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Tiziano Ferro - Incanto
Tiziano Ferro - Senza Scappare Mai Più (Lyric video)
Tiziano Ferro - La differenza tra me e te
Tiziano Ferro - Il Regalo Più Grande
Tiziano Ferro - Senza Scappare Mai Più
Tiziano Ferro - La fine
Assistir Corações de Ferro – Dublado Online no Filmes Online Grátis
Tiziano Ferro - Non Me Lo So Spiegare
Tiziano Ferro - Tardes Negras
Tiziano Ferro - Sere Nere
Tiziano Ferro - No Escaparé Nunca Más
Tiziano Ferro - Alucinado
Farm de ferro / Iron Golem - Minecraft Em busca da casa automática #57.
Tiziano Ferro - Encanto ft. Pablo Lopez
Acquista #TZNTHEBESTOFTIZIANOFERRO iTunes Amazon GooglePlay ASpotify Casa di produzione: Run Multimedia Regia: Gaetano Morbioli D.o.p: Gaetano Morbioli Direttore di produzione: Federica Filippini Produzione: Carlotta Deconti Aiuto regia: Peter Facchetti Trucco&Parrucco;: Elena Marchesi Assistente tecnico: Guglielmo Magagna Effetti speciali: Luca Fachin Operatore Backstage: Lorenzon Vos Riccardo Fotografo Backstage: Andrea Tortelli Editing: Gaetano Morbioli Motion graphic design: Mauro Pittarello Colorist: Gaetano Morbioli Location: Kaneepa Studio Bulgari Hotel Milano Pub Ittolittos Biancolatte Si ringrazia SEA per le nuove aree dell’aeroporto di Milano Malpensa
Director: Gaetano Morbioli Production: Run Multimedia Motion graphic design: Mauro Pittarello Tag tiziano ferro senza scappare mai più Details of publishing split for US /Canada: We are wainting for publisher contact Lyric video by Tiziano Ferro performing Senza Scappare Mai Più. (C) 2014 Universal Music B.V., The Netherlands
"La differenza tra me e te" è il primo singolo tratto dal nuovo album di TIZIANO FERRO "L'amore è una cosa semplice", in uscita a fine novembre. "La differen...
Music video by Tiziano Ferro performing Il Regalo Più Grande.
Acquista #SENZASCAPPAREMAIPIU qui iTunes: Amazon: Google Play: Ascolta su Spotify: Director: Gaetano Morbioli Production: Run Multimedia Producer: Federica Filippini Assistant Director : Peter Facchetti Music video by Tiziano Ferro performing Senza Scappare Mai Più. (C) 2014 Universal Music B.V., The Netherlands
Il nuovo video di Tiziano Ferro tratto da "L'amore è una cosa semplice", l'album più venduto del 2012. Da un soggetto di Tiziano Ferro - Regia di Gaetano Mor...
No Filme Online Corações de Ferro, durante o final da Segunda Guerra Mundial, um grupo de cinco soldados americanos é encarregado de atacar os nazistas dentro da própria Alemanha. Apesar de estarem em quantidade inferior e terem poucas armas, eles são liderados pelo enfurecido Wardaddy (Brad Pitt), sargento que pretende levá-los à vitória, enquanto ensina o novato Norman (Logan Lerman) a lutar.
Music video by Tiziano Ferro performing Non Me Lo So Spiegare.
Music video by Tiziano Ferro performing Tardes Negras.
Music video by Tiziano Ferro performing Sere Nere.
Music video by Tiziano Ferro performing No Escaparé Nunca Más. (C) 2014 Universal Music B.V., The Netherlands
Music video by Tiziano Ferro performing Alucinado.
+ Episódios:;=PLD40851E0E52E9080 Canal do Davi: Twitter Napoleon: Wiki: Twitter:!/viniccius13 Facebook: Email(contato profissional): Configurações do meu pc: - Gigabyte Z77M-D3H; - Intel Core i7-3770K 3.5 GHz; - 8GB RAM DDR3 SNIPER 1600MHz; - GTX 660 TI 2048MB GDDR5 192BITS; - 1TB HD; - Fonte Aerocool Strike X 500W 80 Plus; - Placa de audio Xonar DG5.1; - Gabinete Cooler Master HAF 912 Plus; - Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bits. Viniccius13
El próximo 3 de marzo se edita en España "TZN - The Best of Tiziano Ferro", un maravilloso recopilatorio que puedes reservar a partir de hoy en iTunes y conseguir al momento el tema #Encanto con Pablo López Casa di produzione: Run Multimedia Regia: Gaetano Morbioli D.o.p: Gaetano Morbioli Direttore di produzione: Federica Filippini Produzione: Carlotta Deconti Aiuto regia: Peter Facchetti Trucco&Parrucco;: Elena Marchesi Assistente tecnico: Guglielmo Magagna Effetti speciali: Luca Fachin Operatore Backstage: Lorenzon Vos Riccardo Fotografo Backstage: Andrea Tortelli Editing: Gaetano Morbioli Motion graphic design: Mauro Pittarello Colorist: Gaetano Morbioli Location: Kaneepa Studio Bulgari Hotel Milano Pub Ittolittos Biancolatte Si ringrazia SEA per le nuove aree dell’aeroporto di Milano Malpensa
Music video by Tiziano Ferro performing No Me Lo Puedo Explicar.
Acquista "TZN - The Best of Tiziano Ferro" su iTunes da questo link: Questo è un mio lyric video amatoriale, con testo, per il brano di Tiziano Ferro "Incanto", inedito incluso nella raccolta "TZN - The Best of Tiziano Ferro". Spero sia di vostro gradimento. Buona visione. (: Visitate il mio sito web: TESTO: Come quando io ti ho visto per la prima volta Tra milioni di occhi la vita si nascose Come fissare il sole in una notte Far sparire tutti gli altri in un secondo come niente Dopo un lungo inverno accettammo l’amore Che meritiamo di pensare o pensiamo di meritare Per questo a volte ci facciamo così male Desidero sapere dove va a finire il sole Se il freddo delle parole gela lo stupore Se non ti so scaldare né curare dal rumore Ho soltanto una vita e la vorrei dividere Con te che anche nel difetto e nell’imperfezione Sei soltanto… incanto, incanto. Istantanee di secondi lunghi quanto un anno bisestile Quando posi la tua testa su di me Il dolore tace… incanto, incanto. Semplicemente incanto. E se sono insicurezze, entusiasmi e poi silenzi Il mestiere dell’amore al tramonto nei tuoi occhi Il coraggio in una frase che fa paura Il rancore delle storie maturato nel silenzio Il sorriso che sconvolge mesi di tormenti La bellezza che stringo, io geloso del tuo cuore Che proteggerò dal male Desidero sapere dove va a finire il sole Se il freddo delle parole gela lo stupore Se non ti so scaldare né curare dal rumore Ho soltanto una vita e la vorrei rivivere così Incanto... è un incanto. Istantanee di secondi lunghi quanto un anno bisestile Quando posi la tua testa su di me Il dolore tace... incanto, incanto. Semplicemente incanto. Il sorriso dei giganti sulla tua bocca sta in un angolo Ed è puro... incanto Intanto scatto. Istantanee di secondi lunghi quanto un anno bisestile Quando posi la tua testa su di me Il dolore tace... incanto, incanto. Semplicemente incanto. * Alcuni video usati come sfondo sono stati trovati su internet e sono stati modificati e adattati in base al contesto. Altre parti del lyric video sono state realizzate da me. Tutti i diritti appartengono ai rispettivi proprietari. No copyright infringement intended. *
Music video by Tiziano Ferro performing Perdono.
