Israelis: Is Israeli culture Western or Middle Eastern?
Israelis: Why do you treat the Palestinians the way the Nazis treated the Jews?
Israelis torturing non-Jewish children. 2014 Australian documentary film. Viewer discretion.
Obama Admin: Palestinians Who Throw Molotov Cocktails at Israelis Are Not Terrorists
Israelis: Who is Jesus to you?
Secular Jewish Israelis: Would you date someone not Jewish?
Israelis: What do you know about Afghanistan?
Israelis: What do you think of Jesus, Mary and Christianity?
Israelis: "Ni&&ers; go home!"
Arab Israelis: How do you define your identity?
Moroccan Jewish Israelis: How are you doing?
Arab israelis: Do you love Israel?
Radical Young Israelis and the Price Tag Attacks: Rockets and Revenge (Dispatch 7)
Israelis: Where are you from?
Israelis: Is Israeli culture Western or Middle Eastern?
Israelis: Why do you treat the Palestinians the way the Nazis treated the Jews?
Israelis torturing non-Jewish children. 2014 Australian documentary film. Viewer discretion.
Obama Admin: Palestinians Who Throw Molotov Cocktails at Israelis Are Not Terrorists
Israelis: Who is Jesus to you?
Secular Jewish Israelis: Would you date someone not Jewish?
Israelis: What do you know about Afghanistan?
Israelis: What do you think of Jesus, Mary and Christianity?
Israelis: "Ni&&ers; go home!"
Arab Israelis: How do you define your identity?
Moroccan Jewish Israelis: How are you doing?
Arab israelis: Do you love Israel?
Radical Young Israelis and the Price Tag Attacks: Rockets and Revenge (Dispatch 7)
Israelis: Where are you from?
Arab Israelis: Do you want to destroy Israel?
9-11 Cop Who Arrested Dancing Israelis Speaks
I'd Dump the Israelis Tomorrow --Ex-CIA Michael Scheuer Tells Congress
The Five Dancing Israelis - 9/11/2001 - Our Purpose Was To Document The Event
Israelis: What angers you most about Muslims?
Israelis: Do you want to conquer the Middle East?
Israelis: Put yourself in the shoes of Palestinians, would you do anything differently?
Israelis: If Palestinians had thrown flowers instead of stones, would they have a state?
Israelis: What do you like and dislike about Israel?
What do you think of President Abbas's interview with the Israeli news?
GAZA 2014 | Jon Snow 'annihilates' Israeli spokesperson Mark Regev
Israel-Palestine: Is This A Debate? Russell Brand The Trews (E111)
IDF General's Son: If Israel Doesn't Like Rockets, Decolonize Palestine | Interview with Miko Peled
Should Israel Exist? Hamas Leader’s Dumb, Damaging Answer
Ernst Zundel - Interviewed by an Israeli journalist (1996) GREAT !!!
Press TV's Gaza correspondent breaks down while covering Israeli killing of Palestinian children
Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11
1of3 BBC Hardtalk Interview with israeli settler 03.2007
Golda Meir Interview on Arab-Israeli Relations and Terrorism (1973)
BBC argues with Israeli Spokesman over UN School Bombing
Tampa Teen Beaten by Israelis Interviewed on MSNBC's 'All In with Chris Hayes' (Part 1)
Tampa Teen Beaten by Israelis Interviewed on MSNBC's 'All In with Chris Hayes' (Part 2)
The "Dancing Israelis"
RT Interview of Dr. Einat Wilf discussing rising tensions between Israelis and Palestinians
Israel Commits War Crimes While World Turns A Blind Eye | Interview with Harry Fear
Borat speaking hebrew with israeli journalist
• Benjamin Netanyahu • Full Interview • Fox News Sunday • 7/13/14 •
Jimmy Carter unveils truth about Israel
Interview mit Felicia Langer über das Verhältnis zwischen Israelis und Palästinensern
President Obama Speaks to the People of Israel
Iranian Israelis: life in the shadow of a conflict
911 cover up condensed to 28mins :mainly info on the Israelis
Ultimate Soldier Challenge - Army 82nd Airborne vs. Israelis
Gli Angeli Genève, Schein: Israelis Brünnlein
Israelis: Why not go into Gaza to deal with combatants and save civilian lives?
The Grassroots Movement Uniting Israelis And Palestinians
Mysteries of the Secret Israelis - Jonathan Cahn (Audio Only)
Israelis: Do you want to destroy al Aqsa Mosque? Is there a plan to destroy it?
