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Mojito Sze, 2012-04-04 01:38

A blog about community garden(s) in Budapest and other guerilla gardening activiites in the city.

Paper glasses for preplanting

Mojito kozossegi_kert Csü, 2012-04-05 21:03

Today I was putting out the pre-grown plants, mostly tomatoes, cucumbers nad cabbage in the sun on the top of a small roof of the porch, as 2 men coming down the stairs started wondering about the containers where the preplanted stuff was. They really liked the paper cups and even took one with tomatoes.
So, I tohught it would be fair to share the recepie.

Outside Budapest

Mojito kozossegi_kert Sze, 2012-04-04 02:15

By some wonder we got a piece of land that we can use for gardening in Biatorbagy. It is quite big piece of land with no fence around it, a small house and a cellar. There are a couple of trees there and some flowers. There are also some neighbours around. We already got to know the ones who are the closest, they have their garden, a cat and 4 dogs. The latter ones were extremely interested in us, but even more in the food we had, so we shared peanuts with them, and cabbage and carrots they took themselves when nobody was watching. Nice vegetarian dogs...


Mojito kozossegi_kert Sze, 2012-04-04 01:44

The idea is to create a community garden in Budapest or near the city so that people can do things together in harmony with each other and nature. We do not have any particular plans or expectations, we jsut want to do gardening together. We may use various techniques, the main princille is that we cooperate with the nature and grow biological stuff, mostly vegetables and herbs.

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