Top technology news

Street View

Take a dip or a hike with Google Street View

Nicole Hasham   Hankering to see Mount Kosciuszko, the Great Barrier Reef or the penguins of Montague Island?

Editor's picks


From flipping burgers to video game super star

Conor Dougherty   Matt Haag used to flip burgers at McDonald's. Now, 22, he makes $1 million playing Call of Duty.


Digital life

Future of Google Glass clouded

Alexei Oreskovic, Sarah McBride and Malathi Nayak   While Glass may find some specialised, even lucrative, uses in the workplace, its prospects of becoming a consumer hit in the near future are slim, many developers say.



Game of Thrones pirates can be prosecuted

Ben Grubb   When George Brandis said metadata collection "can't be" and "won't be" used to identify pirates, he was wrong.



Assassin's Creed Unity review: this is not a revolution

James 'DexX' Dominguez   The latest in the Assassin's Creed series gives us a wonderfully realised historical world and not much else.


A fond farewell to Nokia

Harry Wallop   Ten years ago, its mobile phones contributed 25 per cent of Finland's growth – but a decade is a long time in tech.

Hiding your piracy metadata

Adam Turner   How much will Australians spend to avoid paying for content?



Facebook spells privacy policy out in plain English

Samantha Murphy Kelly   Facebook updated its privacy policies on Thursday, but the real change came in the form of the site using basic language so people can better understand how everything works.

Get appy with snags and artist markets on election day

Hannah Francis   Fancy a bacon and egg roll with your ballot paper? A handful of apps and websites can help you locate the best polling booths.

Travel tech

Essential travel apps that don't use data

Donald Strachan   Here are some great apps you can use while travelling, without having using up expensive mobile roaming data.


The dark side of instant fame: Alex from Target speaks

Nick Bilton   While the rise from high school student to global celebrity may be the stuff that teenagers dream of today, Alex and his family have had to deal with more serious consequences of web fame, such as death threats and cyber bullying.


Blogs & Columns

Gadgets on the Go

Netflix in Australia: will local users make the switch?

Adam Turner 10:41 AM   Will Aussies sneaking into Netflix switch to the local service when it arrives next year?


Electronic viewfinders have come a long way since 2005

Terry Lane   Ten years ago we encountered our first EVF and wrote that it would never fly. They were crude devices that slowed the camera response so much that by the time the shutter fired the subject was already over the horizon. We apologise for being so wrong in 2005.


Pocket Weather app reigns supreme

Garry Barker   Through the magic of modern technology, the information in the Pocket Weather app is regularly updated from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology's database, often every three minutes.


Age-old dream fulfilled as humans finally make contact with comet

Rachel Feltman   Throughout human history, comets have been distant, mysterious heavenly bodies. The hunks of rock and ice streak through the sky, streaming bright tails of gas as the sun warms them.