Taiwan News Express 20091127(Cti News) chunk 2
published: 27 Nov 2009
author: Siu Hang Lee
Taiwan News Express 20091127(Cti News) chunk 2
Taiwan News Express 20091127(Cti News) chunk 2
- published: 27 Nov 2009
- views: 5052
- author: Siu Hang Lee
SS501 Interview on Taiwan's CTI News 091015
10/15/2009 SS501 Interview on Taiwan's CTI News Day 357 - 7/14/2012....
published: 22 Jul 2013
author: ShirboGurL6
SS501 Interview on Taiwan's CTI News 091015
SS501 Interview on Taiwan's CTI News 091015
10/15/2009 SS501 Interview on Taiwan's CTI News Day 357 - 7/14/2012.- published: 22 Jul 2013
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- author: ShirboGurL6
Taiwan News Express 20091127(Cti News) chunk 1
published: 27 Nov 2009
author: Siu Hang Lee
Taiwan News Express 20091127(Cti News) chunk 1
Taiwan News Express 20091127(Cti News) chunk 1
- published: 27 Nov 2009
- views: 22594
- author: Siu Hang Lee
2013.01.21 Cti News Channel - Topic report of Taiwan Shiao Pin Snail biofiber facial mask
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published: 19 Jul 2013
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Charice featured in Sisy's World News, CTi News Taiwan June 6, 2010 (w English Subtitles)
published: 02 Sep 2010
author: oneofChasters
Charice featured in Sisy's World News, CTi News Taiwan June 6, 2010 (w English Subtitles)
Charice featured in Sisy's World News, CTi News Taiwan June 6, 2010 (w English Subtitles)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjRYJUClps8&p;=44A7A61E276C071D&index;=2.- published: 02 Sep 2010
- views: 4100
- author: oneofChasters
published: 07 Nov 2009
author: Bing-Chen Kuo
主播出場序:劉盈秀、張心宇、張耀尹、李亞蒨、黃逸卿、盧申芳、戴立綱、哈遠儀、洪淑芬、史哲維、夏嘉璐、鄒倩琳、盧秀芳、平秀琳。- published: 07 Nov 2009
- views: 8369
- author: Bing-Chen Kuo
Vapiano Taipei 1 TV Appearance 9 CTi News
Please "Like" Us on http://www.facebook.com/vapianotaipei1 and feel free to share the Vide...
published: 14 Nov 2012
author: Vapiano Taiwan
Vapiano Taipei 1 TV Appearance 9 CTi News
Vapiano Taipei 1 TV Appearance 9 CTi News
Please "Like" Us on http://www.facebook.com/vapianotaipei1 and feel free to share the Videos!- published: 14 Nov 2012
- views: 400
- author: Vapiano Taiwan
Vimeo results:
為台灣經濟祈福 辦萬人法會拚觀光-中天電視-CtiTV-com
published: 15 Nov 2012
author: omahhum
為台灣經濟祈福 辦萬人法會拚觀光-中天電視-CtiTV-com
Waterside Historic Gardens & Wildlife Habitat
Photographs depicting the gardens and wildlife habitat of Waterside (ca. 1791) on Big Walk...
published: 31 Mar 2010
author: Creed Bane Taylor, VI
Waterside Historic Gardens & Wildlife Habitat
Photographs depicting the gardens and wildlife habitat of Waterside (ca. 1791) on Big Walker Creek in White Gate, Giles County, Virginia.
Waterside is a 38-acre riparian valley homestead and wildlife preserve. One of Virginia’s original mountain-frontier settlements, its historic context and setting were pronounced “exceptionally intact” by the Virginia Department of Historic Resources during 2008.
Waterside is unusual in that two of its structures—the 1913 farmhouse and 1926 mill dam—were built by designers recognized in more than 25 historic register listings and in one National Historic Landmark proposal.
The homestead is located in the Allegheny Range of the Appalachians in the rural, sparsely populated district of White Gate, thirty minutes southwest of Pearisburg. It lies approximately one mile southeast of the Appalachian Trail and one-fourth of a mile east of Walker’s Creek Valley Road (Rt. 42), where its varied terrain—terraces, hills, cliffs, woodlands, wetlands, fields, springs, and a gorge—straddles the Old Mill Dam Road (Rt. 733) and Big Walker Creek. Visible to the north, west, and southeast are the Jefferson National Forest and mountains of Bland, Giles, and Pulaski counties. Elevations span from 1,750 feet above sea level, creekside near the southeastern boundary, to 2,260 feet atop the cliffs overlooking the dam and mill pond.
