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Latest green news

Carbon neutrality needed within lifespan of people born today, UN says

7:55am Governments are far off track in combating global warming and should phase out net carbon dioxide emissions by 2070, well within the expected lifetime of people born today, a UN study said on Wednesday.

US poll finds most back limits on coal emissions even if power prices rise

US President Barack Obama during his Brisbane speech last weekend.

Jim Polson 7:46am A majority of Americans support tougher pollution limits on coal-burning power plants even if it means paying more for electricity.

Global warming not done and dusted by early US snowstorms

The US has an early start to winter: global warming over?

Chris Mooney 7:34am Just because it's unusually cold in the US, the world remains on course for one of its hottest - if not the hottest - year on record.

World Parks Congress: call to extend no-take share of marine protected areas

Callsto extend

PETER HANNAM 7:26pm The world’s oceans need expanded regions where fishing is barred to help preserve fragile ecosystems and protect them from “a silent storm” driven by climate change.

Australia will scrutinise fresh Japanese whaling push

Minke whale

ANDREW DARBY 5:09pm New research zone extends around two-thirds of the Antarctic coast, into the South Atlantic and South-East Pacific.

Drought assistance to flow to Victorian farmers

Mal Burge

DARREN GRAY 6:49am Victorian farmers battling severe drought conditions described by some as the worst in decades will be eligible for concessional loans of up to $1 million, under a $30 million package announced by the Commonwealth and the Victorian governments.

Great white shark pulled from nets at Bondi Beach

A shark caught in shark nets off Bondi Beach

MEGAN LEVY 5:19pm A great white shark has been pulled from the nets surrounding Bondi Beach in Sydney.

CSG study finds elevated methane levels near gas fields

Fresh clouds over CSG industry: A Santos employee near Narrabri in northern NSW.

PETER HANNAM 4:53pm Methane levels near coal seam gas fields in Australia have been found to be as much as triple normal levels, raising renewed doubts about the global-warming benefits of using the gas compared with other energy sources.

Half of US blanketed in snow as winter makes an early show


Brian K. Sullivan Snow cover across the contiguous 48 states reached 50.4 per cent on Monday in the US before dropping back to 50.2 on Tuesday in an early burst of winter in the US.

Climate change science provokes textbook battle in Texas

The climate change fight has been taken to Texan classrooms.

Renee Schoof Several textbook publishers have withdrawn passages from social studies textbooks that could have led middle school students to think that climate change is not caused by human activity, an advocacy group said Monday.

China needs to cap coal use by 2020 to meet climate goals: think tank

China's urban pollution is one prompt for curbing coal use.

China needs to hit its "peak coal" use by 2020 if it is to fulfil its commitment to end growth in climate-warming carbon emissions by the end of the next decade, an influential government think tank said on Tuesday.

Polar bear numbers down 40 per cent in Alaska, western Canada

Early indicator: Polar bears have long been followed as scientists as indicators of global warming.

Michael Muskal Polar bear numbers are shrinking as Arctic ice melts, according to a new study.

Bilateral trade deal boosts negligible G20 legacy

Ross Gittins.

ROSS GITTINS Treasurer Joe Hockey's shock jock tactics add little to the debate about carbon emission strategies.

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Why some mammals kill off infants

Infanticide may be the main cause of infant mortality in some species, such as Chacma baboons.

Carl Zimmer A new study suggests that the behaviour of male animals killing unrelated infants evolved independently in a number of separate animal lineages.

Government confirms Green Climate Fund no-show

Abbott government will snub UN's Green Cliamte Fund: Australia will not be represented at a Berlin summit to raise funds for a UN-backed climate fund.

PETER HANNAM Australia is playing its part in an effective response to climate change through direct action, international engagement and aid program, according to a spokesman for Foreign Minister Julie Bishop.

Japan to expand its Antarctic whaling area

Japan proposes to hunt 333 minke whales from the end of 2015.

