Popcorn 1991
Popcorn (1991) Trailer
Popcorn (1991) Trailer.
Popcorn (1991) Trailer
Popcorn (1991) : Movie Scene - Lets Get It On
Popcorn (1991) Movie Review
Popcorn (1991) - A Quick Review
Popcorn (1991) - "Scary Scary Movies"
Popcorn (1991) - "Saturday Night at the Movies"
DEADPIT Reviews: Popcorn (1991)
Popcorn (1991) : Movie Scene - Your Sorry
Popcorn (1991) review
Popcorn (1991) Review - Cinema Slashes
Popcorn (1991) Horror Review
Movie-maker-come-idiot Mike Hawk sets about making his latest movie, a Rom-Com called "Get Becky Laid", and is followed in his pursuits by documentary maker and film fanatic Philip K Longfellow. Mike Hawk also plays the lead character and has named him Mike Hawke - after himself only adding an additional 'e' to his name to distinguish the two. Mike's bitten off more than he can chew, and is followed as he gets through the making of the film, achieving it only through sheer determination and ignorance.
Keywords: mockumentary
Come to a place where secrets lie.
Things started out pretty good...
Manny: What goes around, comes around. I believe in that.
Arnie: Junkie fever. Just think of it like you do Theda. Can't get enough, even when you got her. Theda's in your blood. Dreamland, Manny... You know where that is? You can think things, see things that are real. But they're not real... like a waking nightmare.
Documentary filmmakers follow 19-year-old Jared Adams as he tries to maintain relationships with three simultaneous girlfriends. Jared doesn't want his girlfriends to find out about each other and the documentary filmmakers try to create conflict for their movie.
Keywords: number-in-title
Who said 1 2 3 was easy?
Nick Parker was a Vietnam vet who got blinded during the war. He would be found by one of the local tribes. They would teach how to handle a sword. He would eventually become quite good with it. He would then return to the States and would visit an old Army buddy. When he gets there, he discovers that he and his wife are divorced. What they don't know is that he (his friend) was playing in a crooked casino in Vegas, and accumulated a large debt. The owner's willing to forget his debt, if he does something for him. His friend is a chemist and they want him to make some designer drugs, and in order to make sure he does it they try and kidnap his son. But lucky Nick is there, Nick saves his son but not his wife. He and the boy begin a road trip for Vegas to save his father, with the owner's people in pursuit.
Keywords: alligator, b-movie, blind-hero, blind-man, blindness, bus, carjacking, casino, cheating, cornfield
He may be blind but he don't need no dog.
He's lucky he can't see what he's up against.
Master of the sword. Avenger of the truth. Blind as a bat.
Crook: God damn! That thing's got more holes than my daddy's rubber.
Lyle Pike: God damn! There's more holes in that thing than in my daddy's rubber!::Tector Pike: I didn't know Dad wore a rubber!
[Nick is driving and bumps into another car]::Other driver: Are you blind?::Nick Parker: Yeah. What's your excuse?
Slag: Not bad for a blind man! But that butter knife ain't gonna stop no bullet!
Billy Devereaux: I get the window seat! You don't need it, you're blind!::Nick Parker: Got me there, you little prick!
MacCready: I don't wanna hear about this blind man! What are you doing? Taking the stuff we're supposed to be selling?::Cobb: No, I...::MacCready: Oh, shut up, Ed! If you can't handle it, get me somebody who can! Get me Bruce Lee!::Cobb: Bruce Lee is dead.::MacCready: Then get his brother!
Frank Devereaux: I'm not gonna make that shit for you! I'm not gonna, goddamn it!::MacCready: Designer drugs, boy! Wave of the future! And as legal as whores and lawyers in this state!
[an old lady shoots at Lyle and Tector after they steal her car]::Lyle Pike: Jesus H. Christ!::Tector Pike: Yep. That's one reason I always voted for gun control!
Nick Parker: Where is Frank Devereaux?::Cobb: F.O., Errol Flynn. You know what that means? Fuck off!::[Nick swings his sword and shaves off Cobb's bushy eyebrows. Cobb looks shocked].::Nick Parker: I also do circumcision.
Nick Parker: Unreasonable men make life so difficult.
