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Federal Politics

Landmark report reveals scale of indigenous disadvantage

MICHAEL GORDON 7:58am Levels of self-harm and incarceration for indigenous Australians have increased at alarming levels despite the efforts of both sides of politics to 'close the gap', the most comprehensive report on indigenous wellbeing has found.

Comments 5

Latest political news

Lambie demoted by PUP leader Clive Palmer

Senator Jacqui Lambie reportedly demoted by PUP leader Clive Palmer.

8:48am Clive Palmer has reportedly demoted Palmer United Party senator Jacqui Lambie.


Morrison cuts off access from Indonesia

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison said the changes are designed to prevent asylum seekers reaching Australia.

SARAH WHYTE 8:03am Australia will no longer take asylum seekers found to be refugees by the United Nations High Commission of Refugees in Indonesia, cutting off the flow of people who applied after July.

Comments 24

How Turnbull will justify ABC cuts

Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

HEATH ASTON 8:15pm ABC staff will be forced to walk to a pigeonhole to collect their mail at the new streamlined public broadcaster.

Australia and India commit to fresh era

Narendra Modi and Tony Abbott in Parliament House on Tuesday morning.

8:03am Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has proposed a dramatic deepening of Australia's defence, security, and economic relationship in a gesture clearly designed to offer a counter-balance to the China option expressed just 24 hours earlier.

Chinese could sue federal government

The trade deal with China will be a shot in the arm economically just as the 2016 election comes onto the political horizon.

GARETH HUTCHENS 12:28am Academics, Labor and Greens senators have warned about a controversial and little-understood clause in the new China-Australia free trade agreement that will allow Chinese corporations to sue the Australian government.

Pauline Hanson set to lead One Nation again

Making a comeback: Pauline Hanson.

12:50am Pauline Hanson looks set to once again take the helm of One Nation.

Coalition confirms Climate Fund no-show

Australia won't be present at a Berlin summit to raise funds for a UN-backed climate fund.

PETER HANNAM 5:58am Australia is playing its part in an effective response to climate change through direct action, international engagement and aid program, according to a spokesman for Foreign Minister Julie Bishop.

Japan to expand its Antarctic whaling area

Japan proposes to hunt 333 minke whales from the end of 2015.

ANDREW DARBY 6:56pm Japan is to vastly expand its Antarctic whaling area, and take 333 minke whales, under a  scientific research plan to replace the program ruled illegal at Australia's request.

Stars join detention centre campaign

Ian Chappell.

SARAH WHYTE 11:45pm Unlikely high profile Australian celebrities have come together with a simple message to the Australian government: remove children from immigration detention.

Food prices to rise under China deal: minister


DAN HARRISON 4:03pm Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce has conceded Australian food prices will rise as a result of the nation's freshly-inked free trade agreement with China.

Ruling against unionist in defamation case

John Setka.

MARK RUSSELL 11:37am The Court of Appeal's Justices ruled against Mr Setka on Tuesday.

Modi calls for new era with Australia

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the Australian Parliament on Tuesday.

DAVID WROE 12:31pm Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called for a close partnership with Australia based on shared values to exploit the Indo-Pacific region's immense economic opportunities while tackling its growing security challenges.

Awkwardness for Merkel visit

Angela Merkel

DAN HARRISON There was awkwardness in Sydney on Monday as Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull hosted German Chancellor Angela Merkel on a tour of a research facility the Abbott Government has cut funding for. 

Former Fraser minister and lord mayor dies

Australia urges 'harmonious' partnership

FTA will boost jobs and exports, say economists

ABC will be cut by $50m a year

Red faces for Abbott on Green Climate Fund

Nauruan letter threatens island's refugees

Gillard rejects royal commission's criticism

Lambie seeks complete Senate blockage

Help put a brake on climate change: Merkel

Don't sell out Australian jobs, say unions

Leaders united on tax, trade, climate

Tony Abbott seals free trade deal with Beijing

'Trench warfare' on G20 climate communique

Bid to suppress East Timor file

Lambie to meet senators on voting bloc

Tighter controls to curb terror funding

Obama puts climate change at fore

UN chief urges Abbott to support climate fund

Lambie approached to form 'voting bloc'

Morrison ready to meet parents of IS brothers

G20 finance ministers exceed expectations

Rudd in Mid East as G20 comes to his home

G20 protests begin on first day of summit

Comment & Analysis

ABC's poor satire not proof of political bias

Jonathan Holmes

Jonathan Holmes 12:33am An attempt to insert a light note into the current affairs program 7.30 fell flat, but political skits do have a place in public broadcasting.

Comments 57

Applaud men who learn from their mistakes


Elizabeth Broderick 12:00am True equality for women will come when men become champions of change.


Who'll be the next judge of the High Court?

George Williams dinkus Dinkus

GEORGE WILLIAMS The Abbott government will soon make two very significant appointments. They arise due to the retirements of Justices Kenneth Hayne and Susan Crennan from the High Court.

