17 November 2014

Police prepare crackdown in advance of Michael Brown ruling

By Andre Damon, 17 November 2014

The preparations throughout the US for a possible failure to indict Darren Wilson follow last week’s threat by Missouri Governor Jay Nixon to deploy the National Guard.

More on police violence in America »

Empty commitment by G20 to boost global growth

By Nick Beams, 17 November 2014

The G20 summit pledge on economic growth is belied both by the actions of the major powers and the text of the final communiqué itself.

Sham opposition on display at Brisbane G20 protests

By Mike Head, 17 November 2014

G20 summit held under police-state conditions

By Mike Head, 17 November 2014

Obama at APEC: US steps up economic offensive against China

Cost of Obamacare coverage to rise in 2015

By Kate Randall, 17 November 2014

People who bought Affordable Care Act plans last year could face premium increases of as much as 20 percent unless they switch plans.

Toxic gas leak at Texas Dupont plant kills four

By James Brewer, 17 November 2014

The deadly chemical methyl mercaptan is regulated by a host of federal and state agencies.

100,000 fewer US families receive housing aid due to budget cuts

By Tom Hall, 17 November 2014

The reduction in aid has taken place even as the need for assistance has increased.

US Justice Department uses spy planes in mass surveillance of cellphones

By Mike Ingram, 17 November 2014

The Justice Department’s US Marshals Service is using airborne devices to spy on thousands of cellphones across the US

California Nurses Association backs Democrats with Ebola protest

By David Brown, 17 November 2014

The two-day strike at Kaiser Permanente facilities was used by the CNA to present Governor Jerry Brown, who has slashed health care, as a champion of nurses’ safety.

Spain boosts military spending

By Alfie Cook and Alejandro López, 17 November 2014

The new military programme includes the purchase of five Frigate F-110 anti-submarine warships designed for high intensity combat missions.

South African banking in crisis as furniture unit threatened with closure

By Thabo Seseane Jr., 17 November 2014

Whatever the outcome of the business rescue plan of furniture retailer Ellerines, global finance capital will seek to make workers carry the cost.

New in Spanish

Estados Unidos: Balotaje sin legitimidad

Por Joseph Kishore, 17 noviembre 2014

Que tan pocos hayan acudido a votar en las más recientes legislativas (no presidenciales) representa un repudio popular hacia el gobierno de Obama, los grupos de poder, y los dos partidos de las grandes empresas.

Voto independentista catalán: expresión de nacionalistas convencidos

Por Paul Mitchell, 17 noviembre 2014

Sólo el 37 por ciento más convencido se presentó al voto independentista del 9 de noviembre.

La gran traición del LSSP: Parte 3
El PLSS entra al gobierno de coalición capitalista de Sri Lanka

Por Rohantha de Silva y K. Ratnayake, 17 noviembre 2014

El tercer artículo de esta serIe trata sobre los eventos que condujeron a la entrada del PLSS en el gobierno de Bandaranaike y la responsabilidad política central de los pablistas.

New in French

Atterrissage sur la comète 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: un nouveau jalon dans l’exploration spatiale

Par Bryan Dyne, 17 novembre 2014

L’atterrissage de Philae sur cette comète est un rappel important de ce que l’humanité est capable d’accomplir de grand. Ses limitations ne viennent pas de la capacité productive de l’homme, mais de l’organisation capitaliste de la société.

The Cut, une histoire du génocide arménien

Par Hiram Lee, 17 novembre 2014

Le dernier film du réalisateur allemand d’origine turque, Fatih Akin (Head-On, The Edge of Heaven, Soul Kitchen) se déroule durant l’épisode le plus sombre de la Première Guerre mondiale: le génocide arménien.

Other Languages


Obama’s speech in Australia: A threat of war against China

17 November 2014

Every word Obama spoke about the economic and political agenda of American imperialism was a lie.

Earlier Perspectives »

25 years ago: Mass demonstrations begin against Czech regime

A mass demonstration of students in Prague on November 17, 1989, followed a smaller one the previous day in the city of Bratislava, both called to commemorate International Students Day.

More »

50 years ago: FBI Director Hoover denounces Martin Luther King, Jr.

On November 18, 1964, FBI head J. Edgar Hoover publicly denounced civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., calling him “the biggest liar in the country.”

More »

75 years ago: “Phoney War” punctured by German sinking of HMS Rawalpindi

On November 23, 1939, an armed British merchant cruiser, HMS Rawalpindi, was sunk by two German battleships in the waters known as the Iceland Gap.

More »


100 years ago: Britain seizes control of Basra in modern-day Iraq

On November 21, 1914, British forces seized Basra from the Ottoman Empire, following a battle that had begun on November 11.

More »

The Bankruptcy of Detroit

“The Democrats conspired with the Republicans on this”
Auto workers, bus riders, denounce Detroit bankruptcy ruling

By Zac Corrigan, 17 November 2014

Workers in Detroit discussed the implications of the city’s bankruptcy trial and savage restructuring plan.

City workers denounce Detroit bankruptcy ruling

By Shannon Jones, 15 November 2014

The Detroit bankruptcy ruling: Suspending democracy to impose the dictates of Wall Street

By Tom Carter, 14 November 2014

The Detroit bankruptcy ruling: A new chapter in the class war against workers

Video: Defend the social rights of Detroit workers!

By Lawrence Porter, 13 November 2014

More on the bankruptcy of Detroit »

Socialist Equality Party

IYSSE (UK) public meetings
Imperialism and the Ebola crisis

17 November 2014

These meetings will discuss the Ebola crisis, the social devastation caused by capitalism and the necessity for a fight against it based on a socialist perspective.

The struggle against war and the tasks of the PSG

By the Partei für Soziale Gleichheit (PSG), 14 November 2014

Lectures in Australia and New Zealand postponed

ICFI/WSWS public meeting in India on the danger of world war

Arts Review

Still The Enemy Within: The 1984-85 British miners’ strike according to the pseudo-left

By Paul Mitchell, 15 November 2014

The Death of Klinghoffer dramatizes 1985 hijacking of Achille Lauro

By Fred Mazelis, 14 November 2014

Atlanta Symphony musicians agree to concessions after nine-week lockout

Anderson: Artists and the Stasi in Stalinist East Germany

More on the arts »


Top general says US troops may be needed to retake Iraqi cities

By Bill Van Auken, 15 November 2014

NATO intensifies threats against Russia over Ukraine

By Christoph Dreier, 15 November 2014

The comet landing: A new milestone in space exploration

By Bryan Dyne, 15 November 2014

Philae spacecraft lands successfully on comet

By Don Barrett and Bryan Dyne, 13 November 2014

With its touchdown on Wednesday, the Philae module became the first spacecraft to land on the surface of a comet.

Capitalism and the space program

The disappeared students and Mexico’s deepening political crisis

By Don Knowland, 14 November 2014

French Socialist Party covered up its role in police murder of Rémi Fraisse

German intelligence agency plans major expansion of spying powers

The illegitimate US election

Workers Struggles

German train drivers face political struggle

By Ulrich Rippert, 14 November 2014

After flight attendants reject contract, American Airlines makes offer to pilots

By Shannon Jones, 14 November 2014

Mehring Books

New pamphlet outlines basis for struggle against imperialist war

7 October 2014

The pamphlet contains three important statements on war from the International Committee of the Fourth International, the Socialist Equality Party in the US and the Partei für Soziale Gleichheit in Germany.