Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE)

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ECHR Judgments
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Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE)

The rule of law is one of the main values upheld by the Council of Europe and the judiciary is its cornerstone. It was to strengthen the role of judges in Europe that the Committee of Ministers set up the Consultative Council of European Judges.

The Consultative Council of European Judges is an advisory body of the Council of Europe on issues related to the independence, impartiality and competence of judges. It is the first body within an international organisation to be composed exclusively of judges, and in this respect, it is unique in Europe.

By establishing the Consultative Council of European Judges, the Council of Europe highlighted the key role of the judiciary in exploring the concept of democracy and the rules by which it operates.

The CCJE adopts Opinions for the attention of the Committee of Ministers on issues regarding the status of judges and the exercise of their functions.

The CCJE may be requested by member States to look into specific problems concerning the status and/or the situation of judges. It addresses topical issues and, if necessary, visits the countries concerned to discuss the ways of improving the existing situation through developing legislation, institutional framework and/or judicial practice.

News... (04/11/2014)

The Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE) adopts an Opinion on the evaluation of judges

At its 15th plenary meeting on 24 October 2014, the Consultative Council of European Judges has adopted its Opinion No. 17 on the evaluation of judges’ work, the quality of justice and respect for judicial independence. This Opinion responds to the need for policy makers to account to stakeholders and to the public about the functioning of the public service and justice and to guarantee the quality of judicial activity by preserving independence of judges, fundamental principle for a State of law. It is based on an in-depth analysis of European practices and standards in force in the Council of Europe member States, taking into consideration recent evolutions and new needs in this field. The CCJE will transmit this Opinion to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.
Opinion No. 17 on the evaluation of judges’ work, the quality of justice and respect for judicial independence

15th CCJE plenary meeting

The CCJE's 15th plenary meeting took place in Strasbourg, from 22 to 24 October 2014. During this meeting, the CCJE adopt its Opinion No. 17 on “The evaluation of judge’s work, the quality of justice and respect for judicial independence”, to the attention of the Committee of Ministers. The final text of the Opinion will be published soon.
Meeting report

Speech of Mr Philippe Boillat, Director General - Human Rights and Rule of Law

Picture gallery

Conference marking the beginning of the project on the relations between judges and Romanian counsels from the perspective of Opinion no. 16 of the CCJE

Judge Dr. Rodica Aida Popa made an exhaustive presentation of Opinion No. 16 of the CCJE on the occasion of the First conference that marked the beginning of the project on the relations betweeen judges and Romanian counsels, in presence of eminent representatives in Râmnicu Vâlcea (Romania) on 3 October 2014.

Speech of Judge Dr. Rodica Aida-Popa

More information about the conference

The academy for judges and public prosecutors shall promote the third volume of the publication "International documents for independent and efficient jurisdiction"

The Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors “Pavel Shatev” with cooperation and with financial support by the OSCE Mission in Skopje, on 26 September 2014 within the premises of the Academy, will promote the Volume 3 from the publication „International Documents for Independent and Efficient Jurisdiction “Namely, the first two Volumes of the abovementioned publication were published and promoted in October 2011, by the Academy and OSCE Mission to Skopje, which included the Opinions of the Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE) of the Council of Europe 1-12, 64 selected international reference documents, as well as selected case law of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, all of which translated into Macedonian language. This presentation has been made by Ms Aneta ARNAUDOVSKA, Judge, Director of the Academy of Judges and Prosecutors of The Former yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
Context of the event

Press review and video

Picture gallery

Launching of the Romanian judicial year in a European context

Mr Bart van Lierop, President of the CCJE, Mr Gerhard Reissner, former President of the CCJE, Ms Nina Betteto, member of the CCJE Bureau and Mr Orlando Afonso, member of the CCJE Working Group participated in the Conference for judges focusing on the CCJE standards in Bucharest, Romania, from 11 to 13 September 2014, and together with Ms Aida Popa, the CCJE member in respect of Romania and member of the CCJE Working Group, delivered presentations on the CCJE opinions.
Press release from the Romanian Agency Agerpres (10 September 2014)

  Speech from the President of the High Judicial Council
Speech from the President of the High Court of Cassation and Justice
Speech from Justice Dr. Rodica Aida Popa, Criminal Chamber of the High Court of Review and Justice, Romanian Representative at the Consultative Council of European Judges

Picture gallery

Interview of Dr. Rodica Aida Popa ( [in Romanian] [in English]

External activities of the CCJE

The Bureau of the CCJE publishes a report on its external activities – participation in various fora, conferences, seminars, workshops and projects, as well as requests for assistance for the period of October 2013 – October 2014.
Report on the external activities of the CCJE from October 2013 to October 2014

Replies to the requests for assistance

Press releases and CCJE participation to external activities

Extraordinary Conference in Romania in the framework of adoption of Opinion No. 16 on the relation between judges and lawyers and the concrete ways to improve effiency and quality of judicial proceedings

The CCJE member, Judge Aida Popa (Romanie), organised in Romania, on 5 June 2014, an extraordinary Conference in Romania in the framework of the adoption of Opinion No. 16 on relations between judges and lawyers and the concrete ways to improve the efficiecy and quality of judicial proceedings

Complete news (in French)

Presentation from Judge Aida Popa (Romania)



 2014 Calendar

2014-2015 Terms of reference

Action plan


All articles, releases, conferences, round tables...

The press

Website Spectator - Slovak press : "Council of Europe concerned over new judicial law" [en]

9 July 2014

Other events

Workshop for trainee judges at the Dutch Judicial Training Centre SSR on international standards on the independence of judges, with the participation of Bart van Lierop, President of the CCJE
Netherlands, 2 July 2014
Joint meeting of the CCJE Working Group and the Commission of the German Federation and Länder for the Analysis of Judicial Autonomy in Europe (Judicial System Commission)
Berlin, 23 June 2014

Complete list of events


The conferences

 Fourth Conference of the Ministers of Justice of Central Asia and the Eruopean Union - EU Rule of Law Initiative for Central Asia, with the participation of Gerhard Reissner, Former President of the CCJE (Austria) and CCJE member

Astana (Kazakhstan), 14 and 15 October 2014  

  Conference marking the beginning of the project on the relations between judges and counsels from the perspective of Opinion no. 16 of the Consultative Council of European Judges

Râmnicu Vâlcea (Romania)

3 October 2014

Speech of Judge Dr. Rodica Aida-Popa

Conference on Independence, efficiency and responsibility of Romanian judges within the European judicial area: "The role of Consultative Council of European judges in ensuring the strengthening of judicial power in a democratic society" in Bucharest (Romania), from 11 to 13 September 2014

Conference: “Strengthening the Capacity of Parliamentarians, Judges and Prosecutors to Prevent Corruption in Their Own Ranks", in Vienna (Austria), on 10 and 11 April 2014

Conference on integrity of the judiciary in Sofia, organised by the Council of Europe and the Bulgarian Council for the judiciary in Sofia on 1 and 2 April 2014

- Speech of Mr Bart van Lierop, President of the CCJE



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