New Internationalist

A false Messiah: Turkey’s negative role in the Middle East

A false Messiah: Turkey’s negative role in the Middle East

Turkey’s reputation is in tatters, argues Naila Bozo.
Britain is all talk and no action on human rights

Britain is all talk and no action on human rights

Andrew Smith deplores the government’s latest attempts to cosy up to Saudi Arabia.
How to prevent catastrophic climate change

How to prevent catastrophic climate change

Maruška Mileta reports from Venezuela on a meeting of minds before next month’s UN climate talks.
From the Berlin Wall to today

From the Berlin Wall to today

What mainstream commentators get wrong about the historic uprisings of 1989, and what civil resistance gets right. Mark Engler and Paul Engler discuss.
The spirit of Saro-Wiwa rises

The spirit of Saro-Wiwa rises

Twenty years after the execution of their leader, the Ogoni people are rebelling once more, reports Patrick Naagbanton.
A year after Haiyan – still waiting, still hoping

A year after Haiyan – still waiting, still hoping

The government has failed to provide adequately for those who lost everything, says Iris Gonzales.

Top stories

A false Messiah: Turkey’s negative role in the Middle East

Accused of aiding IS and still oppressing its Kurdish population… Turkey’s reputation is in tatters, argues Naila Bozo.

Evergreening and how Big Pharma keeps drug prices high

Drug companies keep a tight leash on patenting, depriving tax-payers of millions each year. Deborah Gleeson and Hazel Moir explore the issue.

A place to feel free

A group of young Chechens is battling to save their social club, reports Alice Lagnado.

We are the people, we are the giant

A new documentary on the Arab Spring, We Are The Giant, delves into the lives of three activists from Libya, Bahrain and Syria. Cristiana Moisescu explores its story.

Spied on by BP

Why did an oil company go to such lengths to monitor Jess Worth’s activism? Perhaps we are more powerful than we think.

The spirit of Saro-Wiwa rises

Twenty years after the execution of their leader, the Ogoni people are rebelling once more. Patrick Naagbanton reports from the frontline.

From the Berlin Wall to today

What mainstream commentators get wrong about the historic uprisings of 1989, and what civil resistance gets right. Mark Engler and Paul Engler explore the issue.


Clive Offley in memorium

Alan Hughes looks back on the life of a memorable and talented colleague at New Internationalist.

Romania celebrates ‘vote of blind faith’ election victory

But voters should not breathe a sigh of relief just yet, cautions Cristiana Moisescu.

The ‘Smelly Poo Index’ on banking fraud

Fed up with all the scandal, Ian Taplin has devised a unique way of rating the banking baddies.

Britain is all talk and no action on human rights

Andrew Smith deplores the government’s latest attempts to cosy up to Saudi Arabia.

‘I want to leave Yemen’

With Shia rebels on the rise and top politicians waging war against each other, the country is once again in turmoil. Amal Shaybani reports.

Recipe of the Week: Pruimencake (Netherlands) Week 5

This is one of those cakes that can also be eaten as a dessert with cream or ice cream.

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