- published: 28 Dec 2012
- views: 138586
Mongol invasions and conquests progressed throughout the 13th century, resulting in the vast Mongol Empire, which, by 1300, covered much of Asia and Eastern Europe. Historians regard the Mongol raids and invasions as some of the deadliest conflicts in human history. According to Brian Landers, "One empire in particular exceeded any that had gone before, and crossed from Asia into Europe in an orgy of violence and destruction. The Mongols brought terror to Europe on a scale not seen again until the twentieth century." Diana Lary contends that the Mongol invasions induced population displacement "on a scale never seen before" – particularly in Central Asia and eastern Europe – adding that "the impending arrival of the Mongol hordes spread terror and panic." In addition, they brought the bubonic plague along with them, deliberately spreading it across much of Asia and Europe and helping cause the massive loss of life in the Black Death. Tsai concludes that "[t]he Mongol conquests shook Eurasia and were of significant influence in world history."
The heroic resistance of the Russian soldiers and local villagers against the Mongol invaders in the winter 1237-38 period showed that although they had superior forces and the Slavs were fragmented, the Mongols couldn't conquer the whole of north-east Ancient Rus'. They were forced to return to the steppe before they came within 100km of Novgorod and then spent more than two years rebuilding their forces for new conquests.
Mongol Empire, lead by Khan Ogedei invades Europe. The Forces of Easter Europe rallies to fight at the Battle of Mohi / Sajo. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/replyhistory Twitter (Suggest the next topic): https://twitter.com/ReplyHistory The estimates of the battle range from Hungary having ~15,000-20,000 and Mongols having ~20,000-25,000. Although some sources I've read claims there were ~80,000 for each side. The Russian principalities have fallen to the Mongol Empire, and now the eastern kings of Europe attempt to hastily organize a defense as the Horde marches in their land, looting and pillaging the countryside. The last major defense, lead by King Bela IV, settles next to the Sajo river to recuperate, not aware that the entire Mongol invasion force sits on the other side. Backgr...
An overview of the Mongol conquest. View more lessons: http://www.educreations.com/yt/3164229/?ref=ytd
Kubilai Khan send Envoys in 1286 then send military expedition in 1292 but failed by Javanese people
Its the short film of the mongol invasion of Europe
Twice in the 13th century, during the Kamakura period, in the Bun-ei and Koan epochs, the "Genko no eki" Mongol invasions threatened Japan's very survival. In addition, continuous natural disasters throughout the country brought about political corruption, as well as religious unrest. A feeling of hopelessness gripped the nation...
The Mongols invade Poland and Hungary in 1240.
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Depuis l’avènement de Gengis Khan, les mongols sont unifiés et entreprennent des raids à travers toute l'Asie. Rien ne semble pouvoir arrêter leur expansion, jusqu'à l'invasion militaire du Japon... Vous pouvez réserver mon livre "Les Pires Batailles de l'Histoire" (sortie le 13 octobre) dans la librairie près de chez vous ! Il est également disponible en pré-commande sur Amazon ( https://www.amazon.fr/Nota-Bene-Benjamin-BRILLAUD/dp/2221193040/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid;=1475832819&sr;=8-1&keywords;=les+pires+batailles+de+l%27histoire ) et sur le site de la Fnac ( http://livre.fnac.com/a9838540/Benjamin-Brillaud-Nota-Bene ). Un énorme merci à Arcady Picardi pour son travail de fou sur les illustrations :https://www.facebook.com/Arcady-Fucking-Picardi-201210363250738 Retrouvez moi en dédicaces ...
Mongol invasion of Eastern Europe: The Mongol Empire - Golden Horde invaded Kievan Rus’ in 13th century, destroying many cities
This video contains about the spread of Islam after the Mongol invasion of the Islamic world, after post-conquest of the Mongolian on Baghdad in 1258. That behind the immense tragedy that befell the Islamic world, it was God Almighty have kept a great plan to glorify and exalt his religion, Islam, through the Mongol. Wallahu'alam bishshawab.
Bad weather hampered Mongol invasion of Europe Tree rings helped researchers piece together a new hypothesis as to why the Mongol army withdrew from western Hungary in 1242. Credit: Ulf Büntgen. Thank for watching! Don't forget subscribe this channel to watch more video.
The Mongol invasion of Europe in the 13th century was the military effort by an Asian power, the Mongols, to invade and conquer Europe.It involved the severe and rampant destruction of East Slavic principalities and major cities, such as Kiev and Vladimir.Mongol invasions also affected Central Europe, warring with the Kingdom of Hungary and causing the fragmentation of Poland .The operations were masterminded by General Subutai and commanded by Batu Khan and Kadan, both grandsons of Genghis Khan. ---Image-Copyright-and-Permission--- About the author(s): derivative work: Bkkbrad (talk) Gengis_Khan_empire-fr.svg: historicair 17:01, 8 October 2007 (UTC) License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5-2.0-1.0 (CC BY-SA 2.5-2.0-1.0) Author(s): Bkkbrad (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/...
