It is a shrub growing to 2 m tall, often very spiny. The leaves are deciduous, 4ā8 cm long, with 7-11 leaflets with a serrated margin. The flowers are 2.5ā5 cm diameter, white, with (unusually for a rose) only four petals. The hips are red, 8ā15 mm diameter, with persistent sepals, and often bristly.
Kansas City StarMore News Deer aren't the only wildlife that Shawnee Mission Park officials are trying to control. The new target: An exotic, invasive noxious weed known as sericea or Chinese lespedeza. Park officials said it has become a big problem in the dog off-leash area of the park, which they plan to close Tuesday and Wednesday for maintenance and the weed's eradication. "Lespedeza will...
OhioHere are some plants that attract pollinators in our region: Trees and shrubs Maple (Acer species) Red buckeye (Aesculus pavia) Serviceberry (Amelanchier species) Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) New Jersey tea (Ceanothus americanus) Basswood (Tilia americana) Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) Eastern redbud...
The News & ObserverLandscapers often use the word interest to refer to plants that provide eye-catching snap to a garden scene. The word might seem ill-fitting in winter, when lifeless grays and sullen browns dominate the landscape. But it doesn't have to be. Some plants wait until winter to put on flashy or unusual displays and don't rely on flowers to show off. This unexpected exhibition makes...
Seattle Timesphotographed by Mike Siegel LET'S BE honest. Doesn't your garden bore you sometimes? Even healthy roses, ripe tomatoes and fragrant sweet peas can add up to a garden scene that isn't wholly satisfying. Or maybe your place is a shady one, rich with leafy hostas and woodland wonders, yet it all seems a little . . . dull? I think gardens bore us when they're just too darn sweet....
OhioAs my husband will attest, I can't pass up a plant bargain. When a local garden center was clearing out shrubs in October for $2 each, I felt it a shame not to carry away as many as possible. What better impetus for that living fence I'd been wanting to start on either side of my backyard? Luckier still, four of those shrubs were ''Cardinal'' redtwig dogwoods. Earlier in the...
The TimesShrubs grown for their striking young winter stems, including Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea' and Salix 'Britzensis', should be pruned hard now. Cut them down to a stubby...
NewsvineKaren, the daughter of a friend of mine, asked me recently if I would like to have a plant and showed me a flyer with a description of the plant on it. The flyer read the following: Redosier Dogwood (Cornus sericea) - an open, spreading, multi-stemmed, medium to large shrub with horizontal branches at...
redOrbitPosted on: Thursday, 18 February 2010, 14:38 CST A common pasture plant could help foraging ruminants ward off damaging gastrointestinal nematodes that can cause illness and death, Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists report. Animal scientist Joan Burke at the ARS Dale Bumpers Small Farms Research Center in Booneville, Ark., along with colleagues at...
Asahi NewsI have often written about trees in this column, but now that I think about it, they were all trees in the ground. To make up for my hitherto one-dimensional approach, I volunteered to be a tree planter over the ongoing "silver week" holidays. The task took me to the sea instead of a mountain. The planting site was Chuo Bohatei Uchigawa Umetatechi (landfill site inside the...
Pittsburgh Post-GazetteQuestion: These white "worms" are eating my redtwig dogwoods. Can you tell me what they are and how to get rid of them? Answer: The writer attached a photograph showing dogwood sawfly larvae in their white phase, feeding on a red-osier dogwood (Cornus sericea). These plants are grown primarily for their red (or in some cultivars, yellow) stems in the winter landscape. They are...