- published: 13 May 2014
- views: 107656
Mihai Eminescu (Romanian pronunciation: [miˈhaj emiˈnesku]; born Mihail Eminovici; 15 January 1850 – 15 June 1889) was a Romantic poet, novelist and journalist, often regarded as the most famous and influential Romanian poet. Eminescu was an active member of the Junimea literary society and worked as an editor for the newspaper Timpul ("The Time"), the official newspaper of the Conservative Party (1880–1918). His poetry was first published when he was 16 and he went to Vienna to study when he was 19. The poet's Manuscripts, containing 46 volumes and approximately 14,000 pages, were offered by Titu Maiorescu as a gift to the Romanian Academy during the meeting that was held on 25 January 1902. Notable works include Luceafărul (The Vesper/The Evening Star/The Lucifer/The Daystar), Odă în metru antic (Ode in Ancient Meter), and the five Letters (Epistles/Satires). In his poems he frequently used metaphysical, mythological and historical subjects.
Acest video descrie zece lucruri inedite despre Mihai Eminescu. Mihai Eminescu a fost un poet, prozator și jurnalist român. Eminescu este al șaptelea dintre cei unsprezece copii ai căminarului Gheorghe Eminovici și al Ralucăi Eminovici. Eminescu a fost activ în societatea politico-literară Junimea, și a lucrat ca redactor la Timpul, ziarul oficial al Partidului Conservator.
Tricouri: http://www.ideaplaza.ro/tricouri-personalizate/misu-si-ionica/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/misuionica Sound effects: http://www.freesfx.co.uk
Documentar din seria „Mari Români” prezentat de Andrei Gheorghe. Scenariul şi regia: Camelia Robe; Director de magine: Sorin Chivulescu, Viorel Sergovici; Editor imagine: Cristian Grosu; Consilier: Alexandra Orban; Mai multe documentare din această serie găsiţi pe canalul nostru de YouTube https://goo.gl/yXE0ra http://www.facebook.com/fantvr1 http://www.tvr.ro http://www.tvrplus.ro http://youtube.com/user/TVRcanaluloficial
LUCRURI MAI PUTIN CUNOSCUTE DESPRE MIHAI EMINESCU Nu copia sau reposta videoclipul, dacă îți place adaugă-l la favorite!
Mihai Eminescu (MITROACĂ) intră la părnaie !
Nimeni niciodata nu are sa gaseasca cuvintele potrivite pentru a descrie aceasta mare iubire. Nu exista astfel de cuvinte. Dragostea lor este mai presus de capacitatea umana de a descrie acest sentiment. Putini sunt in ziua de azi atat de binecuvantati sa-si gaseasca sufletul pereche. Pentru ca exista si povestea lor de iubire este dovada vie a acestui lucru. Poate ca se intampla atunci cand nu te astepti sa se intample. Poate nici nu crezi ca exista asa ceva. Poate cautam cand nu trebuie sa cautam nimic ci doar sa asteptam sa ne gaseasca. Tind sa cred ca pentru Veronica, Eminescu a reprezentat rasplata tuturor sacrificiilor facute. Casatorita la 14 ani si cu copilaria pierduta...Pentru o inima atat de inflacarata si dornica de iubire, Eminescu a reprezentat totul. Si Veronica...Veronica a...
Mihai Eminescu Scrisoarea I Scrisoarea II Scrisoarea III Scrisoarea IV Scrisoarea V Please do not copy this video! If you like to add your channel and subscribe to this channel for updates. All rights are reserved. Thank you!
I-am provocat pe Ilinca si Alex Florea, castigatorii Eurovision 2017, sa ne cante doua strofe din "Luceafarul" lui Eminescu in ritmuri de Yodel. #shareomaga! http://www.omaga.ro https://www.facebook.com/shareomaga https://www.instagram.com/omaga.ro https://twitter.com/shareomaga
The former mayor of Cluj-Napoca, Gheorghe Funar, talking about Mihai Eminescu vs Albert Einstein. For English subtitles check Settings / Subtitles. I DO NOT CLAIM THE OWNERSHIP OF ANY PART OF THIS VIDEO. The interview belongs to http://adevarul.ro/ Check here: http://adevarul.ro/news/societate/cum-i-a-furat-einstein-teoria-relativitatii-eminescu-8_56e10d7a5ab6550cb8b03815/index.html Interviul complet aici (e FABULOS!): http://adevarul.ro/news/societate/video-blochezi-dezvoltarea-unui-orasau-venit-investitori-coca-cola-le-am-zis-nu-negociez-escrocii-1_56e061495ab6550cb8ac5321/index.html
LIVE radio interview! My world record-breaking Longest Love Poem, beating Romania's most famous & influential poet, Mihai Eminescu. Now appearing on Romania's national news! Romania News - Gazeta de Romania: http://gazetaderomania.co.uk/dupa-ce-s-a-despartit-de-o-romanca-un-britanic-a-scris-o-poezie-mai-lunga-decat-luceafarul/ Romania News - infobraila: http://www.infobraila.ro/2017/05/ce-face-dragostea-din-om-eminescu-versus-rajinder-tumber-tanarul-britanic-indragostit-de-o-romanca/ TalkRADIO (Live interview): http://talkradio.co.uk/funny/late-nights-iain-lee-three-ts-thursday-may-25-17052614352 ITV: http://www.itv.com/news/london/2017-05-24/hopeless-romantic-writes-worlds-longest-love-poem-totalling-2-413-words/ Daily Mail: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-4537010/London-ma...