Comments 25

How to make your G20 summit a success

Annabel Crabb Dinkus Dinkus

ANNABEL CRABB I know the thing's already under way, but it can't hurt to recap – just for the sake of thoroughness.

Comments 20

Vladimir Putin says it with nuclear powers

Peter Hartcher dinkus Dinkus

PETER HARTCHER It's not just posturing: the Russian President is using every trick in his arsenal to reassert his nation's lost greatness.

Comments 43

Political climate puts Abbott on the spot

Mark Kenny dinkus

MARK KENNY The Abbott government is furiously spinning a belated justification for having feet of clay in the climate change debate and for ensuring the issue would not achieve headline status at this year's G20.

G20: Words from the wise?

Michael Gordon dinkus

MICHAEL GORDON A conga line is unlikely, but the leaders' summit in Brisbane still promises to be captivating.

Comments 2

Forget the F-word, action is what counts

Anne Summers dinkus

Anne Summers Foreign Minister Julie Bishop will have a strong interest in ensuring the gender targets in the draft communique are agreed to by the G20 leaders in Brisbane this weekend.

Comments 18

Co-operation and goodwill are in the air

Peter Hartcher dinkus Dinkus

PETER HARTCHER Opinion The Sino-American announcement improves the prospects that the Paris protocol to be agreed next year might contain harmful climate change.

US-China deal puts pressure on Tony Abbott

Michael Gordon dinkus.

MICHAEL GORDON China and the US agreement highlights PM's inaction on global warming.

Comments 249

Australia and India have never been closer

Prime Minister Tony Abbott with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Amitabh Mattoo The partnership between the two countries is set to bear fruit as Indian PM Narendra Modi sets foot on Australian soil for the first time.

Comments 2

Problems with banking go to the top

Adele Ferguson dinkus

ADELE FERGUSON Senator Nick Xenophon's question whether ANZ's role in Timbercorp and lack of due diligence was "reckless indifference or wilful ignorance" summed up the mood of an urgent hearing at a Senate inquiry into managed investment schemes.

As cost of education grows, so does cheating

Paul Sheehan dinkus

PAUL SHEEHAN Financial pressure has compromised the standards, governance and ethics of Australia's universities.

Comments 263

The six main benefits from a China trade deal


JOHN GARNAUT So, after 10 years of negotiations, just what does Australia stand to gain from inking a free trade agreement with its biggest trading partner?

We need cost analysis of campaign promises

Peter Martin

PETER MARTIN The sky is the limit for political parties when it comes to making election promises.

AIIB puts zest into directors' gravy train

Peter Reith dinkus Dinkus

PETER REITH The proposed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has little to offer Australians, writes Peter Reith.

Comments 5

Even the wrong war can be fought right

Peter Hartcher dinkus Dinkus

PETER HARTCHER Opinion A retired general is a source of wisdom regarding our latest military venture, but not everybody wants to listen.

A piece of paper doesn't make a happy couple

Jacqueline Maley dinkus Dinkus

JACQUELINE MALEY Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews is an easy target. Old-fashioned in both manners and values, he has earned comparisons with the Simpsons character Ned Flanders, and he is treated with great suspicion by left-wingers.

Comments 17

It's time - for leaders to be brave again

Noel Pearson received rave reviews for his tribute to Gough Whitlam.

MICHAEL GORDON Gough Whitlam's state memorial service at Sydney Town Hall on Wednesday was much more than a nostalgic celebration of an extraordinary life. It was also an invocation to today's crop of politicians to think big and be brave.

Comments 36

Brisbane alive with G20 hysteria

John Birmingham dinkus

JOHN BIRMINGHAM In the countdown to the G20 summit, Brisbane's residents are feeling the strength of the Ring of Steel.

Comments 47

Lest we forget a trial by fire on the veldt

Julia Baird dinkus Dinkus

JULIA BAIRD Tens of thousands of Australians fought in the Boer War and it and the lessons learned from it merit attention due any war we have fought in.

Comments 8

Now we've stopped the boats, what next?

End of voyages: Government policies have halted the stream of boats carrying asylum seekers heading toward Australia.

Bob Douglas Having deterred the boats carrying asylum seekers from sailing to Australia, the nation and its neighbours need to discuss how they should treat the world's record number of refugees.

Comments 4

Employment. How the ABS got it wrong

Peter Martin dinkus Dinkus

PETER MARTIN The Bureau of Statistics thinks it's got to the bottom of what's been wrong with its employment survey and it's bumped up the unemployment rate to compensate.

A long time since we led refugee policy

Claire Higgins dinkus

Claire Higgins In-country programs were a creative solution to the challenge of rescuing people in humanitarian need.

Comments 55

Cup shows power is in our hands


PETER MARTIN Something remarkable happens as the horses leave the barrier at 3pm each Melbourne Cup day. Our use of electricity drops.

Global policy lost in political point-scoring

Peter Hartcher dinkus Dinkus

PETER HARTCHER In the lead-up to the 2013 election, then opposition leader Tony Abbott was running hard against the Rudd government by promising to turn back asylum-seeker boats to Indonesia.