The property was settled by James Bane, White Gate’s founder and the area’s first permanent European settler.
The historic significance of the events, persons, and structures associated with Waterside has been recognized by local, state, and federal authorities for more than two centuries, as evidenced in the governor’s choice of James Bane as the region’s first justice of the peace; the U.S. postmaster general’s commissioning of a Bane as the area’s first postmaster in 1842; the naming of Banesville (now White Gate) and nearby Bane, Virginia; and the Virginia Department of Highways’ names for Rt. 733—Henry Bane Mill Road and, now, Old Mill Dam Road.
The significance of the Banes and Waterside has also been acknowledged by historical societies—as seen in the drawing of Bane’s Mill Dam in a 1996 Giles County Historical Society publication and in the endorsement of the lineage of Mr. & Mrs. S. Henry Bane by the Order of the First Families of Virginia (FFV)—and by scholars, most recently in a 2007 study of historic Virginia mills and land-use history by six Virginia Tech and U.S.D.A. Forest Service researchers.
Waterside endured a 1913 fire and 1917 flood and required some rebuilding. However, because the early-20th-century farmhouse, outbuildings, and dam were built on nearly the same footprints (sometimes the same foundation) as their predecessors—and because the family has resisted drastic alterations—the property would be largely recognizable today to James Bane and his family, despite the passing of nearly 220 years.
The 1913 farmhouse illustrates some of the best rural building practices of the period in the remote mountains of southwestern Virginia. Previously chosen by the White Gate community to design Walker’s Creek Presbyterian Church (now on the National Register of Historic Places), builder George Lloyd Bane, who is thought to have built the house for and with his brother, S. Henry Bane, combined his knowledge of Late Victorian design with local building traditions, interpreting Queen Anne style influences in a folk house that showcased woodworking materials and services available down the road at Henry Bane's sawmill.
The early-1800s barn is a specimen of the earliest vernacular building practices and a monument to the Herculean work of the settlers. The rugged, roughly-hewn mortise-and-tenon structure reflects the strength of the settlers and their determination to convert raw materials and dense wilderness into a new home.
Bane’s Mill Dam is the work of renowned architect and engineer W. Earle Andrews (1899-1965). More than 25 listings on historic registers bear his work. The dam is an unusual treasure of rural Virginia: a Modernist structure designed by a leading Modernist designer of well-known American landmarks such as the United Nations headquarters.
Discussion of Waterside’s significance would be incomplete without mention of an important American figure who lived, worked, and grew up on the historic property, legendary jazz producer Creed Taylor (b. 1929), whose exceptional lifetime achievements are a unique American treasure.
A native Virginian, Taylor is the father of Waterside’s owner and the grandson of James Bane’s great-granddaughter. Taylor is credited by historians and musicologists with altering the global landscape of jazz, popular, and international music.
During the mid-to-late-20th century, Taylor served in significant positions at Bethlehem Records, ABC-Paramount, Verve, and A&M;, founding two additional labels considered fundamental to the history of jazz:
Maxima Infiltracion Paramilitar en Colombia - @hackerFiscalia lo denuncio
Aqui puede descargar el archivo de este video: http://db.tt/BjZBJHWl el libreto es este: h...
published: 24 Mar 2012
author: Richard Maok Riano Botina
Maxima Infiltracion Paramilitar en Colombia - @hackerFiscalia lo denuncio
Aqui puede descargar el archivo de este video: http://db.tt/BjZBJHWl el libreto es este: http://bit.ly/olMOuU y los infiltrados son estos: http://bit.ly/FS3gk2 y esta es la red de conexiones http://bit.ly/P3xrg4
Por favor visite mi pagina donde hay mas evidencias: https://sites.google.com/site/hackerfiscalia/
ULTIMA NOTICIA [Marzo 28, 2012]: 'Me quieren silenciar', dice testigo que declarará contra exfiscal Luis Camilo Osorio
Esta producción se realizó desde Marzo a Octubre 2011 por Richard Maok Riaño Botina quien está en el exilio desde 2002, en Canadá. Él fue un ex agente del CTI. CTI son las siglas de Cuerpo Técnico de Investigación el cual pertenece a la Fiscalia General de la Nacion de Colombia. En otras palabras, esta es la agencia nacional de investigación en Colombia, similar al FBI de EE.UU.
