Unitarian Universalism is a theologically liberal religion characterized by support for a "free and responsible search for truth and meaning". Unitarian Universalists do not share a creed; rather, they are unified by their shared search for spiritual growth and by the understanding that an individual's theology is a result of that search and not obedience to an authoritarian requirement. Unitarian Universalists draw on many different theological sources and have a wide range of beliefs and practices.
Historically, both Unitarianism and Universalism have roots in the Christian faith. Contemporary Unitarian Universalism espouses a pluralist approach to religious belief, whereby members may describe themselves as atheist, agnostic, deist, monotheist, polytheist, or assume no label at all. As of 2006, fewer than about 20% of Unitarian Universalists identified themselves as Christian.
The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) was formed in 1961, a consolidation of the American Unitarian Association, established in 1825, and the Universalist Church of America, established in 1866. It is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, and serves churches mostly in the United States. The Canadian Unitarian Council became an independent body in 2002.
08.26.12 SERMON "The Basics of Unitarian Universalism" ~ Rev. Aaron White
Unitarian Universalism: You're a Uni-What?
Interview with a Unitarian Universalist
An Evangelical Christian and a Unitarian Universalist on a Plane
Voices of a Liberal Faith - Unitarian Universalists
Atheist and Unitarian Universalist
A Look into Unitarian Universalism-short documentary
What is Unitarian Universalist?
The Flaming Chalice and the Unitarian Universalist Church
History of Unitarian Universalist
Unitarian Universalists Cult
Unitarian Universalism in 30 seconds
Do Unitarian Universalists Believe in God? Sermon by Jason Cook
History of Unitarian Universalism Erik Resly Jan 21, 2011.mpg
08.26.12 SERMON "The Basics of Unitarian Universalism" ~ Rev. Aaron White
Unitarian Universalism: You're a Uni-What?
Interview with a Unitarian Universalist
An Evangelical Christian and a Unitarian Universalist on a Plane
Voices of a Liberal Faith - Unitarian Universalists
Atheist and Unitarian Universalist
A Look into Unitarian Universalism-short documentary
What is Unitarian Universalist?
The Flaming Chalice and the Unitarian Universalist Church
History of Unitarian Universalist
Unitarian Universalists Cult
Unitarian Universalism in 30 seconds
Do Unitarian Universalists Believe in God? Sermon by Jason Cook
History of Unitarian Universalism Erik Resly Jan 21, 2011.mpg
Service First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin - January 20, 2013
First Unitarian Universalist Service of Exeter Church Service 2 1 2015
This is the Unitarian Universalist Church of Pensacola
Dangerous Flowers: A Unitarian Universalist Sermon by Jason Cook
Unitarian Universalism - Open Source Faith
Unitarian Universalism - Gather the Spirit
Why I Am Unitarian Universalist (Part 1)
Ogden Unitarian Universalists Reach Out to BGLT Youth
What Is a Unitarian Universalist?
Service First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin - January 13, 2013
Service First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin - January 27, 2013
Atheist Experience #854 HD: Unitarian Universalists
Inspirational Music at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh, February 2013
The "Cult" of Unitarian Universalism
08.11.13 SERMON: "Unitarian Universalism 101" ~ Rev. Aaron White
UUCGB Sermon - December 12th 2014 - "Was Scrooge a Unitarian Universalist?"
Stealing Jesus - Rev. Kathleen Rolenz
Unitarian Universalist Sermon: Jason Cook at Chautauqua--The Hope Jar
First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego
Honoring the Unitarian Universalist Church of Birmingham
Service First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin - February 3, 2013
Lecture to Inaugurate the Ralph Waldo Emerson Unitarian Universalist Association Chair at HDS
Service First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin - March 3, 2013
What is a Earth Centered Unitarian Universalist? - The VUU #33
Eric Pavlat: Former Unitarian - The Journey Home Program
09.02.12 SERMON "The Future of Unitarian Universalism" ~ Rev. Aaron White
May 3, 2015, Rev Scott Gerard Prinster, Better Than Human, Transhumanism
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme- the Gospel of Greed
Everything Possible - Adult Choir
The Church of Broadway: A Minister's Songbook
First Parish of Bedford, MA, UU / Sunday Service / 1-18-1987 / "Power and Spirit: A Vital Balance"
Sermon "Only Connect" by Rev. Beverly Boke
5 03 15 Bill Fleenor, Hot Yoga
Life as Improvisation March 29, 2015 UU Fellowship of Raleigh
"Compassion in Many Tongues" - Sermon, First Parish Bridgewater Church
Magical Thinking and our Closets of Shame - Reverend Alex Holt
3MAY15 Nature, Plants, and Spirituality - Natalie Delvaille
Elements of Worship
FUUF Flower Communion
UUCT 05 03 15 Welcome to the UU Church of Tampa
Peace Poetry Contest 2014
Seeking Our Way
Klezmer 10
"Flower Ceremony" with Joe Wolfarth and Laurel Moehring April 5th, 2015
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Sunnyvale performs Frank Ticheli's "Earth Song"
Heather Stewart Jorden sings Maybe This Time
Unitarian Universalist Meaning
BuxMont Unitarian Universalist Fellowship