Kelly Sherwood is terrorized by a man with an asthmatic voice who plans to use her to steal $100,000 from the bank where she works. He threatens to kill her teenage sister Toby, if she tells the police. However she manages to contact F.B.I. agent Ripley.
Keywords: asthma, bank, bank-teller, baseball, baseball-game, based-on-novel, blackmail, candlestick-park-san-francisco, coercion, extortionist
Terror ... Tension ... Almost More Than The Heart Can Bear !
Garland Humphrey 'Red' Lynch: Your sister's all right.::Toby Sherwood: You said she was dying.::Garland Humphrey 'Red' Lynch: I had to find some way to get you here. Take off your clothes. You want me to take them off for you?::Toby Sherwood: [shakes her head]::Garland Humphrey 'Red' Lynch: Then take them off.
Popcorn 1991
Popcorn (1991) Trailer
Popcorn (1991) Trailer.
Popcorn (1991) Trailer
Popcorn (1991) : Movie Scene - Lets Get It On
Popcorn (1991) Movie Review
Popcorn (1991) - A Quick Review
Popcorn (1991) - "Scary Scary Movies"
Popcorn (1991) - "Saturday Night at the Movies"
DEADPIT Reviews: Popcorn (1991)
Popcorn (1991) : Movie Scene - Your Sorry
Popcorn (1991) review
Popcorn (1991) Review - Cinema Slashes
Popcorn (1991) Horror Review
Popcorn (1991) Horror Review and Trailer
Popcorn (1991) trailer with Depeche Mode music
Popcorn (1991) : Movie Scene - The Possessor
Popcorn (1991) : Movie Scene - Mr Gates
October Horror Reviews: Popcorn (1991)
Popcorn (1991) Trailer Ingles
5 Popcorn 1991
Puppy Surprise 2014 1991 HOT HOLIDAY TOYS (POPCORN)
Popcorn: Davis' death
Chantels - Indian Giver
George Barnes - Spooky
Francis Faye - Comin' Home Baby
The Jokers - Soul Sounds
J T Parker - If You Want To Hold On
The Invitations - Watch Out Little Girl
Another killer boogaloo
Roy Orbison - Shahdaroba
Ricky Nelson~The Very Thought Of You
Ricky Nelson~For You
Colin Cook - Promises
Noelene Batley - Forgive Me
Yvonne Baker - You Didn`t Say a Word - 1966
Andrea Tosi - La Sorella Di Cristine
Helen Shapiro - Look Who It Is (rare footage)
Noeleen Batley - Starry Eyed.wmv
Noeleen Batley - Dont Play No. 9 1962 Festival FK-236.wmv
Noeleen Batley - "Rendezvous"
Noeleen Batley Johnny Get Angry
Noeleen Batley - "Steady Johnny"
bobby day - pretty little girl next door
Sherrell Townsend - HE THINKS I STILL CARE (Jack Nitzsche) (1962)
World Best Comedy Show
Nino D'Angelo - Popcorn e patatine
Hot Butter - Popcorn 10 Hours [HQ]
Get My Popcorn New Link -- http://getmypopcornnnow.blogspot.com/
Richard Armitage: The Hobbit - Popcorn Taxi Q&A;, Sydney, 2013
Tom Hiddleston - live on stage Q&A;: Popcorn Taxi - part 1
Get My Popcorn Now New LINK -- http://getmypopcornnnow.blogspot.com/
Popcorn und Himbeereis
Popcorn Sutton ~ Full Documentary
Popcorn Party Granny Square Crochet Tutorial
This is the Last Dam Run of Likker I'll Ever Make - FULL MOVIE
Gianluca Grignani - Campi di Popcorn FULL ALBUM
The Best of Manila Sound - Hopia Mani Popcorn 2006
Play Doh Fun Factory Machine Scoops 'n Treats Ice Creams Machine Popcorn Machine Hasbro Toys
Popcorn Time Download and Install
Popcorn Hour A-300 & C-300 - 720p
(FULL ALBUM) Hot Butter - Popcorn [Vinyl Rip] 1972
Rainbow Loom POPCORN BUCKET Advanced Charm Tutorial by Crafty Ladybug. Wonder Loom, DIY LOOM
Popcorn Sutton`s last dam run of Likker [FULL MOVIE]
Emily Erdbeer ❤ GANZE FOLGE ❤ Neues aus Bitzibeerchenhausen ❤ Popcorn Party
【秋本LP】MUSHROOM BIOME!?!? - Popcorn機園 [Ep10]
The Best of Manila Sound 2 - Hopia Mani Popcorn 2007
【秋本LP】Diamonds* - Popcorn機園 [Ep8]
Popcorn Shaping 1
Serial Key Popcorn Time for Windows 8 Keygen
Bean Boozled #3 Rotten egg or buttered popcorn
Aria & Indigo popcorn snack
Popcorn puppy and tunnel
Award Winning Popcorn pictch by Zachary - making sure the Cub Scouts stand out
James Brown, The James Brown Orchestra - Mother Popcorn - Part 2
Joshua - Cub Scout Popcorn Sales Pitch
Сидорова Виктория, г Нефтегорск, POPCORN
20. september 2014: Popcorn - NB 99
Skylar - Cub Scout Popcorn Sales Pitch
Wyatt popcorn sales - 2014
Induction Popcorn
Pipocas do monstro verde - Oogie Boogie Popcorn
Real Popcorn (EXTRA BUTTER) :D
Get ya popcorn ready Cause its about to get real
Popcorn Girl Birthday Events
Time Lapse of Popcorn Girl Pre-opening
Grand Opening of Popcorn Girl in Ezdan Mall
Danielle Greenawalt with HTT at the Marion Popcorn Festival 2014
How NOT to Sell Popcorn for the Cub Scouts