per chi come me sognava un duetto tra questi due :) Ci tengo a dire che questo duetto l'ho creato io, ci sono altre persone che hanno caricato il mio stesso video o canzone, se non ci credere vedete l'orario di pubblicazione del video.
Homem de ferro entregando pizza, sim, isso mesmo. A entrega é feita em segundos, rápida e prática! Obrigado por assistir. - Tutorial Iron Man IV 2.0: http://...
Ultimo concierto de Ska-p en la Argentina... El vídeo lo subí con el doble de calidad, pero youtube lo subió solo así...Si quieren que lo suba en alta calidad comenten (Va a tardar mucho) y lo subo sin problemas! Saludos!! Full Gas 0:00 La Estampida 4:20 Niño soldado 8:00 Crimen Sollicitattionis 12:17 Abolición 19:20 Vergüenza 21:46 Cannabis 26:45 E.T.T.S 34:55 Se acabó 40:20 Solamente por Pensar 46:20 Thunderstruck (Fragmento mientras Pulpul se va a Mear xD) 51:00 Derecho de Admisión 53:07 Ska-pa 59:46 Mis Colegas 01:04:50 Romero el Madero 01:10:36 Intifada 01:14:20 El Libertador 01:20:20 Discurso Mapuche (1er marcha de mujeres originarias Por el buen vivir) 01:25:50 Mestizaje 01:33:15 Vals del Obrero 01:38:00 El Hombre Resaka Baila SKA! 01:46:35 A la Mierda 01:50:09 Casposos 01:55:26 Gato Lopez 02:02:07 InsisTimOoOoOoS 02:06:25 SKAAAAAAA!! Todos los derechos y contenido de este vídeo pertenecen a Vorterix. Gracias Vorterix!!
Canto clássico do Trinca Ferro (Saltator Similis) para treinamento de filhotes. Gostou do video? LIKE/FAVORITOS já ajuda muito trinca ferro cantando, femea de trinca ferro, marcheado de femea trinca ferro, trinca ferro galando, filhotes de trinca ferro, campeão torneio, melhor do brasil, cantos por minuto, treinamento de filhotes, trinca ferro imperador, boiadeiro, esquentando trinca ferro, como esquentar meu trinca ferro, cantando na mão, saindo da muda, marcheado trinca ferro, ensinar filhotes, no ninho.
PAG DO FACE : INSTAGRAM:@JaxAesthetcsCrew Suplementos alimentares e na, ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ Loja de regatas para treino,só produto top: ███████████████████████████████ ██████LEIA A DESCRIÇÃO A BAIXO.█████ ███████████████████████████████ DOWNLOAD: Letra: Jax – Boneca de ferro! Coração acelerado,brilho no cabelo Ali fazendo pose,em frente ao espelho Ela olha atentamente,cada traço do seu corpo Ela traça firmemente,o caminho para o topo Focada no futuro muita gente não entende Não troca essa vida,por balada com demente ..Rotina repetida todo dia com amor Esculpindo outro sonho,rodeada de rancor Um pouco solitária,foi a sua opção Homens dão em cima,mas nenhum chama atenção Curtidas no facebook,não a deixam animada Seus Ganhos são alegria,o motivo da risada Na hora de comer,parece uma leoa Sem medo da maré,rema forte na canoa Delicada como flor,mas ate certo limite Dentro da academia,vai entrando sem convite Treino de mutante,frieza no olhar A beleza se mistura,com seu jeito de treinar sem frescura sem moleza,agacha e levanta ..frango admira,e as franga se espanta toda borboleta que sofreu a mutação no passado era zuada,sem ninguem na solidão na escola apelido,no recreio a zuada ninguem admirava,nunca foi a namorada em meio a escuridão,uma luz iluminou foi na academia,que alguém se superou vai calar a sua boca,vai ouvir gente falar ..olha so que linda...ate na hora de treinar olhares diferentes,agora ta mudada corpo escultural...pernas torneadas um demônio do passado,um anjo no presente boneca de ferro,evitava muita gente meio anti-social,mas não era por maldade preferia ta sozinha,evitando a falsidade na praia se destaca,e seu queixo vai no chão ao longe vejo ela,quando ta na multidão aprendeu a cozinhar,ela faz sua dieta ela treina duro,na rotina de atleta mutante vai pro leg,firme na postura a grandeza vem de dentro,e nao é da sua altura foco,treino,dieta..mulher aquela que “c” critica,e a mesma que tu quer vadias na balada,bebendo ate cair e ela já na cama,preparada pra dormir sempre foi criticada,pelo jeito de viver e fácil apontar,difícil compreender boneca de ferro,projeto de sua vida shape de dar inveja,e um olhar que intimida!!! BONECA DE FERRO!!! Todos os direitos reservados : Jackson Rodrigues da Silva
Music video by Tiziano Ferro performing Indietro.
The Vice-minister of Political affairs of the Minister of Interior, Carlos Ferro was at the delivery ...
noodls 2015-04-14Bloomberg’s Jonathan Ferro reports on "Bloomberg Surveillance." (Source: Bloomberg).
Bloomberg 2015-04-14Guarda Tiziano Ferro invita il Papa: "è dalla mia stessa parte" di Funweek gratis in HD su MUZU, ...
MUZU.TV 2015-04-14A Scoping Study on a ferro manganese plant in Togo has also been concluded and shows a lowest ...
noodls 2015-04-14A Scoping Study on a ferro manganese plant in Togo has also been concluded and shows a lowest ...
noodls 2015-04-14A Scoping Study on a ferro manganese plant in Togo has also been concluded and shows a lowest ...
noodls 2015-04-14FERRO (Resolution No ... of the company FERRO S ... series E bearer ordinary shares of the company FERRO S.
noodls 2015-04-13... and relevance recently presented in the City of Doral," said Miguel Ferro, director of the project.