El Sr. Riaño fue conocido en los medios de comunicación como "El hacker de la Fiscalia" o también Mr. Maok en el periodico The New York Times.
Usted lo puede seguir en twitter como: @hackerFiscalia
El propósito de esta presentación, es para aclarar a la Corte Penal Internacional, las acusaciones públicas realizadas a través del comunicado de prensa oficial No. 132, realizado por el ex Fiscal General de Colombia, Luis Camilo Osorio Isaza, en contra del señor Riaño.
El Sr. Osorio hizo declaraciones falsas sobre la denuncia presentada por el señor Riaño en 2002, con respecto a la infiltración paramilitar en las siguientes agencias:
1. Fiscalia General de la Nacion
2. Policía Nacional
3. Ejército Nacional
4. La Agencia Nacional de Inteligencia bajo la autoridad del Presidente conocida como DAS (Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad )
5. El Instituto Nacional Penitenciario y Cancelario, conocido como INPEC
6. El Congreso Nacional
El resultado del cruce de datos tecnico de 326.910 registros en dos bases de datos revelo 111 empleados públicos que trabajan en la Fiscalía General de la Nación de Colombia y algunos de ellos relacionados con la Corte Suprema de Justicia en relación con los grupos paramilitares.
Este es el enlace con las posiciones laborales de cada empleado y la cantidad a nivel nacional: http://bit.ly/FS3gk2 y el siguiente es el enlace de Análisis Criminal http://bit.ly/P3xrg4
Tengo los siguientes 19 datos de cada uno de los 111 funcionarios presuntamente infiltrados:
1. Nombres
2. Apellidos
3. Numero de la llave magnética de Acceso
4. Sexo
5. Cedula de Ciudadanía
6. Cargo
7. Seccional
8. Teléfono de la Casa
9. Fecha de nacimiento
10. Dirección de la Casa
11. Nivel Educativo
12. Otro teléfono personal de un familiar
13. Dependencia de trabajo
14. Estado civil
15. Grupo Sanguíneo
16. Contextura
17. Piel
18. Cabello, y
19. Código Interno de Identificación.
Después de casi 10 años de haber sido presentada esta denuncia en contra del ex Fiscal General Luis Camilo Osorio Isaza, el poder político-paramilitar ha bloqueado la justicia y el Sr. Osorio todavía no está en la cárcel.
Despidió a todos los fiscales y detectives a cargo de importantes investigaciones paramilitares, incluso a mi jefe en ese momento, la ex jefe de la División de Investigación Carmen Maritza González Manrique, quien fue despedida por los empleados públicos en relación con los grupos paramilitares en cabeza del Sr. Osorio, pero 8 años después regresó y ella es ahora la Directora Nacional del CTI.
En este contexto, el Sr. Osorio lideraba un país que ha sido ocupado por 40.000 paramilitares de las cuales 4.000 son niños, 16.000 personas que están desaparecidas, 300.000 homicidios confesados a manos de paramilitares desmovilizados, con un estimado de entre 10 y 30 mil tumbas no oficiales o fosas comunes.
El señor Osorio es sólo un caso más, pero estoy seguro de que es el más importante, dentro de los enormes lazos paramilitares de donde están involucrados más de 100 congresistas que en la actualidad que son objeto de investigación y más de 50 en prisión.
La Corte Penal Internacional se ha puesto en contacto conmigo por escrito dos veces, debido a la denuncia que les presente acerca de esta situación crítica en Colombia.
Sin embargo, el Sr. Osorio hasta el momento, es parte de la impunidad en Colombia.
