The Prevention Education Programs' CEASE

CEASE (Creating Empowerment through Alcohol and Substance Abuse Education) is a program of Counseling and Psychological Services. CEASE serves the  campus community by providing alcohol and other drug education and support services for students grappling with substance related problems through assessment, counseling and referrals. CEASE sponsors workshops and seminars, participates in on-campus information fairs, and additionally, provides training to volunteers who work with other students, faculty, and staff to assist in creating a campus environment that reinforces healthy lifestyles. Services are confidential.


Upcoming Event

Flyer of Queer Shorts film screening with images to represent the 5 different short films. Film will be showing in Coppola Theater, October 9, 2014 at 5pm with a discussion with film makers and reception to follow.

























5 films by SF State faculty and alumni will be shown in Coppola Theater, October 9, 2014 at 5pm in celebration of National Coming Out Day. A discussion with the film makers and a reception will follow the screening. The screening is co-sponsored by CEASE and a variety of others departments and student organizations.


Interested in assessing your relationship with alcohol and other drugs?

There are a number of ways to learn about the impact of alcohol and other drugs in your life and to gain more of an understanding of the role they play. We offer anonymous assessments where you can have a personal report created for you within twenty minutes online. If this interests you click on Alcohol e-CheckUp ToGo or Marijuana e-CheckUpToGo . You can also make an appointment to see a CEASE counselor for a three session assessment by calling the Counseling and Psychological Services at (415) 338-2208 and asking for a CEASE appointment.



There is help on campus for students, staff and faculty negatively impacted. If you would like to learn more about the resources available to you on and off campus please visit Resources. During the Fall and Spring semesters the following meetings are held on-campus:

Sober @ SF State (AA Meetings), Thuesdays @ 5pm, Student Services Building Room 104


Get Involved

Watch a video of SF State Cheerleaders created by our peer educators to promote staying safe at a Basketball Game. If you would like to get involved please fill out the volunteer application.

cheerleaders and peer educators holing the CEASE sign