ANDREW DARBY Japan is to vastly expand its Antarctic whaling area, and take 333 minke whales, under a  scientific research plan to replace the program ruled illegal at Australia's request.

Businesses want higher emission cuts

Less is more: business respondents to a survey say emissions cuts can do deeper.

PETER HANNAM Half the firms surveyed backed deeper cuts than 5 per cent of 2000-level emissions by the end of the decade.

El Nino to bring a hot, dry summer

The likelihood of an El Nino is again on the rise.

PETER HANNAM The prospects of a hot and dry summer for much of Australia are increasing with “classic signs” of an El Nino event starting to emerge in the Pacific.

India plans to increase solar power five-fold without subsidies

Solar park in Gujarat, home state of India's new prime minister Narendra Modi.

Debjit Chakraborty and Ganesh Nagarajan India said its renewable-energy industry must eventually learn to live without government support and that it's seeking to generate five times more power from solar by 2022 than is currently installed.

US Republicans' task: how to fight nature while denying climate change

Hurricane Arthur off the Florida coast in July.

Toluse Olorunnipa When Florida's Governor Rick Scott won re-election November 4, he triumphed over both his Democratic challenger and California billionaire Thomas Steyer, who spent $US20 million painting him as a climate-change denier.

Victorian election 2014: State 'has worst renewable energy policy environment'

Premier Denis Napthine says coal will remain an important industry in Victoria for decades to come

RICHARD WILLINGHAM Less than two weeks from the state election, a study has found Victoria has the worst policy environment for renewable energy in Australia, and Premier Denis Napthine says reliance on coal-fired power will continue for some time.

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Gardens of Stone mine: call for government to protect unique rock formations

Pagoda formation near the Coalpac mine.

PETER HANNAM Green groups have called on the Baird government to expand its protection of unique pagoda rock formations in the Blue Mountains after a regional coal miner went into liquidation.

Supertrawler fishing ban comes to an end amid demands for permanent stop

Ban: Commercial fishers pitted against recreational fishers and conservationists.

ANDREW DARBY The ban on fishing supertrawlers hauling nets in Australian waters lapses on Tuesday, with conservationists and recreational fishers demanding a permanent stop.

Red faces for Tony Abbott on Green Climate Fund

On the sidelines: A protester takes part in a climate change march in New York earlier this year. The Abbott government is

PETER HANNAM The Abbott government has been left squirming on another climate front after key ally Canada said it will contribute to a United Nations climate fund to help impoverished countries cope with global warming. Tony Abbot has said that Australia will not be contributing to the fund.

The war over Dolphin Marine Magic park

Balancing act: Bottlenose dolphins Bucky and Zippy perform at Dolphin Marine Magic in Coffs Harbour.

PATRICK BEGLEY Bucky the bottlenose dolphin - a 45-year-old entertainer and cancer survivor - has found himself at the centre of a bitter, decade-long battle of wills.

Lucent shines light on life of pigs from conception to slaughter

Trapped: A pig in a sow stall.

Elise Burgess, Eleanor Nurse These days when it comes to how our food is produced, the question is no longer "how much do you know about where it comes from?" but, "how much do you want to know?"

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Climate change 'won't stop at the Pacific Islands', Angela Merkel tells Australia

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is viewed as an arch-pragmatist, reacting to events rather than following ideology.

PETER HANNAM German Chancellor Angela Merkel has added to international calls on Australia to reveal its plans for cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

Hollande raises spectre of conflict over climate change

Climate change raises the prospect of conflict, France's Hollande says.

French President Francois Hollande said failure to address global warming could lead to war, and called on G20 countries to act ahead of a climate change conference in Paris next year.

G20 pledges lift Green Climate Fund towards $US10 billion UN goal

Green Climate Fund gets support from US, Japan.

A promise by Japan on Sunday to give up to $US1.5 billion ($1.7 billion) to a UN fund to help poor nations cope with global warming puts the fund within sight of a $US10 billion goal and brightens prospects for a UN climate pact next year.

