Basil is a 1998 British historical drama film directed by Radha Bharadwaj and starring Jared Leto, Derek Jacobi, Claire Forlani, and Christian Slater. It was based on the 1852 novel of the same name by Wilkie Collins. The adaptation was by Bharadwaj.
Basil (Jared Leto) is a young British aristocrat who grew up on the country estate of Windermere Hall. His father, Frederick (Derek Jacobi), is a traditionalist who believes that there are things people of their class should never do. One of those things is romancing the women of lower classes, and Frederick threatens Basil with disinheriting him if he ever succumbs to the temptation. Young Basil is, however, of a rebellious nature and, during his studies, he befriends a commoner named John Mannion (Christian Slater). Mannion introduces the young aristocrat to Julia Sherwin (Claire Forlani), the beautiful daughter of a local merchant. Basil falls in love and marries the girl, only to realize that she was sleeping with John and was pregnant with his child. Basil attacks John in an alley and stomps his face in when he realizes what John was up to. Later he delivers Julia's child and hears John coming up the stairs. He hides and sees him with a mask covering his face. Julia tries to lift it, and John says, "Remember as I was, not what I am now". She dies in his arms after telling him the child is his, not Basil's. All john wants is to take the child and leave. Basil hears and chases John with a knife. They fight and Basil pulls down John's mask. He gasps when he sees his face. It is very scarred and mutilated. John has chosen not to see his face but he sees it in the reflection of the knife he is holding. He goes to a nearby cliff and commits suicide because of his ruined face. Basil takes the newborn child and escapes to Ireland. He names her Clara, after an old friend. He goes back to England and meets the original Clara. They talk and then the film is over.
Basil, starring Jared Leto Part One
Basil (1998) trailer
Basil, starring Jared Leto Part Three
Trailer Basil (1998) Jared Leto
Basil Poledouris - Les Misérables (Suite)
R.I.P. Basil 1998 - 2014.
(1998) Basil - Getaway [Legendary Club Mix]
Basil " City Streets " 1998
Opening to Basil Hears A Noise 1998 VHS
Opening to Basil Hears A Noise 1998 VHS
Basil Poledouris - Theme from Les Misérables
Basil, starring Jared Leto Part Two
TCU Basil Mitchell 1998 Sun Bowl 60 Yard TD vs USC Trojans Horned Frogs
Basil Trailer 8 horas
Muhad, a Muslim boy from Afghanistan, attends college in California, where he falls in love with an American journalism student, Victoria. Shortly after, his father suffers a stroke and Muhad must return home to tend to the family farm. As time passes, most of the crops are wiped out by the ongoing drought. Muhad is forced to head North with the rest of the farmers to harvest the poppies. Victoria has settled into her new life as a journalist for a local newspaper in San Francisco. When she follows a lead on a story about the ongoing war on drugs in Afghanistan, she is surprised to find her once innocent, first love is now a major player in the opium poppy trade.
When Chris Turner (Adam Booth) is kidnapped by a mysterious organization he is forced to make a terrible decision: Kill or be killed. In this action packed thriller he tries to hunt down James Seguin (Jay Melnychuk), a known junkie, in order to save his own life. Follow Chris as he fights to make his own fate, all the while trying to discover the true motives of this organization that hides in the shadows.
Cork & Desi, two of Tinseltown's most 'Transtastic' transplants, are trying to make a name for themselves in the world of Hollywood drag queens. It isn't until their arch-nemesis, Hollywood's #1 queen, Basil, sabotages their friendship that they realize they're meant to be best friends forever and then learn what it takes to create the most talked about drag number the Valley has ever seen.
When life gives you lemons, just add vodka...
Abandoned at birth, raised by royalty and prophesied to bring greatness to the world, Sir John Montague lived a life of high expectations. As years passed he became Earl of the great land of Sandwich and administrator of the Royal Navy. Despite all his wealth and power, the Earl was still dissatisfied. It was not until a terrifying vision came to him in a dream, that his true purpose was realized. The Earl would become the first to put meat between two slices of bread, hence the sandwich was born. But 18th century England was not ready to embrace such a bold concept and quickly condemned the Earl's immoral lifestyle. Rejected by society and forced into seclusion, the Earl's growing obsession brings him to the brink of madness. Clouding his judgment, he neglects to fulfill his military obligations, setting off a catastrophic chain of events that will change history forever.
His Fate Was Sealed ... Between Two Slices Of Bread
An aimless Englishman finds he has a small inheritance on a Greek island. His joyless existence is disturbed when he meets Zorba, a middle aged Greek with a real lust for life. As he discovers the earthy pleasures of Greece, the Englishman finds his view on life changing.
Keywords: based-on-novel, book, cave, character-name-in-title, dance, dancer, dancing, death, famous-score, friend
Life. Lust. Love. Zorba.
Alexis Zorba: If a woman sleeps alone, it puts a shame on all men.
Alexis Zorba: Damn it boss, I like you too much not to say it. You've got everthing except one thing: madness! A man needs a little madness, or else...::Basil: Or else?::Alexis Zorba: ...he never dares cut the rope and be free.