The Miami Herald 2015-04-13Ferro-Alloy Castings & Non-Ferrous Metal Castings I-4 ... Ferro-Alloy Castings by Geographic Region - US, , ,.
PR Newswire 2015-04-13... dioxide and ferro alloys as well as generation of electricity through wind turbine generators.
noodls 2015-04-13Niobium is mainly used in the form of Ferro-Niobium to produce HSLA (High Strength, Low Alloy) ...
noodls 2015-04-13Niobium is mainly used in the form of Ferro-Niobium to produce HSLA (High Strength, Low Alloy) ...
Stockhouse 2015-04-13Ferro may refer to:
Tiziano Ferro (born February 21, 1980 in Latina) is an Italian pop singer. He achieved fame in 2001 and during his career he has also sung in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese.
Ferro's interest in music was born when he received a toy keyboard as a present, which was used to compose his first songs when he was seven. He later started taking guitar and piano classes at a local conservatory of music. When he was 16 years-old, he joined a gospel choir and during the same years, he started performing in piano bars and karaoke contests.
In 1997, Ferro participated in the "Accademia della Canzone di Sanremo", a music contest created with the purpose to choose the contestants of the Sanremo Music Festival, but was eliminated during the first stage of the competition. The following year, Ferro participated again in the same contest, and despite being chosen as one of the 12 finalists, he did not make it to win the competition. However, during the selections, Ferro met music producers Alberto Salerno and Mara Maionchi, and started to collaborate with them.
Sitting in a graveyard
Waiting for the dawn
Leaning on my tombstone
Till the night is gone
Oh how the moon
Hangs in black sky
Wish i could find out
The reason why
I sit here alone
And cry
My woman was so lovely
Together we were one
No sunshine in my weary eyes
Now that she has gone
Oh how the moon
Hangs in black sky
Wish I could find out
The reason why
I sit here alone
And cry
Palm trees whisper to me
From your spreading height
Tell me all the loney stories
Of the world at night
Oh how the moon
Hangs in black sky
Wish I could find out
The reason why
I sit here alone
Every single day, I got a heartache comin' my way
I don’t wanna say goodbye
Baby but look at the tears in my eye
I don’t wanna say goodbye
Mama but look at the way you made me cry
Every way that’s nice
You show you've got a heart that’s made of ice
and I know
Fire and water must have made you their daughter
You've got what it takes, to make a poor man’s heart break
A poor mans heart break
Baby you turn me on
But as quick as a flash your love is gone
Baby I’m gonna leave you now
But I’m gonna try to make you grieve somehow
Fire and water must have made you their daughter
You've got what it takes to make a poor man’s heart break
A poor man’s heart break
And my heart is breakin' too
(ahh yeah)
I don’t wanna say goodbye baby
But look at the tears you made me cry
Every way that’s nice
You show you’ve got a heart that’s made of ice
And I know
Fire and water must have made you their daughter
You've got what it takes to make a poor mans heart break
Fire, fire and water must have made you their daughter
Baby you’ve got what it takes to make a poor man’s heart break
Heart break
Baby and my heart is breakin’
ohh my heart is breakin’
[Intro: Tweet]Ooh
Shook up, Shook up, Shook Up
Listen, it's something like dynamite
[Verse 1: Tweet]This morning
(I Cried)
Had a good feeling
Exceptional emotion
(That's why)
I gave him my devotion
He turns the lights off and loves my body
Natural feelin', I can't describe it
What a relationship, so contagious
He gives me all I want, that's why I'm faded
Shook Up
[Hook: Tweet]How can I make it through the day?
In love with you
How am I supposed to do everything?
When I'm shook up, shook up, shook up
How can I make it through the day?
In love with you
How am I supposed to do everything?
Everything, you are my everything
[Verse 2: Tweet]Can't fight the feelin'
Lovin' what I'm seein'
(Your mine)
The way your touchin' my body, babe
(Feels right)
Don't stop makin' me fantasize
He turns the lights off and loves my body
Natural feeling, I can't describe it
What a relationship, so contagious
He gives me all I want, that's why I'm faded
Shook Up
[Hook: Tweet]How can I make it through the day?
In love with you
How am I supposed to do everything?
When I'm shook up, shook up, shook up
How can I make it through the day?
In love with you
How am I supposed to do everything?
Everything, you are my everything
[Rap: Free]Keep a G on stash
No, I don't mean cash
Let him know you gotta be so bad
Maintain ya protein like amino ac
Make ya boat fiend, show em' it's yo scene
Sex like heron, clothes is mo' fiend
Fa sure he approachin' the jokes that most dream
You ain't gotta do everything
You could keep him in pocket, have him goin' through change
He say he won't well be patient, he frontin'
(... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)
Nice and stuntin' and thumpin', ya boy moanin' and gruntin',
And all the while ya laughin' now he say he won't
Turn the tables, keep em' spinnin' like spree's, please
Keep em' tamed, complain' you won't change
Emotionally, coast is me,
I'm a G.M., playa, no coachin' me
[Hook: Tweet]How can I make it through the day?
In love with you
How am I supposed to do everything?
When I'm shook up, shook up, shook up
How can I make it through the day?
In love with you
How am I supposed to do everything?
Everything, you are my everything
Sunday morning I rise
And I stand to face a new dawn
Sunday morning a new day is born
Such a long way to go
And so little time to get there
Such a long way to go
But I want you to remember
All the love we used to know
Think of me sometimes
My love.
Morning morning, sad day
Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Morning morning, sad day
Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
In the evening I sit
And my thoughts they turn to you
In the evening I think of my home
And I need you to remember
All the love we used to know
Think of me sometimes
My love
Morning morning, sad day
Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Morning morning, sad day
Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
I met her, just a barroom queen in Memphis
She tried to make me upstairs for a ride
She had to carry me right across her shoulder
'Cause I just can't seem to drink her off of my mind
She's a honky tonk woman
Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme
Gimme, gimme the honky tonk girl.
I met her either say in New York City
I had to put up a one heck of a fight
The lady said she'd covered me with roses
She broke my nose and then she broke my mind.
She's a honky tonk woman
Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme
Gimme, gimme the honky tonk girl.
--- Instrumental ---
She's a honky tonk woman
Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme
Gimme, gimme the honky tonk girl.
She's a honky tonk woman
Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme
Gimme, gimme the honky tonk girl.
She's a honky tonk woman
Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme
Morning comes
And the evening follows
Life without you
Knows no tomorrow
You leave me weary
And you leave me tired
But you fill my soul
With strange desire
But I love you babe
Yes I love all of you
Ah! Ah! Ah!
