
Iraq War, 10 Years Later — Hungary after the 4th Constitutional Amendment, a CEU Discussion— Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2013-03-18 14:32
Hungary after the 4th Constitutional Amendment: a CEU Roundtable discussion, Mar

Topics for 18 March 2013
Episode 93:
• The USA Invasion of Iraq, 10 years later
• BBC Documentary: 'James Steele: America's mystery man in Iraq' (full video online!)
• Hungary after the 4th Constitutional Amendment: a CEU Roundtable discussion, March 13 2013

Hungary after the 4th Constitutional Amendment: a CEU Roundtable discussion — Mindenki Joga

redjade Mindenki Joga Csü, 2013-03-14 15:34

Hungary after the 4th Constitutional Amendment:
a CEU Roundtable discussion, March 13 2013

Toward an Eco-Integral Society

ErvinKery Új tudatosság hajnalán.. Csü, 2013-01-17 11:15

We live(d) in a strange century: two world wars, fascism, communism, liberal capitalism .. ideologies, ideas, for which we should seize a sword, to fight, in order to enter the kingdom of heaven dreamed by ideologists. The road is paved with pointless sufferings and millions of corpses. It is estimated that approx. 170 million people died in ideological struggles..

Refugee Protest at the Hungarian Parliament - Video Reports — 26 November 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2012-11-26 18:26

Topics for 26 November 2012
Episode 84:
• Intro to the show and background info on the Afghan refugees interviewed.
• Interviews with two Afghan men and two Afghan women in front of the Hungarian Parliament, November 20 2012.
• Zoltán Somogyvári, migrant rights activist discusses the issues and demands of the protesters and the needs of refugees in Hungary in general.
• Democracy Now!

Voices of Peace Activists: Gaza 2012 — 19 November 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2012-11-26 15:56

Topics for 19 November 2012
Episode 83:
• Interview with Palestinian Peace and justice activist and journalist Majed Abusalama currently in Gaza.
• UK Reporter Activist Harry Fear reporting from Gaza Palestine
War! sung by Edwin Starr
• Ofer Neiman, Israeli Peace and Justice activist in Jerusalem
• Democracy Now - Gaza situation, Interview with Israeli Negotiator Gershon Baskin, Oliver Stone talks about his 'Untold History of the United States' documentary series.

US Elections » Vote for Democratic Alternatives? No, You Can't. — 5 November 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2012-11-26 15:13

Topics for 5 November 2012
Episode 82:
• Chris Capps-Schubert, Deserted US Soldier now living in Kaiserslautern, Germany and Peace activist discusses the 2012 US Elections
• Democracy Now!'s '3rd Party' Presidential debates

Noam Chomsky 'Who Owns the World?' — TGM beszéde A Város Mindenkié 56-os megemlékezése — 29 October 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Pén, 2012-11-02 15:38

Topics for 29 October 2012
Episode 81:
• Noam Chomsky new lecture 'Who Owns the World?' at University of Massachusetts in Amherst
• Az 56-os forradalomban - csakúgy mint a többi magyar szabadságharcban - a romák is áldozatot hoztak. Az Ide tartozunk! Roma Közösségi Hálózat évente megemlékezik a hősökről.
• A Város Mindenkié 56-os megemlékezése - Tamás Gáspár Miklós beszéde
• Rekviem Dokumentumfilm Fesztivál — Tömeggyilkos hatalmak: történelem és emlékezet a 21. században » Beszélgetés: Szenesné Brodt Erzsébet, holokauszt túlélő, Závada Pál, író, Daróczi Ágnes, kutató

Hungarian Roma in Toronto — a Roma Parlament jövőjéről tartott sajtótájékoztató — 22 October 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2012-10-22 11:23

Topics for 22 October 2012
Episode 80:
• Miscolc Report by Balazs Turay about the 'A hazáért, a demokráciáért!' protest
• Discussion with Gina Csanyi-Robah, Toronto Roma Community Centre about Hungarian refugees in Canada
• Zsigó Jenő és Horváth Aladár a Roma Parlament jövőjéről tartott sajtótájékoztatót. (magyarul)

'Real Democracy' a report from Spain — 08 October 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2012-10-08 10:31

Topics for 08 October 2012
Episode 78:
• Duncan reports from Barcelona about the recent protests and police violence in Spain and historical meanings of the demands for 'Real Democracy'
• Freedom from Guantánamo, Extradition to the US for Julian Assange? and Italian convictions against CIA agents involved in Rendition flights within the EU.
• The 2,000th US soldier killed in Afghanistan, and other news

Hungary's New Church Law and the History of Islam in Hungary — Refugee Julian Assange — 20 August 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2012-08-20 09:49

Topics for 20 August 2012
Episode 74:
• Part Two of the interview with Munif Abdul-Fattah from the XI District Budapest Mosque, discussing Hungary's new 'Church Law' and the history of Islam in Hungary...
• Julian Assange speech from the balcony of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London UK
• Democracy Now about Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

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