In geology and related fields, a stratum (plural: strata) is a layer of sedimentary rock or soil with internally consistent characteristics that distinguish it from other layers. The "stratum" is the fundamental unit in a stratigraphic column and forms the basis of the study of stratigraphy.
When planning civil engineering projects or other large constructions, the strata of the area where the construction takes place is a significant factor in design decisions. For example if a canal is to be built on a route where the strata are not watertight, the canal will have to be lined with some form of waterproof material (usually clay).
Each layer is generally one of a number of parallel layers that lie one upon another, laid down by natural forces. They may extend over hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of the Earth's surface. Strata are typically seen as bands of different colored or differently structured material exposed in cliffs, road cuts, quarries, and river banks. Individual bands may vary in thickness from a few millimeters to a kilometer or more. Each band represents a specific mode of deposition: river silt, beach sand, coal swamp, sand dune, lava bed, etc. it also is very important
The sensation of being dead while alive
Reflects a dual thrust of their present being
Atrocity eluded their intended end
Waiting was a path leading to
their missed destiny of death
No longer a sequence, but an unsettling alliance
Memories of unbridled suffering
Brutal suppression of the inherent humanity
The shadow of the body unrelenting in its exposure
This imperative and universal
aim is a single-minded attempt to reduce
The sphere of the mind
Reduced to the pondering of it's material other
The somatic stratum
The wretched physical existence
refers to this world of bodies
The ability to refuse participation
To impose false divisions upon our species
Those who would define the new discourse
Tended to erect insurmountable walls
A discourse designed to intimidate and control
A discourse of disempowerment
Constructed as a realm so i