The Mongol invasions of Japan , which took place in 1274 and 1281, were major military efforts undertaken by Kublai Khan to conquer the Japanese archipelago after the submission of Goryeo to vassaldom.Ultimately a failure, the invasion attempts are of macro-historical importance because they set a limit on Mongol expansion and rank as nation-defining events in the history of Japan.The Mongol invasions are considered a precursor to early modern warfare.One of the most notable technological innovations during the war was the use of explosive, hand-thrown bombs. ---Image-Copyright-and-Permission--- About the author(s): Qubilai Qa'an/(transcribed by 東大寺宗性 Soushou (1202-1278)Todai-ji temple, Nara, Japan License: Public domain ---Image-Copyright-and-Permission--- This channel is dedicated to m...
It has been more that two hundred years since the founding of the Kingdom of Qocho. For the majority of this time, the Kingdom has been a Buddhist state. But there is upheaval within the realm, and a new ruler has come to power, bringing a new religion with it: christianity. This series is the beginning of a megacampaign leading all the way to Hoi4, links to these playlists will be posted as the series progresses. Ck2 Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_zYnFZMYAhT78uswqjp9g92ILIlNIUxm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/grymic Plays.tv: http://plays.tv/u/Grymic
And so it begins.
______________________________________ Shogun: Total War Soundtrack Music List ______________________________________ 0:00 - Battle 1 1:04 - Battle 2 2:16 - Battle 3 3:24 - Campaign Map - Autumn 6:34 - Campaign Map - Spring 9:43 - Campaign Map - Summer 12:53 - Campaign Map - Winter 15:34 - Main Menu 16:31 - Loose 16:56 - Mobilize 1 18:29 - Mobilize 2 19:55 - Mobilize 3 21:46 - Tensions1 22:52 - Tensions 2 24:03 - Tensions 3 25:07 - Tensions 4 25:53 - Win Mongol Invasion 26:19 - Mongol Battle 1 27:34 - Mongol Battle 2 28:56 - Mongol Loose 29:37 - Mongol Win 30:14 - Mongol Mobilize 1 32:24 - Mongol Mobilize 2 34:16 - Mongol Strat Map 37:01 - Mongol Tension 1 38:33 - Mongol Tension 2 ______________________________________ ••Soundtrack Download•• - ______________________________________ Ignore...
All viewers, subscribers or not, are encouraged follow my twitchtv live streams at http://www.twitch.tv/generalpatton213. I am always willing and happy to play with viewers and subscribers a like. Feel free to add me as a friend on steam. My username is jasonw123 but please put some sort of description to tell me you are a viewer or subscriber if you want to send me a friend request so we can play together on and off stream. Feel free to leave your own plans and objectives in the comment section of this video. Remember to comment rate and subscribe as well as check out the other videos and playlists on my youtube channel. Long live Hungary!!
Quoted from original letters and illustrations which these samurai left for you! インドのラム・ネールさんといふ方から、拙作についてのご感想を戴きました。御国にも元寇があつたさうです。ネタジの国から、いまもかうしてわが国に親しみと大きな関心を抱いてもらひ、お便りを戴くことは、私たちにとつてどれほど慰めとなり、また元気の出ることでせう。私たちの先祖がかつて国難にどう対処したのか、大元といふ人類史上最大にして最強の帝国が、なぜサムライの前からは敗走したのか、その経緯(いきさつ)を出来る限り詳細に亘つて皆で辿り、一人でも多くの人と共有することが、将来大きな意味を持つに違ひないと信じて、この動画を制作しました。 余談ですが、私が出遭ひましたこの物語を、拙作を視聴された皆さんにも是非読んで頂きたい(リンク先で読めます)。http://p.booklog.jp/book/81373 これは〈運慶が木の中より仁王像を「掘り」出す〉やうに書かれた文芸作品です。もし将来、日本の再生があるとすれば、あるいは偉大な政治指導者ではなく、大東亜戦争といふ、わが国民の、あの壮大なる抒情詩を詠み上げる詩人の登場を、私たちは待たねばならぬのやもしれません。なんとなれば古来神州は、「諸共に相ひ論ふ」稀有な国でありますから、先人の真心を私たちが共有してこそ「再生」が始まるに違ひありません!
Part 9 of the Egyptian campaign. :) Get the game on Steam and support the TW community and the developers! - http://store.steampowered.com/app/4700/?snr=1_7_15__13
The Mongol horde has arrived! Check out the Stainless Steel mod: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?417435-Stainless-Steel-6-4-Released Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Areg_Gaming Please support me on Patreon so I can create more content: https://www.patreon.com/AregGaming Thank you!