Comments 55

Forget the title fights, let's see some action

Jacqueline Maley dinkus Dinkus

JACQUELINE MALEY Foreign Minister Julie Bishop does not identify as a feminist. She doesn't reject the word; it's just not one she reaches for when she's describing herself. Does it matter?

Comments 12

Salute the Anzacs but embrace contradictions

Steve Sailah dinkus

Steve Sailah The lessons of Gallipoli remain relevant in the light of our new military commitment against Islamic State.

F-word strikes again, but does it land a blow?

Sole female cabinet member: Foreign Minister Julie Bishop.

JUDITH IRELAND Opinion It is ludicrous to suggest that someone like Foreign Minister Julie Bishop does not live and breathe the cause for the advancement of women every day.

Abbott's fuel tax stance signals new approach

Mark Kenny dinkus

MARK KENNY Mature debate needs time, but Tony Abbott now accepts bluster doesn’t aid ambitions.

Comments 176

Insane, antisocial loners a new type of terrorist

Waleed Aly dinkus.

WALEED ALY Terrorism is evolving. Planes crashing into skyscrapers are gone. Now it’s low-casualty, high-impact attacks by misfits in search of an identity.

Comments 173

Special features

How Narendra Modi turned Parliament House into a rock star's stage

Judith Ireland You got the sense there was something about Narendra Modi when world leaders had their official handshakes with Tony Abbott at the G20 summit.

Comments 4

Julie Bishop's secret sign language

Dan Harrison It looked like Foreign Minister Julie Bishop had kicked off a game of charades in the House of Representatives chamber to pass the time until Chinese President Xi Jinping started speaking.

Comments 132

Well done, G20, now let's check our spending

Peter Reith I don't want to be a wet blanket but whilst the G20 is important its also a lot of huff and puff.

Comments 49

China ahead of us on climate change. Let's not belittle its commitment

China must hate the things that are being said about it as it closes its free trade deal with Australia.

Was the G20 a success?

The G20 saw President Obama announce a US $3 billion green fund; Labor's Andrew Leigh and Liberal MP Andrew Laming discuss the fallout from the meeting.

Abbott shirt-fronted by climate change reality

Michael Gordon It was reality that shirt-fronted Prime Minister Tony Abbott at the G20 summit, the reality that everyone else was concerned about climate change.

Comments 202

Finally Abbott scores a victory with his words on climate change

Tony Abbott managed to snatch summit victory, but it was almost buried under a pile of international indignation at his suspected climate change denialism.

Call me top trader Tony, as Abbott scores big time

Mark Kenny The title Tony Abbott applies to himself whenever possible, is that of "the infrastructure prime minister".

Three-way G20 tryst an awkward affair

Tony Wright The trouble with threesomes is that no one is quite sure what goes where.

A seat at the table

As leaders of the world's most powerful nations arrive in Australia for the G20 summit, all eyes are on the relationship between the United States and China, and just where Australia can fit in.

G20 a chance to boost global economic health

Tom Allard World leaders at the G20 summit have the ability to resolve some of the world's economic challenges.

'Paradise' for the powerful G20 people

Tony Wright Brisbanites packed up and left the G20 to its paranoid paradise on Friday, and headed to the Gold Coast.

US-China climate deal thrills Bill Shorten but does Australia care?

Tom Allard When the US and China unveiled their deal to curb greenhouse gases this week in Beijing, Labor leader Bill Shorten was claiming sweet vindication.

Would uni reforms curb cheating?

Would the government's reforms to the university sector reduce the reliance on revenue from international students? Amanda Rishworth and Wyatt Roy debate.

Tony Abbott tries hostessing, G20 style

Jacqueline Maley History has not recorded whether our Prime Minister Tony Abbott has read the classic Virginia Woolf novel, but Tony would surely sympathise.

G20: Shirt Front Diplomacy

Having finished their big pow wow in the orient, it's time for the world leaders to slip out of their silly shirts and head south to sunny Brisvegas for the G20.

Comments 4

Clive Palmer: radio quiz master

What Palmer got right about China.

Whitlam: 1916 - 2014

See our complete coverage of the former Labor prime minister, including news, reflections, tributes, analyses, picture galleries, videos and cartoons.

Abbott's metadata laws explained

Ben Grubb We look at how the surveillance legislation introduced to the Australian Parliament this week may affect you.

Comments 47

What's watt? The Renewable Energy Target explained

Analysis Confused by the jargon about gigawatts and "real 20 per cent"? Here are some basics in the debate over the Renewable Energy Target.

How we share the refugee burden

Interactive More than 85 per cent of refugees are hosted in developing countries. Australia hosts 0.3 per cent of the 11.7 million refugees under the UNHCR's mandate.

Federal budget 2014: Interactive explorer

Explore the major data points of the 2014 federal budget and see how Joe Hockey’s first budget shapes up to his predecessors.

Investigating MPs' expenses

Fairfax Media has conducted an extensive investigation on MPs claiming expense entitlements. Read our coverage here.

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