Latest Podcasts

Can we have an international treaty banning nuclear weapons? This week’s swho discusses the influence of the recent conferences on the humanitarian impacts of nuclear weapons on the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty. We speak to Phoebe Wynn Hope from the Australian Red Cross and Dimity Hawkins from the International Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons to hear their analysis of the current state of affairs

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Dr Lucy Tatman a Senior Lecturer in the School of Philosophy, University of Tasmania, speaks about who was the first woman philosopher and why we don’t know her name. Also who can we call a philosopher?

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Beyond Zero talks to Time Forcey from The University of Melbourne’s Energy Institute about gas demand in New South Wales.

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Lost in Science looks at how much government science funding has recently dropped in Australia and then a looks at Australian research into plastic ocean waste, bee colony collapse and our new sixth taste, fat.

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‘A Fifty-year Silence’ between her grandparents inspired Miranda Richmond Mouillot to write a family history of love, war and a ruined house in France. ‘The Rise and Fall of Great Powers’ is Tom Rachman’s novel that crosses decades and continents telling the story of Tooly Zylberberg.

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Bob Massie ( & outgoing President of the New Economy coalition) gives a rousing speech at Melb Uni on the climate challenge and transitionary forces, followed by an interview with Karl (check our new website!)

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Crisis in Syria- Susan Dingham. Gardasil mark 2- Helen Lobato. Australia Venezuela Solidarity Network Brigade visit to Venezuela – Danesh Chacko.

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Suzanne and the Bagman discuss the important issues from a left perspective.

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Val and Faith welcome studio guests, Anna Thompson and Caz Whitehead and everyone shares a bike moment. We run through some news including shared-path racing on Strava and Anna Meares’ 11th World Title in Paris. Caz and Anna fill us in on #Everesting and the recent mass women’s everesting on Mt Donna Buang, which they were both a part of. We finish up with a coupe of events. #girlsgetrad #insearchofup

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Bisexuality still cops a lot of stigma from the media, the wider community and even LGBTI groups, says Sally Goldner from Bi Alliance Victoria.

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This week’s show will continue the scrutiny of the Greyhound Industry with an interview with Carey Theil of Grey2KUSA, a group leading the worldwide movement to end greyhound racing.

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This is the fourth and final episode of Queering the Air’s ‘We Weren’t Born Yesterday’ radio series . A 4-part series exploring GLBTIQ heritage amongst Vietnamese, Chinese, Arabic and Hindi speaking communities. This episode, produced by Arjun Rajkhowa, explores GLBTIQ heritage within the Indian-Australian community.

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Sunday 22nd February
Presenters and guests are Pam Vardy, Millie Ross – Researcher, ABC Gardening Australia, and Simon Rickard – Horticulturalist and Author.

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go west; queer refugees; wrestling and diversity

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South Australia: the Nuclear State?
On the 8th of February 2015 the South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill announced a Royal Commission into the future role of the nuclear industry in South Australia. The state hosts the Olympic Dam and Beverley 4 Mile uranium mines, and exports the yellowcake out of Port Adelaide. Meanwhile, the industry nationally counts for 0.3% of Australian export revenue and 0.03% of jobs.
The surprise commission has come at an odd time, BHP Billiton recently laid off 300 workers at the Olympic Dam mine and nuclear energy is in decline globally, as many countries are gradually phasing out nuclear and turning to renewable sources of energy instead. So, what is the purpose of the Commission? Is it a push to expand the industry? Or is this another attempt to butter up the South Australian public for a radioactive waste dump?
Guests: – Dr Jim Green, national nuclear free campaigner at Friends of the Earth – Aunty Sue Coleman-Haseldine, Kokatha-Mula woman from Ceduna, South Australia – Cat Beaton from the Conservation Council of South Australia

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Today we speak to Greens federal senator, and former medical practitioner Richard Di Natale about the effects on children of the flood of alcohol, junk food and gambling ads during sports telecasts.

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Join the DOGS fight for free, equitable, accountable public education with Rob and Jean Ely.

  • :: The Australian Council for the Defense of Government Schools

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Annie and Lali speak to Dick Nichol, Green Left Weekly’s European correspondent about Greece; Rank & File continues its ground breaking investigation of workers conditions; Alejandro Rodriguez joins us to talk about Venezuela and the recent coup attempt.

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Avoi 67nak Chin Miphun ni (Chin Natioanal Day) tuahnak thawng le May, 2015 ah tuah dingmi Australia Chin Idol tuahnak ding kong Australia Chin Community Youth President atuan lio mi Pu Khamh Cung Lian he biaruahnak an si lai.

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Chris Gaffney, Kim Doyle and John Lafferty from the Victorian Labour College lead with the HSBC money laundering scandal rocking UK and European banks with ripples reaching into the Australian system.

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ACTU calls for an Anti-Abbott Rally on the 4th March at Trades Hall, Victoria Parade, 10:30a.m.

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Ela Fornalska makes her debut as a producer on 3CR’s Spoken Word. Her first guest on Spoken Word is Elizabeth ‘Lish’ Skec whose latest collection of poetry is titled Breath. Today we will be in conversation with Lish about her poetic life and hear some special selections from Breath which showcase her diversity as a poet.

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Abbott’s decision to de-fund several disability advocacy organisations in favour of a Disability Cross Cultural Alliance- Maryanne Diamond, Gen. Manager of Engagement and Advocacy, former CEO of Blind Citizens Aust. Crowd-funding to obtain a wheelchair for Felice – see link. Senate announcement ogf an inquiry into the abuse of disabled people – see link.

