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Key Stories

Bounty put on dodgy bosses


Last month, the US Securities and Exchange Commission paid out its biggest-ever reward to a whistleblower – US$30 million. It is the sort of treatment that corporate whistleblowers in Australia can only dream about.

Chinese dairy investment follows FTA

Tim Binsted

Chinese giant New Hope announced it would invest up to $500 million in Australian dairy farms just a day after the historic China-Australia free trade agreement.

Japan's $21.7b Aussie spree

Bianca Hartge-Hazelman

Japanese investors have snapped up $21.7 billion in Australian assets at the fastest pace in nearly four years as the lure of higher relative interest rates and weakness in global growth heightens demand for local bonds and the currency.

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Last updated:
United States Dollar
0.8728 0.21%
0.6964 -0.51%
British Pound
0.5578 0.16%

Comment & Analysis

Weekend Feature

In Depth

No numpties in currency traders' club

Gavin Finch and Liam Vaughan

Traders at the heart of the foreign-exchange market rigging investigations that led to record fines this week didn't hold back in online chats.

Warren Buffett buying Duracell

MIichael J. de la Merced

Instead of simply being spun out from Procter & Gamble, Duracell will find a new corporate home - with Warren Buffett.

Trading Room

Intelligent Investor

Have banks missed the China boat?

Nathan Bell

The Australian banking sector could have tens of billions of dollars stuck under the pillows of China's shadow banks.

Motley Fool

Medibank's future cloudy

Matt King

In the US, there's quiet revolution going on as health insurers come under pressure. Is Australia next?

Business News Wire


Lower profits, weaker market in 2015

Bianca Hartge-Hazelman

Some of Australia’s best-known fund managers name stocks that should do well in what’s predicted to be a sluggish 2015.

Australian shares hit three-week low


A promising start on the Australian stock market faded quickly on Tuesday, with the falling iron ore price, poor sentiment over Japan’s economy and continuing worries about the Murray inquiry.

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The Economy

China FTA wins won't happen overnight


Australia’s newly-signed free trade agreement with China is expected to provide significant benefits to the domestic economy, but for listed companies the impact is likely to be felt over the longer term, say fund managers and analysts.

Who wins in Australia-China FTA


Several Australian industries stand to benefit from the free trade agreement signed with China. Here’s a quick summary of some of the key winners.


Woolworths faces big bill for faulty cable

Sue Mitchell

Woolworths might be facing a clean-up bill between $30 million and $60 million for its role in the sale of faulty electrical cable to about 40,000 households and businesses.

Banking & Finance

Macquarie Group hit by Tax Office 'U-turn'


The Tax Office denied Macquarie Group a controversial tax deduction related to offshore subsidiaries that resulted in a long-running and costly court battle, while at the same time allowing other taxpayers to claim the deductions, a report finds.

Mining & Resources

World Business

Botox-maker Allergan sold for $US66b to Actavis

David Gelles

Allergan, the maker of Botox, has resisted selling itself to another company for most of the year. On Monday, however, it agreed to be acquired by Actavis, another big drugmaker, for $US66 billion.

Japan slips into surprise recession

Japan's economy unexpectedly slipped into recession in the third quarter, setting the stage for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to delay an unpopular sales tax hike and call a snap election just two years after he took office.


Gina Rinehart in baby formula push

David Stringer and Stephen Engle

Gina Rinehart, the Australian billionaire who built her fortune on iron ore, is planning a $500 million investment to supply infant formula to a Chinese market forecast to almost double over three years.

Property Focus

Executive Style


Small Business

Business Video

The credit card conundrum

With the holiday season fast approaching, there seems to be a lot of tempting credit card offers out there. But whats the catch? Personal finance editor John Collett and columnist David Potts investigate.