Strong winds fan Blue Mountains bushfire blaze


Strong winds have caused a fire in NSW's Blue Mountains to flare up but authorities say no properties are under threat.

Climate change in G20 communique after 'trench warfare'


TOM ALLARD The final G20 communique includes a significant passage on climate change after "difficult discussions" among leaders on Sunday, and despite an impassioned defence of coal and fossil fuel industry by Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

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Australian bid to get Japanese tuna boats to curb albatross deaths fails

A wandering albatross, caught on a longline hook, is dragged under water.

ANDREW DARBY An Australian attempt to make Japanese boats fishing for bluefin tuna take steps to reduce the numbers of albatrosses they kill in the process has failed.

Under the radar: Dams bone dry and crops failing in north-west Victoria

Shortage acute: Farmer Mal Burge at his sheep and crops property near Wedderburn, where he is carting water to his sheep for the first time in years.

DARREN GRAY A growing number of farmers in north-west Victoria are carting water for their stock and it's not yet summer.

Beyond the US-China climate deal

Unidentified emissions

ADAM MORTON Opinion Here's the first thing you need to know about the climate change agreement that the US and China sprung on the world last week: ignore the numbers.

Mallee birds extinct in 20 years: government policy to blame

The Mallee Emu Wren.

JOHN ELDER The Victorian government stands accused of all but guaranteeing the extinction of threatened mallee birds as a consequence of its bushfire prevention policy.

UN chief urges Australian PM to support climate change fund

On the agenda: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon sees climate change as a defining challenge for world leaders.

TOM ALLARD UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon sees climate change as a "defining challenge of our times".

Brisbane turns on the heat for G20 summit as monthly records melt

Temperatures are rising at the G20 and globally.

PETER HANNAM Leaders attending the G20 summit in Brisbane may not get to talk much about climate change but it might be harder to avoid discussing the weather.

NSW national parks singled out for green gong

Crowd pleaser: Montague Island.

PETER HANNAM Two NSW conservation areas have been named on a list of world-class protected areas, the only state in Australia to earn the accolade from the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Abbott government blasted for stalling on marine parks

Humpback whale: the Great Barrier Reef was an early marine region to get protection.

PETER HANNAM Environment Minister Greg Hunt has been taken to task for claiming 36 per cent of Australia's marine areas are protected by law.

State Labor dumps Great Forests park plan ahead of Victorian election

Jobs under threat: Michael O'Connor, National Secretary of the CFMEU

JOSH GORDON Union intervention has caused Labor to backtrack on a new national park proposal.

Ghost bat pup born into Taronga Zoo's night sky

Ghost bat pup

STEVE JACOBS Taronga Zoo is celebrating its first successful birth of a ghost bat pup in 15 years.

United States pledges $2.5b to help poor nations fight climate change ahead of G20 leaders' summit: report

The new power generation: US President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping at the end of their news conference in Beijing.

AMY REMEIKIS The United States has pledged $2.5 billion to help poor countries combat climate change, just days after signing a "game changing" deal with China to cut its carbon emissions by almost a third by 2030.

Cool change creeps into Sydney

Good place to head on a hot Friday.

PETER HANNAM Sydneysiders are getting some relief from the early-season heat as sea breezes start to cool off coastal suburbs.

How to catch a fishing boat - every time

Fishing trawler

ANDREW DARBY When the Japanese longliner Wakashio Maru No.118 went fishing in the South Pacific, little did its crew know the voyage could be part of a game change.

Man scales toilet wall to rescue child from snake

Tiger snakes are said to be in strong supply around Herdsman Lake.

PRIMROSE RIORDAN A passerby has scaled a toilet wall at a Lake George rest stop 20 minutes outside of Canberra to rescue child from a snake.

Lightning might strike more often with global warming

More lightning strikes expected with climate change.