Ah! Ah! Ah! Yeah.
Why don't you feel me
I'll watch your eyes
Gaze into space
Oh! let the sign of love
Go not on your face
You drain my strength
And you run me down got me crawlin'
Crawlin' on the ground
Oh but I love you babe
Oh yeah I love love love you babe
Ah! Ah! Ah!
Ah! Ah! Ah! Yeah.
I'm a soldier boy
standing on the battlefield
and I hear the bugle call
calling me to my destiny
all around me is people falling down.
I'm a soldier boy
standing on the battlefield
Oh! The sky is red overhead
burns my eyes like a fireball
all around me is people falling down.
I'm a soldier boy
standing on the battlefield.
Oh I Wept
For days
Filled my eyes
With silly tears
But I don't
Care no more
I don't care if
My eyes get sore.
I take my seat on the train
And let the sun come melt my pain
Come tomorrow I'll be far away
In the sunshine of another day.
A worried mind
Makes so hard to bear
Hard to live
And hard to care.
But I don't
Care no more
I don't care if
My eyes get sore.
Now I've left
It all behind
I did not care
To be so unkind.
I did not...
But the street
Is warm and bright
Far away
Young woman confused
Young woman abused
You must understand
It's never too late to, lose who you are
And choose who you are supposed to be
Supposed to become
You've been in and out
Up and down, back and forth
Backwards around
Not a friend, not a mother, not a father
Just God and you should make a choice
What you ought to do
What matters most
Who you are to you
Opinions of the old and young
Shouldn't matter to you
Take advice think it over twice
Make a choice that helps you sleep at night
It's decent, but recently
Things have shown us
We have done the wrong things often
Never suicide, that's the easy route
There's always another way out
Think about it (think about it)
Chorus (2x)
You can give up
Or you can get up
Just don't let what you need pass by
Spread your wings to the sky
Let you soul fall in love
You can fly
Verse 2:
Now see if you went through life with your eyes closed
You never would'a known there was a high road
Let people get the best of you and get mad at them
Instead of bein' mad at yourself
You're only number one in your life
And you will decide if it goes right
Every time you digress
Defeat your progress
Feed you knowledge, but you must digest
The controversy yo can get personal
They don't understand till the role reversal
Seekin' fame, play their games
Gave a whole lot for a whole little gain
Push comes to shove
Do you push or shove?
When the choice is yours
Do you leave or you love?
All the tears you cried, you're dyin' inside
When will you decide to survive
Chorus (2x)
You can give up
Or you can get up
Just don't let what you need pass by
Spread your wings to the sky
Let your soul fall in love
You can fly
(4 x)
You can give up
Or you can get up
Just don't let what you need pass by
Spread your wings to the sky
Let you soul fall in love
I work hard everyday
Come rain or shine
And I don't need no one
To tell me 'bout a girl of mine
She's got so much love
And she saves it all for me
I would not be lying
That's the way it's got to be
So Mr. Big
You'd better watch out
When only you hang around me
Oh for you now
I will dig
A great big hole in the ground.
I don't care who you are
So don't explain
Just get out of here
And don't come back again
I don't want a thing from you
I don't want to give you nothing too
Get out of here
Before I lose my cool.
Mr. Big
Oh watch out
Baby and don't you hang around me
Oh for you now
I will dig
A great big hole in the ground.
So Mr. Big
You'd better watch out
When only you hang around me
Oh for you now
I will dig
With your light you shine the message
The loveletter from space
And it says I love you
And with my light I shine the message
The loveletter from space
And it says I love too
Dam la da da di da di
Dam la da da di da di
Dam la da da di da di dam
La la la la di
Dam la da da di da di
Dam la da da di da di
Dam la da da di da di dam
Aw yeah.. 8x
You're sitting on the moon a million miles from here
It seems so far but in my heart I know you're near
And when I'm all alone I'm wishing you were here
And so I call your name, so I call your name
So I call your name
With your light you shine the message
The loveletter from space.
And it says I love you
And with my light I shine the message
The loveletter from space.
And it says I love you too
Dam la da da di da di
Dam la da da di da di
Dam la da da di da di dam
La la la la di
Dam la da da di da di
Dam la da da di da di
Dam la da da di da di dam
Aw yeah.. 8x
I'm sitting here alone a million miles from you
If I had a rocket I would fly up to the moon
And everyday I hope you'll come back to me soon
And so I call your name, yeah I call your name
So I call your name
With your light you shine the message
The loveletter from space
And it says I love you
And with my light I shine the message
The loveletter from space
And it says I love you too
Dam la da da di da di
Dam la da da di da di
Dam la da da di da di dam
La la la la di
Dam la da da di da di
Dam la da da di da di
Dam la da da di da di dam
Aw yeah.. 8x
Shine your light
Shine your love
Shine your light
With your love
Shine on me
With your light you shine the message
The loveletter from space
And it says I love you
And with my light I shine the message
The loveletter from space
And it says I love you too
Dam la da da di da di
Dam la da da di da di
Dam la da da di da di dam
La la la la di
Dam la da da di da di
Dam la da da di da di
Dam la da da di da di dam
Dam la da da di da di
Dam la da da di da di
Dam la da da di da di dam
La la la la di
Dam la da da di da di
Dam la da da di da di
If you are tryin' to screw me baby
Take my advice
Opportunity baby, never knocks twice
If you are tryin' to fool me baby
Don't play around
'cos when I get to you baby
I wont make no sound
'cos I'll be creepin'
I'll be creepin' baby
I'll hold you in my arms
Like nobody else
And when I know we're apart
I wont take no less.