Parteneriatul multilateral Comenius ,,WordCrossing,, COM-12-PM-708-MM-ES. Interviu părinți realizat de Danuta Vanci si Silvia Zete de la Colegiul National ,,Mihai Eminescu,, Baia Mare, Romania.
KUNDALINI YOGA - 3 days intensive workshop with REINHARD GAMMENTHALER from Switzerland took place in April 2016. Event organized by Hermitage. urban spiritual hub The program was about pranic energy and Svara, the movement of this energy inside in order to create deep and mystic feelings. *** For thousands of years the secrets of Yoga have been handed down from the Guru to capable disciples by word of mouth or by transmission of energy. This ancient tradition of imparting secret lore and practices from the adept to qualified students is called “Guru Shishya Parampara", the great heritage descending to the teachings of Lord Shiva. This is essential especially in Tantrism, of which Hatha- and Kundalini-Yoga are important and basic aspects, but found its expression also in classical India...
Raluka si Killa Fonic canta piesa „Dulce otrava” pentru prima data in direct la un post de radio. Live in studioul Radio ZU. Radio ZU pe net: FACEBOOK - http://www.facebook.com/radiozu INSTAGRAM - http://www.instagram.com/radiozuoficial WEB - http://www.radiozu.ro Hiturile se ascultă la ZU - http://www.radiozu.ro/live ZUbscribe la ZUtube :P - http://bit.ly/yt_zubscribe Raluka feat. Killa Fonic - Dulce otravă - Live la Radio ZU Studioul Radio ZU este scena pe care artistii din Romania vin sa cante live cele mai tari piese: refrene pe care le știi, momente surpriza, improvizatii si nu numai. Asta inseamna „Live la Radio ZU”. Am pus cele mai tari cantari intr-un singur loc, aici: http://bit.ly/BestOF_LiveLaZU. 25.10.2016
Ilinca ft. Alex Florea takes part for Romania in the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest in Kyiv, Ukraine with the song Yodel It! We met up with Ilinca ft. Alex Florea for a Would You Rather interview and asked some pretty unusual questions. Song: Yodel It! Artist: Ilinca ft. Alex Florea Composer: Mihai Alexandru Lyrics: Alexa Niculae How would you answer the questions? Let us know in the comments below. Follow the Eurovision Song Contest on EuroVisionary, Eurovision news worth reading and videos worth watching -- http://www.eurovisionary.com https://www.facebook.com/EuroVisionaryOfficial https://www.instagram.com/eurovisionaryofficial https://www.twitter.com/EuroVisionary https://plus.google.com/+EuroVisionary/posts
Eurovision Song Contets 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine filmed and produced by http://www.oikotimes.com with the permission of the orgniazers interview sessions by Kyriakos Gold review sessions by David Hache / Fred Medeiros / Darren Tompset no song copyrights claimed
Talking about Protestantism, Eastern Europe, fake countries, and GMWA's Bible studies. (Which can be found here: http://gmwhiteamerica.com/churches/bible-study-groups/ ) PARTICIPANTS: GREGORY CARLIN MARK CITADEL Blog: http://citadelfoundations.wordpress.com AskFM: https://ask.fm/MarkCitadel Twitter: https://twitter.com/CitadelMark YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmX-LvMEcgHPHiD6016N9Cg WILLIAM SCOTT Blog: https://teleolojic.wordpress.com/ Blog: https://taliesinswheel.wordpress.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/freyasmuse YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJclNdLV_TAKIA1-gM0y7CQ SAM HEIDELBERG Blog: https://reconstructingchristendom.wordpress.com/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-gXyHDLgMavoDRvELSrJMg Twitter: https://twitter.com/DominionistSam LIGHTNING P...