Popcorn Maker and Trampoline
How to make a popcorn maker for Lps
Popcorn is a 1991 American horror film, directed by Mark Herrier and written by Alan Ormsby.
A group of film students plan an all-night horror film festival in order to raise funds for their cinema club. They decide to show a number of (fictional) horror films from the 1950s that rely on gimmicks such as 3-D, Odorama, and electrical "buzzers" in seats. Unbeknownst to the group, a homicidal maniac is stalking the theater where the festival is being held. A filmmaker named Lanyard Gates, who murdered his family during a screening of his only film in the 1970s, supplies the decoy killer character, since young Maggie (Jill Schoelen) may or may not be his missing daughter.
Popcorn was filmed entirely in Kingston, Jamaica. Alan Ormsby was originally the film's director but was replaced by Porky's actor Mark Herrier a few weeks into filming. The original lead Amy O'Neill was replaced by Jill Schoelen at this time as well.
Elite Entertainment released a DVD edition of Popcorn in 2001. Special features include theatrical trailers, TV spots and promotional footage. The DVD has now been discontinued and as of January 4, 2010.
your not much trouble
i've seen it before
we're off to the movies
we pay at the door
so it's all just make believe
and it's all that we can see
i've seen it before
it's all about war
and then i spell my popcorn
on the floor
it's all about sex and special fx
i got my monies worth tonight
everyone's happy
drinking cocoa in bed
everyone's happy
with a hole in the head
so it's all just make believe
and it's all that we can see
i've seen it before
it's all about war
and then i spell my popcorn
on the floor
it's all about sex and special fx
i got my monies worth tonight
i've seen it before
it's all about war
and then i spell my popcorn
on the floor
it's all about sex and special fx
i got my monies worth tonight
i've seen it before
it's all about war
and then i spell my popcorn
on the floor
it's all about sex and special fx
i got my monies worth tonight
is everyone happy
drinking cocoa in bed
is everyone happy
with a hole in their head
so it's all just make believe
and it's all that we can see
i've seen it before
it's all about war
and then i spell my popcorn
on the floor
it's all about sex and special fx
i got my monies worth tonight
i've seen it before
it's all about war
and then i spell my popcorn
on the floor
it's all about sex and special fx
your not much trouble
i've seen it before
we're off to the movies
we pay at the door
so it's all just make believe
and it's all that we can see
i've seen it before
it's all about war
and then i spell my popcorn
on the floor
it's all about sex and special fx
i got my monies worth tonight
everyone's happy
drinking cocoa in bed
everyone's happy
with a hole in the head
so it's all just make believe
and it's all that we can see
i've seen it before
it's all about war
and then i spell my popcorn
on the floor
it's all about sex and special fx
i got my monies worth tonight
i've seen it before
it's all about war
and then i spell my popcorn
on the floor
it's all about sex and special fx
i got my monies worth tonight
i've seen it before
it's all about war
and then i spell my popcorn
on the floor
it's all about sex and special fx
i got my monies worth tonight
is everyone happy
drinking cocoa in bed
is everyone happy
with a hole in their head
so it's all just make believe
and it's all that we can see
i've seen it before
it's all about war
and then i spell my popcorn
on the floor
it's all about sex and special fx
i got my monies worth tonight
i've seen it before
it's all about war
and then i spell my popcorn
on the floor
it's all about sex and special fx
i got my monies worth tonight
another starry night
I lay down by the evening fire
take a look back at today
down to the waters edge
i let myself fall back in
the waves will wash it away
another year is gone
and i know it's been so long
i'm still around
and it's okay
my body's aching
the time it's taking
don't believe I've got another chance
to say I'm gonna make it today
i walk back slowly to the sand
and lay my head down
thinking about what there is to do
the night sky high above the land
is keeping me safe
It's unlike pocorn, unlike popcorn,
She's unlike popcorn, they won't like popcorn.