Take all you things and move far away
Take all your furs and rings baby
But don't you sing hurray
You can change your address
But you wont get far
Don't make no difference wherever you are
Yeah 'cos I'll be creepin' baby
And I'll be creeping 'round your door
I'll hold you in my arms, like nobody else
And when I know we are apart, I wont take no less
I'll hold you in my arms, like nobody else
And when I know we are apart, I wont take no less
Take all you things and move far away
Take all your diamond rings now baby
But don't you sing hurray
You can change your address
But you wont get far
Don't make no difference baby wherever you are
Well my maker
must 've been a hard heartbreaker
I said my maker
must 've been a hard heartbreaker
I'll tell you why
I'm breaking my own heart
tryin' love a faker
Like a blind man
my little house is on fire
just like a blind man
my little house is on fire
I'm burning my own eyes out
tryin' reach the door
Well the sun is shining
but it sure don't seem to reach my heart
well the sun is shining
but it sure don't seem to reach my heart
I'm wasting my whole life
tryin' make a new start
Make a new start
make a new start
make a new start
Help me to repair
Things I have done wrong
Help me to find a way
To get where I belong
All you can say
When you're feeling this way
Is that somebody needs you
And wants you to stay
And all you can do
When your something is through
Is take all your time
Don't let it get you blue
Help me to repair
Things I have done wrong
Help me to find a way
To get where I belong
There' too many people
In this whole emptiness
Trying to find
A little happiness I hope
Too many people
Just hiding their face
And I'm hiding my face
In this lonely lonely place
Help me to repair
Things I have done wrong
Help me to find a way
To get where I belong
If you need any help baby
To maybe open your mind
Just give me a call
And I'll be right there on time
Just give me one reason
To stand in your light
And I would stand in your light
Till my night is right
Help me to repair
Things I have done wrong
Help me to find a way
To get where I belong
Oh! To get where I belong
Gonna get where I belong
Watch my hand
Writing this last letter
Watch my hand
Knowing I won't forget her
No I won't forget her
Take my things
Every thing is over
All my things
Leave behind my love
Leave behind my love
La la la
La la la
La la la
Now lighing a cigarette
Now knowing I will regret
The way our love had to end
In her room
Standing alone
All alone
Soon I will be gone
Soon I will
Soon I will
Soon I will be gone
Soon I will
Soon I will
It's like a soft caressing sea
Or making love in harmony
Or the centre of a starry galaxy
It's like the richness that's inside
The one I'm trying to describe
Or the living water stretching far and wide
Searching for a shadow in the morning sun
Playing with your woman when there's work to be done
People, won't you listen when I tell the truth
I give her all my sugar, she's got such a sweet tooth yeah yeah
It's like a sound that rests my soul
Or like a part that's now a whole
Or as something that is burning bright as gold
I want her near me everyday
Then I want to hear her say
There is somthing here between us as we lay
Searching for a shadow in the morning sun
Playing with your woman when there's work to be done
People, won't you listen when I tell the truth
Baby won't you tell me
What you're tryin' to do
You don't mean to say
That our love is through
Because I love you
Yes I do
And I've go to see it through
I lives on the moutain
A hundred mile from town
That's a long way to go
Baby now
But soon I'm gonna be around
Because I love you
Yes I do
And I've got to see it through
Baby now
I'm gonna steal you baby away with me
I want to love you
Because you see
I am riding on a pony
In the middle of the night
I'm gonna be there in the morning
And I hope that it's all right
Sometimes when I am loney
I think about your face, baby
So I get on my pony
And I ride over your place
Because I love you
Yes I do
And I've go to see it through
I wanna take you, far away
I wanna love you, no matter what you say
Because I am riding on a pony
In the middle of the night
I'm gonna be there in the morning
And I hope that it's all right.
I am riding on a pony
In the middle of the night
I'm gonna be there in the morning
And I hope that it's all right.
I am riding on a pony
In the middle of the night
I'm gonna be there in the morning
She talks to me of wisdom
We walk beside the sun
Rainy night and rainy day
Might as well keep away
I've got trouble on the run
Weariness has left my friend
My head goes round
And round again
On my way and I might be late
I don't worry
Every thing can wait
She talks to me of feelin'
Feelin' good
And feelin' better
Once upon a time I thought
I could love around and not get caught
But then I'd never met her
Weariness, weariness has left my friend
Head goes 'round
And 'round again
I'm on my way
Oooh, And I might be late
I don't worry every thing can wait
Do you mean
What you say ? Do You mean
When You say you'll be mine ?
I want you to be mine
All mine
Weariness has left my friend
Head goes 'round
And 'round again
On my way and I know I may be late
I don't worry
Every thing can wait
Every thing can wait
Everything Cruel can wait
She was a wild Indian woman and she drove me wild
She was a wild Indian woman till she had my child
You don't need your horses baby, you got me to ride
You don't need your feathers, I'll keep you warm inside
She's got dark brown eyes and long long black hair
She's got a peaceful side but I just don't know where
She used to sleep on the prairie with the stars above
She used to hunt in the woods till I caught her love
You don't need your horses baby, you got me to ride
You don't need your feathers, I'll keep you warm inside
She's got dark brown eyes and long long black hair
Throw down your hat, kick off your shoes
I know you ain't goin' anywhere
Run 'round the town singin' your blues
I know you ain't goin' anywhere.
You've always been a good friend of mine,
But you're always sayin' "Farewell"
And the only time that you're satisfied
Is with your feet in the wishing well.
Throw down your gun, you might shoot yourself...
Or is that what you're tryin' to do?
Put up a fight you believe to be right
And someday the sun will shine through.
You've always got something to hide
Something you just can't tell
And the only time that you're satisfied
Is with your feet in the wishing well.
And I know what you're wishing for
Time in a peaceful world
Time in a peaceful world
Time in a peaceful world
Time in a peaceful world
You've always been a good friend of mine,
But you're always sayin' "Farewell"
And the only time that you're satisfied
If you see me flyin', all across the sky
There I go, I'm a flyin' high
Six white horses, a chariot made of gold
Seven lovely angels abide my soul
I've got the moon on my right, the sun on my left
The world is behind me, only one way to go
That's straight ahead
That's where I'm going now
Well, I've just stepped out, out of my grave
There I go, I ain't no slave
In my right hand is the sword of truth
In my left hand is the fire of love
I call to the land, I call to the sea
I call to the sky
Lord have mercy
Won't you hear me?
As I look behind me, what do I see
A pair of golden wings
That seemed to be attached to me
Wings on my back, wings on my back
I've got to fly away, I've got to fly away
You know I just can't wait till tomorrow
I've got to fly my way
I've got to fly away, I've got to fly away
I was born on the muddy water
I didn't know right from wrong
My mom she said look here son
I'll show you how it's done
Take you a woman and treat her right
She'll be by your side night and day
The first time you deceive her
You've broken her spell
Then I had bad luck
Like a fool I fell where I stood
I was walking in the rain with my shoes untied
Tryin' to find a dry place to hide
To hide.
But I'd rather sleep that say a word
I don't believe a word that's heard
The first time I deceived you
I held it inside
Take you a woman and treat her right
She'll be by your side night and day
The first time you deceive her
You've broken her spell
Then I had bad luck
I held it inside
Like a fool I smiled on my pride
I was walking in the rain with my shoes untied
Tryin' to find a dry place to hide
To hide.
I was walking in the rain with my shoes untied
Tryin' to find a dry place to hide
To hide.
I'm layin' in the sunshine
Just outside my door
Dreamin' of the work I should do
Just layin' on the floor
Fences need repairing
And money to be earned
But I'd rather sit right here
And think about the world
So let me lie in the sun
Let me dream all alone
Let my worries fly away
I am happy here so let me stay
If you could only feel the same
Your world would be a peaceful place
So let us lie in the sun
Let us dream all alone
Let our worries fly away
So happy here
So let me stay
If you could only feel the same
Lover, lover on the line.
