Longitude (1 of 21)
Longitude (2000) TV - Jeremy Irons (Rupert Gould)
Earth, Parallels and Meridians, Latitude and Longitude [IGEO TV ]
Dicas da TV Escola [46] Latitude e Longitude
Longitude and Latitude Meaning Definition for kids
Nova - Lost At Sea: The Search For Longitude (PBS Documentary)
Longitude (2000) Part 1
Longitude (2000) Part 2
Finding Latitude and Longitude
Understanding Latitude and Longitude
12 - Geografia (Longitude e Latitude)
President and CEO Scott Ernest on the unveiling of the Citation Longitude
Propaganda do DVD Latitude Longitude do Rosa de Saron
Latitudes and Longitudes
Longitude (1 of 21)
Longitude (2000) TV - Jeremy Irons (Rupert Gould)
Earth, Parallels and Meridians, Latitude and Longitude [IGEO TV ]
Dicas da TV Escola [46] Latitude e Longitude
Longitude and Latitude Meaning Definition for kids
Nova - Lost At Sea: The Search For Longitude (PBS Documentary)
Longitude (2000) Part 1
Longitude (2000) Part 2
Finding Latitude and Longitude
Understanding Latitude and Longitude
12 - Geografia (Longitude e Latitude)
President and CEO Scott Ernest on the unveiling of the Citation Longitude
Propaganda do DVD Latitude Longitude do Rosa de Saron
Latitudes and Longitudes
How to read Latitude and Longitude coordinates
Longitude and Latitude song
Latitude e longitude (vídeo aula de geografia)
The Longitude Problem
How to Get Google Maps Latitude Longitude
Mr. V explains Latitude and Longitude (Tim Vittetoe)
Prof Brian Cox on a new 2014 'Longitude Prize' (19May14)
Navegação: Vídeo aula 01, Longitude Média, LOM
Longitude is a 2000 TV drama produced by Granada Productions and the A&E Network for Channel 4, first broadcast in 2000 in the UK on Channel 4 and the US on A&E. It is an adaptation of the 1997 book of the same title by Dava Sobel. It was written and directed by Charles Sturridge and stars Michael Gambon as clockmaker John Harrison (1693–1776) and Jeremy Irons as horologist Rupert Gould (1890–1948).
Longitude presents the story of Harrison's efforts to develop the marine chronometer and thereby win the Longitude Prize in the 18th century. This is interwoven with the story of Gould, a retired naval officer, who is restoring Harrison's four chronometers and popularises his achievements in the early twentieth century.
In 2001, Longitude was nominated for the British Academy Television Awards in ten categories, winning in five, including Best Actor (Michael Gambon) and Best Drama Serial.
Let's put some miles between us
And everything that comes between us
Let the spirits lead us
And the hunger feed us
Live by the morning light
Empty days and fill the nights
Never say our goodbyes
Never lay down and die
And now we're looking for a way out
Even the closest stars
Are still so far
The only thing that tomorrow brings is that it will become today
On a night full of whispering don't let your hopes get carried away
Petty crimes they were just for show, now you're waiting for the trouble to blow over
You've got nowhere to go, you've got nowhere to go 'cause you're already home
And now we're looking for a way out
Even the closest stars
Are still so far
Some people say it's never enough
Some people say what they mean
Some people say that they've had it tough
Some people live in the dream
Some people live like slaves to money
Some people live on their knees
If you want to live to taste the honey
Don't go kill all of the bees
And now we're looking for a way out
Even the closest stars
Are still so far
Are still so far
Are still so far
Sunny, sunny afternoon
someway beyond the sea and the moon
take me away, behind my horizon
somewhere, to longitude five, four, two, one.
Set sail, for that sunny afternoon
the message in the bottle wont make it to the moon
somehow, you let it into mystery
waste down all that lazy time with me.
sunny sunny afternoon someway beyond the sea
and the moon
take me away behind my horizon
somewhere, to longitute five,four,two,one
set sail for that sunny afternoon
the message in the bottle wont make it to the moon
somehow you let it into mystery
waste down all that lazy time with me