Gilad Atzmon Palestinians devastated, but Israelis the big losers
9/11 Jewish State Foreknowledge & 'The Dancing Israelis'
Deadliest Warrior Season 2 - Navy Seal vs Israeli Commando
"Ultimately We Will Be Going To War With Iran If The Israelis Want Us To" Michael Scheuer
Arab Israelis on racism
Disgusted Israeli Soldier Speaks Out
Do Israelis 'heart' attacking Iran?
Israeli Soldiers Breaking The Silence on the Occupation of Palestine
I.D.F- Sayeret Units (documentary)
Three young Israelis on the need for a Jewish country
Rashid Khalidi on Israelis, Palestinians and Any Hope for Mideast Peace
CrossTalk: GOP-Israelis
What are Israelis Thinking?
Israeli settlers - Jung & Naiv in Palestine: Episode 201
Fresh East Jerusalem clashes after Israeli settlement announcement
Funny Israelis Dancing on the Beach in Tel Aviv
Peace Between Palestinians and Israelis
Nepal – Two Israelis Killed In Nepal Bus Accident
Trekking with the Israelis in the Carpathians
Fatah Central Committee Member Abbas Zaki Israelis Voted for Extremists, and Must Pay the Price
Shlomo Ben-Ami: Israelis and Palestinians Will Not Be Able to Find Solutions
Israelis play Garry's Mod 2.5 (Hebrew) ᴴᴰ
Pro Israelis attack members of public
Hmmm... are they Arabs..?? ..or are they Israelis..??
Israel TV News Two Israelis killed in bus accident in Nepal JerusalemOnline
725,000 Israelis Define Themselves as Poor, Poverty Group Laments ‘Very Stark Increase’
Gipsy VS Israelis!
Junge Israelis zieht es scharenweise nach Berlin | Journal
Israelis Ni&&ers; go home!
Anger simmers as Israeli settlers move into Arab zone
Israelis Question Care of Hamas Leader's Daughter
Israeli settlers move into East Jerusalem Arab Silwan area
Stand-Up Comedy: Jews, Israelis & Palestinians, Food, Music & 1-Liners – Best of Jewmanberg Vol. 15
Israelis (Hebrew: ישראלים, Yisra'elim), are citizens or nationals of the modern state of Israel. Although Israel is a Jewish state, it has a multiethnic society, home to people of different ethnic and national backgrounds. The largest ethnic group is that of Israeli Jews, followed by Arab citizens, mostly Arab Muslims, with smaller numbers of Arab Christians in addition to Druze, Circassians, and others. As a result, some Israelis don't take their nationality as an ethnicity, but identify themselves with both their nationality and their ancestral origins.
Due to the multi-ethnic composition, Israel is a multicultural nation, home to a wide variety of traditions and values. Large-scale immigration in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries from Europe and Yemen and more recent Large-scale immigration from North Africa, Western Asia, North America, Former Soviet Union and Ethiopia introduced many new cultural elements and has had broad impact. The resulting cultural mix may be described as a melting pot.
This is a list of prominent Israelis
Michael F. Scheuer (born 1952) is a former CIA intelligence officer, American blogger, historian, foreign policy critic, and political analyst. He is currently an adjunct professor at Georgetown University's Center for Peace and Security Studies and an Expert at Wikistrat. In his 22-year career, he served as the Chief of the Bin Laden Issue Station (aka "Alec Station"), from 1996 to 1999, the Osama bin Laden tracking unit at the Counterterrorist Center. He then worked again as Special Advisor to the Chief of the bin Laden unit from September 2001 to November 2004.
Scheuer became a public figure after being outed as the anonymous author of the 2004 book Imperial Hubris, in which he criticized many of the United States' assumptions about Islamist insurgencies and particularly Osama bin Laden. He depicts bin Laden as a rational actor who is fighting to weaken the United States by weakening its economy, rather than merely combating and killing Americans. He challenges the common assumption that terrorism is the threat that the United States is facing in the modern era, arguing rather that Islamist insurgency (and not "terrorism") is the core of the conflict between the U.S. and Islamist forces, who in places such as Kashmir, Xinjiang, and Chechnya are "struggling not just for independence but against institutionalized barbarism." Osama bin Laden acknowledged the book in a 2007 statement, suggesting that it revealed "the reasons for your losing the war against us".