Call me, call me anytime
Tell me what I like to hear
Make me feel like you are near
On the phone you make me sweat
You make my body oh so wet
Tell me what is on your mind
'Cause you're my lover on the line
Lover on the line.
You want see me but you're blind
Try to touch me, touch me with your mind
Love me on the line.
For this unit you are mine
I'm your lover, lover on the line
If you tell me all your dreams
I'll satisfy your needs (Talk to me, just talk to me)
If you keep on holding the line
I'll tell you all my dreams (Talk to me, just talk to me)
I can see you in my mind
I can hear you bump and grind
Girl I like the way you moan
When you're on your telephone
Don't be afraid now, don't be shy
You can feel me if you try.
I can have you anytime
'Cause you're my lover on the line
With the satellites and through the space
I talk to you, a voice without a face
With the satellites and through the space
I'm the ............. you love and you embrace
- Hello... Hello.... Talk to me... You're me lover on the line
With the satellites and through the space
And by the way before you go
I'd like to say
I love you so
If it's goodbye maybe for good
I will not cry
Maybe I should
And I
I love you so
Oh how this year has slipped away
We she'd no tears
So why today
And all this time has made me feel
Love is no crime
And love is real
And I
Ooh! and I love you so
And I ooh I love you so
Remember me when you're far away
I'll remember you
No matter where I stay
And by the way before you go
I like to say
I love you so
And all this time has made me feel
Love is no crime and love is real
Maybe I should
And I
I ooh I love you
I ooh I love you so
Ooh I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you and I love you baby
More then words can say
I know you can't stay
I love you anyway
Baby I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you babe
I got to say
was born by the river, just like this river,
I've been moving ever since
Ain't got no body to call my own you know
I've been moving since the day I was born
Life is a game just made for fun, I don't need no body
No, I don't love no one
Yes, I'm a mover baby
Now get out of my way will ya?
Don't try to stop me now
Following the footpath one fine day,
When I asked a wise man which was the way,
He said "follow you heart and look for yourself,
And come back and tell me what you have learned".
Yes, I'm a mover.
Went back and told him I'd found me a wife,
Eleven children and a real good life,
Told him I'd left this happy home,
'cause I need to return to the long winding road
Just a young man
By an old road
By the route he choose.
An ancient song
In an old tongue
For this man was sung.
Oh I'm carrying a heavy load
Can't go no further down this long road
It's a heavy load...
By a bright stream
Came an old dream
Things are never what they always seem
And so he went on
Travelling on
Now he's a long way from home
Oh I'm carrying a heavy load
Can't go no further down this long road
It's a heavy load...
Oh I'm carrying a heavy load
Can't go no further down this long road
Oh I'm carrying a heavy load
Can't go no further down this long road
Oh I'm carrying a heavy load
Can't go no further down this long road
Oh I'm carrying a heavy load
Whoa, whoa, whoa, ow!
There she stood in the street
Smiling from her head to her feet
I said hey what is this
Now baby maybe, maybe she's in need of a kiss
I said a hey what's your name baby
Maybe we can see things the same.
Now don't you wait or hesitate
Let's move before they raise the parking rate, ow!
All right now, baby it's-a all right now
All right now, baby it's-a all right now, ooo...
Let me tell you now
I took her home to my place
Watchin' every move on her face
She said look what's your game baby
Are you trying to put me in shame
I said slow, don't go so fast
Don't you think that love could last
She said love, lord above
Now you're tryin' to trick me in love, ay!
All right now, baby it's-a all right now
All right now, baby it's-a all right now.
Yeah it's all right now, ooo
(guitar solo)
Oh yeah ow!
Let me tell you all about it now, ow!
Took her home (yeah) to my place
Watching every move on her face
She said look, ah, what's your game
Are you trying to put me in shame
Baby I said slow, slow don't go so fast
Don't you think that love can last
She said love, lord above
Now he's trying to trick me in love, ah
All right now, baby it's-a all right now, yeah
All right now, baby it's-a all right now
All right now
Baby it's a all right yeah
All right now
Baby, baby, baby it's all right
All right now, ha
It's all right, it's all right, it's all right
All right now
Baby it's a all right now
We're so happy together, ow!
It's all right, it's all right, it's all right
Everything's all right, yeh
Goodbye, I hope we meet again
Goodbye, is this how it's got to end?
But we've come to the end of our road together
Made a stand that's gonna last forever
Brother tell me, what you're gonna do?
Will you take the high road?
Will you take the low road?
Will you take the fast train out of town
To get back home?
Will you take the high road?
Will you take the low road?
Oh brother
You're out on your own
Goodbye, is this how it's got to be?
Call by we can rap over tea
We've come to the end of our road together
Made a stand that's gonna last forever
Brother won't you tell me, what you're gonna do?
Will you take the high road?
Will you take the low road?
Will you take the fast train out of town
To get back home?
Will you take the high road?
Will you take the low road?
Oh brother
Now that you're out on your own
We learned a lot from each other
That's how we came to be brothers
Brother won't you tell me what your problem is
Oh and don't waste your time on hate
Can be used in better ways
Remember the time and better days
Goodbye, I hope we meet again
But the good times will always remain
But we've come to the end of our road together
We made a stand that's gonna last forever
Brother tell me what you're gonna do
Will you take the high road?
Will you take the low road?
Will you take the fast train out of town
To get back home?
Will you take the high road?
Will you take the low road?
Oh you're out on your own
Now will you take the high road?
Or will you take the low road?
The fast train out of town
To get back home
Will you take the high road?
Will you take the low road?
Oh brother, you're out on your own
Out on your own, out on your own
Yes I've had my fun
If I don't get well no more
Yes I've had my fun, baby
If I don't get well no more
You see I have this pain in me
An I'm goin down slow
Won't somebody write my mother
Tell her the shape I'm in
Please write my mother
Tell her to pray for me
Tell her to forgive my sin
Tell her don't send no doctor
Yes a doctor can do me no good
Yes no doctor mama
Doctor can do me no good
But you see through all of my trials
I never did all the things I could
On the next train south
Baby you can look for my...
On the next train south
Mama, you can look for...
Yes now if you see my baby baby
Oh, sunny day
Melting away
Oh sunny day
Melting away
Some say she was good for no one
But I say
She was bad for every one
Help me now' cause I feel
I'm fallin'
Maybe somehow
You will hear me callin'
Baby you didn't take everything
If you want it
You know I would bring
All the love you left behind
When you said goodbye.