Justin Gillis To the ever-growing list of projected effects from global warming, add a curious entry: a potentially huge jump in lightning strikes in the United States.

Sydney weather: Eastern regions to be spared the worst of today's heat

Cooling off: Sea-breeze to keep a lid on some Sydney temperatures.

PETER HANNAM Sydney’s eastern suburbs are the place to be this afternoon as the second big heatwave of spring sends temperatures soaring.

Emissions deal: Abbott looks like a shag on a rock

Mark Kenny dinkus

MARK KENNY The PM stood up to Putin, but had the rug pulled from under him by Obama and Xi.

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Great Barrier Reef, Kakadu among World Heritage sites of 'significant concern': IUCN

No clowning around: Greater Barrier Reef is a

PETER HANNAM The condition of three of Australia’s 14 World Heritage sites is of “significant concern”, including the Great Barrier Reef, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature

Total fire bans enforced as temperatures set to soar across state

Total fire ban

Expected temperatures of up to 45C coupled with strong winds are leading to a total fire ban in some areas of NSW.

Searing heat to sweep across NSW

Staying cool will be a priority over the next few days.

PETER HANNAM Parts of Sydney's west will swelter in near-40 degree heat on Friday as a massive pool of hot, dry air sweeps eastwards, raising the threat of fire danger.

'No need' for free range eggs standard says ACCC, outraging consumer and industry groups

ACCC chairman Rod Sims said credence claims such as 'free range' were

ESTHER HAN Egg producers and consumer advocates are developing free range egg standards in every state - but now the consumer watchdog says we don't need them.

Climate: US-China pact to curb emissions not enough, CSIRO scientist Pep Canadell says

China and the US will have to do more to curb emissions, CSIRO's Dr Canadell says.

PETER HANNAM The US-China pact to curb greenhouse gas emissions is "unprecedented" but won’t be enough to prevent dangerous climate change, said Pep Canadell, the head of CSIRO’s Global Carbon Project.

Canberra set for a short-lived taste of summer on Friday before a cooler weekend

Canberrans cooling off in the Murrumbidgee River.

EMMA KELLY Canberra will get a taste of summer tomorrow but the scorching weather will be short-lived.

Scorching heat predicted for Sydney on Friday

Staying cool will be a priority over the next few days.

PETER HANNAM Western parts of the city can expect 40-degree temperatures as a massive pool of hot, dry air sweeps across eastern Australia.

Coal seam gas projects in Sydney's water catchments could get the go-ahead

CSG projects in water catchments could get the go-ahead under the state government's plans for the industry.

NICOLE HASHAM Coal seam gas projects in Sydney’s sensitive water catchments could be allowed and existing operations will escape tough new rules under the state government’s plan for the controversial industry.

McConnell 'distressed' at US-China climate deal, signaling fight

The US Senate's incoming Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Michael A. Memoli Incoming US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell led a Republican chorus objecting to a new US-China deal on climate change Wednesday, calling it the latest sign that President Barack Obama is unwilling to seek common ground with the party set to assume power on Capitol Hill.

Nature turns up the heat just in time for G20

Brisbane is about to broil - just in time for the G20.

PETER HANNAM At this weekend’s G20 summit, it may well be a case of “Don’t mention the warmth!”

Ross Garnaut: Climate deal marks acceleration by US

No Great Wall between China's Xi Jinping and the US's Barack Obama when it comes to climate action.

PETER HANNAM Ross Garnaut, a China expert and compiler of two emissions trading reviews for governments, said the US-China deal represents a bigger shift for the Americans.

US-China climate deal puts pressure on Tony Abbott

Michael Gordon dinkus.

MICHAEL GORDON China and the US agreement highlights PM's inaction on global warming.

Comments 249


Live cattle trade

Animals Australia has uncovered terrible cruelty in Indonesian abattoirs. Here is our record of events.

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Gulf of Mexico oil spill

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