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The Ludwig von Mises Institute

Advancing Austrian Economics, Liberty, and Peace

Advancing the scholarship of liberty in the tradition of the Austrian School

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The Economics of Tipping

Many people think that tipping results from stingy employers not paying a “living wage.” But tipping solves multiple economic problems while making employers more likely to hire untried workers.

What A Divided Berlin Still Teaches Us Today

Berlin provides us with an example that comes as close to that of a controlled social experiment as one could probably hope to get.

Mises Economics Blog

Joseph Salerno: After QE, Whither the Economy?
[caption id=attachment_13337 align=alignright width=139] Charles Plosser[/caption] Jeff Peshut of RealForecasts.com  gives an insightful analysis of the likely effect of the termination of the Fed's QE programs on TMS, the money supply ag ... More »

Ryan McMaken: The Costa Mesa Mises Circle
Here is a sampling of photos from our great Mises Circle event this past weekend in Southern California. The topic: Society without the State. Ron Paul and Judge Andrew Napolitano were our special guests. Over 300 people attended, plus 50 more in an ... More »

Ryan McMaken: The Case for Optimism
Mises Daily Wednesday by Jeff Deist The state seems more powerful than ever, but the state is both economically and intellectually unsustainable. We’re already witnessing a breakdown in the state’s legitimacy and power, and we should be optimistic ... More »

Ryan McMaken: An Analysis of the Swiss Gold Initiative
If you read German: Thorsten Polleit has written a rather detailed analysis of the Swiss gold initiative and how it would be implemented if passed. ... More »

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In the Mises Store

Ethics of Money Production

This pioneering work, in hardback, by Jörg Guido Hülsmann, professor of economics at the University of Angers in France and the author of Mises: The Last Knight of Liberalism, is the... More »

Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought (2 volume set)

This is one of Rothbard’s most important scholarly works. In the first volume, Rothbard traces the history of economics from the ancient Greeks to Adam Smith; and in the second volume, he discusses Br... More »

Vampire Economy: Doing Business Under Fascism

Here is a study of the actual workings of business under national socialism. Written in 1939, Reimann discusses the effects of heavy regulation, inflation, price controls, trade interference, national... More »

Newly Updated E-books

American Liberalism and World Politics 1931-1941

Planned Chaos

"Woodrow Wilson's Defeat in Yugoslavia: The End of a Multicultural Utopia"

Making Economic Sense

Anatomy of the State

Online Courses in the Mises Academy See All Courses

"Austrian Microeconomics"
The heart of Austrian economics is its theory of value, exchange, productio... (more) Register Now

"Why Capitalism?"
Forget Ronald Reagan; Henry Hazlitt was the true “great communicator.” Espe... (more) Register Now

"The Road to Serfdom: Despotism, Then and Now"
The purpose of this course, "The Road to Serfdom: Despotism Then and Now," ... (more) Register Now

"Human Action: Austrian Sociology"
This course covers Part II of Human Action. It is not required to have take... (more) Register Now

Upcoming Events

Mises Circle Southwest Regional 2015 in Houston

Mises Circle Southwest Regional 2015 in Houston
| Houston, Texas


Austrian Economics Research Conference 2015

Austrian Economics Research Conference 2015
| Auburn, AL


High School and College Seminar

High School and College Seminar
| Auburn, Alabama


East Coast Regional Mises Circle 2015

East Coast Regional Mises Circle 2015
| Stamford, Connecticut


Rothbard Graduate Seminar 2015

Rothbard Graduate Seminar 2015
| Auburn, Alabama


Mises University 2015

Mises University 2015
| Auburn, Alabama