And how many beautiful girls do you know
That come from south-east rasta.
And how many beautiful girls do you know
That come from south-west rasta,
And how many beautiful girls do you know
That come from north-west rasta,
And how many beautiful girls do you know
That come from north-east rasta.
Jah-people singing all around,
Jah-people make the world go round.
Jah-people all around,
And round and round, yeah.
Jah-people singing all around,
Jah-people staying round and round,
Round and round, round and round,
It's unlike popcorn, it's unlike popcorn,
She's unlike popcorn, he's unlike popcorn.
And how many beautiful girls do you know
That come from south-east rasta.
And how many beautiful girls do you know
That come from DC rasta.
And how many beautiful girls do you know
That come from LA rasta.
And how many beautiful girls do you know
That come from J A rasta.
Jah-people singing all around,
Jah-people make the world go round.
Jah-people all around,
And round and round, yeah.
Jah-people singing all around,
Jah-people staying round and round,
Round and round, round and round,
It's unlike popcorn,
She's unlike popcorn,
They won't like popcorn.
And how many beautiful girls do you know
That come from south-east rasta.
And how many beautiful girls do you know
That come from south-west rasta,
And how many beautiful girls do you know
That come from north-west rasta,
And how many beautiful girls do you know
another starry night
I lay down by the evening fire
take a look back at today
down to the waters edge
i let myself fall back in
the waves will wash it away
another year is gone
and i know it's been so long
i'm still around
and it's okay
my body's aching
the time it's taking
don't believe I've got another chance
to say I'm gonna make it today
i walk back slowly to the sand
and i just sit down
thinking about what there is to do
the night sky high above the land
is keeping me safe
the fire in the distance too
Ring ding ding ding ding
A Ring Ding Ding Dingdemgdemg
A ring ding ding ding ding
A Bram ba am baba weeeeeee
Ding ding
Br-Br-Break It
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum dum dumda dum dum dum dum dum dumda dum dum
Brem daem
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum dum dumda dum dum dum dum dum dumda dum dum
A ram da am da am da am da weeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Wh-what's Going On?
Ding ding
Bem De Dem
Ding ding
[Zev Love X]
Top of the mornin to ya, top of the morn'
Niggaz been sleep, now yawn new born
To the break of dawn, we be Kausin' Mad Drama
like hot butter on (popcorn mama)
I'ma, mindbender, I love tender skins gender
Realer than the eagle seal on your legal tender
I'm the spender, of every red cent 'til I'm stomped
Rock for the Kause, it's no comp cause we deep like a swamp
Zev Love a brother I never budges
I hold everything from mics to like grudges
I won't let a bygone be a bygone
Back to play the bitch niggaz like a fly horn
I'm controllin all you snakes with, hookin up the cakes
with hot butter, the same like your grandmother bake up
Butt naked, take it from the Riddler, Batman
Who be the oddball, Jake or the Fatman?
