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This week
3,053Code commits
4,819Issue comments
1,130,515 people in 229 countries* speaking 0 languages power Drupal.
4.598595 -74.076658
DrupalCon Latin America
10-12 February 2015
35.696216 51.422945
61.52401 105.318756
kalabro committed by kalabro: promokit_magician enabled by...
32.7612759 -117.0735241
33.6 -7.6
51.5 -0.1
alexpott committed Issue #2350823...
53.002668 -2.179404
19.5105017 -96.9113267
51.5 -0.1
alexpott committed Issue #2380391...
40.6182662 22.9570169
52.3852756688626 4.93047094196683
59.9955847 30.3880176
konstantin.komelin committed by konstantin.komelin: Fixed dashboard...
52.375892 9.73201
43.8606883 -80.6697635
51.5 -0.1
alexpott committed Issue #2324055...
48.9106809 2.2777183
51.5 -0.1
alexpott committed Issue #2353335...
-31.9832282 115.7700153
39.165325 -86.5263857
37.7825108 -122.4216274
mfb committed update Drush uninstall instructions
30.2637128965375 -97.7401519793572
33.2116037 -97.1583499
37.7825108 -122.4216274
mfb committed update docs
52.3852756688626 4.93047094196683
32.0643292 34.8150785
amitaibu committed Admin UI follow up.
48.0127425 37.8075135
33.2116037 -97.1583499
39.7619671 3.1624226
e0ipso committed Add admin UI.
Drupal 7.34 and 6.34 released

Drupal 7.34 and Drupal 6.34, maintenance releases which contain fixes for security vulnerabilities, are now available for download. Read more

Unplanned Outage (China Region): Thu Nov 13, 2014 - Wed Nov 19, 2014

Drupal 7.33 released

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A bird's eye view of migrate structure
Flag-related projects
Hands-on: Hook up with an GIT repository
Managing CiviCRM Paths and URLs on Pantheon
Comparison of Charting modules

More documentation…

Hard to protect MP3's from being downloaded
How to associate the information in a node with other fields from third-party module
hacking html mail
How to get link field type

More forums…

by kalabro: promokit_magician enabled by default. Hide slide number on the first…
Openlayers UI shouldn't rely on a map from the examples module.
by MattA: Update the README.
Initial commit
Move the views geojson integration to the main module.

More commit messages…