
EFPIA Coding Project
EFPIA Coding Project
EFPIA video that explains what is the coding project and how the system works

Andrew Wittty, EFPIA President and CEO GlaxoSmithKline.avi
Andrew Wittty, EFPIA President and CEO GlaxoSmithKline.avi
Andrew Witty, EFPIA President and CEO GlaxoSmithKline explains antibiotic resistance is a major challenge that we need to take seriously.

GS1 Sweden & EFPIA Pilot
GS1 Sweden & EFPIA Pilot
To enable verificiation at the point of dispense as a measure to fight counterfeiting, the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) believes mass serialisation of pharmaceuticals will become a reality in Europe over the next 4 to 5 years. EFPIA advocates the GS1 DataMatrix bar code with a unique product identifier (GTIN), batch number, expiry data and serial number, as the minimum data standard. EFPIA is currently piloting this concept in Sweden. During a 4 month period, 110000 packs will be verified at 180 dispensing points at 25 pharmacies in the greater Stockholm area.

Richard Bergström, EFPIA Director General
Richard Bergström, EFPIA Director General
Lunch debate at the European Parliament on "Improving the sustainability of healthcare systems through better adherence to therapies: A multi-stakeholder approach". It was organised on 21/09/2011 by PGEU, EFPIA, European Patients' Forum and CPME.

EFPIA Pilot (Short Version)
EFPIA Pilot (Short Version)
Video that explains how the EFPIA coding works in a pharmacy

Richard Bergström,Director General - EFPIA's Perspective on IMI's 4th Call (1/2)
Richard Bergström,Director General - EFPIA's Perspective on IMI's 4th Call (1/2)
Richard Bergström, Director General of EFPIA talks about EFPIA's perspective on IMI's 4th Call.

EFPIA Director General, Richard Bergström's Lecture
EFPIA Director General, Richard Bergström's Lecture
Richard Bergström, EFPIA Director-General gives his first lecture on the pharmaceutical sector, raising the issue, "Is society ready for the new science".

Richard Bergström,Director General - EFPIA's Perspective on IMI's 4th Call(2/2)
Richard Bergström,Director General - EFPIA's Perspective on IMI's 4th Call(2/2)
Richard Bergström, Director General of EFPIA talks about EFPIA's perspective on IMI's 4th Call.

"Safety in numbers - mass serialisation of medicines" - Introducing the EFPIA Coding Project
"Safety in numbers - mass serialisation of medicines" - Introducing the EFPIA Coding Project
Arthur J. Higgins, CEO Bayer Healthcare & EFPIA President - Intervention on the dangers of counterfeit medicines - Introduction to EFPIA Coding project

EFPIA Press Conference on the outcome of the EC Sector Inquiry
EFPIA Press Conference on the outcome of the EC Sector Inquiry
Brian Ager, EFPIA Director General, introduces the first outcomes issued by the EC Sector Inquiry into pharmaceuticals.

(2/2) Dr Alain Vanvossel (cont/d) & Richard Bergström Directopr General (EFPIA)
(2/2) Dr Alain Vanvossel (cont/d) & Richard Bergström Directopr General (EFPIA)
Final part of Dr Vanvossel's presentation and Richard Bergström, Director General, (EFPIA) looks at the Industry priorities.

Technical Briefing on Biodiversity: Responsible use of biodiversity - Industry perspective, part 1
Technical Briefing on Biodiversity: Responsible use of biodiversity - Industry perspective, part 1
by Dr. Brendan Barnes, Director, Multilateral Issues & Health Policy, EFPIA, Brussels IFPMA Geneva Pharma Forum on 24 November 2009

Technical Briefing on Biodiversity: Responsible use of biodiversity - Industry perspective, part 2
Technical Briefing on Biodiversity: Responsible use of biodiversity - Industry perspective, part 2
by Dr. Brendan Barnes, Director, Multilateral Issues & Health Policy, EFPIA, Brussels IFPMA Geneva Pharma Forum on 24 November 2009

The Industry Priorities (1/2)- Richard Bergström, Director General, EFPIA.mov
The Industry Priorities (1/2)- Richard Bergström, Director General, EFPIA.mov
To discuss with stakeholders how IMI's activities contribute to the 'Innovation Union' through promoting unprecedented collaboration between key actors within the European biopharmaceutical sector. How IMI projects will address the future needs of this sector.

The genuine danger of Counterfeit Medicines
The genuine danger of Counterfeit Medicines
How counterfeit medicines can affect patients' health in Europe.

Technical Briefing on Biodiversity: Responsible use of biodiversity - Industry perspective, part 3
Technical Briefing on Biodiversity: Responsible use of biodiversity - Industry perspective, part 3
by Dr. Brendan Barnes, Director, Multilateral Issues & Health Policy, EFPIA, Brussels IFPMA Geneva Pharma Forum on 24 November 2009

European Business Summit 2009 - Brian Ager, Director General, EFPIA
European Business Summit 2009 - Brian Ager, Director General, EFPIA

Fake medicines, genuine solutions?
Fake medicines, genuine solutions?
Thony Björk - President of PGEU (Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union) / EV-EFPIA Health Check Debate about how to fight counterfeit medicines in the EU (18 November 2009)

Fake medicines, genuine solutions?
Fake medicines, genuine solutions?
Danny Struys - Lead Inspector of GAD Team of Belgian Customs at Brussels Airport. / EV-EFPIA Health Check Debate about how to fight counterfeit medicines in the EU. (18 November 2009)