re the reason why I feel so fine,
´cause you´re my beautiful thing.
Let´s change the world,
you close to me.
You´ve changed my mind,
that´s reality.
Let´s change the world,
let´s move our feet,
let´s find the love for the eternity ...
Goodbye to the things that I left behind,
welcome to the world younger now than before.
If I´m feeling down I just have to wait
the time when you come could make everything change.
You know you´re the reason why I feel so fine,
´cause you´re my beautiful thing.
You know you´re the reason why I feel so fine,
´cause you´re my beautiful thing.
Goodbye to the things that I left behind,
welcome to the world younger now than before.
Goodbye to the things that I left behind,
You won't save us
With your money
And it seems as if you won't find us a job
Won't appreciate
Our creations
But I hate all those stupid things you love
You've got too much
We've got nothing at all
You support
Stupid inventions
You create and then we've got to destroy
God's an answer
For your problems
But I can't believe and I can't share your joy
You've got too much
we've got nothing at all
you're always showing
all your fortune
and it's true, you live another reality
could we ever
have great expectations?
Could we ever find job security?
You've got too much
I used to feel so lonely
Oh, I used to get nowhere
I am sittin? by my window
And it could have been my mirror
But things are gettin? harder all the time
I am sittin? by my window
And it could have been my mirror
But things are gettin? harder all the time
It? s got nothing to do with me
It? s got nothing to do with me
I am sittin? by my window
And it could have been my mirror
Tell me if is this forever.
Is your love strong enough?
We should be together
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong.
Are you gonna stay forever?
Or are you gonna go away?
We should be together
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong.
Tell me if is this forever.
Is your love strong enough?
We should be together
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong,
I see my clock and I see it´s seven o´clock.
Let´s to the station to take the bus.
Travelling to another town,
a town that I love now.
And I leave my home
to put my head on your shoulder.
Just when I see you smile
I can see that the sun shines.
No more lonely times
´cause I´m back in your arms now.
I don´t know what is near or is far.
So distance is a thing I don´t mind
Travelling to another town,
a town that I love now.
And I leave my home
to put my head on your shoulder.
Just when I see you smile
I can see that the sun shines.
No more lonely times
´cause I´m back in your arms now.
I see my clock and I see it´s seven o´clock.
Let´s to the station to take the bus.
Travelling to another town,
a town that I love now.
And I leave my home
to put my head on your shoulder.
Just when I see you smile
I can see that the sun shines.
No more lonely times
´cause I´m back in your arms now ...
I´m back in your arms now ...
in a town that I love now ...
Take what you´ve found.
You think that I´m so proud
but I´m like the water.
It´s your dream so don´t give up,
you must get away.
You could see I will love you more,
this is not the end.
Running streets to find a home,
then you´ll find a job.
Take your time ´cause you and me
have to wait two months.
Take what you´ve found.
You think that I´m so proud
but I´m like the water.
Don´t think I´m cool.
I do so many things ´cause I´m a lover.
So don´t wait the weather changes
to have a walk.
You´ll feel nice ´cause after all
there´s love enough.
Running streets to find a home,
then you´ll find a job.
Take your time ´cause you and me
have to wait two months.
Take what you´ve found.
You think that I´m so proud
but I´m like the water.
Don´t think I´m cool.
Nobody remember the times when they cried.
I took them together, we started a jam,
stepping on the right foot.
Some changed their clothes?
that I used to play when I was at school.
But I´m here in... in my youth
stepping on the right foot.
One hundred friends that do what they do.
Hey man, join us! You are popular too.
Things that change everything.
Nobody remember when we were alone.
And we were together, now I´m the only one
stepping on ...
stepping on ...
If we think back
seven years ago
when we were three,
when we were young,
thought we had been
through everything
but we were strangers.
We created the sauce,
we stole lamps,
and we called John
several times
´cause after all
we didn´t mind,
didn´t mind the danger.
Those happy days won´t back again.
Now we had been through everything,
now we don´t speak too much
about those days of glory.
The people are
not what we thought.
We were talking
about it before,
but madness juice
makes us strong
and forget the danger.
We were three guys
and it were three months,
and we were free
´cause we were three,
so you and I
still trying to find
just what we lost.
Those happy days won´t back again.
Now we had been through everything,
now we don´t speak too much
about those days of glory.
If we think back
seven years ago
when we were three,
when we were young,
thought we had been
through everything
but we were strangers.
We were three guys
and it were three months,
and we were free
´cause we were three,
so you and I
still trying to find
just what we lost.
Those happy days won´t back again.
Now we had been through everything,
now we don´t speak too much
about those days of glory.
Those happy days won´t back again.
Now we had been through everything,
now we don´t speak too much
about those days of glory.
Those happy days won´t back again.
Now we had been through everything,
now we don´t speak too much,
Ya sé que no es exactamente
lo que debería de ser,
pero me río al pensar
que crees que voy a ceder.
Sé que es más fácil quedarme sentado
y esperar que pase el dolor
que oír en la radio mi voz
decirle a la gente que no.