Oh sunny day
Melting away
Oh sunny day
Melting away
Inside she was really nothing
I was a fool and I gave her everything
Help me now
'Cause I feel I'm fallin'
Maybe somehow you will hear me callin'
Baby you didn't mean what you said
Things that you told me
Are still in my head
And though it's too late
I realise all you did was lie.
Oh sunny day
Melting away
Oh sunny day
Travellin' man goes anywhere
I don't stay nowhere long
Travellin' man don't turn your back
Before you know I'm gone
Don't ask me where have I been
Or if I'm staying long
'cos till I find a love that's real
I'm gonna keep on travelin' on
Travellin' man is what I am
I don't stay nowhere long
Travellin' man don't turn your back
Before you know I'm gone
Hey Baby, now jump aboard
And help me to sing this song
Don't worry 'bout the boys and me
Aint gonna do you no wrong
Travellin' man that's what I am
I don't stay nowhere long
Travellin' man don't turn your back
Before you know I'm gone
Travellin' man goes anywhere
I don't stay nowhere long
Travellin' man don't turn your back
Before you know I'm gone
Travellin' man that's what I am
I don't stay nowhere long
Travellin' man don't turn your back
They call me the hunter
'cause that's my name
pretty little woman like you
is my only game
I bought me a love gun
just the other day
and I aim to aim it your way
ain't no use to hide
ain't no use to run
'cause I got you in the sight
of my girly gun
The first time I saw you
standing on the street
I said to myself
Oh! ain't she sweet
I got my love gun loaded
with hundreds of kisses
soon as I pull the trigger baby
there will be no misses
Ain't no use to hide
ain't no use to run
'cause I got you in the sight
of my girly gun
Ain't no use to hide
ain't no use to run
'cause I got you in the sight
of my girly gun
The first time I saw you
standing on the street
I said to myself
Oh! ain't she sweet
I got my love gun loaded
with hundreds of kisses
soon as I pull the trigger baby
there will be no misses
Ain't no use to hide
ain't no use to run
'cause I got you in the sight
So we started in the cornfield
And I know we did not slack
We got everything in order
But we forgot to bring the bucket back
The foreman he went crazy
And ran around the field
Said we must be lazy
Had to be seen to be believed
Seen to be believed.
But it was a long way
From this highroad
It was a far away from here.
The farmer had a daughter
And she worked at the wishing well
Put one leg in the water
'til she found the mission bell
The old man went crazy
And ran to get his gun
We had a bad time explaining
We were just having drunken fun
Just having drunken fun.
But it was a long way
From this high road, Oh!
It was a long way from here
So we walked along this road
Just tellin' stories as we go
We just walk along.
Well the farmer had a daughter
And she did not speak a word
We used to kiss her in the orchard
Till one morning we were overheard
The old man he went crazy
Running around the field
Said we must be crazy
Had to be seen to be believed
I went down to the centre of town
And my feet was a burning ground
She stood on the corner merrily as can be
I said hey good lookin won't you come with me
She said yeah
I am the stealer
Came to steal your love
The sun was shining
The world was right
I said "tell me baby wha'cha doin' tonight"
I'm goin' round the corner
Where the music's loud
I'm tired of the city
Won't you come on round
I said yeah!
I'm the stealer
Come to steal your love
Steal your love oh yeah!
Goin' round the corner
Where the music's loud
I'm tired of the city
Won't you come on round
I said yeah
I am the stealer
Come to steal your love
Steal your love
Steal your love
Steal your love
I am going to steal you love away
I am going to steal you love away
Over the green hills and into the sun
That's where I feel I ought to be goin'
Blue sky above me and green earth below
Don't even matter which way I go Yeah!
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah
The trees hold their arms out to catch what life gives
But the people try to snatch all there is
They can have all I own. I don't need anything,
I'll just follow the river, and see what it brings.
Ah ah ah ah ah.
Do you remember
Every morning
We would dress
And we'd be still yawning,
In the street
Where people meet
We would wander around
In the northen heat.
All these days are gone
My Baby, now I'm all alone
I wish I had you near me
Baby, I wish I had you here
In the summer
Days were lazy
And sometimes the heat
Would drive us all crazy
Singing songs all night long
Till the light thru' the window
Said another day had come
All these days are gone
Baby, now I'm all alone
I wish I had you near me
I wish I had you here.
Baby, do you remember
Every morning
We would dress
And we'd be still yawning,
In the street
Where people meet
We would wander around
In the northen heat.
Baby, oh these days are gone
And I'm all alone
I still remember
The good old days we spent together
Baby I can't forget
You know me
I can't forget
AH ah ah ah ah
AH ah ah ah ah
I need to be free where the air is clean
And the sparking river is cool on my skin
When the sun shines I'll follow it's glow
And I won't stop moving till it's sinking low
If it's the cold black night
That's eating up your heart
The cold damp sweat
Keep you and sleep apart
The ticking clock
Just watching on the table
The wind that howls
As much as it is able
Then worry baby worry
There's a reason for you to
There's a silent, deadly message
In the wind that's meant for you
And the sleeping streets
Have closed their tired eyes
The fear that creeps
Will move & slowly rise
Your beating heart
Will hammer at your breast
Your aching brain
Will cry aloud for rest
Worry baby worry
There's a reason for you to
There's a silent, deadly message
In the wind that's meant for you
Worry baby worry
There's a reason for you to
There's a silent, deadly message
Well the train I ride
Is leaving the station
And the train I ride
To my destination
I was walking
Now I'm travelin' in style
I was walking
Now I've got me a ride
Well I got no need
For no company
Got my blues guitar
That's all I need
I ain't walking
Now I'm travelin' in style
I aint walking
Now I've got me a ride
Think I've come to
The end of my song
If you feel you want to
Why don't you sing along
I ain't walking
Now I'm travelin' in style
I aint walking
Now I've got me a ride
I ain't walking
Now I'm travelin' in style
I aint walking
Now I've got me a ride
I ain't walking
Now I'm travelin' in style
I aint walking
Sleep now my little baby
Safe inside your mama
You have no name
But soon you will
And soon the sun will shine
Guardian of the Universe
Son of son
Shine a light of peace and love
On this little one
On this little one
Slowly comes the day
You will see, hear, touch and feel
Slowly comes the day
You will know
What kind of world this is
Guardian of the Universe
Son of son
Shine a light of peace and love
On this little one
On this little one
Slowly comes the day
You will see, hear and touch and feel
Slowly comes the day
You will know
The kind of world this is
Guardian of the Universe
Son of son
Shine a light of peace and love
On this little one
Guardian of the Universe
Son of son
Shine a light of peace and love
On this little one
On this little one
Carry me away
I know your angel eyes
Can see through me
Carry me away
Far away from the love you give
So generously, so generously.