Pass the gat man, the God fin' to make it go pop
A lot like the kid I used to break with
Way back when like eighty-four at my last look
He's lookin to get his ass whupped, and his cash took
That and a old school flavor like a bomber
like hot butter on (popcorn mama)
Yeah (popcorn mama, popcorn mama, popcorn mama, popcorn mama)
[Zev Love X]
I won't funk fake, so let your toast go
Hip-Hop break, for the boast shit
Quick to make a cherry, make 'em feel like Mary
in hot butter (Sub word to your mother)
So big shit, well dig it I rock shit
I wig it I cock shit, I drink it, to lick off the wicked
weak ones, deep in the club with sneak guns
And boogie with the fly freak unique hons
You got the runs, well we be runnin shit on the underrated list
I'm never played, and so we're Constipated
but so, what? I'm runnin shit in my pajamas
Like hot butter on (popcorn mama)
Like hot butter, you can't see this
Cause I'm the realest, on your breakfast toast yo
C.M., on your breakfast toast
Constipated Mind, on your breakfast toast (popcorn mama)
I sell popcorn at the pictures, work me til three
I get money off the teachers, wanted a piece of me
After all it's all selling things and I'm supposed to survive
Unless it is a piece of me
In the end there's always fashion, keeps you grounded
Like what's happening here
It's just a piece of my head
I get postcards from ex-girlfriends that live overseas
Amazes me the shit they send me and they send it in threes
After all it's all give and take and I'm supposed to reply
Unless it is a piece of me
In the end there's always fashion, keeps you grounded
Like what's happening here
I want you all to know
How far I'd like to go
I want you all to know
How far you all can go
Someday when our dreams come true
Someway We could make it through
When you hold me
and together we'll find
You and i we could jux let it fly
Someday when our dreams come true
Someway We could make it through
When you hold me
and together we'll find
You and i we could jux let it fly
Someday when our dreams come true
Someway We could make it through
When you hold me
and together we'll find
You and i we could jux let it fly
You, oh you
is this what it would feel like
if I was through with you
Would it take my morron is it I can choose
Oh you
I know what I'd be missing without
know what I'd be missing without you
You, oh you
The spot there in you eyes though I was through
Oh you
Caught up in your web and so confused
Oh you
I know that I'd be happy without
know that I'd be happy without you
You, oh you
I lost today and I found out it was you
oh you really wish I never had to choose
oh you
cause times are getting harder, oh yeah
Red eyed, hand tied, insane asylum certified
Brain dead, tube fed, and nicely strapped down to the bed
Black hole, lost soul, let the film projectors role
In case you didn't know, it is now your time to go
This is inside of me That you will never see
I have some time to kill, Kill what's inside of me
You are possessed, you are possessed
You are possessed, you are possessed
Remove you face, and nothing less
You are possessed, you are possessed
Love hate, dead weight, it's feeding time so celebrate
Fake smile, ask me how, the stage is set I'm ready now
Loud cries, family dies, accept the fate of genocide
There's a cold wind blowing.
Will you find your way home?
There's a cold wind blowing.
Wherever you are,
Will you find your way home?
Sweet darling,
Will you find your way home?
There's a cold wind blowing.
Will you find your way home?
Will you find your way home?
Oh baby,
Wherever you are,
Will you find your way home?
Sweet darling,
Covered in stuttering young cause of cluttered hunger lines
Everyone's a customer of something they despise
Just along for the ride
Tube it moved the social climb
Into visual war which time
Lets regrets as slippery
Butter smothered witchery
It's a spectator's crime
Didn't never know the price
Tuck me in with bad advice
Wonder why the children play
Better in a stepford state?
Not a one would inquire
All they were interested in was...
We like your teller vision
But the television is telling us to vision
More than what you're telling us
Don't get jealous pops
I'm a seed, nurture me
No water please
Knocked on pops to get a bag of their very own to be like the Jones' next door
"What do you want it for?" Pop would say
Hesitant to cop for corn
Shop for jawns they never touched after a year or two
Anyway, a penny saved he figured, until a day's delay...
The carnival came in town packed with clowns
Now, how's this gonna go down?
Pop's contemplating...
"Popcorn's just a date away from kids going mad."
So he calls em over to his lap
Begins a rap about vegetables
Hoping it'll distract'em from the pop spectacle
Guess you know the rest
Thinking what the kids stressed...
Got no silver, got no gold
With no woman by my side
Just an old road spectre soul