No intentes hacerme cambiar,
no me pidas ese favor,
siento decirte
que no, que no, que no, que no ...
que no, que no, que no, que no ...
que no, que no, que no ...
Ya sé que quizás no es el momento
ni es el lugar ideal,
pero dejarlo pasar
sería un triste final.
Y ya sé que piensas que es algo extraño,
que no puede durar más,
pero al final tú caerás
y puede que yo ya no esté.
No intentes hacerme cambiar,
no me pidas ese favor,
siento decirte
que no, que no, que no, que no ...
que no, que no, que no, que no ...
que no, que no, que no ...
siento decir que no ...
No intentes hacerme cambiar,
no me pidas ese favor,
siento decirte
que no, que no, que no, que no ...
que no, que no, que no, que no ...
que no, que no, que no ...
No intentes hacerme cambiar,
no me pidas ese favor,
siento decirte
que no, que no, que no, que no ...
que no, que no, que no, que no ...
que no, que no, que no, que no ...
que no, que no, que no, que no ...
que no, que no, que no ...
Keep your way
you shoudn? t mind
If everybody wants to put you down
To put you down
If you feel you get lost
Everybody wants to hurt you
And you? re not so strong
Make it better, better, better
Make it better baby
Make it better, better, better
Make it better now
Little boy, don? t be sad
Everybody wants to see you glad
To see you glad
Look around, nothing? s changed
Everybody seem to feel the same
To feel the same
Make it better, better, better
Make it better baby
Make it better, better, better
You can back in time
with a simple melody.
Listen to the groups
that have made you were here.
And back to that autumn afternoon
going to buy some music to stay in the room.
Dreaming what you have,
being different at school.
Lonely by the sea,
maybe you have grown too soon.
And dream that winter changes to spring
as I back in time with this simphony.
And back to that autumn afternoon
going to buy some music to stay in the room ...
going to buy some music to stay in the room ...
Looking through the hole all seems to be smaller,
there are cars and toys that I will never have,
out of this door there are kids but here Im the only one.
Looking through the hole it seems they were wondering
all things Im asking myself every time,
a house is a home and Id like to be there all the time.
Looking through the hole all seems to be smaller,
there are cars and toys that I will never have,
out of this door there are kids but here Im the only one.
Looking through the hole it seems they were wondering
all things Im asking myself every time,
I´ve got no money to spend,
I´ve got no riches for you,
darling all I can say is that
I wrote a song for you.
I stay alone,
I´m waiting for an answer, tell me more.
I´ve waited too long,
you know I´ve never felt like this before.
I wish you come.
I´ll take you´ll little fingers and
we´ll stand apart
and we will do things our way every hour in the day.
I´ve got no money to spend,
I´ve got no riches for you,
darling all I can say is that
I wrote a song for you.
We´ll fly away,
oh together, we could fly so high.
You and me,
oh together, we could touch the stars.
I wish you come
I´ll take you´ll little fingers and
we´ll stand apart
and we will do things our way every hour in the day.
I´ve got no money to spend,
I´ve got no riches for you,
darling all I can say is that
I wrote a song for you.
I wish you come
I´ll take you´ll little fingers and
we´ll stand apart
and we will do things our way every hour in the day.
I´ve got no money to spend,
I´ve got no riches for you,
darling all I can say is that
I wrote a song for you,
Could you show me the light?
Could I buy some faith?
Could you please show me the way?
I feel I´m going nowhere.
Is hell really so bad?
Or is it similar to earth?
Many people use to say,
there you´ll have a great time.
Are you gonna help me
if I believe?
Will I have enough money?
Could you give some to me?
Could you please show me the way?
I feel I´m going nowhere.
Could you forgive me for all
the bad things that I have done?
Could you please show me the way?
I feel I´m going nowhere.
Are you gonna help me
if I believe?
Are you gonna save me
if I believe?
Are you gonna help me
if I believe?
Are you gonna save me
If you go out tonight
be aware the people there,
especially with the man
with the records in his hand.
He used to hide behind
the hateful smoke of his cigar.
He persuades you to go to his home
if he thinks you are a star.
Could you please not phone me again,
I´ve got my own plans for today.
He´s just a freak that I met yesterday,
he´s just a freak that I met yesterday.
He´s just a freak that I met yesterday,
he´s just a freak that I met yesterday.
Ignore him when he says,
he´s got everything you need.
He gives you to receive
things you don´t want to give.
Could you please not phone me again,
I´ve got my own plans for today.
He´s just a freak that I met yesterday,
he´s just a freak that I met yesterday.
He´s just a freak that I met yesterday,
he´s just a freak that I met yesterday.
Could you please not phone me again,
I´ve got my own plans for today.
He´s just a freak that I met yesterday,
he´s just a freak that I met yesterday.
He´s just a freak that I met yesterday,
he´s just a freak that I met yesterday.
He´s just a freak that I met yesterday,
he´s just a freak that I met yesterday.
He´s just a freak that I met yesterday,