Richard Maok Riano Botina
Ex agente CTI Colombia
Autor de la denuncia sobre
Infiltracion paramilitar y
testigo de la CPI
Skype: hackerfiscalia
Video en Espanol 1:45 horas: vimeo.com/39118892
Video en Ingles 7 minutos: vimeo.com/39265878
Canada, July 2012
Michigan EarthKeepers II: Interfaith Energy Conservation and Community Garden Initiative/EPA Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
(Marquette, MI) – An Interfaith Energy Conservation and Community Garden Initiative across...
published: 29 Jan 2013
author: Greg Peterson
Michigan EarthKeepers II: Interfaith Energy Conservation and Community Garden Initiative/EPA Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
(Marquette, MI) – An Interfaith Energy Conservation and Community Garden Initiative across the Upper Peninsula will see the creation of 30 native plants gardens and free energy audits for 40 houses of worship plus grants to help make repair to reduce airborne mercury from entering Lakes Michigan and Superior in an effort named EarthKeepers II and made possible by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.
A press conference (1-18-13) announcing the plans in Marquette, MI was hosted by the Northern Michigan University EarthKeepers II Student Team: Katelin Bingner, Tom Merkel and Adam Magnuson.
The NMU students are planning to write and record public service messages with energy conservation tips, information on protecting the Great Lakes and about the importance of native plants restoration – with assistance from U.P. radio stations, newspapers and television stations.
The EarthKeepers II Initiative is sponsored by the churches/temples of 10 faith traditions that were involved in the original Earth Keeper Initiative (2004-2009): Roman Catholic, Episcopal, Jewish, Lutheran, Presbyterian, United Methodist, Bahá'í, Unitarian Universalist, Zen Buddhist.
Speakers were Bishops and other denominational leaders from 10 faith communities plus U.S. Forest Service (USFS) Regional Botanist Jan Schultz, Delta Green Ex. Dir. Doug Russell and Cedar Tree Institute Ex. Dir. Rev. Jon Magnuson.
The EarthKeepers II projects include energy conservation audits at 40 U.P. churches/temples plus grants ranging from $500 to $1,000 for each site to assist in changes/repairs.
The faith communities are demonstrating the importance of energy conservation to lower utility bills and reduce and prevent toxins/pollution including airborne mercury from entering Lake Superior as part of the EPA Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.
Congregations will be given info on energy conservation kits and utility company rebates to lower household bills.
The energy conservation audits include insulation (walls/roof), lighting fixtures, ventilation, and heating systems like boilers/furnaces that may be updated with new controls, repaired or replaced.
The project : 30 community gardens (2 per county/more possible). These gardens will grow native (indigenous) plants and vegetables for community distribution and food pantries.
The nonprofit Cedar Tree Institute in Marquette has been involved in U.P. native plant restoration to fight invasive species that are vital to the health of all wildlife. For example, the U.P. is on a flight path for migrating Monarch butterflies who depend on milkweed for food and reproduction.
Project participants: Nonprofit Cedar Tree Institute, EPA, USFS Eastern Region 9 technical assistance, nonprofit Delta Green, U.P. Ojibwa (Anishinaabe) communities and Borealis Seed Company in Big Bay, MI
Religious community leaders signed the northern Michigan Earth Keeper Covenant in 2004 pledging to actively participate in environment projects, build bridges with other faiths and reach out to Native American communities.
EarthKeepers II is the next phase of the Earth Keeper Initiative that held three Earth Day Clean Sweeps involving 150 churches/temples plus planted 12,000 trees during a summer with severe U.P. forest fires.
U.P. Earth Keepers Clean Sweeps (2005-2007) had free Earth Day collection sites across a 400-mile area of northern Michigan.
Over 15,000 residents turned in 320 tons of e-waste (old computers/cell phones), 45 tons of Household Hazardous Waste including car batteries, oil-based paint, pesticides, liquid mercury, and other common poisons; and over a ton of pharmaceuticals including $500,000 in narcotics.
The hazardous waste was either recycled or properly disposed.
EarthKeepers II website
Social sites:
Rev. Jon Magnuson
Nonprofit Cedar Tree Institute (CTI)
403 E. Michigan St.
Marquette, MI
906-360-5072 (cell)
Kyra Fillmore Ziomkowski
Project Coordinator
Greg Peterson
Volunteer media advisor
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
Jan Schultz,
USFS Eastern Region Botanist
414-297-1189 (wk)
Doug Russell
Delta Green Ex. Dir.
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (KBIC)
Youtube results:
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- author: iLOVEyoobin2