Alexis Zorba: What kind of man are you, don't you even like dolphins?
Madame Hortense: I too fought breasts to breasts.
Basil: I don't want any trouble.::Alexis Zorba: Life is trouble. Only death is not. To be alive is to undo your belt and *look* for trouble.
Alexis Zorba: How can I not love them? Poor weak creatures... and they take so little, a man's hand on their breast, and they give you all they got.
Alexis Zorba: Those damn cats!
Alexis Zorba: Silly old bitch. She's not alone, she's with Suleiman Pasha having a hell of a time.
Alexis Zorba: On a deaf man's door, you can knock forever!
Alexis Zorba: No more fooling around, not in this place. We'll pull our pants up and make a pile of money.
Basil, starring Jared Leto Part One
Basil (1998) trailer
Basil, starring Jared Leto Part Three
Trailer Basil (1998) Jared Leto
Basil Poledouris - Les Misérables (Suite)
R.I.P. Basil 1998 - 2014.
(1998) Basil - Getaway [Legendary Club Mix]
Basil " City Streets " 1998
Opening to Basil Hears A Noise 1998 VHS
Opening to Basil Hears A Noise 1998 VHS
Basil Poledouris - Theme from Les Misérables
Basil, starring Jared Leto Part Two
TCU Basil Mitchell 1998 Sun Bowl 60 Yard TD vs USC Trojans Horned Frogs
Basil Trailer 8 horas
Basil - Getaway (Chant Mix) - 1998
Rotary Constanța, Basil Grigore president 1998 1999
Alan as Basil in Fawlty Towers 1998
Basil Poledouris - Les Miserables - The Barricades
Jared Leto and Christian Slater in Basil - Official Trailer (1996)
Basil Basset Bingo Introduction + Legal Rules (C-Band)
Basil Hears A Noise - Credits
Niech nie ide sam
Zagram ci piosenki
Napisane w snach
To czary niewinne
Me jedyne dary
Matulo kochana
Jestem tak stary
Ej zabierz mnie daleko
Az po szczescia kres
Bede szedl za toba
Tak jak wierny pies
Chcialbym ci powiedziec
Troche mi zalezy
Kiedy widze ciebie
Zapominam siebie
Za ciebie I za mnie
Za zadne pieniadze
Serca nie poskapie
I juz nie zabladze
Slyszalem ze kwitnie
Na szczycie beztroski
Szczescia bezmiar wielki
I male radostki
Ej zabierz mnie ze soba
Niech nie ide sam
Namaluje slonce
Potem caly swiat
Zakopie sie w tobie
I troche pomoge
Jak sercem pokarmisz
I ze mnie nie zadrwisz
Wylecze twe rany
I dla cie zaspiewam
Chcialbym ci powiedziec
Troche tu posiedze
Poczekam na ciebie
Zanim tu nie przyjdziesz
Daj mi jakis znak
Kochaj mnie doszczetnie
Kochaj mnie bo zwariuje
Mow do mnie niegrzecznie
Mow do mnie koniecznie
Mow do mnie milosnie
Jesli nie poczujesz
Jesli nie pokochasz
Nie boj sie
Dam se rade
Dam se rade dam se ja
Dam se rade dam se ja
Rade dam se rade
Dam se rade
Powiedz mi gdzie mieszkasz
Otworz drzwi gdy przyjde
Usmaz mi szparagi
Chcialbym cie uslyszec musze sie dowiedziec
Ile w sercu miejsca dla mnie masz
Czy jakakolwiek drobinke ci na mnie zalezy
Lezy mi na sercu a to meczy
Znow wymyslam dla ciebie naiwne piosenki
Zdaje sobie sprawe iz troche przeginam,
Ale chcialbym bys wiedziala ze milosci jest to wina
Widzialem jak twoj pociag odjezdzal
A ja stalem nie moglem sie ruszyc I krzyczec sie balem
Ciebie pani wielbic pragne ponad zycie
W sercu w duszy w mysli I w zachwycie
Co to za szalenstwo ogarnia mnie o nieba
Myslalem, ze do szczescia niczego mi nie trzeba,
A wiec moj aniele napijmy sie wina
Lub chodzmy do kina bo dluzej nie wytrzymam
Halo jak sie masz
Juz nie obawiaj sie nie ma mnie tu to tylko sen
I nakazalas bym odwrocil sie wiec musze juz isc musze juz isc
A to tylko strach szalony byl ze mi cie skradl
Milosnij minie mi w koncu tak jak ci
Lecz niepokoisz wciaz mnie koi mnie tylko sen
A sny sa pelne zludzen chyba zwariuje gdy sie obudze
Choc czas nadszedl juz odejsc nie umiem przestac myslec o tobie
Sen na ulicy bajkowej deszcz znow wpadl ci do glowy
Dziadek opowie ci bajke lecz wczesniej zakuri se fajke
Milosnij mimo ze nie ma juz nic
Nie ma juz nic miedzy nami ten czas zostal zapomniany
A ja nie mam juz zludzen o wszystkim zapomnisz gdy sie obudzisz