Woman oh! Oh!
I've got a burning heart
I need to tell you
That it's you I love
I got a burning heart
I need to tell you that
I never get enough
Never, never, never
Never get enough.
Woman oh! Oh!
Marry me today
I'll give you all I own
Except my car
Marry me today baby
I'll give you everything
But my guitar
But my guitar and my car
Woman oh! Oh!
Let me hold your tongue
For I know you'll understand
The way I feel,
Baby I know you'll understand
That all I want to do
Is take your hand
I don't mean to do no harm Baby
I just want to be your man
Oh! I just want to be your man Baby
Hey I want to be, I want to be,
Hey, woman I'll be your man
Walk in my shadow
My throat is dry
My knees are weak
It's so damned hot
I can't even speak
Walk in my shadow
I can't take it anymore
When I get you in the shadows
I gonna show you what it's for
Yes I know baby
That's a shady kind of deal
I just want to find out
How you feel
Walk in my shadow
I ain't gonna take it anymore
When I get you in the shadow
I'm gonna give you what's in store
Yes I know you say I'm stupid
It just wouldn't be cool
Well I can tell baby that
I aint no fool
Walk in my shadow
I can't take it anymore
When I get you in the shadow
I'm gonna lay you on the floor
When I get you in the shadow
I'm gonna give you what's in store
I've been a bad bad boy
And I know I should be good
A bad boy
So long that it must be in my blood oh!
Oh! yeah
Oh! Oh
Let me tell you this
I've been feelin' my way
Every chance I get
You know I love every woman
Every woman you can bet
Trouble on double time
You know my school teacher
Told me before I left school
That a man with two women's
Not a man but a fool
Feelin' my way
Every chance I get
You know I love every woman
Every woman you can bet
Trouble on double time
Feelin' my way
Every chance I get
You know I love every woman
Every woman you can bet
Trouble on double time
It's driving me out of my mind
Driving me out of my mind
Sail on my brother
Sail on through the night
Sail on my sister
Sail on through the night
Beautiful as the day is long
Beautiful as the day is long
Sail on your troubles
Sail on through your doubts
Sail on your worries
Sail on soon you'll work it out
Beautiful as the day is long
Beautiful as the day is long
I've always been a believer
In the good things of life
But they don't all come wrapped in cellophane
And they don't always seem to turn out right
They don't always seen to turn out right
I've always been a believer
In the good things of life
But they don't all come wrapped in cellophane
And they don't always seem to turn out right
No, no, no,
They don't always seen to turn out right
Sometimes they do not
My brother Jake, hat, shades, head in a daze
My brother Jake, have you thought about changin' your ways?
He goes out, he don't have no doubt
He don't have to know what the world's about
My brother Jake, head, down, it's a scrapin' the ground
Jake, stay away, you know you can't always be down
He goes out, he don't have no doubt
He don't have to know what the world's about
I said Jake, now won't you wait
What's got into you
Your candle is burning, the wheels are turning
What you gonna do?
My brother Jake, won't you start again try makin' some friends
Jake, it's not too late to start again by making amends
He goes out, he don't have no doubt
He don't have to know what the world's about
I said Jake, now won't you wait
What's gone wrong with you
Your candle is burning, the wheels are turning
What you gonna do?
Hey, I said Jake, don't you wait
What's gone wrong with you?
Your candle is burning, the wheels of time are turning
What you gonna do? Yeah
I said Jake, Jake, Jake, won't you wait
What's got into you - oh
Your candle is burning, the wheels of time are turning
What you gonna do?
Listen, I'm gonna break you Jake
Because you got what it takes
Sing me a sad song
And I'll be right on my way
A sad song like the songs of yesterday
Well my father used to sing the blues
Sometimes it was good
But my mother never saw the use
And she chased him for his blood
A sad song like the songs of yesterday
A sad song
And I'll be right on my way
Oh you know my father
Always used to say
A bad workman blames his tools
But it seems to me
A man who uses the tools
Is just a fool
Sad song
And I'll be right on my way
Sad song
Like the songs of yesterday
Well now the streets are filled with silent cars
And all the world's a stage
But I must get to work today
Today I get my wage
Sad song
Then I'll get on
On my way
Just like a song of yesterday
Over there is my magic ship
Would you care to go on a trip
We'll be sailing on and on
To a land where few have gone
Beyond the skies in my mind
Sweet bells ring and ring and ring you harmonies
Rolling out like the waves on the sea
Sweet bells ring and ring and ring your harmonies
Rolling out to those who can see
Let's away to a distant night
Let's away on a magic flight
We'll be sailing on and on
To a land where few have gone
Beyond the skies in my mind
Sweet bells ring and ring and ring you harmonies
Rolling out like the waves on the sea
Sweet Bells ring and ring and ring your harmonies
Calling out to those who can hear
Oh who can see
Because were sailing
Sweet bells ring and ring and ring you harmonies
Rolling out like the waves on the sea
Sweet Bells ring and ring and ring and ring your harmonies
Rolling out to those who can hear
Oh can you see
Don't be afraid,
Step aboard
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
You say you needed someone
But you just needed somewhere to stay
Oh any other time
Any other time
I'd have told you to be right on your way
You say you needed a friend
But you just needed sympathy
Oh any other time
Any other time
I'd have told you just to let me be
But I was so alone
So alone.
Don't say you love me baby
Don't say you love me
Don't say you love me
'cause I know it would be just a lie.
I lost the warmth in my life
And you came and helped me up
When I was down
Oh any other time
Any other time
I'd have let you carry on
Fooling around
I let you into my home
And I even let you into my heart
Oh but any other time
Any other time
I'd have let you carry on
From the very start
But I was so sad and blue
And I just didn't know what to do
Don't say you love me baby
Don't say you love me
Don't say you love me
'cause I know it would be just a lie.
Has told me what I need to know
Has showed me now what love is for
Keeps telling me that I have got to go
Yeah I needed someone
But that time's gone
Now baby I'm gonna try and do it
All on my own.
So don't say you love me
Don't say you love me
Don't say you love me
'cause I know it would be just a lie.
Don't say you love me baby
Don't say you love me
Oh don't say that you love me
'cause I know it would be just a lie
I don't want you to tell me that you love me
Because I know, because I know
Yeah I know, yes I know
Some say love is
some say what is love
some say is love
really all around
Some say life is
some say what is life
some say is life
really all around me
but I say easy
easy on my soul
but I say easy
easy on my soul
Some say love is
some say what is love
some say is love
really all around
I want to tell you my story
I want to tell you I'm sorry
easy on my soul...
easy on my soul