  • :: Felice's Wheelchair Crowdfunding
  • :: Senate Inquiry into Abuse of Disabled Persons

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In this episode we return to a broadcast Vivien produced in 2012 featuring three interviewees: Reverend Alastair McCrae, (former President of the Uniting Church of Australia), Rabbi Jonathan Keren-Black (founder of Green Faith) and John Barter (former Buddhist monk and current Sydney psychologist). The nexus between spirituality, religion and climate change, if not completely deconstructed, then at least explored.

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Today we hear from renowned British satirist Russell Brand who has been telling the world about Australia’s cruel, heartless refugee policies.

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Labour updates from the Asia Pacific Region.

Interview with Arnel from the Labour Party of the Philippines about organising workers in an Export Processing Zone, and the recent victory at Tae Sung.

Asia Pacific Currents is a program of Australia Asia Worker Links.

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Vicky Roach is a writer, poet and a strong campaigner for the rights of indigenous women in the criminal injustice system. She is a descendant from the Yuin people from New South Walles and self-identifies as a member of the stolen generation.

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Divestment from the fossil fuel industry is happening on many fronts – universities, religious denominations, investment and financial institutions, superannuation funds and individual bank customers are all pulling their money out. Global Divestment Day is the first ever world-wide campaign event to encourage even more financial pull back from fossil fuels. This week we talk to one of the Melbourne organizers of the day, and to a divested Commonwealth Bank customer.

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In our first episode for 2015, Joel, Kathy and Mark talk with Dr Neil Thomas from Swinburne University about S.M.A.R.T – an online trial technological research program providing personal recovery-focused resources, exercises and tools for Self Management And Recovery from serious mental illness.

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Bienvenidos a escuchar y compartir nuestro programa, esperamos lo disfruten y sea de su interes para que sigan escuchando los futuros podcasts. Muchas gracias por su apoyo, un abrazo gigante.

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The Victorian AIDS Council / Gay Mens’ Health Centre has its roots in gay rights activism of the 1970s, and throughout its 30 year history activism has defined the organisation. From facing the stigma of an unknown disease amidst a largely homophobic society, to promoting safe sex and health awareness campaigns, this is a dynamic history. Historians Katherine Sheedy and Lucy Bracey share that history with us.

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Valerie interviewed Otis Elston, director of Wind in the Willows (now in its 28th year) for the Australian Shakespeare Company in the Royal Botanic Gardens.

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On the 16th of December a Hazara man called Gullistan was forcibly removed from Maribyrnong Detention Centre to be deported back to Afghanistan. We hear from Chris Breen of the Refugee Action Collective at the gates of Maribyrnong just minutes after Gullistan was taken away in a unmarked white van. We also hear from Robin Rothfield, national co-convenor of Labor for Refugees, for a round-up of the current situation and the role for organised labour and parliamentary Labor in fighting for justice for refugees.
Stick Together is produced on Wurundjeri land, in the studios of 3CR Community Radio in Melbourne and broadcast nationally via the Community Radio Network.

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Sue Smith, Self Advocacy Resource Unit (SARU) Coordinator live session from the Strengthening Disability Advocacy Conference 2014 with Change with No Change: ideas for making change happen when you have little or no money.

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Guest: Dr Sam Bowker- Lecturer Islamic Arts History at Charles Stuart University. Topic: Khayamiya Project (The Art of tentmaking in Egypt).

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Shane and Anne from HAAG bring you older persons’ housing activist news with a focus this month on pets – why they’re important, and what are your rights.

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Special presentation “Australian all Harari’s a fundraising event get together”. For your thoughts and feedback please email us on

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The September edition of Small Talk saw the team continue to explore issues around mental health. They also discussed the upcoming Short Statured People of Australia convention, what conventions mean to them and what they get out of the 1 week out of 52 where Short Statured People are the majority.

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This weeks program is about the history of Kurds and Yazidis.
and the involvement of the US in the Middle East.

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Food Not Bombs Edition. The government pours money into war memorial celebrations and new tasers for police – what does this mean? Today we will be talking generally about Militarisation, Anzac day, Cops, PSO’s and other great stuff the world throws at us…dig in!

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This week on Melbourne Chautari Rupesh interviews one of Nepal’s great national cricket players, Shakti Gauchan, about his performance in the 20 – 20 World Cup.

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Girt by Sea is a program that covers political issues in the South East Asian region; In this week’s program we discuss the plight of the people who were affected by Haiyan in the Philippines and later we cover the ongoing issue of the Trans Pacific Partnership.

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Un programa con noticias información y comentarios, esperamos lo disfruten, hasta la próxima semana, muchas gracias, felicidades!

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Sumaia and Janielle chat with journalism student Alcyone Alphonse about the lack of representation of women of colour in the mainstream media!

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On tonight’s show Jonathan discusses glyphosate increase, Monsanto investment worries and what the coalition could do to our rights to protest.

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I speak with Sarah Williams from Multicultural Arts Victoria about the Rights at the Round Table forums!

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This month we hear highlights from Melbourne’s May Day rally, chat to the guys at Ceva in Melbourne’s north and hit the road for Victoria’s regional delegates training.

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Valerie interviewed former Attorney General Rob Hulls about his new job as Adjunct Professor at RMIT. Sue interviewed Hans Hols Associate Professor at Sydney University about concerns around the new DSM5 and Sharon Malcolms, a podiatrist from NYCH, on the foot problems resulting from stilletto heels. Finally Valerie Farfalla and Sue Leigh said goodbye to Wednesday Hometime but can now be heard on Monday Breakfast at 7am.

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To mark 20 years since the High Court’s decision to grant native title to Eddie Mabo and the people of the Murray Islands, we speak with Dr Bryan Keon-Cohen QC. Dr Keon-Cohen appeared in the High Court for Mabo, as well as being counsel in the Wik case. He reflects on 20 years of native title, and speaks about the significance and preparation for the famous case.

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